How to remove a Backend Modul of the Backend Menu in Contao - module

I developed an modul for contao 3.0. In my config.php file i wrote this lines:
$GLOBALS['BE_MOD']['content']['modultest'] = array(
'tables' => array('tl_modultest'),
'icon' => 'system/modules/modultest/time_go.png',
Now i have the problem, that i want to deinstall the modul. But the menupoint in the backend is still there, even if i deleted the lines above.
Can anybody help me to deactivate or delete deactivated or deinstalled modules from the backend menu ?

Your problem is probably that you did not rebuild the internal cache introduced in Contao 3.0. To do that, go to Maintenance, then under the section Purge select the checkbox labeled Purge the internal cache and click Purge data.


How unload an extension when i cant login in the backend and the install tool is gone

when upgrading from TYPO3 8.7 to 9.5 i got this error message in the install tool :
Something went wrong. Please use Check for broken extensions to see if a loaded extension breaks this part of the install tool and unload it.
The box below may additionally reveal further details on what went wrong depending on your debug settings. It may help to temporarily switch to debug mode using Settings > Configuration Presets > Debug settings.
If this error happens at an early state and no full exception back trace is shown, it may also help to manually increase debugging output in typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php:['BE']['debug'] => true, ['SYS']['devIPmask'] => '*', ['SYS']['displayErrors'] => 1,['SYS']['systemLogLevel'] => 0, ['SYS']['exceptionalErrors'] => 12290
Now i am lost because i dont know how to unload an extension ...
- i cant login in the backend
- the install tool is gone - no possibility to get it running again
- typo3conf/autoload is deleted
- typo3temp is deleted
- and in packagestate there is no possibility to unload an extension
I even emptied the complete extension folder but nothing changes.
How is it possible to unload a extension in TYPO3 9 and get the install tool running? Why does it break?
You could either use the command line with
vendor/bin/typo3 extension:deactivate <EXT-KEY>
or delete the array entry for your extension in the file public/typo3conf/PackageStates.php. In both cases, you may need to also clear public/typo3temp/var manually.

Why does page not update after refresh when .cshtml changes

I am trying out Blazor and i do not understand why when changing a component after refreshing the browser page it does not update ? Shouldn't the client update itself similar to how angular does?
It only refreshes when i restart the blazor server.
#page "/"
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
If i change lets say the text inside the <h1> to Hello people , i save the project and i refresh the page ( as i am advised in the Blazor tutorial) shouldn't i see Hello people ?
After Core 3.0, Runtime compilation is enabled using the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation package.
To enable runtime compilation, apps must:
Install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation NuGet package.
Update the project's Startup.ConfigureServices method to include a call to AddRazorRuntimeCompilation:
I guess you are running the app with the debugger connected? this prevents the recompilation. You need to:
Press Ctrl-F5 to run the app without the debugger. Running with the debugger (F5) isn't supported at this time.
You should add or enable runtime compilation in razor pages,
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation -Version 3.1.6
After installing set the startup file as ,
do the following:
Install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation from NuGet.
Update the ConfigureServices method in the Startup class to look like below:
You good to go.
If you go into Tools > Options > Keyboard and search in the "Show commands containing" search box search for "BrowserLink". Find the option that says "OtherContextMenus.BrowserLink.RefreshLinkedBrowsers" by default this is set to CTRL+Alt+Enter. Click "Remove" and then select the "Press Shortcut Keys" input and press Ctrl+S. Next (just to the left of the input) change Use new shortcut in "Global" to be "Text Editor". Click "Ok" until the window has closed. Now Visual Studio shares CTRL+S with both Saving files and Refreshing linked browsers.
(This will only work if your text editor .cshtml, .css, .js, etc. files in the edit window are the active selections) WARNING: if you don't set it to something other than global then it will override the shortcut for Save and you won't be able to save your files.
Adding "services.AddMvc().AddRazorRuntimeCompilation();" and installing the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation package 6.0.5 will fix the problem but it will ruin the "css isolation". The first thing you will notice is that the footer will lose its position

Why am I unable to locate and install OpenEduCat Timetable in Apps?

I have managed to install OpenEduCat Core in my local 9.0c Odoo platform. However, now I am still looking for ways on how to install OpenEduCat Timetable in the platform.
I tried to hit "Update Apps List" then search "Timetable" in the search bar in "Apps" however it gives me no result. What am I missing here?
Searching for "OpenEduCat" gives me only this
My Access Rights
Track the following:
find the path of addons module
is your module is at same place or path?
give read/write/execute permission for that module
restart your server
Go to browser, from GUI, Setting => Modules => Update Modules List => and Click on Update button
Now go to Setting => Modules => Local Modules => remove Apps filter on right hand side and type your module name
I hope after do these you will find your module.
Active debugging mode. Open logged User form view and checked related access right.

activate extensions without accessing backend in TYPO3 6.2

I just upgraded my TYPO3 4.5 to 6.2 lts. After I had to deactivate an extension , more specifically "dam" because of its incompatibility, and I had to deactivate some other dam extensions because they depend on "dam". Now when I try to access the backend , I get some fatal errors related to require once. I just want to reactivate those extensions I just deactivated without Backend , maybe via Install Tool if it's possible. Do you know a trick to achieve this ? is it possible ? if no, how can I go back to the previous version knowing I didn't back it up
You can edit the file PackageStates.php which is inside of the typo3conf folder.
'tt_guest' =>
array (
'state' => 'inactive',
'packagePath' => 'typo3/ext/tt_guest/',
'classesPath' => 'Classes/',
'suggestions' =>
array (
You can set the state to 'active' or to 'inactive'. You can add additional entries or remove entries from the PHP array which is returned in this file. This will be nearly the same as installing and deinstalling an extension. You only need to do the DB checks in the Install Tool after you have activated an extension. Otherwise the database tables needed by an extension might not be in the needed format.

I can't find my module in Odoo

I have created a module in Odoo 8 following a tutorial. I activated the technical features in Users then I've updated the module list but it doesn't appear in the list.
What should I do ?
Track the following:
checkout, files
weather any server track-back appear or not
find the path of addons module
is your module is at same place or path?
give read/write/execute permission for that module
restart your server
Go to browser, from GUI, Setting => Modules => Update Modules List => and Click on Update button
Now go to Setting => Modules => Local Modules => remove Apps filter on right hand side and type your module name
I hope after do these you will find your module.
After tried everything in #Odedra's answer, It worked when I created a new DB -> restarted the server -> Updated the App List.