WebDeploy with VS2015 ignores web.config transform - webdeploy

I opened an existing project in VS2015, made some small changes and published the MVC application to my webserver with an existing WebDeploy publishing profile. This broke the application because the web.config file on the server was overwritten with the original one for my developers machine. I have checked the settings in the Publish-wizard but the configuration was like always before. I could fix the application by manually changing the web.config on production but am afraid now to publish again.
Has anything changed in the WebDeploy publishing method with web.config transformation?

I solved it. In my case the publishing profile was renamed to "servername (production)" and the configuration setting for the transformation was only web.servername.config. After changing the name of the publishing profile to the exact same name as the config setting it worked.


Add entries to web.config file of asp.net core application when web.config does not exist

I have an asp.net CORE project targeting .NET Framework 4.71
There is an appsettings.json file but not web.config.
When I check the binaries of the deployed application service, then I see there is
a file literally called web.config.
I need to put some server header removal entries in that web.config but it seems
only to be available where it is deployed.
So who is creating that web.config file which is not available locally in the
code solution?
In regular .NET world, we have option to save settings in web.config or in app.config file. But in .NET Core, you have option to save them in few other locations like appsettings.json , appsettings.<Environment>.json and in secrets.json.
One of the main reason settings are not saved in web.config file is, to avoid settings getting checked-into repo. By default appsettings.json file are ignored by repo clients.
As Kirk said, the dotnet-cli automatically creates this web.config based on the the csproj settings.

Asp.net Hosted Blazor - Can i use app.config or web.config?

Im looking to add a web.config (or app.config) so that i can have different settings (e.g. DEV build vs RELEASE build, for instance).
Can i simply add a .config file and expect to read from it?
I noticed that there is also an option to add a appsettings.json (App Settings File).
Which one of these should i be using for Blazor Client app (hosted via Asp.net)?
Based on the following thread, i might just go with a settings
file on the Server side and feeding it to the Client via API.
Here is another reference for appsettings.json vs web.config
I was able to find a more concrete example int this article.
I believe you can use appsettings.Development.json and appsettings.json
Hope this helps...

ASP.NET Core Web.Config publish

When publishing a .Net Core app to a server via WebDeploy, a Web.Config file is created, with stdoutLogEnabled=false. This is overwriting the web.config on the server where I have set stdoutLogEnabled=true.
I struggling to find how I set the default value of stdoutLogEnabled prior to publishing. On .Net framework apps I would do this within the web.config file with transformations, however in .Net core I actually don't have a web.config file within my solution.
I've tried to find documentation on how to set the value, but it either doesn't exist, or more likely, I'm not using the correct search term. Can somebody please advise on how to set default values in the web.config.
Create a web.config and put it the root directory of your source, Modify the web.config file to enable logging and any other customization you need.
When you publish, it’ll use that file instead of generating a completely new file.

Default route in MVC working from VS, but not on test server

I have a very simple ASP.NET MVC 4.0 website. It's got a single controller ("HomeController") with a single action ("Index") which receives a single parameter ("string id"). I have not modified the global.asax file since this kind of route is handled by default. I have not created a view for this action since the action will simply be "sending" the user a file (a PDF). If I run the site from within Visual Studio (using a default page of "home/index/3" in project properties), the page runs fine. If, however, I publish the site to our test server (https://ourserver.com/mysite/home/index/3), I get a 404--File or Directory not found.
NOTE: We're running IIS7.5 on this server.
UPDATE: The bin dir (and the appropriate DLL, i.e., one named after the project) and the web.config file are there.
So, why is this not working?
If you're using an older version of IIS and haven't installed the MVC server extensions which give you routing, you can do a BIN deployment of the necessary infrastructure files.
Edit: If you're running IIS 7.5 you should have everything you need. You mention you don't see a web.config file or any dlls - how did you publish? You should absolutely have a web.config at the root of the publish directory and a bin folder with your dll(s).
If you right-click on your web project and do Publish, you can publish to a local directory. It'll be exactly what you should see when deployed.
Edit 2: Did you check that it's configured in IIS as a web application and not just a site?

myeclipse deployment issue cant see changes

Im trying to work in my project, when I change files it changes the file inside the directory that I imported the projects into my workspace. But the changes aren't showing up on the server because the server is using the folder inside .metadata/webapps/myapp etc
what have I done wrong here?
Sounds like you're deploying to the integrated Tomcat server. The deployment is normally to the .metadata/.me_tcat/webapps/myapp folder. Is this what you meant? If not then I suggest you remove the deployment and then deploy again and let the deployment location default. The folder .metadata/.me_tcap is simply where the integrated Tomcat installation looks for applications when it starts up.
You can check the deployment location by looking in the servers view. Expand the integrated Tomcat server. The deployment location for your project is shown there.
The deployed location should be kept in synch with your code. If that's not happening, it may be that the changes you're making are the kind that require a redeployment. I'm not sure what the conditions are for propagating changes but I guess there might be some situations where changes can't be picked up automatically in this way. The changes should be picked up on a redeploy.
To check, create a new web project, which will create some default configuration and a default index.jsp file. Deploy this to the integrated Tomcat server. Now make a change in the index.jsp file and save it. Check if the change is made in the deployment location, or simply run the server and check that your new index.jsp gets displayed.
For more help, I suggest you post to the forums at www.myeclipseide.com/forums