Ektron multisite split - ektron

I have an Ektron multi-site installation and would like to split one of the sites into a separate installation. Any ideas on how to do this?
I have made a new CMS400 website. But do not know how to export the data from the multi-site and import it to the new database e.g
Page Layouts
Smart Form Configurations
Library Content
HTML Content
Any Assets
And anything else I have left out that you think is important.
NOTE : Both websites are Ektron 8.6

Setup an esync relationship between the current database and a minsite install database, then use the esync function to do a manual sync of the folder for the site you want to copy.


Importing database (transfer wordpress site db)

I am moving a site from old godaddy hosting to new cpanel godaddy hosting. I have downloaded Wordpress files using ftp, and downloaded sql database file as well. When I go to my new hosting and try and import database I get this error...
x#1062 - Duplicate entry '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xEF\xBF\xBD\xEF\xBF\xBD' for key 'PRIMARY'
What am I doing wrong?
Perhaps this answer is not about your error in particular but I think it can help you.
I humbly recommend you the Duplicator plug-in when moving WordPress sites. This plug-in will create a package for you which contains all your WordPress files and DB. It will also create a php installation file that will help you reinstall everything in very simple steps.
I've never experienced any issues moving WordPress sites with this plugin. Here's the link if you wanna give it a try.
For the duplicate entry, if you have installed wordpress on the new panel then its because you have an administrator user with id 1 in the old database and in the new database as well that's why its showing duplicate entry.
The right thing for migration of wordress site is that you migrate it with 'All in one wp migration' plugin.
Manually move theme and plugins for time efficiency and export db with 'All in one wp migration' plugin.

Prestashop migration procedure

I have a client who wants to move their hosting provider and we have successfully cloned exact copy of original server to the new hosting provider's server. We want to use different domain name staging.copiedsite.com to creating staging environment to check everything works fine, then we want to flicker it back to original DNS (www.actualsite.com). My question is, how do you configure the site to work with staging domain name? I am going to basically find all database record that says "www.actualsite.com" and replace it with "staging.copiedsite.com". Is that all it needs? Is there any configuration text file that I need to edit? Thanks.
You shall change the domain in BackOffice > Preferences > SEO & URLs. This will update configuration in database and your .htaccess file (For some obscure reason you might have to save this page two times so that the .htaccess file is overwritten).
Also some CMS pages and modules can use absolute URLs so changing all those values by querying the database is a good idea.
Basically that's all you need.

Where should additional files be put when writing my own magento extension?

I'm writing my magento extension and came up with a question. The main extension files/directory structure is quite clear. We have dirs for extension configuration files, models, helpers, database resources, frontend and backend scripts and stylesheets etc.
But what if my extension uses some files that aren't classes or resources to be included to frontend or backend?
For instance: image files that will only be attached to emails and will never be retrieved by a browser directly.
Should/could I just create a directory /app/code/community/MyNamespace/MyExtensionName/images?
The same dir tree for better readability:
Or is there any other correct/recommended way to achieve that?
There's never been clear guidance on how to do this from Magento Inc. itself, and Magento's module structure doesn't offer clear guidance. The approach I've always taken is
Pretend I'm on the Magento core team
Pretend my fellow team members are sociopaths who don't care if anything I've done breaks
If you're adding frontend files for public consumption (to js, skin, etc), I always create a folder that's a lowercase version of my full module name, and drop all files in there
In the case of files that aren't going to be served publicly (i.e. you only need access to them via PHP), creating a folder in the root of your module (as you've done above) is appropriate. I'd suggest something like
You never know when there'll be something else you want to add, and having everything under one folder will help keep the module structure clean.
There's even sort of a precedent for this in Magento's core code. Take a look at the
Create a folder into media directory and place your files/images into that folder
And access them like
echo Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_MEDIA).'/MyExtensionName/images/pic.jpg';

How to move a single DotNetNuke portal to a new server?

I've got a DotNetNuke system (v 5.6) that's hosting several different portals, and I'd like to move one of them to another hosting provider. What's the easiest way to do this?
Every web site I find that claims to explain how to move a DotNetNuke site essentially says "Copy the entire database over to the new system." That's great if you've only got one portal in the database, but I've got a dozen of them. I only want to move one portal, not all of them.
Exporting the site to a .template is another popular suggestion. This exports the structure of the site (all the tab definitions, for example), but it doesn't include any of the actual HTML content. As such, that's essentially worthless.
There must be a reasonable way to do this short of trying to strip one individual portals data out of every single DNN table. Right?
When you export a site template, you can include the content of the site, as well (for the modules that support portability, which includes the standard HTML module). This is how the default site template has all of its content. When you do this, there will be a .template.resources file that you'll need, as well as the .template file.
The other option is to do a full backup and restore, and then remove the other sites once you've restored. If you have significant content in a module that doesn't support portability, I think this will be your best bet.
FYI, I did find a solution from someone over on the DotNetNuke forums.
Create a 2nd version of that install, then delete all the other
portals. Move the install with the one portal. We've done this several
times with installs with lots of portals and it works just fine. Yeah
there's still some noise left in the db, but it's a quick and
effective way of doing things.
Edit note that this will give you an install with 1 portal. You can't detach a portal from one install and reattach it to an existing
install (well, you can, but basically you have to export the portal as
a template and that isn't 100%)
This is the approach I took, and sure enough, it works.
In a nutshell:
Mirror the files for the web site to another server.
Mirror the DNN database to another server.
Log in a Host on the new setup and delete all the portals but the one you want to migrate.
Delete any module definitions that are not in use by the remaining portal.
Open up your favorite SQL tool and delete any entries in the Users and UserProfile tables that no longer have a matching row in the UserPortals table. DNN does not remove these by default, which is frustrating.
Hop in to Windows Explorer and delete all of the Portal folders you no longer need (ie: /Portal/1, /Portal/2, etc.)
Back up the database using Enterprise Manager to create a .bak file
Make a .zip of the entire DNN installation folder.
You now have a .bak that contains the database and a .zip that contains the files. Send those off to the new hosting company, and you should be all set. Just make sure to update your web.config to set the connection string properly to point to the new database server at the new hosting company.
It's just that easy. ;)

After moving my Drupal 7 site to another host, modules are appeared without download

I'm sorry for such a complex subject. My problem is.
I tried to move my Drupal 7 site from one server to another.
I uploaded a fresh install to my new site.
I backed up my old database and imported to my new site.
I uploaded settings.php file to my new site.
When i entered to my new site's module part, All the 3rd party modules i installed in my old site, exist in my new site without any loss :)
But when i check the folders
I couldn't find any file regarding to this modules.
Modules exist in my new site when i check my admin panel, I can create content by using this modules, But i can't see their files by using file manager etc.
Thank you
Because you didn't disable the modules before moving your deployment, I think they're still marked in your database, same for registration of content types. As the modules don't actually exist, you won't get their functionality.
Replacing the modules under /sites/all/modules or /sites/default/modules should leave them working as before.