Creating customised bar chart in Dundas Dashboards - dundas

I want to customise the bar chart with custom images.
Instead of simple bars, I would like to use images of buildings to represent property data. Is it possible in Dundas Dashboard?

Yes, this is possible by changing the fill for the series or the points to use an image brush.
If you want all bars to have the same fill, set it using the Chart -> Series -> Fill property from the property grid.
If you want each bar to have a different image, you'll need to set it via script.
For example:
var imageBrush = new DashboardImageBrush();
imageBrush.Url = new DashboardImageUrl("");
BarChart1.Series[0].Points[0].Fill = imageBrush;

Yes, this is possible by changing the fill for the series or the points to use an image brush.
var imageBrush = new DashboardImageBrush();
imageBrush.Url = new DashboardImageUrl("");
BarChart1.Series[0].Points[0].Fill = imageBrush;


Catia Create project using XYZ component as direction inputs

i want to create HybridshapeProject from the given 2D points of a sketch
the project is creating like this refer below image
as you can see in the image the projects direction is created based on XYZ components of the selected vertex from the sketch
i have to get the components with VBA Code that i dont know
any help how to create HYbridshapeproject like this
the XYZ values in Direction Window those i need to get from selecting the axis system and the sketch which is present in the axis system
In order to use components as direction in a projection, you have to set the property .normal to false and assign a value to the .direction property.
In the following example, I assume that the HybridShapeFactory (HSF) and the inputs for the projection (refProjectedElement, refProjectionSupport) has been declared:
Dim ProjectFeature As HybridShapeProject
Set ProjectFeature = HSF.AddNewProject(refProjectedElement, refProjectionSupport)
ProjectFeature.Normal = False
Dim ProjectionDirection As HybridShapeDirection
Set ProjectionDirection = HSF.AddNewDirectionByCoord(0#, 0.95, 0.05)
ProjectFeature.Direction = ProjectionDirection
The macro recorder should be able to deliver code for the projection along components.

Add a numeric chart in StrategicERP dashboard

Trying to add a new numeric chart on StrategicERP dashboard. Please guide me how to go about it
Made changes to numeric chart
can add multiple charts using multi=4
can add icons to individual chart
Go to
Choose the icon you want for e.g. "glyphicon glyphicon-briefcase"
Just copy briefcase
Now extraparams will become icon=bullhorn,briefcase,paperclip,heart-empty
Extraparams will become "multi=4&icon=bullhorn,briefcase,paperclip,heart-empty"
if you want to decrease height then it will become "multi=4&height=300&icon=bullhorn,briefcase,paperclip,heart-empty"

Setting/manipulating color and line color for SimpleFillSymbol

I am trying to create a graphics layer over a designated area that has a background color and an opposing line color. I read on the API Documentation that the color parameter only applies when = "STYLE_SOLID". Is there a way to set a color when = "STYLE_FORWARD_DIAGONAL"?
So with my current need I need the background to be yellow with lines running through it.
restricted_areas.symbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_FORWARD_DIAGONAL, null, new Color([255, 255, 0]));
I simply get a background with lines but no color. Is there a way around this?
You can't set the color because the fill for SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_FORWARD_DIAGONAL is an image
If you're using the Arcgis JSAPI from then the image is located here.
So using SimpleFillSymbol with the STYLE_FORWARD_DIAGONAL style is really just a convenience function for a PictureFillSymbol with a specific picture.
To change and customize the color of the fill you'll have to use a PictureFillSymbol and then you can use whatever image and color you want.

Extend non-client area on form with custom drawn titlebar

I used the awesome tutorial at to make my form have custom non-client area controls. It now looks like so:
I would like to make it so that the non-client area extends all the way down to the TabControl page start, so the logo is completely in the non-client area and there is no grey at the top of the window.
Find this line in the form's code:
dwmMargins.cyTopHeight = nccsp.rect2.Top - nccsp.rect1.Top
Now just add however many pixels you need:
dwmMargins.cyTopHeight = nccsp.rect2.Top - nccsp.rect1.Top + x
Since you can use DLL's, I found this:
Download this DLL:
Then create an instance of rtaGlassEffect
Dim glass As New rtaGlassEffectsLib.rtaGlassEffect
Finally put this in your form's Load event handler:
glass.TopBarSize = yourSize

How to get a DataVisualization.Charting Chart to show before points are added?

How may I get a DataVisualization.Charting Chart to show its axes and gridlines before points are added? Currently the chart area is blank even if axes scale limits are set manually, and I can see no good reason for this.
Set the Axis.Enabled properties to 'AxisEnabled.True' instead of 'AxisEnabled.Auto'
chartArea.AxisX.Enabled = System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.AxisEnabled.True;
chartArea.AxisY.Enabled = System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.AxisEnabled.True;