Retrieve segment from value - sql

I have this value in my field which have 5 segment for example 100-200-300-400-500.
How do I query to only retrieve the first 3 segment? Which mean the query result will display as 100-200-300.

The old SUBSTR and INSTR will be faster and less CPU intensive as compared to REGEXP.
2 SELECT '100-200-300-400-500' str FROM dual
3 )
4 SELECT substr(str, 1, instr(str, '-', 1, 3)-1) str
6 /
The above SUBSTR and INSTR query uses the logic to find the 3rd occurrence of the hyphen "-" and then take the substring from position 1 till the third occurrence of '-'.

If the Position of this sequence is arbitrary, you might go for REGularEXPressions
select regexp_substr(
'Test-Me 100-200-300-400-500 AGain-Home',
) As Result
from dual
Otherwise Simple SUBSTR will do

you have tow way, the first is substring.
The second is fast, us a REGEXP like this.
REGEXP_SUBSTR('100-200-300-400-500','[[:digit:]]{3}-[[:digit:]]{3}-[[:digit:]]{3}')"REGEXPR_SUBSTR" FROM DUAL;


Issues with SUBSTR function Oracle_SQL

I used the SUBSTR function for the similar purposes, but I encountered the following issue:
I am extracting 6 characters from the right, but the data in column is inconsistent and for some rows it has characters less than 6, i.e. 5 or 4. So for such rows, the function returns blanks. How can I fix this?
Example Scenario 1:
Output: 123456
Scenario 2 (how do I fix this?, I need it to return '23456'):
Output: ""
You can use a case expression: if the string length is strictly greater than 6 then return just the last 6 characters; otherwise return the string itself. This way you don't need to call substr unless it is really needed.
Alternatively, if speed is not the biggest issue and you are allowed to use regular expressions, you can write this more compactly - select between 0 and 6 characters - as many as possible - at the end of the string.
Finally, if you don't mind using undocumented functions, you can use reverse and standard substr (starting from character 1 and extracting the first 6 characters; that will work as expected even if the string has length less than 6). So: reverse the string, extract first (up to) 6 characters, and then reverse again to restore the order. WARNING: This is shown only for fun; DO NOT USE THIS METHOD!
test_data (str) as (
select '0123449389' from dual union all
select '00000000' from dual union all
select null from dual union all
select 'abcd' from dual
select str,
case when length(str) > 6 then substr(str, -6) else str end as case_substr,
regexp_substr(str, '.{0,6}$') as regexp_substr,
reverse(substr(reverse(str), 1, 6)) as rev_substr
from test_data
---------- ------------- ------------- --------------
0123449389 449389 449389 449389
00000000 000000 000000 000000
abcd abcd abcd abcd
One method uses coalesce():
select coalesce(substr('23456', -6, 6), '23456')
Another tweaks the length:
select substr('23456', greatest(- length('23456'), -6), 6)

How to pull a value in between multiple values?

I have a column named Concatenated Segments which has 12 segment values, and I'm looking to edit the formula on the column to only show the 5th segment. The segments are separated by periods.
How would I need to edit the formula to do this?
Would using a substring work?
Alternatively, using good old SUBSTR + INSTR combination
possibly faster on large data sets
which doesn't care about uninterrupted strings (can contain anything between dots)
2 -- thank you for typing, #marcothesane
3 indata(s) AS (
4 SELECT '1201.0000.5611005.0099.211003.0000.2199.00099.00099.0000.0000.00000' FROM dual
5 )
6 select substr(s, instr(s, '.', 1, 4) + 1,
7 instr(s, '.', 1, 5) - instr(s, '.', 1, 4) - 1
8 ) result
9 from indata;
Use REGEXP_SUBSTR(), searching for the 5th uninterrupted string of digits, or the 5th uninterrupted string of anything but a dot (\d and [^\.]) starting from position 1 of the input string:
-- your input ... paste it as text next time, so I don't have to manually re-type it ....
indata(s) AS (
SELECT '1201.0000.5611005.0099.211003.0000.2199.00099.00099.0000.0000.00000' FROM dual
REGEXP_SUBSTR(s,'\d+',1,5) AS just_digits
, REGEXP_SUBSTR(s,'[^\.]+',1,5) AS between_dots
FROM indata;
-- out just_digits | between_dots
-- out -------------+--------------
-- out 211003 | 211003

How to get first string after character Oracle SQL

I'm trying to get first string after a character.
Example is like
I need only
I tried to use REGEXP but i couldnt do it.
Can anyone help me with please?
Thank you
Somewhat simpler:
SQL> select regexp_substr('ABCDEF||GHJ||WERT', '\w+', 1, 2) result from dual;
--- give me the 2nd "word"
which reads as: give me the 2nd word out of that string. Won't work properly if GHJ consists of several words (but that's not what your example suggests).
Something like I interpret with a separator in place, In this case it is || or | example is with oracle database
-- pattern -- > [^] represents non-matching character and + for says one or more character followed by ||
-- 3rd parameter --> starting position
-- 4th parameter --> nth occurrence
WITH tbl(str) AS
SELECT regexp_substr(str
,2) output
FROM tbl;
I think the most general solution is:
WITH tbl(str) AS (
SELECT regexp_replace(str, '^.*\|\|(.*)\|\|.*', '\1')
FROM tbl;
Note that this works even if the individual elements contain punctuation or a single vertical bar -- which the other solutions do not. Here is a comparison.
Presumably, the double vertical bar is being used for maximum flexibility.
You should use regexp_substr function
select regexp_substr('ABCDEF||GHJ||WERT ', '\|{2}([^|]+)', 1, 1, 'i', 1) str
from dual;

Get first value and last value

i have below record like '8|12|53|123|97' and i need to find the range of values between 8 to 97, so that i need the number 8 and 97.
You can use REGEXP_SUBSTR as following:
2 REGEXP_SUBSTR('8|12|53|123|97', '^[0-9]+') FIRSTVAL,
3 REGEXP_SUBSTR('8|12|53|123|97', '[0-9]+$') LASTVAL
---------- ----------
8 97
^ matches the beginning of a string.
$ matches the end of a string.
Here is a solution which will work for any string which has at least one pipe.
with cte as (
select '8|12|53|123|97' str from dual
, rng as (
select to_number(substr(str, 1, instr(str, '|')-1)) as token_1
,to_number(substr(str, instr(str, '|', -1)+1)) as token_2
from cte )
select token_1 + level - 1 as tkn
from rng
connect by level <= (token_2 - token_1) + 1
The first subquery is just your test data. The second subquery identifies the first number (token_1) and the last number (token_2) in the string. It uses substr() and instr() just because they are faster than regex. instr() with a negative offset finds the last occurence of the search argument.
The main query generates a range of numbers from the bounds of the rng subquery. Not sure if that's in your requirement (depends on what you mean by "range of values between").
Because this model is not in First Normal Form you are exposed to data quality issues. The query will not produce results if the first or last tokens are not numeric, or there's only one token or the separator is not a pipe.

Retrivieng specific occurrences of a given Regex with Oracle SQL

In a simplified form, I'm attempting to retrieve either the first occurrence of the '.*?=(.*?);.*' regex, or the second, or the third -- that is, either x or y or z (that is, I want to be able to hardcode in this query that I want the first, second or third values) in this following example:
select regexp_replace(
1 -- occurrences. I thought that picking 1, 2 or 3 would solve my problem?
) from dual;
-- This returns "xyz", which is terrible. I was expecting it to return "x", in this case.
Looking at the Oracle documentation, I thought this would be relatively straightforward, as the last parameter (occurrences), apparently allows me to select which groups to take into consideration. But it doesn't! Why?
i´m goingoff to another completly different solution. Would combining a hierarchial substring select with a regexp_replace be an option for your needs?
This way you could create an option to either select one or multiple values, depending on your needs. You wouldn´t need to write a concatinating regex value and you could adjust the select a bit more to your needs
select regexp_replace(subselect.val, '.*=(.*?);', '\1') -- remove "margin="
from (select regexp_substr(
level) val,
level lvl
from dual
connect by regexp_substr('margin=x;margin=y;margin=z;',
level) is not null) subselect -- This select represents each margin=T as a single row
where lvl = 1; -- cou could define multiple values to select aswell.
You need a regex that will match 1 to n occurrences of the whole group. E.g.
(replaced with \2 backreference) will get the 2nd attribute value. Your regex can also be used (though it is quite synonymous to the above pattern): (.*?=(.*?);){2}.*.
See the regex demo
If you define the index variable as IDX, you can use something like
select regexp_replace(
CONCAT('([^=]*=([^;]*);){', IDX, '}.*'),
) from dual;
NOTE: If you want to get an empty string as a result of trying to obtain a non-existing value, add |.* at the end of the regex:
See this regex demo (with your input string, the result will be empty string).
Perhaps all you need is this.... The fourth parameter is NOT the occurrence but the POSITION from which the search starts. The FIFTH parameter is the occurrence.
Also, are you sure you want REPLACE and not SUBSTR?
EDITED: To clarify (it seems at least one person was confused). I show a possible solution to what you need (perhaps) at the end, but first let's look at REGEXP_REPLACE. I rewrote your query to use different occurrences; I put the index in a CTE, but you can instead make idx into a bind variable, or any other mechanism you need to use. As you will see, the output makes no sense.
with t1 ( idx ) as (select 1 from dual union all select 2 from dual
union all select 3 from dual)
select idx,
regexp_replace('margin=x;margin=y;margin=z;', '.*?=(.*?);.*', '\1', 1, idx) as val
from t1;
---------- -----------------------
1 xmargin=y;margin=z;
2 margin=x;ymargin=z;
3 margin=x;margin=y;z
3 rows selected.
I guess this is not what you needed - but it demonstrates what was wrong in your query. The fourth argument to REGEXP_REPLACE, 1 in all cases in the above query, is the position from which the search begins. The fifth argument, idx, is the occurrence. This query replaces the first, second, third occurrence with the subexpression - probably not what you wanted.
If you need to extract x, or y, or z, depending on the occurrence number, you must use REGEXP_SUBSTR, not REGEXP_REPLACE. Note also that I changed the match pattern - the .*? at the beginning and the .* at the end are unnecessary. If you want to find x, y or z in something like margin=x; but not in length=x; then you must make that explicit, the match pattern should be 'margin=(.*?);'.
with t1 ( idx ) as (select 1 from dual union all select 2 from dual
union all select 3 from dual)
select idx,
regexp_replace('margin=x;margin=y;margin=z;', '=(.*?);', '\1', 1, idx) as val
from t1;
---------- -------
1 x
2 y
3 z