Validating multiple textboxes with multiple checks -

I have multiple textboxes in a groupbox, and can successfully cycle through them all. However the checkNumbers sub fails to recognise blank/null entries, and also non-numeric characters. The correctValidation boolean should return true if all the criteria are met (no blanks/nulls, and must be a number between 1-20). Any thoughts on how to solve this would be appreciated.
Private Sub checkNumbers()
For Each txt As TextBox In Me.gbTechnical.Controls.OfType(Of TextBox)()
If txt.Text <> "" And IsNumeric(txt.Text) And (Integer.Parse(txt.Text) >= 1 And Integer.Parse(txt.Text) <= 20) Then
correctValidation = True
correctValidation = False
MsgBox("Please ensure all numbers are between 1 and 20")
Exit Sub
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("General: Please ensure all numbers are between 1 and 20")
End Try
End Sub

I would use Integer.TryParse and then >= 1 AndAlso <= 20. You could use this LINQ query:
Dim number As Int32
Dim invalidTextBoxes =
From txt In gbTechnical.Controls.OfType(Of TextBox)()
Where Not Integer.TryParse(txt.Text, number) OrElse number < 1 OrElse number > 20
Dim correctValidation = Not invalidTextBoxes.Any()
Note that you should almost always use AndAlso instead of And and OrElse instead of Or since those operators are Is short-circuiting boolean operators. This can be more efficient and - more important - can prevent errors. Consider this:
Dim text = ""
If txt IsNot Nothing And txt.Text.Length <> 0 Then text = txt.Text
This fails if txt is nothing since the second condition is evaluated even if the first already was evaluated to false which causes a NullReferenceException at txt.Text.

if you only want a number value, why don't you try to use NumericUpDown. You can also set the Minimum and Maximum in property or use
NumericUpDown1.Maximum = 20
so, there won't be a need to do checkNumbers.
Or is there any reason that you have to use textbox??


Invalid Cast Expectation Was Unhanded (when checking the contents of a text box)

This code is from a subroutine that checks if a text box entry fits the criteria specified (an integer between 1 and 100).
The first IF statement should check if it is not a numerical entry. If it is not numerical then the contents of the text box should be set blank so that a number can be entered.
The second IF statement should check if the number is larger than 100. If it is then the contents of the text box should be set blank so that an appropriate number can be entered.
The Third IF statement should check if the number is smaller than 1. If it is then the contents of the text box should be set blank so that an appropriate number can be entered.
Finally the contents of the box should be set as the variable.
I initially programmed the first IF statement on its own and it worked. But upon adding the others my program would crash when I typed anything into the text box and the error was as stated in my title. I have looked at multiple solutions and have found nothing for almost 2 days that fixed the problem.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Public Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles NumQTextBoxInput.TextChanged
'Check if input is numeric
If Not IsNumeric(NumQTextBoxInput.Text) Then NumQTextBoxInput.Text = ""
If (NumQTextBoxInput.Text > 100) Then
NumQTextBoxInput.Text = ""
End If
If (NumQTextBoxInput.Text < 1) Then
NumQTextBoxInput.Text = ""
End If
ArchwayComputingExamCreator.GlobalVariables.NumOfQuestions = NumQTextBoxInput.Text
'Setting the variable to the contense
End Sub
You should always use the appropriate parse function when accepting text for numbers.
Public Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles NumQTextBoxInput.TextChanged
Dim Value as integer
If Not Integer.TryParse(NumQTextBoxInput.text, Value) OrElse Value < 1 OrElse Value > 100 Then NumQTextBoxInput.Text = ""
... no idea if the archway bit is really what you wanted so left that out ....
End Sub
In this operation:
If Not IsNumeric(NumQTextBoxInput.Text) Then NumQTextBoxInput.Text = ""
Any time the input is not numeric, you set it to a value which is still not numeric. So any numeric comparison will fail:
If (NumQTextBoxInput.Text > 100)
Maybe you meant to set the value to some numeric default?:
If Not IsNumeric(NumQTextBoxInput.Text) Then NumQTextBoxInput.Text = "0"
Or just exit the method entirely when it's not numeric?:
If Not IsNumeric(NumQTextBoxInput.Text) Then
NumQTextBoxInput.Text = ""
End If
Or perhaps something else? However you modify your logic, the point is that you can't perform numeric comparisons on non-numeric strings. returns true when strings aren't equal?

I've seen plenty of questions here about strings that are equal returning as unequal, but trust me to not get that problem.
I have this function.
Protected Sub ChkValidStockCode()
If Not (Voucher.ValidStockCode = "") Then
Dim validcount As Int32 = 0
Dim validproduct As String = Product.GetProductNameByCode(Voucher.ValidStockCode)
For Each rpi As RepeaterItem In rptCart.Items
Dim ProductID As HyperLink = CType(rpi.FindControl("hlProductID"), HyperLink)
Dim ProductName As HyperLink = CType(rpi.FindControl("hlProductName"), HyperLink)
If (String.Compare(Voucher.ValidStockCode.ToString(), ProductID.ToString())) Then
validcount = validcount + 1
End If
If validcount = 0 Then
txtVoucher.Text = "Sorry, this voucher is only valid when purchasing a " & validproduct
failed = True
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub
It's supposed to compare the two strings and increment a validcount integer if they're equal, and then tell you off if it gets to the end of the repeater without finding any matches.
The variables in this test are LT00004 (Voucher.ValidStockCode) and SP08076 (ProductID.ToString())
I have run the code several times, outputting the different strings as the result and can confirm they are what they should be, but when I try to compare them (and I expect validCount to be 0), they return as a match.
What did I do to screw this up?
You probably want String.Equals() and not String.Compare(). Compare is used to order things and not test for equality. What's happening is String.Compare is returning a non-zero number so the condition is being satisfied. The reason for that is because in VB "0" is False but any non-zero number evaluates to true. There's a whole history behind why that's the case but I digress.

VBA 2012 - Need to return an error when a user enters text instead of a numbers

I am taking a VBA class and am completely stuck on this problem. We CANNOT use the masked text box, which would solve this problem. Instead the professor actually wants me to learn the code, can you imagine?
All kidding aside, the user needs to enter a gas price into a text box, then hit calculate to receive the total cost of the trip. There is much more to the interface but will spare you the details. If a user enters anything else number than a positive number with one decimal place, it should return an error. I have figured out 0 or 0000 as well as a negative number such as -3.45. Now I have to get any text or special characters to give me an error as well as something like You never know, a user may feel the need to type in their IP address. The key to the assignment is that I catch all probable user errors.
Here is what I've written for the calculation as well as catch the errors. I have tried the Try/Catch statements as well. Nothing worked but I got the first two parts of the IF statement to work yet always failing on the last IF part until it gets to the calculation.
Private Sub btnCalc_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click
Dim Mileage As Decimal
Dim Miles As Decimal
Dim GasPrice As Decimal
Dim Cost As Decimal
If CDec(txtbxGasPrice.Text) = 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive dollar amount")
txtbxGasPrice.Text = String.Empty
End If
If CDec(txtbxGasPrice.Text) < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive dollar amount")
txtbxGasPrice.Text = String.Empty
End If
If Cost = CDec((Miles / Mileage) * GasPrice) Then
Miles = CDec(lblTMiles.Text)
Mileage = CDec(lblMileage.Text)
GasPrice = CDec(txtbxGasPrice.Text)
lblTotalCost.Text = Cost.ToString("C2")
End If
If CBool(txtbxGasPrice.Text = "") Then
MsgBox("You must enter a dollar amount")
End If
*If Not IsNumeric(txtbxGasPrice.Text) Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a positive dollar amount")
txtbxGasPrice.Text = String.Empty*
End If
End Sub
'I have placed this at the top, in the middle, at the bottom but no luck. What am I missing?
Appreciate your thoughts - Lauren
This one seems to meet your criteria and pass David's tests:
Function IsValid(txt As String) As Boolean
If Not IsNumeric(txt) Then
Exit Function
End If
If Len(txt) < 2 Then
Exit Function
End If
If Not Mid(txt, Len(txt) - 1, 1) = "." Then
Exit Function
End If
If Not txt > 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
IsValid = True
End Function
This seems like a perfect application of regular expressions, but could be out of scope for this problem, maybe even better though vb has a Decimal.TryParse(or parse) that will take a string and try to parse it to a decimal.
on a side not I'm not 100% sure how it acts with xx.xx.xx but I'm betting it will fail and help your problem
I'm going to expand on CSgoose's idea to use RegEx, it seems a lot more reliable. I am very, very green when it comes to using RegEx but I try to work on Q's here at SO, so this may not be the optimal pattern to match, but a function like this seems to do the trick when I test a few value.
0/0.0/0.00 = False
-1.5 = False
1.5 = True
5.45 = False
Steve = False
Steve.6 = False
Steve6.58 = False
6.574.2 = False
A value that evaluates to 0 will return false. Negative values return false. Value must have a decimal component, be comprised of any # of digits (this can be tweaked if you want to limit it, eg., to ##.# format, etc.). Matches full text only, so things like IP addresses won't return true, etc.
NOTE This is VBA, but should be easily adaptable for your purposes)
Sub YourSub()
If Not IsMatch(CStr(txtbxGasPrice.Text)) Then
MsgBox "Please ensure that the value you enter is a positive dollar amount, to 1 decimal place!", vbCritical, "Invalid Gas Price Value!"
End IF
End Sub
This function requires enabling reference to Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5, or you could use late-binding.
Function IsMatch(str As String) As Boolean
'Tests for a positive numeric value, formatted 0.0 with a mandatory decimal component
' exact match only
Dim re As RegExp
Dim allMatches As MatchCollection
Dim retVal As Boolean
retVal = False 'by default
If Not IsNumeric(str) Then GoTo EarlyExit 'ignore any non-numeric value
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "\d*\.[0-9]"
Set allMatches = re.Execute(str)
If allMatches.Count = 1 Then
'If there are multiple matches, then I think safe to say it's not a match,
' make sure it's a full string match
If str > 0 Then
retVal = (allMatches(0) = str)
End If
End If
Set re = Nothing
IsMatch = retVal
End Function
Update to force, for example, ##.# format, you could do
re.Pattern = "[1-9]?\d\.\d"

How to allow alphanumeric text in datagridview but exclude negative numbers

I'm trying to allow only alphanumeric input in my datagridview column. Is there a way to allow alphanumeric input and also prevent the user from entering negative numbers or leaving the cell blank? If anyone has any suggestions or answers I would greatly appreciate it! :) Here is my code below. I already have the negative and blank cell validation working, but its not allowing me to input non-numeric input.
If (e.ColumnIndex = 0) Then 'checking value for column 1 only
Dim cellData = DataGridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(e.ColumnIndex).Value
If cellData Is Nothing OrElse IsDBNull(cellData) OrElse cellData.ToString = String.Empty Then ' This will prevent any blank cells
MessageBox.Show("Name Cannot Be Empty")
DataGridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(e.ColumnIndex).Value = "Object" ' This is a default value that I want to supply after the message box
ElseIf cellData < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Negative Numbers Not Allowed") 'This prevents negative numbers
DataGridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(e.ColumnIndex).Value = "Object"
Exit Sub ' Again this a default value I want supplied back to the datagridivewcell
End If
End If
So my code works, except when I enter any type of non-numeric character the program stops and exits.
Try using TryParse like this:
If (e.ColumnIndex = 0) Then 'checking value for column 1 only
Dim cellValue As Integer
If (Int32.TryParse(DataGridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(e.ColumnIndex).Value, cellValue)) Then
If cellValue < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("Negative Numbers Not Allowed") 'This prevents negative numbers
DataGridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(e.ColumnIndex).Value = "Object"
Exit Sub ' Again this a default value I want supplied back to the datagridivewcell
End If
Dim testValue As String = DataGridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(e.ColumnIndex).Value
If (String.IsNullOrEmpty(testValue)) Then
MessageBox.Show("Name Cannot Be Empty")
DataGridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(e.ColumnIndex).Value = "Object" ' This is a default value that I want to supply after the message box
End If
End If
End If

Setting value to a not-existing array item?

Please take a look at the following code:
Dim Reader As New System.IO.StreamReader(PositionsFileName)
Do While Reader.Peek() <> -1
Dim Positions() As String = Reader.ReadLine().Split("|")
If (Positions(0) Is Nothing) Or (Positions(1) Is Nothing) Or (Positions(2) Is Nothing) Then
' something
End If
Catch ex As Exception
ex.Source = Nothing
End Try
I am reading a file and expecting format something|something1|something2. I am trying to make it set "Nothing" to the array index which does not exists (the file format is broken), so that the If statement goes smoothly, but it seem I am doing it wrong. Can you give me some hints?
If you do Split("|") and there are only 2 items (for example, something|something1), Positions(2) will not be Nothing, it will just not be there. So your code will raise an exception, something about index out of bounds of the array.
If you need Positions(2) contain Nothing in this case, you code can look like this:
Dim Positions(2) As String
Dim tmpArray() As String = Reader.ReadLine().Split("|")
For i = 0 To UBound(Positions)
If i <= UBound(tmpArray) Then
Positions(i) = tmpArray(i)
Positions(i) = Nothing
End If
I assume that you only have three "Somethings" per valid line. If so, try writing your Positions() assignment like this:
Dim Positions() As String = Reader _
.ReadLine() _
.Split("|") _
.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("Nothing", 3)) _
.Take(3) _
This will ensure that you have three items every time. No need to check for nothings.
Just check positions.length after the split. Also, if you want to check for cases like "||Something2|Something3", the first position will be "" not Nothing. The orelse is a shortcircuit that will keep the latter condtitions from being evaulated if an earlier condition is met.
If Positions.length < 3 OrElse Positions(0) = "" OrElse Positions(1) = "" OrElse Positions(2) = "" Then
' something
End If