Geomapping using Qlikview BI tool - qlikview

I have a dataset with country names (to and from) which is similar to travel starting country and the destination country.
For example: if the travel is between India to Australia then the country origin will be India and the destination will be Australia.
I have collected the latitude and longitude for both origin and destination place.
Now I want to plot the lat and log for origin and destination country using Qlikview tool.
I'm using Qlikview11 Personal edition.

Two ways to achieve this case:
1. Using GeoQlik extension
Install GeoQlik extension in Qlikview Click to Install GeoQlik
Open GeoQlik extension in Webmode and choose Line Graph.
Add the dimensions as Country Origin and Country Destination
Add the lat and log positions as in below image.
Similarly you can do it for Country Destination.
You can also adjust the line width and color properties also.
Demerit: In GeoQlik trial version, you cant able to save the visualizations.(need to be licensed version to enjoy all the features)
2. Using Line Graph
Ref from :
They used static image of world map as background. They created a line graph with X and Y coordinates running axes from 0 to 200 and set as transparent.
Here the fuzzy thing is I don't know how they calculated lat and long positions!

You can use the Qlikview Mapping Extension that installs with the product. See the "Extension Examples.qvw" in the installed examples. Note the instruction on the first sheet that directs you to complete the installation by launching the .qar file. In the Extension Examples is a sample showing how to plot lines and points on a map.


How to Clean Address through Python

I have one dummy data set so in this data set there such combination that i want to remove from address like flat no708, building no, house no and in middle address like i want to remove phase 1 and make clean address to find accurate lat long for maping in map please help me i tried from last 1.5 weeks but i won't get perfect output i tried regex and some nlp techniques but not get output. I attached the dummy data with you enter image description here
so if you see this photo there is in starting a-wing e103 like that i want to remove

How do I make a stack column chart with two events organized by services?

Basically I need to make a column chart with the different endpoints along the x axis (services such as log in, etc.) with each endpoint having a unique column stacked with two colors, red for service error events and green for service events.
I can get something with a search string like this:
though its event on the x axis (but showing both services and service error like I need) with the endpoints being different colored stacked in the chart.
Yet reversing this causes ONLY SERVICE EVENTS to show up, which is beyond my reasoning since service errors appear in the first search.
Above is just something I tried. I also tried:
my search | fields ENDPOINT "[SERVICE]" "[SERVICE_ERROR]"
according to the splunk documentation on stacking charts here:
(last example at bottom of page).
I wanted to make sure I was thorough with my explanation but in short...
My goal is to have the all the endpoints displayed on the x axis with the count of the different service events and service error events as the actual graph data as one column split into two colors for both events.
Thank you for any help!!
I found the answer and wanted to share in case anyone else might find this helpful:
First, I made a unique field for error using the field extractor. "[SERVICE_ERROR]" wanted to link to all other events similar to it so I had to use "error_message" to extract my errors.
Next I added this to my search string:
....... | stats count(eval(match(EVENT,"[SERVICE]"))) AS service count(error) AS error BY endservice
This calculates a table that finds the count of both the event "[SERVICE]" and the field "error" and renames them using "AS/as". The field "endservice" is a field extraction I use to get more accurate endpoints.
Finally I go to my chart's format option (near the magnifying glass and three dots in the upper right hand corner, it looks like a paint brush) and click on it. After that I selected "stacked column" (the middle one).
The voila! I have my stacked graph of two different data types! I hope this helps someone else someday.

How can I list which stores have an item in stock?

I'm searching for a particular item that is listed as available for in-store pickup only, but not in my area.
I'd like to use the API to find out which stores do have that item in stock so I can phone a friend that lives in one of those areas and get them to pick it up.
So... How can I list the stores that have a particular item in stock?
The geographic center of the United States is 39°50' (39.8333), -98°35' (-98.5833)
The width United States is approximately 3,000 miles.
So if we search a radius of 2000 miles in any direction from that point we get:
And you'll be surprised that while 1419 stores have Black Ink'd Skullcandy Earbuds in stock the day before Christmas, 0 of them have the Marth Amiibo, and 67 have the Star Fox Amiibo... who knew?
The API does provide a way to check for product availability in specific stores. Here is an example query (you need to substitute in your own apiKey) that uses coordinates and a radius within which to search:,-93.2775,10mi))+products(sku=6461052)?apiKey=yourApiKey&format=json&show=storeId,storeType,city,region,name,,products.sku,products
There is documentation about this feature here:
You will find in the documentation that you can also search for availability at a specific store, or use a postal code. But I think using the coordinates may fit the case described in your question best.

Topojson - Arcs for Singapore and Hong Kong

I noticed world-110m.json and world-110m2.json at didn't have the paths for Singapore and Hong Kong. I looked in the Natural Earth data set that generates the world-110m.json file, and noticed that Singapore was listed in the tiny_countries file, but only as a point, not as a polygon. The normal countries file does not appear to include Singapore. However, notice on that Singapore is not a point, but a path.
I notice that the above link has paths for Singapore and Hong Kong. However, I'm having some problems using the files from that page because of some complicated code and would prefer to insert the arcs manually.
ok, found a solution to this 💡
1) get this specific admin-0 countries shapefile zip from natural earth Admin - 0 Countries | Download countries
2) upload that 5mb shapefile zip you downloaded from Natural Earth to
use the mouse to drag and the scroll wheel or the plus button to zoom and notice that both Hong Kong and Singapore exist as shapes/polygons in this shapefile:
Hong Kong
3) in mapshaper, click simplify and then check prevent shape removal in the simplification menu that pops up
4) simplify your geography and then export it to topojson. 1% simplified is close to the ~500k filesize of the original world-110m2.json file (edited)
the resulting "whole worth with shapes preserved for tiny countries" topojson files that I came up with are shared in this github reposititory

Export faces from Picasa

Is there any way to export croped detected faces images from normal
images in Picasa?
Is there any way to export similar person not naming them(like
person1 and person2 etc. and maybe with probabilities)?
Is there any way to detect only one person per folder?
Once you have labeled each face within Picasa, there will be a file called .picasa.ini in the same folder as the photos. Its contents look like this:
You can use this data to calculate the coordinates of each rectangle you want to crop.
For more details on the .picasa.ini format, see this question:
Automatic face detection using Picasa API to extract individual images