Configure Aurelia Project using Visual Studio - aurelia

I know it's very new, but I'd like to create a prototype using aurelia with Visual Studio. VS support is in the hopper, but the current documentation is based on node.js et al. Based on the existing documentation, I haven't a clue. I'm hoping I can get some guidance...

Not sure this is what you are looking for, but you can check out this github Aurelia project, using Typescript and VS 2013. It still makes use of gulp and jspm but with the VS Taskrunner extension.
There is now a default project supporting VS 2015:

There are several sample Aurelia Visual Studio solutions contained here: aurelia typescript samples
These samples use a javascript bundle (also created as part of the repo), so no gulp is needed.
Warning - these are samples and are not polished.

Download and Install Node.js
Then create a Visual Studio project and on the toplevel of that folder execute for>
Install Gulp for build automation
npm install -g gulp
Install JSPM as client-side package manager
npm install -g jspm
Install Git for Windows and configure Github
jspm registry config github
Generate a skeleton project by using Yeoman
npm install -g yo generator-aurelia
then enter
yo aurelia
Install Plugins needed by gulp
npm install
Install JSPM dependencies of the package
jspm install -y
Gulp Watch to run
gulp watch
all from this tutorial>

Visual Studio Code would work well with Aurelia, I had a play around with the demo and the skeleton app and it worked pretty well.

You can try this
Lets you run an Aurelia application using Visual Studio with Typescript debugging.doesnt use Gulp

I tried to run Aurelia Visual Studio Project without Nodejs .
But it not able to find "http://lcoalhost:6260/aurelia/core-js/client/core.js".
that means we need make sure that NodeJs installed on server with this command
run node r.js -o name=aurelia-bundle-manifest baseUrl=. mainConfigFile=main-config.js out=aurelia-bundle.min.js
Need to create bundling into server like


Is there a way to introduce a preinstall step like the one in npm for installing deno packages in a deno project?

So npm allows a preinstall script to run before installing a module. For example, puppeteer uses this step to install headless chrome. Is there any way to do something like this with deno?
Unlike Node.js, Deno has no package manager. Instead of installing packages, all modules and dependencies are simply cached as static files for use at runtime — there is no configurable hook for an "installation step". Any code which requires an external dependency (such as a coordinating process in the case of Puppeteer) must ensure that such a dependency exists at runtime using program code. See Creating a Subprocess in the manual.
See also section 3.1 of the manual Basics > Modules for information about the module system.
For an example of a Puppeteer implementation in Deno, see (source GitHub repo).

How to reference npm project locally?

I am using npm, yarn build as manager tool. Using these tech, create two project , CommonLib and SampleProject. so first I build CommonLib project, release its library and publish it to AWS codeartifact then ref that published artifact to SampleProject.
This flow looks fine and works well as well. But this whole process force us to publish our changes to artifact which block other.
So not think to do change locally in IDE (here is mscode), release it locally and then ref it to SampleProject.
I used npm install ../CommonLib command to install the package and IDE start point to locally project. But it doesn't compile the project.
Can anyone help me on this, what could be wrong here.

Is it possible to have npm get a dependency from local files but fallback to a published package?

I'm developing both an application and a package which it will depend on. I'd like to use git submodules to include the package in my dev environment and build using a published package from npm when I compile for production. What is the easiest way to achieve something like this?

Using yarn to add a package removes existing modules

When I use Yarn in an ASP.NET Core 2.1 Web Application to add a package, e.g., jquery-autocomplete, it removes the existing packages already installed. Why is it doing that? Does it have something to do with Popper.js, which seems to be a dependency of the package I want to install when this happens?
At the command prompt in the project root I typed:
yarn add --modules-folder=wwwroot\lib autocomplete

Install webdriver globally or localy?

The manual states that
You can also install the package globally on your machine and use the
wdio directly from the command line. However it is recommended to
install it per project.
Why is that? What downfall should I worry if installing globally?
If you only wish to use webdriver only in your shell regardless of any project then you can install it globally. However, if you wish to use it in a project, such that it is required to run project tests then install it locally (in this case it should be devDependency). The reasons are:
1) When multiple people working on a project, it is ensured that all of them have the same versions of the required packages.
2) Portability. The project dependencies should be completely defined in package.json so that after running npm install the project is ready to use in every environment.
For people new to NPM and Node, I'd recommend a global install to keep it simple. There are reasons to install it locally though, mostly to do with version compatibility and ease of project sharing: