Getting elements from a webbrowser -

Hoping someone can help me out here.
I'm trying to pull a few bits of info from a web page programatically.
The HTML in question is like this...
<!-- body content -->
<div id="content">
<!-- Page Header -->
<!-- End Page Header -->
<div id="productImg">
<img id="product.image.large.015" alt="PRODUCTNAME™" src="PRODUCTIMAGEURL" border="0" />
<div id="productAlt">
<table width="98%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
<tr class="altRowLtGray">
Item #
<span style="text-decoration: inherit;">015</span>
<tr class="altRowLtGray">
<span style="float: left;">PRODUCTPRICE GBP</span>
<span style="float: right; padding-left: 1em;"></span>
<tr class="altRowLtGray">
I need to retrieve the 4 items in caps (PRODUCTNAME, PRODUCTIMAGEURL, PRODUCTPRICE and PRODUCTADDITIONALINFO) but am struggling as any examples I find dont seem to be able to be transposed to suit the above HTML... but it could just be me!
I know I need to use either GetElementByID or GetElementByTagName, but i've not used either of these functions before so please forgive my ignorance.
Any help appriciated!!!


Unable to locate element using xpath

Am very new to Selenium just learnt few things and trying to automate.Unable to locate an element in Selenium webdriver for the below one:
<div class="navBg withSubMenu">
<table id="topnav" class="navTable" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="-moz-user-select: none; cursor: default;">
<td class="logoCell navCell" valign="top">
<td class="navItem navCell relative selected">
<td class="navItem navCell relative notSelected">
<a class="content tasks" href="/tasks/">
<div class="label" style="z-index:155; ">TASKS</div>
<div class="img"> </div>
<td class="navItem navCell relative notSelected">
<a class="content reports" href="/reports/">
<td class="navItem navCell relative notSelected">
<td class="menuCell navCell" valign="top">
<tr class="secondLevelRow">
I have written code like
driver1.findElement(By.xpath("//*[Contains(#class,'content tasks')]")).click();
Anyone please help me.
And also please suggest some sites or links to learn more about locators especially xpath. I tried few but not getting it in depth.
Thanks in advance.
Start contains with a lower case c:
driver1.findElement(By.xpath("//*[contains(#class, 'content tasks')]")).click();
<a class="content tasks" href="/tasks/">
driver1.findElement(By.xpath("//a[#class='content tasks']")).click();

XPath: Get previous item, filtering by class

I have this HTML:
<div class="DivHeaderSizes" data-subgroup="1">
<img style="display:none" class="help-size-img-colorbox" data-subgroup="1_Man" src="Man.gif">
<div class="subgroup-description">Jogging</div>
<div class="help-size-link cboxElement" data-subgroup="1_Man">Tutorial</div>
<div style="float: left;" class="DivSizeElement">
<table data-size="41" class="SizeElement" style="display: none;">
<td class="td-label-size">
<span class="label-size" data-size="41">41</span>
<td class="td-label-textbox">
<input name="ctl00$CthBody$sizelist$TxtSize_41" type="text" maxlength="4" id="CthBody_sizelist_TxtSize_41" class="txt-Size" data-price="19.50" data-size="41" data-available="0" data-subgroup="1" style="width:30px;">
<div style="float: left;" class="DivSizeElement">
<table data-size="42" class="SizeElement" style="display: none;">
<td class="td-label-size">
<span class="label-size" data-size="42">42</span>
<td class="td-label-textbox">
<input name="ctl00$CthBody$sizelist$TxtSize_S" type="text" maxlength="4" id="CthBody_sizelist_TxtSize_S" class="txt-Size" data-price="19.50" data-size="42" data-available="0" data-subgroup="1" style="width:30px;">
Using Selenium with C# and starting from input element with name
I want the XPath expression to get the text "Jogging". Thanks.
If the context node is input[#name='ctl00$CthBody$sizelist$TxtSize_41'], then the following XPath will select the div containing "Jogging":
Or you could use:

I want to extract a text string on the webpage which is written in the form of table, but I am getting null in return

WebElement e5 = d1.findElementByXPath("/html/body/div[1]/div[3]/div/div[1]/form/div/div[1]/div/table/tbody/tr[4]/td[2]");
String a = e5.getText();
I have used getText method. The data is stored in the table, so the strategy which I am making use of is that first of all i want to get to the location of that data using xPath funda and then I need to extract the data corresponding to that location. Can anyone suggest a better way to do so.Thanks in advance.
pls find below the html:
<div class="wrapper">
<form method="post" action="">
<input id="_csrf" type="hidden" value="psJdnI5AnxjGqT2knrZG" name="_csrf">
<div class="innercontainer">
<div class="leftpanel">
<h2>MY ACCOUNT</h2>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<strong>Membership ID:</strong>
<tr> </tr>
<div class="rightpanel">
html page added above. Kindly suggest some alternative
You need to clean up your Xpath, however this should help
WebElement tableText = driver.findElement(By.xpath("yourXpath"));
String actualText = tableText.getAttribute("textContent");

Identification of dynamic grid with extjs code in selenium webdriver

I have a dynamic grid populating with Extjs code, for which the element IDs are not visible. Can some one let me know how to find the element i am using selenium webdriver to code. Thanks in advance.
I have added HTML code as i was unable to paste as an image. This HTML is the grid area with which the dynamic grid is displayed.
No Element is available in the HTML except for body elements
<div id="ext-comp-1117" class=" x-panel">
<div id="ext-gen127" class="x-panel-bwrap">
<div id="ext-gen128" class="x-panel-tbar x-panel-tbar-noheader">
<div id="ext-comp-1118" class="x-toolbar x-small-editor x-toolbar-layout-ct">
<table class="x-toolbar-ct" cellspacing="0">
<td class="x-toolbar-left" align="left">
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr class="x-toolbar-left-row"></tr>
<td class="x-toolbar-right" align="right"></td>
<div id="ext-gen129" class="x-panel-body x-panel-body-noheader"></div>
I cannot add comments yet, but could you please provide more information:
1. Sample of html?
2. elements not visible but are they present in html?
Try using Ext.ComponentQuery.query to fetch the id at runtime.

How do I insert value into labels using dojo

I am trying to dynamically insert the values in the labels which I will hide from sighted users but will be read by screen readers for visually impaired users that are displayed in the columns. How can I accomplish this using dojo?
<title>Dojo Labels</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<style type="text/css">
width: 154px;
<table style="width: 51%; height: 204px;">
<td class="style1">
<input id="Checkbox1" type="checkbox" />
<label for="Checkbox1"></label>
<td class="style1">
<input id="Checkbox2" type="checkbox" />
<label for="Checkbox2"></label>
<td class="style1">
<input id="Checkbox3" type="checkbox" />
<label for="Checkbox3"></label>
If you just need to dynamically change label then you can try this:
dojo.query("label[for=Checkbox1]")[0].innerHTML = "text";
But if you need logic to detect if it is a screen reader or a browser then I cannot help. But you probably could always render label with text just add style display:none;
<label for="Checkbox2" style="display:none;">text</label>
not exactly sure if I understand exactly what you are doing, but dojo provides a method that allows you to modify a DOM node's attribute values. It's called dojo.attr()
Maybe this one will help.
To get label content : dijit.byId("btnButtonName").get("label")=="SomeName");
To set label content : dijit.byId("btnButtonName").set("label", "SomeName");