DotNetZip zipping files with Arabic names - dotnetzip

When creating a zip file out of many Arabic named files, I have as prompted in DotNetZip's FAQ changed the code page to the following:
Using zip As New ZipFile()
zip.AlternateEncoding = Encoding.UTF8
zip.AlternateEncodingUsage = Ionic.Zip.ZipOption.Always
Dim row As Integer
For row = 0 To ds.Tables("d").Rows.Count - 1
fileToDownload = Server.MapPath("~/.../Resources/Attachments/" + ds.Tables("d").Rows(row).Item(1).ToString)
zip.AddFile(fileToDownload, "Files")
Response.BufferOutput = False
Dim zipName As String = [String].Format(gvRow.Cells(8).Text.Trim + ".zip")
Response.ContentType = "application/zip"
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + zipName)
End Using
I have used several listed Arabic encoding codes, but most of them produce '???' whereas this one produces names as the following: '¦ßs-¦ µ+++ ¦ß+pß.docx'
What is the correct code to be used? Or am I missing something?

Use UTF8 Encoding and pass it as parameter to the constructor:
Using zip As New Ionic.Zip.ZipFile(Encoding.UTF8)
End Using
this code works with me with Arabic file names (windows 7).
EDIT #1 : you must force DotNetZip to use the specified encoding by using Always option instead of AsNesseary :
Using zip As New Ionic.Zip.ZipFile()
zip.AlternateEncoding = Encoding.UTF8
zip.AlternateEncodingUsage = Ionic.Zip.ZipOption.Always
End Using
EDIT #2 : based on your comment, I think your operating system does not support Arabic UI,for windows 7 professional 32 bit, go to Control Panel -> Region and Language -> Administrative [tab] -> click "change System locale" button -> choose "Arabic Egypt" for Example -> OK -> OK (restart computer is needed) , Don't worry, the language of windows 7 still English.
EDIT #3 : As I mentioned in EDIT #2, your system must support Arabic UI, for example, create a file called (ملف جديد) then add it to archive using WinZip or Winrar, then open the generated archive, if you can read file names correctly , then try to use one of the following encodings in your code :
If you are unable to read Arabic file names inside the generated archive, you must configure your system to support Arabic UI.
Also, please use the following order for these lines, put the Encoding, then add files or folders :
zip.AlternateEncoding = Encoding.UTF8
zip.AlternateEncodingUsage = Ionic.Zip.ZipOption.Always

After using what seemed like a myriad of trials using code pages, simply replacing this:
zip.AlternateEncoding = Encoding.UTF8
with this:
zip.AlternateEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(720)


writeOGR error: creation of output file failed

I'm an R rookie and attempting to create home ranges from fish telemetry data using kernel density estimates within the adehabitatHR package
kud <- kernelUD(muskydetectdata.P[,6], h="href", extent = 5)
muskykud.P95 <- getverticeshr(kud, percent = 95)
muskykud.P50 <- getverticeshr(kud, percent = 50)
when exporting to a shapefile
writeOGR(muskydetectdata.sp,"musky_kde1", "gps",
driver="ESRI Shapefile",
dataset_options= "FieldName= id")
an error message is displayed
##creation of output file failed
I have also attempted to use writeSpatialShape with similar results
I'm using R version 3.3.2 on windows 64 bit
I had the same problem and have solved it only when I added a full name of my directory and a name of a layer plus a shp suffix:
writeOGR(muskydetectdata.sp, dsn="d:/your directory here/musky_kde.shp", layer="musky_kde", driver="ESRI Shapefile")
I had that same error.
I resolved mine by correcting the directory it was saving to (making sure it existed)
writeOGR(muskydetectdata.sp, dsn = save.dir, layer =, driver = 'ESRI Shapefile')
where save.dir is the directory you want saved as a string and is the filename you want it saved as (excluding extension)
I guess you are trying to write on an existing file and the writeOGR function don't allow that. I guess this is a known behavior of some drivers supported by OGR (as far as I remember in R as in python and in the C API).
You have to check if the file exists prior to your writing and removing it (or changing the path you want to use).
For example here the first write operation succeed but the attempt to overwrite the file fails with your error message :
> rgdal::writeOGR(spdf, 'b.shp', layer="brazil", driver='ESRI Shapefile')
> rgdal::writeOGR(spdf, 'b.shp', layer="brazil", driver='ESRI Shapefile')
Error in rgdal::writeOGR(spdf, "b.shp", layer = "brazil", driver = "ESRI Shapefile") :
Creation of output file failed

How to modify a line in a file with Erlang OTP module

I got a big file and I would like to replace the first line with other content.
When I use {ok, IoDev} = file:open("/root/FileName", [write, raw, binary]), the whole content is removed.
But when I use {ok, IoDev} = file:open("/root/FileName", [append, raw, binary]) and file:pwrite(S, {bof,0}, <<"new content\n">>), I got the result {error, badarg}.
If I set Location to 0: file:pwrite(S, 0, <<"new content\n">>), the string is appended at tail of the file.
You seem to be confused with the actual file API.
file:open/2 will truncate the file if you pass [write, raw, binary]as you do:
(about write mode): The file is opened for writing. It is created if it does not exist. If the file exists, and if write is not combined with read, the file will be truncated.
So you need to pass either [write, read] or [write, append] as documented.
file:pwrite/3 also works exactly as documented. It allows you to write at a given position in the file. In particular, you cannot pass {bof, 0} as second argument since you opened the file in raw mode:
If IoDevice has been opened in raw mode, some restrictions apply: Location is only allowed to be an integer; and the current position of the file is undefined after the operation.
The following sample code shows how they work:
ok = file:write_file("/tmp/file", "This is line 1.\nThis is line 2.\n"),
{ok, F} = file:open("/tmp/file", [read, write, raw, binary]),
ok = file:pwrite(F, 0, <<"This is line A.\n">>),
ok = file:close(F),
{ok, Content} = file:read_file("/tmp/file"),
ok = file:delete("/tmp/file").
It will output:
This is line A.
This is line 2.
This works because text "This is line A.\n" is exactly as long as "This is line 1.\n". It does not really replace the line, but just bytes. If you need to replace the first line with content that has a different length, you need to rewrite the whole content of the file. A common approach is indeed to write a new file and swap them eventually. If the file is small enough, however, you can read it entirely in memory and rewrite it. file:read_file/1 and file:write_file/2 would work:
replace_first_line(Path, NewLine) ->
{ok, Content} = file:read_file(Path),
[FirstLine | Tail] = binary:split(Content, <<"\n">>),
NewContent = [NewLine, <<"\n">> | Tail],
ok = file:write_file(Path, NewContent).
The question is not related to erlang but rather general file operations.
Replacing a line in a file requires to rewrite the file in a whole. The easiest way to do so would be to write all the new content in a new file and then to move the file.

iconv: SQL Server 2005 to R

I need to import files that were created with SQL Server 2005 into R. I need R to read the current format or else I need a method for my data provider so that my colleague can save in a format that R can read, with csv being the first choice.
A colleague is sending me quite a few large files that have been saved with MS SQL Server 2005 on a server. I am using R 2.15.1 on Windows 7.
Using R I am trying to read in the files using standard techniques. Although each file has a csv extension, when I go to Excel or WordPad and do SAVE AS I see that it is Unicode Text. Notepad indicates that the encoding is Unicode. Right now I have to do a few things from within Excel (such as Text to Columns. Each row is entirely in Column A) and eventually save as a true csv file before I can read it into R and then use it.
Is there way to solve this from within R? I am also open to easy SQL Server 2005 solutions.
I tried the following from within R.
testDF = read.table("Info06.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
testDF2 = iconv(x = testDF, from = "Unicode", to = "")
Error in iconv(x = testDF, from = "Unicode", to = "") :
unsupported conversion from 'Unicode' to '' in codepage 1252
# The next line did not produce an error message
testDF3 = iconv(x = testDF, from = "UTF-8" , to = "")
testDF3[1:6, 1:3]
Error in testDF3[1:6, 1:3] : incorrect number of dimensions
# The next line did not produce an error message
testDF4 = iconv(x = testDF, from = "macroman" , to = "")
testDF4[1:6, 1:3]
Error in testDF4[1:6, 1:3] : incorrect number of dimensions
[1] "unknown"
[1] "unknown"
This is the first few lines from WordPad
2006-01-03 00:00:00.000,#Stock1 ,2.53,467108197.38,567381.144444444,4,133.14486997089,-0.0162107939626307,0.0346283580367959,0.0126471695454834
2006-01-03 00:00:00.000,#Stock2 ,1.3275,829803070.531114,6134778.93292,5,124.632223896458,0.071513138376339,0.0410694546850102,0.0172091268025929
It depends on your locale settings, but following works for me:
read.table("Info06.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", fileEncoding = "UCS-2LE")
If it won't work for you I recommend using Notepad++ to detect encoding. Open file with it and under "Encoding" menu current encoding should be marked with a dot.
Also check question about detecting encoding.

Jython not finding file when using variable to pass file name

So heres the issue guys,
I have a very simple little program that reads in some setup details from a file (to make it reuseable for other sets of data) and stores them into variables.
It then uses one of those variables to open another file that I need to write some results to, as well as various search parameters.
When passing the variable to the .open() function, it fails saying it cant find the file, but when passing the exact same information, but as a written string instead of a variable, it works.
Is this a known problem, or am I just doing something wrong?
The code(problem bit bolded)
def urlTrawl(filename):
import urllib
read = open(getMediaPath(filename), "rt")
baseurl = read.readline()
orgurl = read.readline()
lasturlfile = read.readline()
linksfile = read.readline()
webpage = ""
links = ""
counter = 0
lasturl = ""
nexturl = ""
url = ""
connection = ""
read = open(lasturlfile, "rt")
lasturl = read.readline()
except IOError:
print "IOError"
webpage =
**file = open(linksfile, "wt")**
file = open(lasturlfile, "wt")
return 1
The information being passed in
EDIT: removed working code, to narrow down the problem area and updated code to use a direct reference rather then a relative one.
I found the problem in the end.
The problem was that it was reading in the \n at the end of each line in my details file, and of course the \n isn't anywhere in the website data I'm reading. Removing the last character of each read did the trick:
baseurl = baseurl[:-1]
orgurl = orgurl[:-1]
lasturlfile = lasturlfile[:-1]
linksfile = linksfile[:-1]
search1 = search1[:-1]
search2 = search2[:-1]
search3 = search3[:-1]
search4 = search4[:-1]
search5 = search5[:-1]
search6 = search6[:-1]
I might not be right, but I think this is what's happening.
You're saying this works fine:
file = open('C:\\Users\\James\\Desktop\\comics\\comiclinksqc.txt', "wt")
But this doesn't:
# After reading three lines
linksfile = read.readline()
file = open(linksfile, "wt")
There is a difference between these two. In the first piece of code, the double slashes are escapes. They resolve to single slashes when Python is done parsing. Like so:
>>> print 'C:\\Users\\James\\Desktop\\comics\\comiclinksqc.txt'
But when you read that same text from the file, there's no parsing of the text. That means that the string stored in your variable still has double slashes.
Try this command out. I bet it fails the same way as when you read the file path in:
file = open(r'C:\\Users\\James\\Desktop\\comics\\comiclinksqc.txt', "wt")
The r stands for "raw"; it prevents Python from interpreting escape characters. If it does fail the same way, then the double slashes are your problem. To fix it, in your file, you need to remove the double slashes:
This isn't a problem in CPython 2.7; I'm betting it's not in 3.x, either. CPython interprets double slashes in some manner that they are effectively a single slash (in most cases, at least). So this may be an issue specific to Jython.
If unclean paths cause errors, you might want to consider doing something to clean them up. os.path.abspath might be helpful, although I can't say if Jython's implementation works as well as CPython's:
>>> print os.path.abspath(r'C:\\Users\\James\\Desktop\\comics\\comiclinksqc.txt')
>>> print os.path.abspath(r'C:/Users/James/Desktop/comics/comiclinksqc.txt')
I am trying to create a script which will list the datasource name and will show the connection pool utilization(pooled connection, Free Pool Size ext.)
But facing the issue when list the connection pool, if the data source name having space in between the name like "Default Datasource"
then it is listing list "Default Datasource and it is not parsing the datasource name correctly to the next function.
datasource = AdminConfig.list('DataSource', AdminConfig.getid( '/Cell:'
+ cell + '/')).splitlines()
for datasourceID in datasource:
datasourceName = datasourceID.split('(')[0]
print datasourceName
Request you to help if possible drop me mail at

Reading PDF into a blob then sending as an attachment

I am trying to read a PDF into a blob object then do an INSERT into my oracle database so that it can be sent off as an attachment. Now the email portion is working, and it adds an attachment but the attachment is always corrupt and I can't open it. Below is the code where I create my blob pdf, can someone help me figure out why this isn't creating the proper attachment?
ls_pdf_name = ls_pdf_path + "\" + "invnum_" + ls_invoice + ".pdf"
ls_pdf_filename = "invoice_" + ls_invoice + ".pdf"
ls_rc = wf_check_pdf_status(ll_invoice_number, ls_sub_type, ll_user_supp_id)
If ls_rc = "Y" Then
li_fnum = FileOpen(ls_pdf_name, StreamMode!)
li_bytes = FileRead(li_fnum, bPDF)
ll_rc = wf_update_pdf_tables(bPDF, ls_pdf_filename, ls_sub_type, ll_user_supp_id, ll_invoice_number, ls_month, ls_year)
So I took Calvin's advice and switched my insert to the following:
Here is the INSERT statement that puts the blob into the table
(id, filename, mime_type, date_time_created)
(ATTACH_DOCUMENT_SEQ.NEXTVAL, :pdf_filename, 'application/pdf', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
SET data = :pdf
But when I go to open the PDF email attachment from my email, Adobe opens up with this error - Could not open because it is either not a supported file type or because it has been damaged (for example it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't decoded correctly)
How big is the PDF file?
You may not be getting all the contents with a simple FileRead() - try using FileReadEx()
The first thing to do is to check if the pdf is correctly saved in the database :
don't remove the pdf file after it is inserted in the db.
using a sql interpreter calculate the size of the blob column you have inserted the file into and verify that it matches the file size.
You didn't mention the database you are using, for example in ms sql server you could use the datalength() function to do this. Depending on the database you may check if the pdf is corrupted by calculating its md5 hash.
if you use a capable query tool (eg TOAD for Oracle) you could save the blob as a pdf file and verify that is readable.