I've been looking for all the PDF versions that are supported by Apache PDFBOX. I'm using PDFBOx 0.7.3 version and actually i'm able to process all PDF's from 1.5 and older but i need to process newer versions (1.6, 1.7 and so on). Do you know if upgrading PDFBOX could solve this issue? also is there any guide to upgrade PDFBOX? if so could you provide it? Which version do you recommend?
Thank you for response, actually i decided upgrade the PDFBox to 1.8.8, i think is the latest stable, and it works, I'm now able to parse the PDF1.5 and newer.
We using graphdb-free-9.11.1. To remediate CVE-2022-42889, Can we replace commons-text-1.9.jar with commons-text-1.10.0.jar?
For the free version of GraphDB, instead of 9.11.5, better consider upgrading to the latest 10.1.4. The commons.text is version 1.10.0. As I don't know your environment, you can request a free version from here https://www.ontotext.com/products/graphdb/download/.
Looking to use webdrivermanager-java version 5.1.0
It has a dependency on org.brotli:dec 0.1.2 (dec-0.1.2.jar), which was released in 2017.
NVD reports CVS-2020-8927 about brotli versions before 1.0.8 - but it's not specific to native or java releases.
Can anyone clarify if this CVE applies to the webdrivermanager java release? If so, is there a brotli java release planned to rectify this? 0.1.2 is the most recent in mvnrepository.
If this is an issue, would webdrivermanager consider revising its java code to use another library?
I'll close this now.
After further reflection, this CVE is for a "Buffer Overflow" which must refer to the full "C" based brotli code, not the small java decompression utility (Buffer Overflows are not found in Java).
On the 2nd 3rd etc. page the tableheader and tablerows of quotation or invoice are jammed, when I print the document in pdf format.
This works the same (wrong) way in my own written templates too.
Brand new installed LinuxMint17 (Ubuntu clone), latest odoo8 (2015-01-29), wkhtmltox0.12.2.1
Is this a bug or a feature?
Any help would be appreciated!
Cheers! Janos
Hear it means that the current Report not using the compatible version of
Wkhtmltopdf python library
you need to check from version of current Wkhtmltopdf python library and
if it 0.12 to lower remove and reinstall then install the latest Wkhtmltopdf 0.12.X version or later and print your report again.
I hope this should help you.
There was a bug with wkhtmltox. I've downgraded to wkhtmltox-0.12.1 and everything works fine.
I have troubles with certain PDFs when indexing for Lucene (System.NullreferenceExceptions).
I figured out that there is a new version (1.5.0) is available we work currently with 0.7.3, but how do i get the .dll for .net?
Thanks in advance
You can build the .NET version of PDFBox yourself as described here.
Or you can grab unofficial binaries:
I would like to programatically convert SVG files to PDF files. However, the SVG files contain text that must be searchable in the generated PDF files. Also, it has to work on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 or CentOS 5.3 for the x86_64 architecture. It would be nice if it were Open Source or at least not very expensive.
Here is what I've tried. All of these, except Batik, work fine on Debian Lenny.
I can get it installed using autopackages from http://inkscape.modevia.com/ap, but when I use it from the command line, the text is not searchable.
Batik rasterizer [sic]
When it converts SVG files to PDF files, the text is no longer searchable.
The source for this and several of its dependencies are available to download. I have been trying to get it to compile on CentOS, but haven't had success yet. I found a precompiled version for Debian x86_64, but it doesn't work on CentOS.
Generated PDF isn't searchable on CentOS 5.3. Perhaps installing a newer version of cairo would help. Thanks to DaveParillo for mentioning rsvg-convert (on superuser).
SOLUTION (but perhaps some of the above will still be useful to the reader)
It works fine on CentOS when installed from source. For some reason it doesn't work when installed from the .rpm. Thanks Erik Dahlström!
Cross posted on superuser
You could try princexml, it's free for non-commercial use.