existence of particular row in datatable in vb.net windows form - vb.net

Is it possible to check for existence of a particular row in a datatable?
suppose if there are two rows in datatable, is it possible to check whether the third row exists or not?
For j As Integer = 0 To dtemp.Rows.Count - 1
If dtemp.Rows(j)("empcode").ToString.Trim <> dt.Rows(j)("empcode").ToString.Trim Then
'Insert code
End If

Are you trying to see if your data is existing or not?
Let's say: If you are inserting data in your database, then you can use the textbox property tag to see whether the data is existing or not.
If Me.txtFirstName.Tag = 0 Then
sSQL = "INSERT INTO tblAddressBook ( last_name, first_name, mid_name, birth_date, gender, home_adr, bus_adr, tel_no, mobile_no, email)"
sSQL = sSQL & " VALUES(#last_name, #first_name, #mid_name, #birth_date, #gender, #home_adr, #bus_adr, #tel_no, #mobile_no, #email)"
cmd.CommandText = sSQL
sSQL = "UPDATE tblAddressBook set last_name = #last_name, first_name = #first_name, mid_name = #mid_name, birth_date = #birth_date, gender = #gender"
sSQL = sSQL & " ,home_adr = #home_adr, bus_adr = #bus_adr, tel_no = #tel_no, mobile_no = #mobile_no, email = #email where contact_id = #id"
cmd.CommandText = sSQL
End If
...or else it will update that data in your database. The code above should give you an idea. SINCE you didn't show your code let's talk on this one.

If DataRow.Table.Columns.Contains("column") Then
End If


Efficient stats from Access DB

I am pulling stats from Access DB and using the following:
countBP = Convert.ToInt32(New OleDbCommand(commandBP.ToString, con).ExecuteScalar)
countWP = Convert.ToInt32(New OleDbCommand(commandWP.ToString, con).ExecuteScalar)
countHP = Convert.ToInt32(New OleDbCommand(commandHP.ToString, con).ExecuteScalar)
command = ""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Employees WHERE Archived = 'N' AND ID > 2"
commandBP = command.ToString + " AND Ethnic = 'B' AND EmployeeType = 1"
commandWP = command.ToString + " AND Ethnic = 'W' AND EmployeeType = 1"
commandHP = command.ToString + " AND Ethnic = 'H' AND EmployeeType = 1"
My question is; is this efficient? I am pulling 20+ stats separately, and it seems to be taking more and more time to load as the DB grows. I wondering if "SELECT * FROM Employees" to a dataset and then filter would be a better approach?
The only variable part of your query is the Ethnic field. This suggest to use the Group By clause on that field
command = "SELECT Ethnic, COUNT(*) FROM Employees
WHERE Archived = 'N' AND ID > 2 AND EmployeeType = 1
GROUP BY Ethnic"
Now this reduces the database calls to just one call and you can retrieve your data with
Dim data as Dictionary(Of String, Int32) = new Dictionary(Of String, Int32)()
OleDbCommand cmd = New OleDbCommand(command, con)
OleDbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
data(reader.GetString(0)) = reader.GetInt32(1)
End While
At this point you can get the count values from your dictionary
Dim countBP as Integer
data.TryGetValue("B", countBP)
Notice that you should use the TryGetValue method to extract values from the database because if there are no record for Ethnic = "B" there will be no entry in the dictionary for the Key "B" but TryGetValue will leave the CountBP initialized with its default to zero.

Merge query from datagridview to database not executing sql, vb.net

I'm having a problem executing a merge query from to update or insert values from a DataGridView table into a sql server database table. Here is my code below, it doesn't give me any errors or stoppages, however I recently noticed that it has been creating completely rows in my database table dbo.schedule which contain all NULL values even that key location, could someone please help me? I'm not very familiar with merge queries in sql so please point out issues with my syntax:
Dim query As String = String.Empty
query &= "DECLARE #TaskID nvarchar(8), #Task nvarchar(50), #Start_date datetime, #Due_date datetime, #Complete bit, #Task_Manager nvarchar(8), #JRID nvarchar(10), #Entered_By char(50), #Time_Entered datetime;"
query &= "MERGE INTO schedule USING (VALUES (#TaskID, #Task, #start_date, #Due_Date, #Complete, #Task_Manager, #JRID, #Entered_By, #Time_Entered)) AS t(TaskID, Task, start_date, Due_Date, Complete, Task_Manager, JRID, Entered_By, Time_Entered) "
query &= "ON schedule.TaskID = #TaskID WHEN MATCHED THEN"
query &= " UPDATE SET schedule.TaskID = t.TaskID, schedule.Task=t.Task, schedule.start_date=t.start_date, schedule.due_date=t.due_date, schedule.complete=t.complete, schedule.task_manager=t.task_manager, "
query &= "schedule.JRID=t.JRID, schedule.Entered_by=t.Entered_by, schedule.Time_Entered=t.Time_Entered"
query &= " WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (TaskID, Task, start_date, Due_Date, Complete, Task_Manager, JRID, Entered_By, Time_Entered)"
query &= " VALUES (#TaskID, #Task, #start_date, #Due_Date, #Complete, #Task_Manager, #JRID, #Entered_By, #Time_Entered);"
Using conn As New SqlConnection(dbLocations(0, 1))
Using comm As New SqlCommand()
With comm
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In MainSchedule.DataGridView1.Rows
If Not (row.Cells(0).Value = Nothing) Then
.Connection = conn
.CommandType = CommandType.Text
.CommandText = query
insertcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#TaskID", TNn)
insertcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Complete", "False")
insertcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Task", row.Cells(0).Value)
insertcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Start_date", row.Cells(1).Value)
insertcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Due_Date", row.Cells(2).Value)
insertcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#JRID", txtJRID.Text)
insertcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Task_Manager", row.Cells(3).Value)
insertcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Entered_By", GetUserName())
insertcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Time_Entered", Now)
End If
End With
End Using
End Using
I figured it out in case anyone is wondering, here is my new code:
Dim query As String = String.Empty
Dim keypos = 0
query &= "UPDATE schedule SET Task = #Task, Complete = #Complete, Start_date = #Start_date, "
query &= "Due_date = #Due_date, JRID = #JRID, Task_Manager = #Task_Manager, Entered_By = #Entered_By, Time_Entered = #Time_Entered "
query &= "WHERE TaskID = #TaskID "
query &= "IF ##ROWCOUNT = 0 INSERT INTO schedule ( TaskID, Task, start_date, Due_Date, Complete, Task_Manager, JRID, Entered_By, Time_Entered)"
query &= " VALUES ( #TaskID, #Task, #start_date, #Due_Date, #Complete, #Task_Manager, #JRID, #Entered_By, #Time_Entered);"
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In MainSchedule.DataGridView1.Rows
If Not (row.Cells(0).Value = Nothing) Then
insertcommand.CommandText = query
insertcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#TaskID", row.Cells(0).Value)
insertcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Complete", "False")
insertcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Task", row.Cells(1).Value)
insertcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Start_date", row.Cells(2).Value)
insertcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Due_Date", row.Cells(3).Value)
insertcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#JRID", txtJRID.Text)
insertcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Task_Manager", row.Cells(4).Value)
insertcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Entered_By", GetUserName())
insertcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Time_Entered", Now)
End If
keypos = keypos + 1

Why is there a syntax error in my update statement in vb.net?

I have been working on my Update Sql statement, but cannot find the syntax error in my code. My insert statement is working, and I am selecting their login Id from another form to compare against.
Dim SqlUpdate As String = "UPDATE tblLogin SET UserPassword =#UserPassword , FirstName =#FirstName , Surname =#Surname , DateofBirth =#DateofBirth , Phonenumber =#Phonenumber , Emailaddress = #Emailaddress , Administrator = #Administrator , Height = #Height , Weight = #Weight , WHERE UserID = #UserID "
Dim SqlCommand As New OleDbCommand
With SqlCommand
.CommandText = SqlUpdate
.Parameters.AddWithValue("#UserPassword", passwordsubmitbox.Text)
.Parameters.AddWithValue("#FirstName", forenamebox.Text)
.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Surname", surnamebox.Text)
.Parameters.AddWithValue("#DateofBirth", DOBselection.Value)
.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Phonenumber", phonenumberbox.Text)
.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Emailaddress", emailadressbox.Text)
.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Administrator", "N")
.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Height", CInt(heightbox.Text))
.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Weight", CInt(weightbox.Text))
.Parameters.AddWithValue("#UserID", Formlogin.UsernameBox1.Text)
.Connection = conn
End With
Your query has syntax error remove , after #Weight
Weight = #Weight WHERE UserI ...

VB.net LINQ filter on multiple columns

Hi please can you advise me on the best way to achieve filtering on multiple columns in LINQ
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[user] (
[id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[firstName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[surname] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[fullAddress] [nvarchar](1050) NULL
I would normally use SQL for this
Dim firstname as string = 'bob'
Dim surname as String = 'holdness'
Dim address as String = 'blockbuster street'
Dim Stmquery as string = 'Select * from users '
if not String.isnullorEmpty(firstname) or not String.isnullorEmpty(surname) or not String.isnullorEmpty(address) then
Stmquery = Stmquery & "where"
end if
if not String.isnullorEmpty(firstname) then
Stmquery = Stmquery & " firstname = " & firstname
end if
if not String.isnullorEmpty(surname) then
Stmquery = Stmquery & " surname = " & surname
end if
if not String.isnullorEmpty(address) then
Stmquery = Stmquery & " address = " & address
end if
So basically if the string is empty it will show all records for that column
Can someone show me how to do this in LINQ
Thanks Paul
I assume you already have LINQ to SQL DBContext prepared, with Users table mapped.
You can easily extend your query, because it's not going to be executed against database until you call ToList(), ToArray(), First(), Last(), etc.
Dim query = dbContext.Users;
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(firstname) Then
query = query.Where(Function(u) u.FirstName = firstname)
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(surname) Then
query = query.Where(Function(u) u.Surname = surname)
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(address) Then
query = query.Where(Function(u) u.Address = address)
End If
' query execution is here, after next line '
Dim results = query.ToList()

is there a way to do SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() in ADODB?

With rs
.AddNew ' create a new record
' add values to each field in the record
.Fields("datapath") = dpath
.Fields("analysistime") = atime
.Fields("reporttime") = rtime
.Fields("lastcalib") = lcalib
.Fields("analystname") = aname
.Fields("reportname") = rname
.Fields("batchstate") = bstate
.Fields("instrument") = instrument
.Update ' stores the new record
End With
this is how i am adding records. is it possibel to do something lik ethis???:
With rs
.AddNew ' create a new record
' add values to each field in the record
.Fields("datapath") = dpath
.Fields("analysistime") = atime
.Fields("reporttime") = rtime
.Fields("lastcalib") = lcalib
.Fields("analystname") = aname
.Fields("reportname") = rname
.Fields("batchstate") = bstate
.Fields("instrument") = instrument
SCOPE_IDENTITY() <----------------
.Update ' stores the new record
End With
No, there is not.
You should make an explicit INSERT statement followed by a call to SCOPE_IDENTITY in the same batch.
After you have executed the Update command, the identity will be placed in the corresponding field in the recordset. You can read it from there.
id = .Fields("id")