cloudflare and subdomains / redirects - apache

I am having some trouble with some but not all my subdomains when using cloudflare.
The apache virtualhost redirects that don't involve ports are all ok...
eg: > works ok and all run through cloudflare (orange cloud) as they should.
Noting the following:
1. BIND9 and apache had a working A record / virtualhost redirect prior to connecting via cloudflare
2. CloudFlare cloud for this DNS A record is grey not orange
Where I am having trouble is in the following examples: > >
The errors I am getting on this when trying connect through a browser are timeout errors. Help / ideas on how to fix this?

The best work around I have found involves:
Create a Page Rule with the following:
URL Pattern =
Turn on forwarding
Destination URL = (change to your IP Address)
Go back to CloudFlare DNS settings and turn on the orange clouds.
What this seems to do is route traffic through the CloudFlare system and then the Page Rule grabs it and directs it to the pure IP address. It displays a terrible looking URL however it works.


How do you force HTTPS with Namecheap and Heroku?

I am working on setting up SSL with Heroku and Namecheap.
On Heroku I currently have the domains:
Domain Name - DNS Target - -
On NameCheap I have:
Type - Host - Value
CNAME Record - app -
CNAME Record - www-
URL Redirect Record - # -
CNAME Record - www -
What works: works fine and does not redirect to include https just fails to reach a site works great! fails to reach a site. fails to reach a site. fails to reach a site. reached the heroku nothing there yet page.
Ideally, all pages should always redirect to include https and www. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
I fixed the problem. I added redirect records so that if the url was entered with or without www and with or without https it would be redirected to include https and www. This required 4 redirects for the domain.
In addition, the url had not content because I hadn't set something up there yet. I was planning on using the for a new heroku app later on.
Remember to wait long enough and try clearing your cache to see if the issue is resolved.
In my domain settings under Redirect Domain
Source Url Destination Url
The above ensures https is always used.
In my domain advanced DNS settings under Host Records
Type Host Value TTL
CNAME Record www <link from heroku> 30 min
URL Redirect Record # unmasked
URL Redirect Record www unmasked
This is what you need to do on namecheap to work with a heroku app. There is more to do on the heroku side of things.
In Heroku under app settings there is a Domains and certificates section.
You can add your domain there. This will create a DNS Target which is what you put in the <link from heroku> block from above. Heroku will also let you use LetsEncrypt and they will automatically refresh your SSL certificate.
Remember to wait awhile between changes. DNS changes can take up to 24 hours to apply.
For anyone using Heroku, Django, and namecheap that still has a similar problem (i.e. you have a working https website, but http is not automatically routed to https), you also have to set SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT = True in your file. Making this addition fixed the issue in my case.
This change, in addition to the URL configurations posted in #Programmingjoe's answer, should fix the issue.

Cannot identify how one website is redirecting to another

I have a strange problem which I can't identify the cause of.
There are two servers which host two different sites. Both sites are PHP-based apps.
Server 1 (Ubuntu)
Server has SSL enabled for this site. This site works fine.
Server 2 (Red Hat)
Server does not have SSL enabled for this site.
Here's what happens:
If I access site 2 on http:// it works fine.
If I access site 2 on https:// it redirects to site 1 on the other server.
Now obviously there is something telling this subdomain to go to the other site when served via SSL.
What I have checked:
All virtual hosts on both servers
All DNS records on both servers
All Site 2 website code
Site 2 .htaccess files
Using uncached browsers
There is NOTHING on either of the servers, that I can find, telling site 2 to redirect to site 1, only on HTTPS. Now obviously I don't expect anybody to find the problem directly because you can't see my entire server configuration, but I am looking for suggestions as to where else this redirect could come from.
I could understand this if you had site1 and site2 hosted on the same server.
Basically if you have no config set up for a second vhost on https (port 443) then Apache will fall back to first vhost by default.
So if both sites were in same Apache config then that might be it. But you say they are not. Are you sure you are not serving both sites from the same server (perhaps with a copy in the other server)? Are the IP addresses the same? Are there any load balancers or CDN infrastructure in front of both servers?
Also you say "If I access site 2 on https:// it redirects to site 1 on the other server." Can you explain more about what happens here? If you go to site 2 and do not have https set up then how can this even respond to this request? What certificate is being presented to that initial request (i.e. before the redirect)? Is it the site1 certificate? And if so then do you get a certificate error in the browser (since its presenting the wrong certificate for the site you requested) that you have to click through before you get redirected? Or is the cert valid for both sites?
You can also use this openssl command to see what the server returns (and in particular which certificate it returns):
openssl s_client -connect
It would also be handy to look at the browsers developer tools and see how exactly the redirect is happening. In Chrome press F12, go to Network tab, click on preserve log and then go to What is the first request? Is it a 301 or 302 (i.e. Server side redirect)? Or if it's a 200 followed by the then some piece of JavaScript must have caused the redirect.
Once you have answered those questions it may be possible to provide further guidance.

Cloudflare and cPanel issue - Reidrects back to main hostname

So I setup a subdomain off my regular domain. I then make an A record on Cloudflare to point to the IP address of my server. However, whenever I go to the subdomain, it just takes me back to the main hostname. (So i have and when I go to in my browser, it redirects me back to
What could be the issue? I've checked .htaccess.
I've had similar issues with cPanel and Cloudflare before where cloudflare won't properly direct to the proper subdomain.
This is very difficult to look at without knowing the actual domain or subdomain in question. We don't do anything that would put a redirect in by default, so it sounds like it may be an issue on your server directly.

IP address is shown in address bar instead of domain

I have a WAMP home web server up and running on a static IP and registered a domain with Namecheap, but I'm a bit shaky with DNS. At first I used URL Redirect and pointed it to my IP. This meant that when you typed in the domain (like it just redirected you right to my IP, replacing the domain name with it in the address bar. Now I'm trying to get the domain to show instead of the IP in the address bar, which I'm struggling to understand exactly how to do.
The latest thing I've tried which many people say to do is instead of using URL Redirect to use the A (Address) record type and point it to my IP, which I thought would finally fix my problems. Of course after 15 min or so when it all got updated I'm getting a 400 Bad Request with nginx under it in Firefox, and a blank page in Chrome. Now I'm getting blank pages in both. Did I do something wrong here? Do I need to edit something on the web server such as httpd.conf? Am I going at this completely wrong?
Yes you should do away with the redirect and instead create an "A record". The sub-domain entry would typically be, but is not restricted to "www". The record type "A" and destination/target would be your external IP address. Once you update this record it may take several hours before you notice it taking effecting, upon where on people typing your URL would be directed to your web server.
You will need to forward port 80 on your router to the server hosting WAMP.
Finally the WAMP server should be provided with your domain name so it knows which site to load. If use the VirtualHost file this will allow you to host multiple domains on your web server. To do this...
Uncomment the following line so it appears like below in your Apache httpd.conf, to allow Apache to use virutal hosts
# Virtual hosts
Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Then locate the httpd-vhosts.conf file, should be found in your WAMP installation location, such as C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache*version_number*\conf\extra\
Add an entry for your site, altering the details to your own domain name and website location.
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "C:/websites/stackoverflow/"
ErrorLog "C:/websites/stackoverflow/logs/error.log"
CustomLog "C:/websites/stackoverflow/logs/access.log" common
Now restart your WAMP server and give it a whirl.
Tip: If your server won't start after these changes, check that you have created the folder structure for the log files!
Solution described here could resolve this issue.
Most of the free dynamic dns providers, allow acquiring more than one free host name. If allowed you can solve the problem by getting a second name, e.g.,
Now, go and configure your free domain names in the dashboard of free provider in the following way (assume your IP is and your server's listening to port 8085).
redirect to
redirect to your dynamic IP, say, to
This also works when you are using Apache httpd server alone, not being part of WAMP. You do not need to tweak virtual host or any part of your server. You only configure inbound direction.
Use Forward with masking where you registered your domain. mine is GoDaddy.
in the forward settings, you will see this at bottom of the page. click Forward with masking and add the title you want them to see in the address bar of the browser when they go to your site. instead of showing your IP address

URL not redirected using Apache rewrite

I have been using apache server. I want to redirect some URL to another, eg. to localhost:8080/Home
I uncommented rewrite module in httpd.conf in conf folder of apache installation. Then I wrote rewrite rule like show below in httpd.conf file.
RewriteEngine On # Turn on the rewriting engine
RewriteRule http://localhost:8080/Home/
But nothing happened. It is simply opening as normal. There is no error message not even in log.
Can anyone suggest where the problem is?
You can only rewrite URLs that have the server as a host. Since you do not host, you cannot rewrite any of its URLs.
It's not the 'best' solution, but I use it at home.
Edit the 'hosts' file on your own PC to redirect. For example, mine redirects 'attic' to ip, my server in the attic. So when I type attic/myfolder, I get what I would normally get at
Your hosts default location can be found with a very quick google.
Not the best, as I say, but it works.
Okay, something.something, we'll call it
We need 2 things here;
a) your server must expect traffic from
(this is just a config on the server, easy to achieve).
b) your browser must be pointed to your server when you type
Normally, when you type into any browser, your PC will connect to a DNS server to find out where in the world actually is (the DNS server returns an IP address). To inform the DNS servers that should point to YOUR server, you need to pay to register the domain name with a registrar (unassigned domains aren't expensive). This is the best way, as every computer will now know how to get to your server by typing When you move your website to a hosted server, you go to your registrar's website and change the settings, saying "stop pointing to the IP of my home server and start poionting to the IP of my hosted server".
Or, if you don't want to do that, you need to tell YOUR PC to skip the DNS check, and you do that by modifying your hosts file as above. This will only work for you, but is enough for home testing purposes.
The third option is running your own DNS server, and manually telling it to override the world-wide settings for That way your browser would get your custom result when it checks the DNS server, and forward straight to your server. However, running your own DNS server is a complex undertaking, and is overkill for your current task.
In summary, from best option to worst:
1) Register your domain and point it home
2) Modify your hosts file to bypass DNS checking
3) Run your own DNS server, and override the settings for
Hope I've been more clear this time :O)