Failing over with single Replication Group on ElastiCache Redis - redis

I'm testing out ElastiCache backed by Redis with the following specs:
Using Redis 2.8, with Multi-AZ
Single replication group
1 master node in us-east-1b, 1 slave node in us-east-1c, 1 slave node in us-east-1d
The part of the application writing is directly using the endpoint for the master node (
The part of the application doing only reads is pointing to a custom endpoint ( configured in HAProxy, which then points to the two other read slave end points. ( and
Now lets say the primary node (master) fails in us-east-1b.
From what I understand, if the master instance fails, I won't have to change the url for the end point for writing to Redis (, although from there, I still have the following questions:
Do I have to change the endpoint names for the read only slaves?
How long until the missing slave is added into the pool?
If there's anything else I'm missing, I'd appreciate the advice/information.

If you are using ElastiCache, you should make use the "Primary EndpointThe" provided by AWS.
That endpoint actually is backed by Route53, if the primary (master) redis is down, since you enable MutliA-Z, it will auto fail over to one of the read replica (slave).
In that case, you don't need to modify the endpoint of your redis.
I don't know why you have such design, seems you only want write to master, but always read from slave.
For HA Proxy part, you should include TCP check for ALL 3 redis nodes, using their "Read Endpoint"
In haproxy, you can check if the endpoint is SLAVE, if yes, your haproxy should redirect the traffic to that.
Notice that in the application layer, if your redis driver don't support auto reconnect, your script will fail to connect to the new master nodes.
In addition to "auto reconnect", since AWS is using Route53 DNS to do fail over, some lib will NOT do NS lookup again, which means the DNS is still pointing to the OLD ip which is the old master.
Using HAproxy can solve this problem.


Redirecting redis client to slave if master is under a large transaction (redis cluster) and vice versa

I am trying to implement a 3 master 3 slave architecture with redis cluster. I want to redirect my client to slave if master is blocked (like undergoing a MULTI EXEC query) or redirect to master if slave is synchronising the MULTI EXEC query. Is there any way I can achieve it through redis configuration, or do I need to manually implement this logic with the client library (redis-rb) I am using?
Thanks in advance.
As I know, there isn't any proxy or balancing in redis cluster that you can control. In Redis Cluster nodes don't proxy commands to the right node in charge for a given key, but instead, they redirect clients to the right nodes serving a given portion of the keyspace. So you can't somehow control this from config.
Maybe your case with MULTI EXEC will be handled by the client library because it knows all about redis master nodes config

Adding new redis node to the existing cluster

I have installed latest version ( 6.0.8) of redis in new centos D,E,F servers, now I want to add these new servers to the the existing cluster A,B,C which has old redis version, My plan is to after added new redis servers then decommission the old servers. Can anyone please guide me with the steps
1. Setup your new Redis instance as a slave for your current Redis instance. In order to do so you need a different server, or a server that has enough RAM to keep two instances of Redis running at the same time.
2. If you use a single server, make sure that the slave is started in a different port than the master instance, otherwise the slave will not be able to start at all.
3. Wait for the replication initial synchronization to complete (check the slave log file).
4. Make sure using INFO that there are the same number of keys in the master and in the slave. Check with redis-cli that the slave is working as you wish and is replying to your commands.
5. Allow writes to the slave using CONFIG SET slave-read-only no
6. Configure all your clients in order to use the new instance (that is, the
slave). Note that you may want to use the CLIENT PAUSE command in order to make sure that no client can write to the old master during the switch.
7. Once you are sure that the master is no longer receiving any query (you can check this with the MONITOR command), elect the slave to master using the SLAVEOF NO ONE command, and shut down your master.
You can follow this guide upgrading-or-restarting-a-redis-instance-without-downtime.

Does it require to put load balancer before Redis cluster

I am using Redis Cluster on 3 Linux servers (CentOS 7). I have standard configuration i.e. 6 nodes, 3 master instances, and 3 slave instances (one master have one slave) distributed on these 3 Linux servers. I am using this setup for my web application for data caching, HTTP response caching. My aim is to read primary and write secondary i.e. Read operation should not fail or delayed.
Now I would like to ask is it necessary to configure any load balancer before by 3 Linux servers so that my web application requests to Redis cluster instances can be distributed properly on these Redis servers? Or Redis cluster itself able to handle the load distribution?
If Yes, then please mention any reference link to configure the same. I have checked official documentation Redis Cluster but it does not specify anything regarding load balancer setup.
If you're running Redis in "Cluster Mode" you don't need a load balancer. Your Redis client (assuming it's any good) should contact Redis for a list of which slots are on which nodes when your application starts up. It will hash keys locally (in your application) and send requests directly to the node which owns the slot for that key (which avoids the extra call to Redis which results in a MOVED response).
You should be able to configure your client to do reads on slave and writes on master - or to do both reads and writes on only masters. In addition to configuring your client, if you want to do reads on slaves, check out the READONLY command: .

Redis Cluster or Replication without proxy

Is it possible to build one master (port 6378) + two slave (read only port: 6379, 6380) "cluster" on one machine and increase the performances (especially reading) and do not use any proxy? Can the site or code connect to master instance and read data from read-only nodes? Or if I use 3 instances of Redis I have to use proxy anyway?
Edit: Seems like slave nodes don't have any data, they try to redirect to master instance, but it is not correct way, am I right?
Definitely. You can code the paths in your app so writes and reads go to different servers. Depending on the programming language that you're using and the Redis client, this may be easier or harder to achieve.
Edit: that said, I'm unsure how you're running a cluster with a single master - the minimum should be 3.
You need to send a READONLY command after connecting to the slave before you could execute any read commands.
A READONLY command only affects during the current socket session which means you need this command for every TCP connection.

Redis cluster via HAProxy

I have a Redis Cluster that clients are connecting to via HAPRoxy with a Virtual IP. The Redis cluster has three nodes (with each node sharing the same server with a running sentinel instance).
My question is, when i clients gets a "MOVED" error/message from a cluster node upon sending a request, does it bypass the HAProxy the second time when it connects since it has been provided with an IP:port when the MOVEd message was issued? If not, how does the HAProxy know the second time to send it to the correct node?
I just need to understand how this works under the hood.
If you want to use HAProxy in front of Redis Cluster nodes, you will need to either:
Set up an HAProxy for each master/slave pair, and wire up something to update HAProxy when a failure happens, as well as probably intercept the topology related commands to insert the virtual IPs rather than the IPs the nodes themselves have and report via the topology commands/responses.
Customize HAProxy to teach it how to be the cluster-aware Redis client so the actual client doesn't know about cluster at all. This means teaching it the Redis protocol, storing the cluster's topology information, and selecting the node to query based on the key(s) being accessed by the consumer code.
With Redis Cluster the client must be able to access every node in the cluster. Of the two options above Option 2 is the "easier" one, but at this point I wouldn't recommend either.
Conceivably you could use the VIP as a "first place to get the topology info" IP but I suspect you'd have serious issues develop as that original IP would not be one of the ones properly being reported as a nod handling data. For that you could simply use round-robin DNS and avoid that problem, or use the built-in "here is a list of cluster IPs (or names?)" to the initial connection configuration.
Your simplest, and least likely to be problematic, route is to go "full native" and simply give full and direct access to every node in the cluster to your clients and not use HAProxy at all.