Gradle error Android studio 1 import facebook sdk - facebook-android-sdk

Following error while importing facebook sdk on android studio 1,
, Also , Do user needs fb app on android mobile to use fb share option in my app , or any other option is available
I want to share a custom story or link on facebook wall of user about my app.

Before you can share to Facebook or do any share tutorials, you need:
Your environment set up
A Facebook app properly configured and linked to your Android app, with Facebook Login enabled
The Facebook SDK added to your project
There good documentation is available for sharing option on fb by your android


How can I do "Integrate the Audience Network SDK into your app" on facebook for developers in the expo environment?

I start by creating a project with expo init. I recently succeeded in making an app and would like to put a facebook ad here.
I have solved many things for a long time, such as referring to expo facebookAds.
1.In facebook asset management -> Finish setting up your Android app ->Integrate the Audience Network SDK into your app
I can't solve this part.

App won't run without google play services, which are not supported by your device Error while using firebase analytics for react native mobile app

I am trying to integrate firebase analytics on react native app, I have completed all the prerequisites and got a successful build running on Honeywell android Device, but when I open the app it gives above error. There are many such duplicate question but nothing works for me as I can't have play store as the target devices are Handheld android devices and not mobile devices. How to integrate firebase analytics without having to install google play service.
Thanks for Answer #JakeSteam
But I could get firebase integration working without google play service error.
Issue Details:
I was using react native firebase 5.x.x, which works fine but will give a pop up message mentioned in question if your device doesn't have google play service.
Upgrade react native firebase to version 6.x.x, the community has redeveloped this repo and I am not having issues with it now.
Without google play service on your device you can only use few firebase services like analytics, crashlytics etc.
As a Firebaser said:
Firebase as a platform requires Google Play Services, even though some Firebase products may be able to work without it.
If you cannot use Google Play Services, you may want to look into Google Analytics, which does not require it:
Note: Google Analytics can be used and will work on devices that do not have Google Play Services. In this case you still download and use the Google Play Services SDK and Google Analytics will automatically fall back to local dispatching.

What Application type of Google Oauth when developing React-Native app

I'm working on React-Native app and my application should be working on both IOS and Android Platform. I need to add feature of signing through Google. So which application type should I choose on create client id page?

setting user id with Facebook java script SDK

We are having a hybrid android/iOS app.
Majority of our source code is with HTML/JS.
We are using Google analytics already.
For better user demographics , marketing & re-marketing we want to use Facebook analytics for apps.
Identifying users based on our custom user Id is critical to us. It helps us unify the user behaviour on app & html/js.
I can see that with the android & iOS Facebook SDK we can set the user ID.
Does FB javascript SDK provide api to set user ID?
User properties are not yet supported by the JS SDK.
User properties are now supported by the JS SDK. Documentation is here:

starting web app mobile integrating with facebook javascript sdk

I'm a novice in this topic, I've already have an app in Sencha, now I want to integrate facebook login, I'm studing this facebook tutorial
but I can't understand what is the Mobile Web URL, because my app is in Sencha.
In the ST2 SDK, there is a folder called examples, fine the Jog With Friends app and you can see how to implement facebook