Powerpoint VBA Runtime Error 438 (easy) - vba

I am all new to powerpoint vba. All i want do is to write a little piece of code wich allows me to change the layout of my slide depending on a selection made by clicking a button.
The Problem with my code is that i get the runtimeerror 438.
Here is what i have:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 'Klick Button 1'
Dim x As Integer
For x = 1 To 100
With ActivePresentation.Slides(x)
If .CustomLayout = .CustomLayout(8) Then
Set .CustomLayout = .CustomLayout(12)
End If
End With
Next x
End Sub
EDIT: Error Description is: "object does not support this property or method"
I'd really appreciate any kind of help and constructive input.
EDIT II: I understand now that .CustomLayout returns a custom layout. But how can i set/change the Layout of a certrain slide? How do i need to adress it?
Thank you very much
EDIT III: I still have no solution and i am really frustrated right now. You guys are my last chance for help I guess. So here again my code right now:
Dim x As Integer
For x = 7 To 100
If ActivePresentation.Slides(x).CustomLayout = ActivePresentation.Designs(1).SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(8) Then ActivePresentation.Slides(x).CustomLayout = ActivePresentation.Designs(1).SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(12)
End If
Next x
I still get the runtime error descriped above. How can i get rid of it and make my code work?
Thank you very much!

CustomLayout is an object tha define a custom layout, in the interface they are:
In vba they can be accessed using the ActivePresentation.Designs.SlideMaster object.
Every Slide object can have, obviously, only 1 CustomLayout applied, and you can access it using the property CustomLayout.
So, if you want to change the slide 1 CustomLayout using the CustomLayout n. 3 you have to do:
ActivePresentation.Slides(1).CustomLayout = ActivePresentation.Designs(1).SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(3)
See : MSDN
Regarding your code, you MUST use Names in your If block comaprison, so:
If ActivePresentation.Slides(x).CustomLayout.Name = ActivePresentation.Designs(1).SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(3).Name Then
ActivePresentation.Slides(x).CustomLayout = ActivePresentation.Designs(1).SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(7)
End If


How to make my module move an object using value set in UserForm/

I'm trying to automatize some processes I often do at work. Unfortunately I have no clue about programming so I've been struggling a lot with this.
I have an userform that has a textbox where you're supposed to type in how much you want the object to be moved on X axis. There are multiple objects and I can't wait to experiment how to move them all in proper direction, but the issue is, I can't even move one.
I created a variable, but I can't seem to be able to use it with Object.Move.
Right now VBA tells me to assign the values to an array, so I did that, but I can't put variables into an array apparently.
I've tried simply declaring the variable as public, calling it let's say for example "Value", and using Object.Move (Value), 0
Object.Move Value(), 0
Tried both, because I was not sure which one is correct.
After many trials I finally skipped most of the previous errors I was getting, and now I'm stuck at trying to set up an Array using a variable from the UserForm.
Here's the code inside Userform
Public Sub TextBox1_Initialize()
M = TextBox1
Unload M
End Sub
And here's the code inside the module
Public M As Integer
Sub Move()
Dim XY(M, 0) As Integer
Object.Move XY
End Sub

VB.Net equivalent for (CustomizationContext) in VBA

I'm busy with some word automation and have run into an issue whereby a context menu within a document has items in, that I wish to remove.
Once the document is open, through vba I can remove these items by running the following code;
Dim oContextMenu As CommandBar
Dim oContextMenuItem As CommandBarControl
'Make changes to the ActiceDocument only (this is needed to make any changes to this document).
CustomizationContext = ActiveDocument
For Each oContextMenu In ActiveDocument.CommandBars
If oContextMenu.Type = MsoBarType.msoBarTypePopup Then 'Loop through all the context menus of type (msoBarTypePopup)
For Each oContextMenuItem In oContextMenu.Controls
If (InStr(oContextMenuItem.Caption, "Smokeball")) Then
End If
End If
If I execute this code and check the document, all contextMenu sub items that contain the text "smokeball" are removed.
When I try move this code to my VB.NET solution (I have no choice of language, so VB it is), I get errors on the CustomizationContext = ActiveDocument line (this line has to be there for it to affect the current document).
The error I get is CustomizationContext' is not a by reference property.
Does anyone know how to get just that ONE line equivalent for vb.net?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: In case you need to see the vb.net sub:
Private Sub RemoveUnwantedContextMenuItems()
Dim oContextMenu As CommandBar
Dim oContextMenuItem As CommandBarControl
'Make changes to the ActiceDocument only (this is needed to make any changes to this document).
WordApplication.CustomizationContext = WordApplication.ActiveDocument 'This is the error.
For Each oContextMenu In WordApplication.CommandBars
If oContextMenu.Type = MsoBarType.msoBarTypePopup Then 'Loop through all the context menus of type (msoBarTypePopup)
For Each oContextMenuItem In oContextMenu.Controls
If (InStr(oContextMenuItem.Caption, "Smokeball")) Then
End If
End If
End Sub
PS - I have also already tried using the .AttachedTemplate as well as .Normal / .NormalTemplate
Jules pointed me in the right direction with his sample code.
After lots of playing around I noticed that somewhere in the solution, the [TYPE] of WordApplication was getting changed to a dynamic type of sorts, hence, it couldn't use CustomizationContext.
My solution was this:
I changed this line;
WordApplication.CustomizationContext = WordApplication.ActiveDocument
To this:
CType(WordApplication, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application).CustomizationContext = WordApplication.ActiveDocument
Forcing the types to be correct.
Simple solution but took some time.
Thanks to Jules for pointing me in the right direction.
(Points should go to you).

Why Won't My Macro/VB run from in my PowerPoint presentation

I'm trying to add a little interaction to a PowerPoint presentation I'm working on. I'm written a little VB that will increase the size and position a particular chart object when the script runs. I'm tested the script in design mode and everything seems to work fine. When, however, I link my code to an action button and try to run it from within the slide show the code does not run. I do most of my VB in Excel so I have not run across this before. Can anyone suggest a fix for this. My code is set forth below:
Sub MoveChart23()
Dim s
For Each s In ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.Shapes
If s.Name = "Chart 23" Then
s.Top = 50
s.Width = 620
s.Left = 50
s.Height = 400
End If
End Sub
Thanks for your help.
Anyway, I think your problem is in the following line:
For Each s In ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.Shapes
while you have no Selection in presentation mode. Depending on the way you run and control the whole presentation you should use something like this instead:
For Each s In ActiveWindow.Slides(1).Shapes
But if you need to refer to currently viewed slide you should go this way:
For Each s In SlideShowWindows(1).View.Slide.Shapes

Excel VBA: Manipulate Shockwave Flash Property

I'm working on a little project to make a 'memeplayer' in Excel with YouTube videos - here's a screenshot of the spreadsheet
The code I'm attempting to use is below:
Option Explicit
Sub PlaySamsMemes()
Dim sChosenTitle As String
Dim rngVideoData As Range
Dim lFinalRow As Long
Dim sLookupValue As String
lFinalRow = Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row
sChosenTitle = Range("F4").Value
Set rngVideoData = Range("B2:C" & lFinalRow)
sLookupValue = Application.VLookup(sChosenTitle, rngVideoData, 2, False)
Memeplayer.SetVariable("Movie", sLookupValue)
End Sub
I'd be really grateful if you could tell me how to get the script to play nice with the embedded Shockwave Flash that I've named 'Memeplayer' in the Excel interface. The line I'm using to try and make it run is:
Memeplayer.SetVariable("Movie", sLookupValue)
but it just returns an 'Object required' error (Runtime Error 424). I've not worked with shapes and objects much as yet and I've no idea how to fix it. Help me please!
I've since solved the problem. I just hadn't Set the Object correctly - couldn't figure out the heirachy for it. The code is below:
Set MemePlayer = Sheets(1).MemePlayer
MemePlayer.Movie = sLookupValue
VBA has many limitations and trying to do something like this in Excel is probably not the best way to go about it. However, here are 2 websites that might shed some light on your problem:
http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/01/11/embed-youtube-videos-excel/ - this should help most I think
http://www.cpearson.com/excel/DownloadFile.aspx (from the website: http://www.pcreview.co.uk/forums/do-use-vba-play-sound-clip-website-t3893819.html)
Hope this helps.

GetCrossReferenceItems in msword and VBA showing only limited content

I want to make a special list of figures with use of VBA and here I am using the function
myFigures = ActiveDocument.GetCrossReferenceItems(Referencetype:="Figure")
In my word document there are 20 figures, but myFigures only contains the first 10 figures (see my code below.).
I search the internet and found that others had the same problem, but I have not found any solutions.
My word is 2003 version
Please help me ....
Sub List()
Dim i As Long
Dim LowerValFig, UpperValFig As Integer
Dim myTables, myFigures as Variant
If ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Count >= 1 Then
myFigures = ActiveDocument.GetCrossReferenceItems(Referencetype:="Figure")
' Test size...
LowerValFig = LBound(myFigures) 'Get the lower boundry number.
UpperValFig = UBound(myFigures) 'Get the upper boundry number
' Do something ....
For i = LBound(myFigures) To UBound(myFigures) ‘ should be 1…20, but is onlu 1…10
'Do something ....
Next i
End If
MsgBox ("Done ....")
End Sub*
Definitely something flaky with that. If I run the following code on a document that contains 32 Figure captions, the message boxes both display 32. However, if I uncomment the For Next loop, they only display 12 and the iteration ceases after the 12th item.
Dim i As Long
Dim myFigures As Variant
myFigures = ActiveDocument.GetCrossReferenceItems("Figure")
MsgBox myFigures(UBound(myFigures))
MsgBox UBound(myFigures)
'For i = 1 To UBound(myFigures)
' MsgBox myFigures(i)
'Next i
I had the same problem with my custom cross-refference dialog and solved it by invoking the dialog after each command ActiveDocument.GetCrossReferenceItems(YourCaptionName).
So you type:
varRefItemsFigure1 = ActiveDocument.GetCrossReferenceItems(g_strCaptionLabelFigure1)
For k = 1 To UBound(varRefItemsFigure1)
frmBwtRefDialog.ListBoxFigures.AddItem varRefItemsFigure1(k)
and then:
frmBwtRefDialog.Show vbModeless
Thus the dialog invoked several times instead of one, but it works fast and don't do any trouble. I used this for one year and didn't see any errors.
Frankly I feel bad about calling this an "answer", but here's what I did in the same situation. It would appear that entering the debugger and stepping through the GetCrossReferenceItems always returns the correct value. Inspired by this I tried various ways of giving control back to Word (DoEvents; running next segment using Application.OnTime) but to no avail. Eventually the only thing I found that worked was to invoke the debugger between assignments, so I have:
availRefs =
availTables =
availFigures = ActiveDocument.GetCrossReferenceItems(wdCaptionFigure)
It's not pretty but, as I'm the only person who'll be running this, it kind of works for my purposes.