What is used to create animated screenshots (as seen on atom packages) - screenshot

More and more I'm seeing apis or plugins pages with animated gifs, for example the atom packages seem to do that a lot.
See https://atom.io/packages/terminal-status or https://atom.io/packages/mocha-test-runner)
So what tools and workflow is being used to create this animated gifs? (last time I tried it, was quite an heavy process)

I found the answer in the Atom Discuss list What gif creator is atom team using?
They seem to use http://www.cockos.com/licecap

Peek is a simple Linux alternative.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:peek-developers/stable
sudo apt update
sudo apt install peek


Fixing gnuradio deleted directory

I have been following this guide to install gnuradio 3.8 onto my Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS, but I missed the instruction where it said "Ensure the "gitbranch" is maint-3.8", and mine said maint-3.10. After trying to install gr-iqbal, it gave me an error. For whatever reason, I thought that simply deleting the directory it was built in would let me reinstall it. It didn't.
I have tried using pybombs install gnuradio which gives me CMake Error: The source directory "/home/aboigoe/sdr/src/gnuradio" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.
I have tried using pybombs rebuild gnuradio, but that obtains Package gnuradio is not installed into current prefix. Aborting.
To fix that, I tried using pybombs fetch gnuradio, which runs fine, but doesn't fix the previous error.
Finally, I tried pybombs remove gnuradio, but it says Package gnuradio is not installed. Aborting.
So you're working with pybombs! That makes this particular task easier: just delete the whole prefix, and start anew. The main thing you needed to build in that prefix was GNU Radio, and you built 3.10, and wanted 3.8, so that's a complete rebuild, anyways.
I assume you're following that guide (which comes, kind of, out of nowhere – GNU Radio has installation guides on their wiki, https://wiki.gnuradio.org) because you want exactly GNU Radio 3.8, with gr-osmosdr and gr-iqbal.
If you just want a working GNU Radio that can talk to your SDR hardware, um, don't follow random guides from the internet :) Instead, your whole problem boils down to a simple
sudo apt install gnuradio
and that's it – GNU Radio 3.10, as Ubuntu 22.04 ships it, contains gr-soapy, and Ubuntu's apt will install many available hardware drivers (for RTL-SDR, hackrf, mirisdr, bladerf, audio-interfaced hardware, red pitaya,…) without any need to do anything yourself. It just works.
The thing that will be different is that the blocks to inteface with your hardware will not reside under the "osmosd" category in your GRC, but in "Soapy", but I guess you'll deal with that rather than going through the rather convoluted way of installing an old (and not updated anymore) version of GNU Radio, to include an old (and not updated anymore) version of gr-osmosdr :)

Background Removal from Images

Are there any open source APIs out there can can remove a background from an image automatically as soon as a photo is taken?
To remove the background from an image you need an image processing or computer vision library.
OpenCV offers a lot of functionality to manipulate images and offers libraries for iOS and Android.
Here is an example of how a background subtraction can be achieved.
There are also other possibilities to achieve this.
For iOS i found an example using Quartz2D (Masking an Image with Color):
and for Android:
Remove.bg Seems to work really well. For free you can get 50 calls per months, you have to pay if you want more.
There is this program, https://github.com/nadermx/backgroundremover which is free and open source, and you can install via pip
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install backgroundremover
Then just script it to do
backgroundremover -i "/path/to/image.jpeg" -o "output.png"
source: author of the project

Perlbrew for perl6

Is here something as perlbrew for the perl6, or the recommended installation method is as it is described in the
http://raku.org/getting-started/ and
ps: using OS X
This is probably what you want for the near future–rakudobrew. I’m using it on OS X 10.8–10 without any trouble at all (well, some of the C/image stuff won’t build for me—I wanted to do the space invaders—but everything else is great and easy).
Oh, I missed Christoph’s comment; sorry. To add value to the proposition, I’ll also suggest panda, a cpanm-lite-like tool to work with some of the better available perl6 modules.
According to the Rakudo website both rakudobrew and panda are discouraged.
zef seems to be the preferred tool for module management and it is also referenced from the Perl 6 Documentation.
One comment on the How to get rakudo is Mac OS specific:
Rajeev Jha says:
2011.11.01 at 18:28
Here are the instructions for building on mac osx lion
create a new dir, say nuke and cd to it (xcode should be installed)
1. wget https://github.com/downloads/rakudo/star/rakudo-star-2011.07.tar.gz
2. tar -zxvf rakudo-star-2011.07.tar.gz
3. cd rakudo-star-2011.07
4. perl Configure.pl –gen-moar
5. make
6. make install
Run perl6 from nuke/rakudo-star-2011.07/perl6
For part 1 use the newest file you find instead of a version from 2011.
I just use brew on macOS, thusly:
brew install rakudo-star
zef install Inline::Perl5
Rakudup has been recently released, too. Check out its site

How to install recent mono and monodevelop?

I tried to install mono and monodevelop on centOS 6.3.
After many hours I was able to install mono but failed with monodevelop.
I'm really astonished how difficult and time consuming it is, to get a recent mono/monodevelop version on linux installed.
Is there nobody willing to write and maintain an install/compile tutorial to get the most recent mono/monodevelop/monodata/ASP.NET MVC/... version on the major linux distributions (Centos, Ubuntu, Suse, Debian) installed?
I think many people developing on Windows (with limited linux knowledge) would like to start using mono, if the boarding hurdle would be somehow lower.
It may be the most important to make Mono more used and more visible.
Please, write a tested tutorial (script) for compiling mono/monodevelop.
Thank you!
I have created a project on Open Build Service, which produces builds of the latest MonoDevelop 4.0.10 for Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, and Fedora.
see https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:tpokorra:mono
For installation instructions with apt-get or yum, see:
I hope this will increase the usage of MonoDevelop on Linux Desktop environments.
Monodevelop 4.
If you use any *buntu. Check this.
"You can open up the terminal and install it via the following:
1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:keks9n/monodevelop-latest
2. sudo apt-get update
3. sudo apt-get install monodevelop-latest"
Xamarin should be doing a better job at publishing the linux packages in a one-click manner. I don't care what linux distro (SuSE, RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu etc) - just pick any one as the supported one and publish for it. It seemed that it used to be SuSE but even that has old packages as seen within Zypper/YaST.
Update Mono framework
Having said that, to update the Mono framework itself, without letting go of the package managers try this. This will work as long as the project dutifully publishes the RPMs. You don't want to build from source since it's a more fickle process and the setup distracts from your real objective (i.e. develop).
Obviously, please replace the URL below to what will be latest by the time you're reading this.
mkdir mono-rpms
cd mono-rpms
wget --reject "index.html*" -nd -r -e robots=off --no-parent http://download.mono-project.com/archive/3.2.3/linux/x64/
sudo zypper install *rpm
Update MonoDevelop (the IDE)
Timotheus Pokorra's answer indicates he's filling in some of the usability void left by Xamarin (Thanks Timotheus!!). You can install MonoDevelop via
Note that on SuSE I get the error
Problem: nothing provides liberation-mono-fonts needed by mono-libgdiplus-opt-3.0.12-7.1.x86_64
Solution 1: do not install monodevelop-opt-4.0.12-5.2.x86_64
Solution 2: break mono-libgdiplus-opt-3.0.12-7.1.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies
I (very reluctantly) selected to break the dependency. Note that I already had liberation-fonts (via sudo zypper install liberation-fonts). I don't know if its the same/different as liberation-mono-fonts. Anyway, hope Timotheus fixes it when he has a moment.
I'm not sure if you've already seen this, but this may help:
The most common problem that new developers have when coming to Linux from systems like Windows is not properly setting up their environment variables and so when they do the standard ./configure && make && make install routine, when it involves a number of source packages (like Mono does), any package that depends on the core package won't pick up the correct location for that base package.
Your question really doesn't explain what parts you found confusing or difficult so it's hard to address those issues.
For people unfamiliar with setting up Linux systems, it may be easier if you just go with a system like Ubuntu which has fairly recent pre-built packages (although not the latest - I don't think any Linux system keeps up with Mono releases) rather than wrestling with the learning curve of how to build everything yourself.
It is confirmed that in the near future Xamarin will support Linux and provide binaries (mono and mainline applications) for Debian and Centos derivatives, and their are already packages for Debian and Centos derivatives for technical preview. So cheers and no more pain of compiling and even parallel mono installaions.It can not get more easy than this. Check here

Can I use Kinect on a Mac?

Studying vision, I would like to play with the Microsoft Kinect.
Can I use it on my Mac?
I have not found any Library for Mac and fear virtualization on my laptop to use Linux.
I've accessed Kinect data on OSX using openframeworks and the ofxKinect addon (which uses libfreenect and libusb).
It's not the only option, just I've used and worked 'out of the box'.
Try downloading the Zigfu Dev Bundle for mac (http://www.zigfu.com) - that should get you up to speed with kinect development on mac.
Using Kinect on Mac is as easy as ordering Latte.
But there is also a lot of confusion on the Internet and sites that seem to be old and give you the wrong advice such as installing a separate sensor library in addition to OpenNI. Just go to the basic website and download SDK for your MAC:
You might need to have prerequsities though I assume you have already installed them, such as:
sudo port install libtool
sudo port install doxygen
restart comp
sudo port install libusb-devel +universal
"sudo rm -f /opt/local/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib"
"sudo port clean libusb"
"sudo port install libusb +universal"
No need to compile anything. You should be able to run ./Samples/Bin/SimpleViewer right away after you run sudo ./install.sh.The PROBLEM might be that you have already tried to run it unsuccessfully and put a camera in the wrong state. I have seen errors such as USB intercase cannot be set etc. as a side effect.
Running your code in Eclipse is a different story and may require a few extra steps and changing your Ubuntu code (using openni namespace, different includes, etc.)