Creating a content hub and client application using Piranha CMS - piranha-cms

First off, I need to mention that I'm not sure if what I'm trying to achieve is even supported by Piranha CMS (that's partly what I'm trying to determine here). They mention the ability to create a standalone content hub on their website, but my assumptions of what is possible with that model might be incorrect. What I've already done is created an ASP.NET MVC application that is hosting Piranha CMS and I've published it to Azure websites for testing purposes--that part works as expected. The content management interface is the only user facing piece here--it is meant only to serve as the content hub for the client application (just the one for now as this is just proof of concept work).
I am now trying to build a client ASP.NET MVC application that pulls content from the hub. This is where I'm thinking that my assumptions may have been wrong. I was thinking that I'd be able to install the Piranha CMS nuget package(s) on the client as well, and I'd be able to configure the framework to get content from the hub in the same way that it would if the content were hosted on the client site. I realize that I could get the content from the hub using Piranha's REST api, but what I want to do is to be able to use the more friendly entity model based api for this.
So my question is whether it is possible (within reason) to setup Piranha CMS in the way that I've described. If it is, how exactly do I configure the client such that it is aware of the location of the content hub?

There are currently no .net client api consuming the rest services as the simplest scenario would be to deploy .net applications together with the server. In the setups I've done native apps & html5 knockout/angular applications have used the rest api's for getting json data. You should however be able to white such a module, performing the HTTP calls and the deserializing the json without any problems.


How to automatically generate a web UI from a REST API

Is there any solution to automatically generate a web UI from a REST API?
I found Swagger codegen but it generates a client for the API, not a UI.
I need a basic UI, allowing directly from the browser to use the different endpoints and display the response prettily. Something like a basic Postman that would be directly integrated into my website.
I don't have constraint about how the generation is done. Can be done once at build time, or at runtime on server side or on client side.
I've heard good things about, it seems to do what you need.

Sharing user login between Blazor WebServer and ASP.NET Core API

I am building a service-oriented system for personal use (plus few friends may have limited access as well) - the aim is to have a dashboard for controlling my apps running on various machines such as Raspberry Pis (and potentially to be expanded to a VPS or few in future).
The architecture itself is pretty simple. For authentication I want to use AWS Cognito. Services would communicate with WebAPI (and potentially with eachother) using gRPC within a VPN, and dashboard would be served by Blazor server-side (may move to Blazor WASM Hosted model if I find a need for it). Each of the processes may or may not be on the same machine as any other (depending on the purpose). Blazor server may or may not run within VPN (I might want to move it to a separate web hosting later).
I created a simple diagram to visualize it:
The problem comes with authentication. I want to have Blazor server-side and API as a separate processes (for now they're going to run on the same machine, but I may want to move it elsewhere eventually). Ideally authentication should be handled by API, so authentication is client-agnostic, and the API can use it to verify if the logged in user can perform an action - which by itself is simple.
However, I want Blazor server to use and validate that token as well in order to determine what to display to the user. I want to do with the least amount of calls possible - ideally avoiding querying API for every 'should I display it or not?' choice.
I could easily do it by sacrificing possibility to move API elsewhere, and just merge Blazor Server and API Gateway into one project. For my current purpose it would be enough, but it's not an ideal solution, so first I want to look into how could I achieve my original vision.
How could I achieve this (with minimal amount of Blazor server to API queries)?
I was googling for solution a lot, but so far only found either examples of using Blazor server and API as one project, or using client-side calls to API directly.
Thank you good folks in advance.

Create Azure Api App from Swagger meta data

I have created some APIs in API management layer, which are essentially proxies between the calling client and an underlying web api.
I did this by importing the swagger file of the underlying API, and then adding the newly created API to a Product, repeating this for each separate proxy that I needed. This means then that the underlying API could be called but not without the subscriber key of the product that the newly created API was attached to.
Is it possible to do something similar with API apps, i.e. creating API apps using just the swagger file from the underlying API in the azure portal, that act as proxies between the calling client and an underlying web api (as below)?
Do you mind expanding on why do you need to have API Apps acting as proxies?
I am not aware of such capability for API Apps specifically. There are Swagger-based code generation tools available, for example on So perhaps you will be able to find something that would work for you.

Can I use ravendb in a javascript SPA

I am developing a application that is using backbone.js for most of the front end logic and was thinking of using sqlite for storage, but i have run into a few complications with it and need to switch to another NoSQL database.
I see on ravendb's site that it was created in C# and you need a .net compiler. Most of the docs are for ASP MVC type application. I can not go this root because we are developing this as a tablet application with no microsoft based technologies on the client side ( because we want it to work with android and apple )
The server however will be .NET and so i figured this might be do able. Just wondering if this is worth pursuing and if anyone has had any experience using ravendb? Or should i go for mongodb?
It is possible to expose RavenDB directly to a JavaScript application, sure. But it's usually not recommended. The main reason is security, but there are many other reasons to have a middle-layer.
For example, you often need a server-side location to perform application logic. Not everything can be done in the database itself, and if you do it all in the application then you will probably send a lot more data to the app than it really needs. Over the internet, that could mean a slow app.
The route many people take, is to use ASP.Net WebAPI, or ServiceStack, or another similar framework. This gives you a way to expose REST endpoints that your JavaScript app can call. You can connect to RavenDB from there.
Also, you seem to have the misconception that if you used ASP.Net MVC on the server that you couldn't target Apple or Android. That's just false. Whether you use a SPA approach or a traditional approach, you are delivering standards-based content, such as HTML, CSS, JSON and JavaScript.
Yes, You can use it. Actually RavenDB's server is a RESTful web service, which means you can work with it with any kinds of HTTP clients. These clients should be able to issue standard HTTP verbs like GET, PUT, DELETE etc.
ASP MVC is server side. I still at a loss as to why you would want to expose your db to a clientside piece. It is completely worth doing in a server side piece, but do not expose something like a db directly to your client.

calling rest api from another web application

I have a web application (typical mvc webapp) that needs to call a REST API bundled in a different webapp (war file).
The first web app serves as a front to the separate REST API webapp for customers to register and view their stats, purchase plans etc. But part of the design of this webapp is that it must have example invocations to the other REST API webapp.
There are many rest clients out there, but what would be a reasonable approach to address the above?
I was thinking of using the Spring REST Template to call the REST API but from my mvc controller class in the first webapp. Is this a reasonable approach?
Once you deploy a webapp using your deployment tool of choice, you can simply call the REST URL. That's one of the great things about REST - it doesn't care about what sort of tool is calling it because it deals in a neutral medium (usually HTTP). Twitter's REST API (here) doesn't care what's calling it - in fact the beauty of it is that anyone can make an app that calls it.
So say you deployed a webapp locally to port 8080, you can just make a REST call to http://localhost:8080/firstapp/rest/foo.
If you're deployed to the World Wide Web, then just call the appropriate domain.
Yes, RestTemplate is a very convenient way for server to server REST calls. Though there are some tricks if you are going to serialize generics.