how to disable orangehrm leave cancellation - orangehrm

I want to ask if anyone here has a knowledge in customizing the OrangeHRM from sourceforge? What I have is the latest version.
What I want to do is disable the leave cancellation of the ESS users and only the Admin account has the right to cancel a filed leave. I have tried to post this question in their forum but somehow they do not provide some support or answers to the questions and somehow the existing answers was outdated.
Than You and hopping that my concerns would be answered.


What are the negatives of social media sign in? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Social media sign in has become popular to use on websites, but what negatives are there with its use?
Does integration add trackers to your site?
Does it slow overall performance?
Are some social media logins better than others?
I haven't found much info on this online, and all the data I've seen is on conversions and marketing. I'd love to hear facts from the development side.
Edit: I'm feeling confused by the downvotes. How is my question bad or irrelevant? Social sharing buttons were all the rage but most people agree now that it isn't worth it, even though it seemed at first to have great results; and from the development side, it slowed page loading and added trackers to our sites.
The companies most excited about the buttons before, as I recall, were companies selling ways to add a ton of those buttons to your site; and most of the advocates I see now are similarly marketing products that allow you to add a ton of buttons. I'm asking what login does from an angle other than popular marketing.
Using OpenID for login is great because you don't have to remember many different logins, and even though there are some minor problems, I don't think you shouldn't use it (I'll use Facebook as an example here):
The user has to trust you. Maybe you want read access, so you could read what you wrote on Facebook. You could use the data for marketing, even if you just get his ID.
The user (and you) has to trust Facebook. They know on which page the user is logged on (you got a shop for dog food? the user will get ads for dog food as soon as he logs in!), and they could even log in as the user himself - theoretically, of course.
You are missing information like mail address and other things. There are workarounds, and they are working.
Don't ever (!) use only OpenID login or something similar (exception: you need to actually do things with the data you get - e.g. twitter bots)! You're forcing users to sign up for a social network they don't want. YouTube did this, and it wasn't very successful (except for the fact that there are "millions" of G+ users... Yeah.)
Except for that, I don't see anything wrong with OpenID login. Many big pages use it, and as long as the user has the possibility to log in conventionally, why shouldn't you use it?

New Tactics for Acquiring Link Backs [closed]

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This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
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As all SEOs know that google is trying its very best to kill SEO and linkbacks are quite a difficult task now. Although content is the key but my boss is still possessed with linkbacks. I can not do directory posting, link exchange, paid linking, web 2.0 and blog commenting as they are spam now. I do not see what other choice i have except forum posting and article posting. Can someone suggest new method to acquire link backs ? I know almost all traditional methods so don't say press release or etc. If you really have something out of the box or not very much common please share.
Google isn't killing SEO, they trying to banish practices that your boss is so intent on doing.
If you want to build a quality reputation - you need to start creating genuine and unique content aimed at your target audience. Research your market, offer your visitors information they want to read and share. Make sure what you create is geared towards Google.
Make it relevant, current, accurate and engaging.
Of course, this all takes time and considerable effort - if you or your boss can't devote the time needed, or at least employ someone to do it for you... the business is going to suffer online.
Buy the links. The majority of online marketing agencies do this as the primary way to increase Google rank.
Or go the natural way and produce so much fine content people will naturally share it.

Pausing item creation until a change is approved [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to use an approval workflow to accept or reject additions to my sharepoint site. The caveat is that I don't want any changes that are pending approval to appear. Only changes that have been submitted and approved should be visible to others who open the page.
Is a workflow the best way to go about this? If it is, what do I need to change from the OTB Approval solution to have only approved changes be visible? Or is this a code-only problem that I need to dig deeper to solve?
I'm currently testing this with a Calendar web part, but the solution to this could potentially apply to any other type added to the page.
The way I see it, there are two requirements:
Being able to change your site and have the updates only visible to a select few
(optional) A workflow to handle the process.
So the first requirement could be handled by the SharePoint Publishing Infrastructure. Take a look at the interwebs and see if that would work for you. You could also just require approval for items added to the library where your pages are stored but that doesn't seem as straightforward.
I mentioned your second requirement being optional because it might be overkill depending on your situation. You would want to require approval on the library, then attach a workflow to the library. But if you're in constant contact with the approver(s) otherwise, it might be just as easy to say "he dude, check out the 'About Us' page, if you like it, click the approve button in the toolbar".
Hope that helps. There's probably a bunch of different ways to go about it.

Apple Dev Portal is showing other people's and company's provisioning information, not my own? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Not sure where to post this, but I can't find any information anywhere and it seems a bit urgent. When I login to Apple's developer site and go into the provisioning portal, there are app ids, devices, certificates, and company names that I do not recognize. I have sent an email to Apple but it could be days before it is seen and this is a serious security issue. I cannot access any of my own data, and it says I am someone else; I cannot logout this other person, and clearing cache and restarting browser doesn't remove this person as the logged-in user. If I click on "app ids" i see yet another person, the logged-in name changes. If I click on Edit Profile, it correctly shows my name. But nothing I can do allows me to actually see any of my own apps that have been published, and I surely wonder if others are able to somehow see my own apps just like I can see theirs.
Anyone know a more urgent place to report this? Is it happening to anyone else, or have you experienced this before?
Call them. Everytime I've dealt with apple on the phone, I've been treated efficiently and professionally.
The US number is 1 (408) 974-4897.
Find the other numbers here:

How can my system docs be more interactive? [closed]

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We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 5 years ago.
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Perhaps if I make the my documentation better I could spend less time supporting developers and more time developing myself:
I develop a critical platform used by 10 other developers and 50 end users. The developers are of mixed ability ranging from domain-experts to relative beginners. Since I'm one of the people who know how the core platform works support requests from other developers usually go via me.
Our documentation is the usual sort of descriptive stuff any mature project will have: We have a large wiki containing details of all the usual operating procedures plus extensive API documentation.
Unfortunately it does not cater well for "how do I fix " type questions:
Would it be possible to make some interactive fault diagnostic documentation that puts users through a standardized fault-finding routine. The documentation would ask users a series of questions, and depending on the user's input would tell them what to do... it would be a very simple expert system, or possibly a documentation state-machine.
The idea would be to help newbies think more methodically about diagnosing faults in this complex system.
My question:
Are there any free tools intended to implement this kind of user-experience? I'd rather not hand-roll this. There must be some kind of framework for interactive help & documentation.
Has anybody implemented this kind of system before?
If you just wanted to have a flowchart/stat-machine thing where the user moves from the start point to a set of possible solutions by answering questions, then you could probably implement this as a set of wiki pages, where the possible responses to questions on one page are links to other pages.
This solution relies on being able to represent the answers to questions as links, which isn't going to work if the information is more form-like. For example, suppose one question is "What brand of graphics card do you have?" where the answer is one of 300 possible options. In this case it's going to be tiresome to create the links :)
If the developers are asking too many questions then I would suggest making them research the question themselves and come up with an answer, then double-check with you instead of encouraging them to ask you every time. It's much easier to ask somebody else than to find the answer yourself, but they're never going to learn if they don't look for themselves.
If the users are asking a lot of questions then you may need some user interface improvements. Try putting hints in the application itself at the top or bottom of the screen maybe.
For both groups of users a wiki can help.
a FAQ in your wiki
if an error happens too often, try preventing it or output a more useful error message (like "if this happens, the likely cause is that...)