Setup Blackberry10 Environment on Mac - ibm-mobilefirst

I'm building Hybrid application on Worklight using Eclipse.
I have downloaded BB10 sdks and followed the steps mentioned in previous question
(IBM Worklight - Mac - "'WEBWORKS_HOME' environment variable is undefined")
However, I'm still facing this issue when I build the project using eclipse on Mac:
blackberry10 build failed: the 'WEBWORKS_HOME' environment variable is not defined. Add an environment variable named 'WEBWORKS_HOME' pointing to the WebWorks SDK root folder.
Thank you.

These are the steps I've taken:
I've installed the BlackBerry WebWorks SDK v1.x to:
For BlackBerry WebWorks SDK v2.x, please make sure to also read this blog post
I then used the EnvPane application to create a "WEBWORKS_HOME" variable pointing to the above path.
After restarting Eclipse, I've created a new project & application, and successfuly added the BlackBerry 10 environment it.


install worklight in eclipse juno

I'm working on a hybrid application so when I try to install worklight in eclipse Juno I followed two methods: the 1st one is searching in the eclipse market and that doesn't work and the 2nd is clicking Help, choose install new software, click on add, enter worklight as a name and the following URL for location:, here the problem was that this link doesn't work.
The current MobileFirst Studio release on the Eclipse Marketplace is of v8.0. If you are looking for previous releases of IBM MobileFirst, [you can find additional downloads in the developer center](
In v8.0 the MobileFirst plug-in for Eclipse exposes CLI commands into the Eclipse interface, such as: register application, preview application, open console and a few more (see the tutorial for more information.
v8.0 requires Eclipse Mars.
Note: In v8.0 you create standard Cordova applications using the Cordova CLI, and you add the MobileFirst SDK (a set of Cordova plug-ins) also using the Cordova CLI. You only use Eclipse if you prefer to use Eclipse is your development environment (to write Java/Script code for adapters).
Also required is the THyM plug-in (available from the Eclipse Marketplace) if you'll choose to use Eclipse to develop your Cordova applications.

MobileFirst build with gradle, get [android/init] timeout, works fine if built with ant

Developer server version is
mfp -v:
Production server version is
wladm -version
Project is mfp cordova type.
Building for developer server.
App built with Ant works.
App built with Gradle works.
Building for production server.
App built in release/debug with Ant - works fine.
App built in release/debug with Gradle, gets [] timeout or 500.
Signing is the same.
Configuration is the same.
wlapp is properly deployed to production and developer server.
On device app looks fine. Everything is ok, but cannot connect to WL server.
Looks like something is wrong with app authenticity.
But Ant signed-release works. Gradle signed-release/debug fails to connect.
Same project, same settings. Whats wrong. Have you seen this?
Looking at logcat logs, found this error
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/.../base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/.../lib/arm, /vendor/lib, /system/lib]]] couldn't find ""
But when I just change address ( to local Dev server - everything is ok. No error.
Cordova applications created with the CLI are based on Cordova 3.7.
Cordova 3.7 does not support a Gradle-based project structure.

Can IBM Worklight Mobile build faster

Currently I am using Eclipse. Can I use another IDE or a customized configuration for Eclipse to build for my project faster? I want to increase my production time.
Worklight 6.2 and above provide a command line interface which you can use instead of Eclipse.
With some development effort you could also take the CLI and hook it to other IDEs that provide pluggability options.
You can read more about the CLI, here:
For Worklight 6.2: Command Line Interface for IBM Worklight Developers
For MobilFirst 6.3 and above: Using CLI to create, build, and manage MobileFirst project artifacts

IBM Worklight - How do I tell the Worklight Environment wizard what Android API level to use?

I have a fresh install of Eclipse 4.3, Worklight Studio v6.1 Consumer Edition, Worklight Mobile Test Workbench, Android SDK and the ADT plug-in. I am using Windows 7. Using the Android SDK, I only installed the Android 19 API. In Eclipse Window -> Preferences -> Android, the SDK Location is correct and the list shows 3 targets - all using Android 19 ("Android 4.4.2", "Google APIs" and "Google APIs x86").
When I use the wizard to create an Android Worklight Environment, it insists on using the Android 18 API level. I know I can change the API level using the Properties of the created Android project but I should not have to. I have seen other questions where the wizard used Android 19 and they wanted to use a lower level. But the answers did not mention a way to permanently change that.
I also noticed that the created iml file had this line:
<orderEntry type="jdk" jdkName="Android 4.2.2" jdkType="Android SDK" />
Android 4.2.2 is associated with the Android 17 API which adds even more confusion.
I cannot find anywhere to specify which API level to use. Is there a place to do this? Or will I always have to change my created Android projects? It seems others are getting projects created with Android 19 so why am I seeing it use Android 18?
In Worklight 6.1.0.x, when adding the Android environment to an application, its AndroidManifest.xml will initially be created with android:targetSdkVersion="18".
18 is the default value generated by Worklight Studio until upped to 19 or otherwise in a future release.
You cannot change this behavior (only after it is generated, you can manually change it to 19).

IBM Worklight v6.0 - Error while adding an application to the Mobile Test Workbench

I have a Worklight app, created an apk file from it. Created a Test Project.
Adding the apk file to the workbench, it has an error saying:
Application xxx.apk cannot be imported; it is either an invalid one or
it contains specific features that are not supported.
Try opening the .log file for the worklight workspace. I saw an error saying that for the Rational Test Workbench to work, I need to use JDK and not JRE.
The solution that solves my problem is as follow:
In the workspace, go to Window > Preferences
Expand Java > Installed JREs
Add a new JDK and ticky mark it
Open the file
You should still see the error in that file
Select the mobile app from the test workbench file. Delete it
Add the mobile app again to the test workbench file. It will take some time to process.
The problem is most likely to do with the fact that your Eclipse is not pointing to a JDK.
Please edit eclipse.ini to point to your JDK (-vm ... jdk location...)