Show image/animation above WKWebView - objective-c

I would like to display an image as an animation that will just glance to the screen and then disappear after 1 or 2 seconds.
It should be a layout above my already existing WKWebView.
I was looking everywhere how to do it but couldn’t configure it out.
Thanks in advance!

In your viewController scene in storyboard, add a UIImageView on top of everything and attach your IBOutlets (or through code in viewDidLoad) and load your image. For example your UIImageView *splashImageView.
Then use this code in your viewDidAppear method:
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0f // this is a duration param
options: UIViewAnimationCurveEaseOut
[self.splashImagaView setAlpha:0.0f];
completion:^(BOOL finished){
For more details read here
Hope this helps.


CollectionView didSelectItemAtIndexPath not called if UIView animation is running on the cells

I have a collection view displaying incoming calls. With each entry, the new cell starts animating and it should stop once the necessary action is taken on the call. However, did select method doesn't get triggered while this UIView animation on repeat is playing. Any ideas on how to go ahead with this? Thank you.
I figured out the solution. I had forgotten to add UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction on the UIView animation options! In case someone else would have the same problem as me, here is my solution!
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0
options:UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseIn | UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction animations:^{
weakSelf.view.backgroundColor = //;
completion:^(BOOL finished) {

no animation when using modal segue

I have a view controller and have a few objects that I have some simply animations hooked up to.
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.25
delay: 10.1
options: UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseIn
addNameViewConstraint.constant = 10;
addNameView.alpha = 1.0;
[self.view layoutIfNeeded]; // move
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.25
delay: 0.15
options: UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseIn
addEmailViewConstraint.constant = 10;
addEmailView.alpha = 1.0;
[self.view layoutIfNeeded]; // move
When I was using the push segue the animation works fine. But when I switched to using a modal segue the animation stopped working. I increased the delay in the first one to 10.2 seconds thinking that maybe it was animating before I got to see it. I am calling this animation in the viewWillAppear method. Again works if I'm doing a push segue.. but not for modal. Any ideas?
I am calling this animation in the viewWillAppear method
This is a common mistake. viewWillAppear: is too soon to start the animation. The view has not yet appeared so there is nothing to animate. Move the animateWithDuration:... code to viewDidAppear: and all will be well.
This is, however, as you say in your comment, insufficiently satisfying. What you are after is that the modal transition should be happening and your extra animations within the new view should already be happening as the modal view is in the process of appearing. Instead, with viewDidAppear:, the modal view finishes appearing, it settles into place, and then your other animations start, which is not as cool.
One solution might be to move the animations again, this time to viewWillLayoutSubviews. This is trickier because this method gets called a lot. You will need to use a BOOL instance variable as a flag to ensure that your animations run only once. Thus, this should work (I tried it and it seemed fine):
-(void)viewWillLayoutSubviews {
if (!self->didLayout) {
self->didLayout = YES;
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.25 animations:^{
// mess with constraint constants here
[self.subv layoutIfNeeded];

Fade UIView and Switch UIView

This is how I switch from one UIView to another UIView: self.view = MyView;
How would I fade out a view to my MySecondView?
You can use UIView's build in transition code to cross dissolve between them.
[UIView transitionFromView:self.view toView:MySecondView duration:0.25 options:UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionCrossDissolve completion:^(BOOL finished) {
// What to do when its finished.
You can also use the regular animation options with something like this. I haven't tested this code as I'm not in front of Xcode but I use it all the time for labels and things without default animations.
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.25 animations:^{
[self.view setAlpha:0.0];
self.view = mySecondView;
[self.view setAlpha:1.0];
Please note that it's not a good idea to do things like self.view = MyView to change screens. By the time you get to a few screens, your viewController will be filled with spaghetti code. You should consider presenting new view controllers that manage their views. One way you can do fade is as follows:
Fade the current view to black (with animation)
In the view controller that you are going to push use viewWillAppear to fade the view to black as well
Push/Present the view controller without animations.
Now use the viewDidAppear method of the newly presented view controller to fade in the view (with animation).

Flip vertical UIWebview to be shown when view did load

I was searching information to show a uiwebview using a flip horizontal effect like modal transition one in viewDidLoad event, but I wasn't successful, even in apple documents. Can anybody help me with that?
Many thanks
the transition to animate webView with the view add your webView like this.
[UIView transitionWithView:poster.view duration:3
options:UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionFlipFromLeft animations:^{
[self.view addSubview:yourWebView];
The animation you want to add can be done on the UIView. So you should addSubView the UIWebview to the UIView and then do the animation on the UIView.

How to implement the effect of popping up tableview from bottom of screen?

I'm a newbie of Xcode and Objective-c. Recently I wanna do a task about popping up tableviews. When a button is pressed, the tableview should pop up from the bottom of the screen. The tableview will contain just a few items so I don't wanna it occupy full screen. I read the manual and found UIModalPresentationStyle, but it seems not fulfill my requirements. So what's the more accurate methods I can use?
While #Bharat J's answer is correct, those methods are deprecated in iOS 4.0.
The latest and greatest implementation is + (void)animateWithDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration animations:(void (^)(void))animations
Implemented as:
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5 animations: ^{
tableView.frame = newFrame;
You can use below code to create an animation block . Set the frame for the table view as (0,480,320,0) When you hit a button change the frame of the table view in the animation block and make it to CGRectMake(0,200,320,280) or something .
[UIView beginAnimations:#"AnimateTableView" context:view];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.5];
[UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseOut];
tableView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 200 , 320, 280);
[UIView commitAnimations];
The same animation block for hiding it again but with the frame again begin set to CGRectMake(0,480,320,0). This should work in your case .
Another option would be to use a UIActionSheet and add the uitableview as a subview.
Here is a very similar question about how to add a UIPickerview with similar effect.
Add UIPickerView & a Button in Action sheet - How?