iis 8 not accepting ip address as hostname - wcf

We are trying to specify IP address instead of hostname(eg: www.abc.com) for WCF service hosted in IIS v8.0 on windows server 2012
This gives error saying special characters not allowed. Is this not allowed?
But it works fine when we specify IP address as host name in our local systems which runs IIS v7.5.

A hostname is not an IP address, therefore you can't specify it in the site bindings as a host name.
If you are trying to access a service on your local IIS machine, simply having the site binding present is enough, but you may want to bind it to a specific IP address (the IP address dropdown), or if you leave it as "All Unassigned" then the application will be available on all IPs registered with the server, on your chosen port.
If you are trying to access an app on another machine from yours, you can either get a DNS value added by your network admin, or change your HOSTS file (C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\HOSTS) and add in your own alias:
54.XXX.XXX.XXX myalias
Which means you should then be able to access http://myalias:8092/ from your browser.
Update The validation message is apparently by design:
Reading that article, I can now understand why you may want to use an IP address as a host-header, as it effectively allows you to route external IP address calls to your local machine without requirement of DNS changes. For what you need though, if the IP address is bound to an NIC on your local machine, just leave it blank as it will resolve locally anyway.

Check what you provided in Hosts file (C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc folder) in your local machine
For the above case you need to provide the hostname not ip address


Which IP Address Does an ASP.NET Core Web API Use?

I have published an ASP.NET core Web API on IIS. The website is hosted on a Windows Server 2019 dedicated server with a number of IP addresses. In Plesk I have set the IP address which I want the website to be bound to (let's assume is it When I ping the domain name I see the correct IP address.
In one of the API's endpoints, there is an HTTP Request made to an external API which has access restriction to pre-defined IP addresses. If a request is made to this external API from an unknown IP it returns an error with that IP address.
Our website's IP address is set properly at the external API. However, when our API tries to connect to the external API from code it doesn't use the website's correct IP Address. It uses the first available IP address on the server. Therefore, the connection to the external API is refused.
My question is, why the HTTP Request is not made from the same IP address as the website and what can I do to make things right?
When we bind sites to IIS, you are only binding the incoming IP address. Traditionally we would want to control and sanitize all outbound requests, it there are multiple NICs configured, the outbound traffic would be routed through the NIC that is configured with the gateway, or the NIC that is on the same subnet as the target.
If your server has multiple IP addresses defined in the same NIC, the outbound IP address from IIS hosted content is selected for you. I'm not sure if it is a round robin but I can tell you it is not in any way related to the incoming IP address that your site is bound to.
Outbound traffic is NOT associated with IIS at all, outbound traffic from IIS follows the normal pathway and rules as outbound connections from all processes on your PC/server.
The general standard to avoid this issue in IIS is to use SSL and Host Header Names. That way you can host multiple sites on the same IP address, or realy you are inbound address agnostic meaning your configuration can be easily ported to other hosts without having to mess around with multiple physical or virtual IP addresses.
Following this advice from Forcing Windows Server to Use a Specific Outgoing IP Address, you can use powershell to exclude specific IP addresses from being used as the external source.
Assuming the IP address you want to be primary is
$primaryIP = ""
Set-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $primaryIP -SkipAsSource $false
Get-NetAdapter | Get-NetIPAddress | ? { $_.IPAddress -ne $primaryIP } | % {
Set-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $_.IPAddress -SkipAsSource $true
Now all IP addresses, except the one you are designating as "primary," will be excluded from consideration as primary. We can verify this using...
Get-NetAdapter | Get-NetIPAddress | Select-Object IPAddress,SkipAsSource
It must also be said that communications outside of your IIS host can be routed via VPNs and Firewalls, even if you manage to fix the internal IIS server outbound IP address, the external site will still register your network's external IP address, not the internal on the NIC.
Most enterprise firewalls will have the ability to configure Source NAT (SNAT) rules or policies, sometimes referred to as Multipath Routing, that will allow you to bypass or negate any configuration on the IIS NIC as described above.

Setting domain name for ip address on pi (Apache, DHCP)

I set up my pi to broadcast it's own "wifi" and I have an Apache server running on it.
I used this tutorial https://learn.adafruit.com/setting-up-a-raspberry-pi-as-a-wifi-access-point
I can currently connect to the network that the pi is broadcasting and go to the ip of the server on my phone and it brings up the webpage, but I want to be able to type in "mydomain.net" and have it bring me to the webpage. Can anyone help me with this or suggest anything?
I want anyone that wants to connect to this local wifi (not worldwide) to be able to enter the website so changing everyone's host file is not going to happen.
you can modify /etc/hosts file on your local machine to point the custom domain name to the IP address of the environment you want to test. The /etc/hosts file contains a mapping of IP addresses to URLs.
Your browser uses entries in the /etc/hosts file to override the IP-address-to-URL mapping returned by a DNS server.
This is only useful for testing DNS (domain name system) changes and the SSL configuration before making a website live.

IIS web site with host name can't be accessed by IP address

I have mvc 4 web api project set up on IIS giving host name as my computer name. When I call it by mycoumputername:portno, I can access my web api. But when I call it by myIPaddress:portno, I couldn't access it. But when I create new Site without giving host name as computer name, default as localhost, it can be access by IPaddress:portno. I can't find the reason. Anyway, I need to define hostname as my computer name to access from remote computers by www.mycomputername.com and also need to use IPAddress:portno for accessing from mobile.
Please help me, anyone. Thank you and appreciate your help.
The reason is the host name setting.
When you set a host name in IIS site binding you explicitly requires all requests to this site to contain the desired host header (read HTTP protocol for details).
When your browser accesses the site using the IP address, the requests won't contain the header to match your IIS side setting.
That's simply by design.
You just need to create a new binding in IIS for the domain without a host name and with the port number.

how to access local web application on glassfish server from internet?

I have created a web application in glassfish and I can access it on my LAN.
How can I access the web application from a remote location over internet?
I do not have static IP.
Please reply.
Steps :
Creating virtual DNS(Domain name server) Server on your machine.
Port Forwarding.
Reference https://cookbook.fortinet.com/port-forwarding-60/
Remote Desktop Connection enabling.
Creating Inbound Rules. Reference :
Creating account on www.noip.com and create custom host and download DUC (Dynamic Update Client) Software.
Some more steps may have it depends on your LAN Router and firewall configuration.Use http://ifconfig.me/ to get your public ip.
Access from outside your machine should be configured by default. You may check if it is so in admin console, at Configurations->server-config->Network config->Listenters. There should be one listening on the desired port (like 8080) and be bound to address.
To easily access something behind a dynamic ip you need something like http://www.noip.com/ or http://www.dnsomatic.com/ (I took these from my router's control panel)
I did this recently,
first you need to use port forwarding on your router, access it by typing your default gateway path, mine was then go to "advanced settings -> Port forwarding". Simply enter the details that are asked for, I set mine to HTTP using port 8080, yours might be different. Protocol is TCP. The IP address it asks for is your local address.
For quick testing you can disable the firewall on your machine and then you can search on google for your Public IP address by typing "what is my IP".
Then type your ip into the browser and the port number "ipAddress:portNumber"
You should see the glassfish welcome screen if it is successful.
After that you might want to enable your firewall again but then you have to add an inbound rules to allow the port to be used:
Setting Windows inbound rules
Then you still have one last step to perform, allowing glassfish to access the resources on your machine: Adding glassfish to allowed programs
Follow the instructions on adding java.exe only.

How to set a custom website name instead of ip address for local computer?

I can point a url to a directory in my computer by setting /etc/host and /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf files. For instance, when i type sample-app.com in my computer, website under /Users/azad/works/sample-app.com folder is running.
When someone type sample-app.com in another computer in same local network i want to display the same website located on my computer. Is this possible?
By the way, i don't have access to any computer in the local network and i can't do any configuration.
Mac 10.7.5 (I am using mac but if windows is better for this purpose i can use windows too),
PHP 5.3,
Apache 2.2
If you want to accomplish this on windows, use the hosts file on the computers you want to point at that sample-app.com URL mapping your IP address to that URL in all the computers you want that to work on. Then make sure your HTTP server is configured to serve that website under that host name for port 80.
Since you aren't able to configure the local network, the best way to handle this situation is to configure a host name with the website domain's DNS server, such as dev.sample-app.com, which points to the local IP address (seeing as how its on the local network) of the computer hosting the website. This will then allow other computers on the local network to enter this host name to access the webiste.
If you had control of the local network's DNS server or control of the proxy (if they have a proxy), there would, of course, be other options.
Since you mentioned in your comment that you have control over the DNS server, here is how you could accomplish your goal via the DNS server. First, add a forward lookup zone for sample-app.com to the DNS server. Second, configure the default host for the zone to point to the computer serving up the website content. Now the client computers will resolve the local IP when the user enters sample-app.com into their web browsers. If you need to continue to have access to other hosts on sample-app.com, you might want to try asking about it on serverfault.