stimulsoft report add my function with -

we can add our function with this way
but it in c#
i want the way in
the problem in using namspacing in

In the video posted there are some critical steps missing. It seems that they are given for granted but without it you could not achieve a successful reference to your code from the Report Designer.
First: To clarify the problem between VB.NET and C#. If you want to use VB as scripting language for your report you need to set it in the Report Properties. You will find the ScriptLanguage property in the same property grid for the report where they set the reference to your application. Changing this property is not required because this property refers to the code written inside the report not the code in which you have written your app.
Second: In your VB.NET app your code that defines the function should be as this
Namespace MyFunc
Public Class Main
Public Shared Sub ShowMessage(text As String)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Usually in VB.NET you don't define explicitily a namespace (everything is inside the main namespace defined in the project properties) but if you want a separate namespace there is nothing to stop you.
Third: In the Report Code Page you write
Imports WindowsFormApplication2.MyFunc
Fourth: After completing the design of your report remember to save it in the same folder where the application is created. (Usually Project\BIN\DEBUG) Otherwise the reference to your executable will fail.
Fifth: The Stimulsoft assemblies are installed in the GAC, but to be sure that they are found when you run the report don't forget to set their references to Copy Local = True when you run your app inside Visual Studio


Regarding vba classes coded in Visual Studio

I'm trying to start coding my macros for Excel in Visual Studio, it needs changing some things but I think I'm ok as for normal modules go.
My question is, how do I code classes there?
When I try to code a new class it forces me an argument called Of:
Public Class FNMT(Of)
Public Sub TratarDatos(arr As Object, Dict As Object)
End Sub
End Class
And says it's expecting an identifier. How would classes work in Visual Studio? I couldn't use properties neither, it was saying that I can't use the Let/Get.
Can't find anything about this either here nor in google. Any insights?
This is how I'm writting the code:

How to create nested user controls in

I have the following classes in my application:
Usercontrol1 is a user control , and doesnt contain any extra code. LnkLabel is a class that inherits Forms.Label. Its code is goven below:
Public class LnkLabel
Inherits Label
Sub clk handles
End sub
End class
When I add an Instance of LnkLabel to usercontrol1, i get an error "type LnkLabel is not defined"
There are three instances of the error in uc1.designer.vb.How can I solve these Errors?
Visual Studio 2010
.Net FW 3.5
The usercontrol1 donot contain any code that might be causing the error. It is just a new usercontrol added to the project.
LnkLabel is added to UC1 by the designer, not by using code at runtime.
The class name is LnkLabel, and not "LinkLabel".
I find that the easiest way to resolve this type of issue is to open the Designer.vb file directly.
To do this, choose Show All Files from the Project menu, then expand UserControl2. Double-click on the UserControl2.Designer.vb file.
You should also be able to get there by double-clicking on the error in the compile errors list.
Once there, search for the definition of UserControl1 or uc1, whatever it may be called (ensure you are in the type definition area, not the property assignment area).
Looking at the definition may give you an instant clue as to the problem (is it in the wrong namespace; did the name of the user control change after you created it, but the change was not propagated to this form; etc).
If it is not obvious what the issue is, use VS intellisense to help you get the right class. I usually clear the previous type definition and start typing the name I know it should be (i.e. UserControl), then select the appropriate value from Intellisense.
Selecting a different class (or correcting the class selection) will require a change to the control instatiation code and may also require a change to some of the properties (I usually just remove the properties I am unsure of and update the control directly in the designer).
Before you switch back to the designer, ensure that you save your changes and, if possible, compile the app.

execute other class before executing the main windows form application class

I've been given a windows form application written in VB. For some reasons I will need to execute the second class before the form application in the first class. The form class has to be the first class in the file. I can't simply inherit the second class and call the functions, because it has already used up the only allowable inheritance. I did some research and found there is something called main procedure that determines which codes executes first? It is automatically generated for any windows form application, but I simply can't find that file. Any thoughts on that? or any other ways that I do this?
Follow Start VB.NET GUI app using Sub Main or form startup object? for better alternatives.
But if you really need to start with Main(), follow these steps.
Open application settings.
Uncheck "Enable application framework"
Set startup object to "Sub Main"
Then add a new source file (.vb) and include Main() in it
Module MainModule
Sub Main()
'Your code here
End Sub
End Module

A strange behaviour shared variable issue in

When I was using , I came across a very strange behaviour, I created a simple test WPF project to reproduce it. here is the details. I have a very simple class, which when an instance is created, the class will create a test.txt file
Public Class Test
Public Sub New()
Using writer As New System.IO.StreamWriter("test.txt")
End Using
End Sub
End Class
Then in the Application.xaml.vb
Class Application
' Application-level events, such as Startup, Exit, and DispatcherUnhandledException
' can be handled in this file.
Shared tt As New Test()
End Class
I simply define a shared variable. my expectation of this are, when I start the application, the variable will be initiated, and a "test.txt" file will be created.
If the Configuration is "Debug" , everything is fine.
If the Configuration is "release", When I start press F5 in Visual Studio 2010, everything is fine as well, it worked as expected, file had been create
But When I start it without debug, press (Ctrl+F5), the variable had not been initiated, file had not been created as I expected.
I am not fully understand why this happen, Can anyone help me out?
Thanks and regards
Is this shared variable accessed somewhere? It could been removed due to compiler optimization. Try to add some code that uses the variable.

MyProject.MyClass - vb.NET custom controls

In a Visual Basic project, I created a homemade TabControl in order to fix a visual bug. The control works properly, however whenever I modify the form using my tab, Visual Studio adds MyProject in front of the control in its declaration:
Me.tabMenu = New MyProject.MyClass 'Gives a BC30002 compile error
If I remove the MyProject., the project compiles properly.
MyClass is in a separate file MyClass.vb and looks mostly like this:
Public Class MyClass
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.TabControl
Public Sub New()
MyBase.DrawMode = System.Windows.Forms.TabDrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnDrawItem(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs)
//OnDrawItem code
End Sub
Private Sub My_DrawItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs) Handles Me.DrawItem
//My_DrawItem code
End Sub
End Class
I tried removing the file and adding it again, copy and pasting the class inside MyForm.designer.vb, adding MyProject. to the class name, but nothing stopped Visual Studio from adding this so-hated MyProject.
Edit regarding this answer:
I understand the thing about the namespace, however my problem is mostly that the compiler does not recognize the class with the project name appended but still adds it everytime.
What is the actual compile error you are getting? Is it possable that the VB compiler is interpreting MyProject as something other than a namespace identifier? You could also try changing the default namespace for the project, then see what it does, it might give you a hint as to what the actual problem is.
You could also try changing the offending line to
Me.tabMenu = New Global.MyProject.MyClass
then let us know what the results are.
I've seen this before when you have a public module with the same name as your default namespace (project name). If that's the case, either rename the module or the default namespace and the problem should go away,.
By default, Visual Basic .NET assigned a default namespace to your project. (I believe the default is, in fact, MyProject.)
This is what's being prepended, and it's being done to explicitly identify your class in the designer.
No matter what your default namespace is for your project, the WinForms designer will add the namespace name to the .designer.vb file.
To change the default namespace, go to your project properties; it should appear on the first tab.
Also, generally, don't modify the .designer.vb files if you can avoid it. Those files get completely blown away and rebuilt by Visual Studio often, so your changes will more likely than not be eliminated.