Bootstrap navbar doesn't collapse on phone - twitter-bootstrap-3

I have used the carousel example on Bootstrap3 to make a simple gallery website. On a desktop, it appears as I want, and shrinking the browser causes the navbar to collapse as expected. But it won't collapse on the phone. Instead the whole menu appears as a small version of the desktop view. From reading the docs, I thought it would start collapsed on the mobile view by default.
Since I followed the example code closely and all the bootstrap nav examples appear closed, I'm not sure what piece I'm missing. The site is up:

Add the following meta tag to in the <head> section.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">


What is the best way to embed a SoundCloud widget in react-native-webview?

So basically as the title suggests. I have a react-native-webview component in my app and I want it to show a SoundCloud player via the SoundCloud widget. I also want to use the available methods exposed by the widget API (for example getDuration), add listeners to events, etc. I have tried 2 approaches to accomplish this, but each approach ends with a different issue that I haven't been able to resolve.
Option 1:
The source prop that I pass to the WebView is a static HTML string:
<script src=""></script>
That works well with the API and everything, but I can't seem to make it look good on-screen. It looks like this:
The red border marks the WebView component. I want the video to take up that entire space, which I can do with setting the width & height attributes of the iframe to 100%. The problem is, that when I do that, the elements inside the iframe retain their size (e.g the track/artist name, the progress bar at the bottom, etc). See here:
If I could somehow make it all scale by the same proportions, that would be amazing. Injecting JS scripts that scale each and every element individually seems like a bad solution.
Option 2:
The source prop that I pass to the WebView is a SoundCloud link, for example:
That makes the video player look just right:
But, it won't allow me to use the API exposed by SoundCloud. The reason is that, as mentioned in their API reference, there needs to be some iframe element that I need to to pass into SC.Widget in order to be able to use all the methods and listeners that I need. There is no iframe here! The HTML content that renders inside the WebView is actually the exact inner document that would render inside the iframe if I used the static HTML that I put in Option 1. If I could make the API work like that somehow, that would be amazing.
So, basically, I'm wondering which option presents the more-easily-solved issue, if they're solvable at all. Any help would be much appreciated.
Solved, used this static HTML:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<script src=""></script>
style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"
The meta tag was the key to success here (

IOS7 ignoring view port meta

I'm having a real hard time trying to trouble shoot this issue. I've seen others with the same problems but all seemed to find a fix, none of which work for my clients site. I've tried a number of different combinations but nothing works.
The site is completely responsive on desktop, android, and IOS6 / below, but after the release of IOS7 it no longer displays correctly on any of the IOS7 browsers and defaults to the desktop layout (although fits all on the screen, still not ideal). It's like it's ignoring the viewport settings for retina.
The website in question is
I really appreciate any help as I've already spent hours trying to fix it!
This is probably the 6th variation of viewport I have tried now, still not working :(
What combinations have you used? I have used this in the past and it works for me.
<!-- standard viewport tag to set the viewport to the device's width, Android 2.3 devices need this so 100% width works properly and doesn't allow children to blow up the viewport width-->
<meta name="viewport" id="vp" content="initial-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no,maximum-scale=1,width=device-width">
<!-- width=device-width causes the iPhone 5 to letterbox the app, so we want to exclude it for iPhone 5 to allow full screen apps -->
<meta name="viewport" id="vp" content="initial-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no,maximum-scale=1" media="(device-height: 568px)">
There is in fact an extra meta tag. Here it is and here's its id. <meta name="viewport" id="sv-meta" content="">
It doesn't show up on desktops, so it's probably being generated by this script <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>. You should look into the settings for that plugin, but if you can't find any, then you might be able to use this javascript at the end of your header:
<script type="text/javascript">
var svMeta = document.getElementById('sv-meta');
if(svMeta){ svMeta.parentElement.removeChild(svMeta) }

extra white space top of keyboard in iOS 7

I am working on phonegap, when I show keyboard its shows extra white space just above the keyboard.
Please help to find solution.
I cant see whats exact above keyboard, because its hedden below white space. And I am not adding any thing which handles keyboard size.
I have added one line in meta tag of html page where I was getting this error. In that line I added the following:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, user-scalable=no" />
and it started working.

Grails Resources Plugin resource scope

I am struggling to understand the scope of resources defined with the Grails resources plugin.
I have created a small project (Grails 2.0.4) with a single domain item of Book and generated the associated Controller and Views.
I have then modified the main layout as follows:
When I run the app I get no styling as expected.
I now add the following to the head list.gsp
<meta name="layout" content="main"/>
<r:require modules="jquery-mobile"/>
When I go to the list page now I correctly get the jquery-mobile styling as expected but when I go to the create page I also get jquery-mobile styling but was expecting no styling, as this page does not contain the tag.
It seems that the resources selected for one page are being used for all other pages. Is this expected behaviour?
Use Resources 1.2, it sounds like this might be an old bug.

Responsive Site Not Working on iPad

I'm in the process of creating my own framework and have been looking at other boilerplates to see how it is done.
I'm currently looking at this bare bones stylesheet and was wondering why it seems to act responsive when you resize the browser, but when I open it on my iPhone or iPad it displays the full screen version of the site.
Sorry if this is noob question, I'm still trying to wrap my head around media queries (no pun intended).
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: Silly me, I forgot to add the meta tag to tell devices like the iPad to set the device width to the size of its viewport.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
UPDATE: Silly me, I forgot to add the meta tag to tell devices like the iPad to set the device width to the size of its viewport.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">