Pull in RPT Scripts in to RTC by making RPT and RTC 4.0.6 Connection for source control - rtc

I am new to RPT/RTC Source control and connection.
I have RPT and RTC 4.0.6 already installed on my client.
After I do right click on my RPT Project --> Team --> Share Project, I am not able to find the connection details i need to input on Share Project prompt window.
I have access to RTC Source control, but I am not sure how to get values to Host and Repository Path for RPT from RTC.
Can anyone please provide me step-by-step process of connecting RPT to RTC and moving my RPT scripts to RTC Source Control.

TLDR; the issue is: the RTC plugin isn't properly installed.
The OP adds in the comments:
The client version of the IBM Installation Manager was lower enough to not update the RTC/RPT Source control (Jazz source control).
Hence updating Instal manager and then modifying the Jazz source control resolved this.
Original answer (for illustrating the symptoms)
From what I can see of the white paper "Integrate Rational Team Concert and Rational Performance Tester for collaborative script development, version control, and process management", you don't need to enter an Host and repo path "for RTP" (RTP being the "IBM Rational Performance Tester").
The only step where you need to enter that kind of data is strictly for RTC (RTC being the "IBM Rational Team Concert", an ALM tool):
If you see any other "connection" windows on the "Share project" step, that means you selected the wrong Version Control tool on that step.
So if you see one for CVS:
That just means you didn't click the right line (which should be "Jazz source Control"):

Got this resolved.
Always start with creating a new Perf Project in RPT - Project Explorer View
Create a workspace repository after connecting to Source Control --> Team Artifacts View
Pre-condition - Stream and component configured in Source Control. And the flow is set to move from the workspace repository (you created in above step) is set
Now share the Project in Proj Explorer View --> Team --> Share
Choose the Workspace repository/Folder where you want to move file
Now the project is loaded in Workspace repos. Now check-in from --> Pending Changes View
Associate the changes to a work item (Optional)
Deliver the project from --> Pending Changes View


PDI CE _ Source Control

I'm using PDI-CE 8.2 and do have around 20 Scripts performing transformations. I was looking for help on how to integrate with Source Control since Tools --> Repository is disabled? does PDI-CE 8.2 support source control?
any help is appreciated
You are asking two different things
Repository option is disabled - pdi 8.2 is not a stable version, i would recommend you to use 8.3, pdi_8.3\system\karaf\caches go to this caches location delete everything and re-start the tool, you will see repository option
source code control - pentaho does not directly support version control however community has developed few plugins for the same.
click on tools -> marketplace
search bar type git, you will find 2 3 different plugin(spoongit,etc).

Worklight Console does not show new changes to project -- seems to use original code

I am running Eclipse Luna 4.4.1 with Worklight Studio 6.2...
I have made changes to my Worklight project. For some reason, I cannot get these changes to be seen/previewed when opening in the Worklight Console...
I have made simple changes such as adding print (console.log) statements to see if these changes are making it out to the console... I have even removed design elements to see if I can get this preview to error out...
Here is what I do:
Highlight the app folder (the folder under the "apps" folder) and right-click
Select Run As > 2 Build All Environments
Once that is complete, I highlight the project folder (the topmost folder in the project) and right-click, selecting Open Worklight Console, which opens the console in Firefox
Click the Preview as Common Resources link in the Console
The "old" code/project runs -- no changes appear
I have tried Cleaning the project, closing and re-opening Eclipse, rebooting my machine, etc. but nothing seems to shake this up. Worklight seems to use the "old" code no matter what I do in Eclipse...
Is there a setting on Worklight I may be missing?
Starting Worklight 6.2 you do not need to either build or deploy your application in order to see changes made to web resources.
The following should suffice:
Create a Project and application
Run As > Run on Worklight Development Environment
Open console, view the application (keep this tab open)
In Eclipse, change some resource (image, CSS, HTML, JavaScript)
Return to the previously opened tab and refresh it
The change should be visible to you.
Something to try:
Close Eclipse
Open your TMPDIR and delete the wlBuildResources folder
Open Eclipse, try again
You can also try adding a mobile environment to your application; there are some reports this some times, show how, helps 'refreshing' the web resources used while previewing applications
You can also make sure you are using the very latest iFix; there were preview-related fixes in the past. You can get it from IBM Fix Central website (assuming you are an IBM customer/business partner; for evaluation purposes you should download the latest available version, from the Eclipse Marketplace - v6.3)
Note that Run As > Build all environment does not actually deploy your modified web resources to the server, it only generates the .wlapp for later consumption elsewhere, so I suggest to follow my steps at the very top of this answer, by using Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server, and later on simply save (ctrl/cmd-s) and then go to the console to verify the changes are there.

IBM Worklight 6.0 - Dojo library uses localhost after deploy

I have a Worklight 6.0 project that uses the new Dojo 1.9 libs, I created an external dojo project, like the documentation suggested, then, in the main project properties, under "Dojo toolkit", it references this dojo19 project.
The project works on the local server, then I did "Run As" | "Build for Remote Server...", and entered the correct domain:port and context path, clicked Build, the *.wlapp files were updated. (I've also updated the settings for publicWorkLightHostname / publicWorkLightPort / publicWorkLightProtocol in the "Environment Entries for Web Modules" in the installed war to match the remote server names/port/protocol.)
But, after deploying both war and -all.wlapp file, accessing the app I get JS errors when it tries to refer to the dojo19 library:
The page at
https://<myIP>:9443/<myproject>/apps/services/www/ /mobilewebapp/default/IODMobile.html
ran insecure content from http://localhost:64441/dojo19/<myproject>/IODMobile/mobilewebapp/dojo/nls/core-web-layer_en-us.js.
The dojo19 is the project name in my Worklight developer workspace that I referred to above.
Why is it trying localhost? Seems there's a missing step here in deploying the dojo library project into Worklight.
Where are you trying to preview the application when you get the error message?
See the changes in Dojo in Worklight 6.0
If launching the application in emulator/simulator/device, see Billy Rowe's answer in this question
Partial copy/paste:
Step 1: Verify your application works in the Mobile Browser Simulator
with Provide Library Resources checked. If the Console log is showing
resources being served from the server, then these have to be copied
to your application before deploying to AVD or a device
Step 2: After you think you have all Dojo/resources within your
project, uncheck Provide Library Resources and test it again in MBS.
If it fails in MBS, then something is missing in your application that
is in the library/server. You can check Provide Library Resources and
retest to see if it shows you what that is. Not all resources are
shown, e.g. if there's a missing CSS file.
Also I would suggest to do all of this in the Development environment (that is, in Eclipse) before starting to deploy the .war file and .wlapp file etc... (which, BTW, I hope you're doing based on the new instructions for Worklight 6.0)
In the information center, it will show you how to uncheck the Provide Library Resources in the Console Log.
I think what you're running into is:
1) Something is being served from the Dojo Library/Server
2) A bug in 6.0 that used "localhost" instead of the IP of the host (your machine running eclipse). This is fixed in the 6.0 iFix. With this fix, you can run your app external to Studio and still use the Dojo Library/Server. Without this fix, you must have everything you need within your app.
Can you install the iFix and let us know if that fixed the problem?

Limit 3D application for Windows RT device

I am developing a 3D game for Windows Store (Metro application) using Visual Studio 2012 Express and Blender for creating 3D objects (fbx). I have used Visual Studio 3D Starter Kit for importing fbx file in the game. Currently I have tested my application on Windows 8 machine only and now, I want to test it on Windows RT device too. On Microsoft forums I read that if I want to deploy the build on Windows RT device, I need to limit my application to Feature Level 9_1.
I need to know the following two things:
• How to run the application on hardware graphics card on Windows RT machine?
• How to limit the application to DirectX Feature Level 9_1?
Any help will be appreciated.
How to run the application on hardware graphics card on Windows RT machine?
The Direct3D code provided in the various Windows 8 samples and templates should always run on the hardware graphics card. Assuming you're interested in the specifics of how to actually get the app there in the first place (i.e. deployment), there are two main ways to do this. The first is remote deployment and debugging: In Visual Studio, go to your project's properties page and go to the Debugging view. Under "Debugger to launch" select "Remote Machine" and set "Machine Name" to the IP address or NetBIOS name of the target Windows RT machine. The remote machine will need to be running the remote debugging tools and connected to the same network as the development machine. For more info about remote debugging, check out this page.
The second way is to manually create and deploy a local test package. To do this, right click the project and go to Store -> Create App Packages. When prompted about whether this package will be submitted to the store, select "no" and follow the remaining prompts to create an appropriate app package. Copy the contents of the created package folder to the target machine, then run the "Add-*" powershell script. This will install the package on the target machine.
How to limit the application to DirectX Feature Level 9_1?
The best way to do this is to use the DirectX Control Panel. Run "dxcpl.exe" and click "Edit List" under the scope menu. Add the name of your app's executable (typically [app name].exe) to the list. Then, under Device Settings, set "Feature level limit" to 9.1 and check the "Disable Feature Level Upgrade" checkbox. The next time you launch your app, the system will automatically restrict functionality to what is available on 9.1 hardware.
Note that the Windows App Certification Kit automatically performs a feature level test to ensure your app does not crash on 9.1, however its scope is relatively limited.
In additional to alanw, if you have any shaders in your solution, for each, bring up the property page in VS, expand "HLSL Compiler" and select "General". Under "Shader Model" select 4_0_level_9_1.
You should pass in the D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1 feature level on creation of your d3d11 device.
D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL pFeatureLevels[] =
ID3D11Device* pDevice;
ID3D11DeviceContext* pDeviceContext;
D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL eFeatureLevel;
D3D11CreateDevice(NULL, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE, NULL, pFeatureLevels, 1,
D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &pDevice, &eFeatureLevel, &pDeviceContext);

How to set target MDS in EAR file with Oracle ADF

I want to enable user customization at run time with Oracle ADF. With JDeveloper, if I deploy my application directly to the server, a window permits me to choose a repository previously registered on my Enterprise Manager, as depicted in following image:
In this way my application works great. Now I would to deploy to EAR file (in order to save a copy of my release) but I don't know how to target MDS repository. On the web I've found that maybe the adf-config.xml file has to be modify, but in which way?
have a look at this blog entry, which explains how to do it. Apparently this information needs to be provided upon EAR file deployment