How to verify a bank account through Yodlee IAV, without providing account number and routing number ?
Is there any means to verify by prompting for netbanking credentials?
You can use Yodlee IAV data services for the same, while you can skip the first step where you'll ask consumer to enter the RTN and directly ask them to first choose the bank site and then check if IAV is supported for that particular site or not. You can find the Yodlee IAV data services flow chart over here.
How can I recognize when user has added account in Yodlee Fast Link (for example an investment account) by going to the link.
What I want:
I am creating a link to "Fast Link";
User are following by this link;
He is adding a their account;
And in this point I wanna know that he has added something (for example by callback url). How?
Yes, this can be done. You can have a page hosted that can count the hits and use that page as callback URL in extra params for FastLink.
You can get more information on this at
The extra parameters that needs to be passed for achieving this is as below
callback= where here is your callback page
Yodlee have introduced a new event subscription service using webhooks. It is part of their YSL (Yodlee Service Language) product.
It can trigger events for following –
the MFA information is requested by the provider site to log in for
aggregating data
the Yodlee system has performed the login on the provider site
the Yodlee system has retrieved the account summary information from
the provider site successfully
the final status of account addition or update account APIs
Details -!/cobrand/eventSubscription
Please NOTE that Webhook event notifications will work only when you try to add the account using YSL APIs (manually).It doesn't work with FastLink. I have been informed by Yodlee Support. They also informed me that till date they don't have any client using webhook service, which was bit scary to know.
I'm using yodlee live API to link the bank transaction details.
Invalid bank account details accepts, when we add new site account in yodlee via live API, For example, the the account details like xxxxx and yyyyy, then the account added successful.
It's normal or any settings to be turned on in yodlee account or API parameters?
How can i validate the account details? while user add new site account?
Thanks in advance.
Though Yodlee accepts the invalid details/credentials, the account would fail. This would be represented by an Error code such as 402, which would mean that the credentials are wrong.
This is normal setting and teh only way you can validate if the details are right is by checking the status of the account. The error code should be "0" if everything is right.
Hope this helps. You can get more details on error codes under different scenarios #Error Code
Hope this helps
In short: Yodlee doesn't know the username/password entered during add account are correct or not; it has to validate the same with Bank website.
To explain you the process:
When you are adding a particular Bank account, you provides the username/password(it may be correct or incorrect) Yodlee doesn't know and can't validate at the time of submission. Yodlee takes the inputs(username/password) and submits the same to the Bank website(which consumer had selected); meanwhile you'll receive a response from API- addSiteAccount1, which will have the code as 801 (Refresh Never Done and Yodlee is going to update your account).
Once Bank website validate the same and found them incorrect Yodlee return 402 error code(invalid credentials), you need to call getSiteRefreshInfo API to check the same in loops each of 3-4sec.
In looking through the IAV API docs, I see that the user also has to register an account before being able to query financial data on the user. Is the user account unique to Yodlee or is it unique to each cobrand? How are other companies implementing the IAV flow? Is the cobrand creating the user account and managing it for the user? Or is there an API flow with a modal window that the user registers an account themselves?
Here is how Yodlee works in terms of IAV or Aggregation.
A cobrand is created for each company who connects with yodlee and
use it's APIs.
Now if the cobrand wants do IAV or aggregation for
their users then they have to register each and every user on Yodlee
Once registered these users can do IAV or aggregation
based on the cobrand's implementation.
Hence registration of a user is a mandetory procedure so that each user has access to only their accounts which they have linked.
Now these user accounts are unique to a cobrand. Implementing the IAV flow is completely dependent on the cobrands.
There are two types of IAV flows -
IAV data service flow - In this Yodlee returns the account level data and clients implement their own logic to match the account.
IAV matching service flow - In this Yodlee does matching using the predefined business logic of Yodlee.
For registering a user there is an API but no modal window provided by yodlee for registering a user.
Hence cobrand can choose any of the below approach -
Show user a registration window and let them register directly on
Let user register on your application and use the same to
register on yodlee
Let user register on your application and then you create a account for user with different login on yodlee and manage the mapping at your end.
A client I work with wants to know if it's possible to use the Yodlee API to look up recent transactions on any credit card.
They'd like it to work without the user needing to be signed up with Yodlee, either directly at the site, or indirectly through a branded partner.
I assume this would be possible if the credit card company itself shared it's transaction data with Yodlee directly, and made it available to their API customers, but I haven't been able to figure this out from the docs available on their website, and haven't been able to reach anyone at Yodlee themselves to ask.
I work for Yodlee. Sorry to hear you're having a hard time getting a hold of us. To answer your question, yes the user has to explicitly authorize any application that leverages the Yodlee API and explicitly add access to their financial accounts for that application.
Yodlee screenscrapes websites to retrieve it's information.
Which means that they physically (but in an automated fashion) visit the website in a browser (IE8). Thus to pull any information down they have to visit the website, log in successfully, (optionally but more so on more banks; authenticate the computer) and then they can see all of the information that the user sees. Their API acts as a real time bridge between you (the end user using your website or app) and this browser.
So you have to either implement their very much so convoluted Yodlee API or use one of their generic hosted pages and direct the user to it where upon he/she enters the necessary information. You also have to have an agreement with them too. You also have to convince the user to do it :)
Google published that they are testing a feature that allows you to sign in simultaneously to multiple Google accounts in the same browser.
Any idea how would that be implemented ?
I don’t have any inside info on how multiple accounts are actually supported, but here’s what I presume:
Your cookie holds a security token, just like in the old days.
The security token now maps to a set of signed-in accounts on the server.
I’d guess there’s a notion of an active account among this set.
When you go to a Google service that implements multiple-account support, the service pulls down your active account and drops you into that account by default.
Then, you get presented with some UI that lets you toggle between your other signed-in accounts or lets you sign into a new account.