Parse and facebook sdk -duplicate symbol - objective-c

I have parse, facebook, bolts frameworks in my project but I get this error and I don't know how to solve it.
I tried to remove framworks and add them again.
I'm using xcode 6 and parse library 1.6.
duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$_BFMeasurementEvent in:
/Users/home/Desktop/The Live TV V2/FacebookSDK.framework/FacebookSDK(BFMeasurementEvent.o)
/Users/home/Desktop/The Live TV V2/Bolts.framework/Bolts(BFMeasurementEvent.o)
ld: 91 duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation
Any idea?

I too, was searching for same, Not sure, why no body reply, but I fixed this issue by removing Bolts.framework completely from my Project, look like many of dependencies are already included in NEW Facebook SDK.,
Hope it helps you.

Using Facebook and Parse Framework at the same time will cause a multiple duplicate symbol. No idea why this happens also. Removing Bolts.framework from Parse will resolve this issue.

I removed Bolts from my project and didn't work. Then I figured out that I had to remove all the references and Add Bolts again. Finally that worked fine for me.

I know an answer has already been accepted, but this has now been resolved by Facebook.
If you download the latest Parse SDK (1.7.0) and Facebook SDK (4.0.0) as of this writing, it should work just fine. Both SDKs were updated just hours ago.
I have imported and copied Bolts.framework and Parse.framework from the Parse SDK, and then linked to Facebooks SDK (now called FBSDKCoreKit.framework), and it successfully builds the project.

This issue arises the way Bolts and FaceBookSDK is added to the project. Remove both and re-add them with copy items if needed unchecked and Create Groups selected. I hope that this helps.

I don't know this situations work for you or not but it did work in my case.
Remove all the frameworks you have added into you project and import latest Facebook SDK and Bolts using CocoaPods.
and remove all the dependencies of bolts you have added manually.
For Example in my case.
I have just commented this line and every thing works just fine.
NSString *const BFTaskMultipleExceptionsException = #"BFMultipleExceptionsException";
Hope This Works for you as well.


Invalid Binary Or Invalid Swift Support

After I send my app for approval to the app store I get the message 'Invalid Binary' in the iTunes Connect. Then I get the following message in an email from Apple:
Invalid Swift Support - The bundle contains an invalid implementation of Swift. The app may have been built or signed with non-compliant or pre-release tools. Visit for more information.
My app is just a simple game application. No external programs are called. I have researched this message and went through and checked the following:
xcode is up to date - checked in app store
send with the xcode app, not the application loader
did NOT build with the command line
(Xcode menu -> Preferences -> Locations tab - verified that the Command Line Tools matches Xcode version.
"Clean"ed the app, rebuilt and rearchived and then resent, same message
The app validates through the organizer fine
viewing the contents of the archive shows a SwiftSupport folder
I am only using one developer account and have never logged into any other developer account
I cannot find anything online that would help solve this problem.
I am running OS X Yosemite 10.10.1.
xcode version is 6.1.1 version 6A2008a - built, cleaned and sent with this version
I have also pressed the Option key and "Cleaned Build Folder" and resent, same message
I cannot find any other reason for this online or in any forums. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
One you contact Apple and you wait long time … for reset iTunes connect because this problem coming in Apple . (Apple ask to send log of this problem)
An other solution, your create an other project application on iTunes connect and upload your work, this solution work fine, is the solution for me .
An other solution, you create a new project on Xcode, copy and paste your project in this other project.... (create new provisioning profile etc..) And upload your work in the same project application on Itunes Connect.
Step (2) + step (3), create a new project in Xcode and Itunes Connect.
Create a new project with the same name bundle identifier, it works perfectly !
See: Technical Q&A QA1881 Embedding Content with Swift in Objective-C.
It seems that you only need to set EMBEDDED_CONTENT_CONTAINS_SWIFT to YES "If you are building an app that does not use Swift but embeds content such as a framework that does".
What language is your app written in? If Swift yo do not need EMBEDDED_CONTENT_CONTAINS_SWIFT.
I ran into this problem the other day. Took some doing, but I finally figured out the problem ( for me at least). Everything I read online said the problem had to do with this setting:
When this started failing, I had this set to NO. So I tried setting it to YES, and it still failed for the same reason. The GUI wouldn't let me remove this setting, I could only change it between YES and NO.
For what it's worth, my code has no EMBEDDED code, it's all just straight up SWIFT.
Anyway, so I decided to uninstall XCode and redownload it, hoping that would help.
While XCode was downloading, I fired up Beyond Compare, and compared my current project, with a backup from last week, to see what could have changed.
Beyond Compare found that a file deep inside the Projectname.xcodeproj file, changed ... a file called project.pbxproj file.
Inside this, was that line:
This appeared in the current version of my project (that was failing). Interestingly enough, this line didn't exist at ALL in the old backup version from a week ago. I know that I didn't set this flag. There must have been something in Xcode that did it under the covers.
Anyway with that knowledge, Xcode finished downloading, and I reinstalled. Started it up, opened my project, and magically, Xcode REMOVED that line from the .pbxproj file, and now my project uploaded to itunesConnect sucessfully.
BottomLine: There's a bug in xcode that it may decide to add this line to your project for no reason, making your project invalid.
Solution: Editing the pbxproj file yourself and removing that line might work ... but reinstalling XCode seemed to clear up any confusion it had, and it removed it for me.
If you are submitting an app that has an AppleWatch extension, you can get this error if you try and submit the app using the Application Loader utility and a zip file. I got the error:
The bundle contains an invalid implementation of Swift. and
The bundle contains an invalid implementation of WatchKit.
I went through pretty much every solution for the first of the errors - but it was submitting via Xcode that fixed it.
well xcode 6.1 is a bit old and contains old swift. xcode 6.4 is the newest public one IIRC
"Check your code signing. I had this error when in automatic signing. I Put my dev profile for dev and production profile for release version and error is gone."
Link for the Quote
Sometimes this happens inadvertently.
To be safe, all components of your app should be built with the same version of Xcode and the Swift compiler to ensure that they work together.
I think you need to do a pod clean and install. I reckon one of your swift pods was created on a old version of Xcode, you updated Xcode and then tried to do a submission to the app store.
Read the apple swift blog about binary compatibility and frameworks
You will also want to specify that your embedded content contains swift in the build settings:
Enable this setting to indicate that content embedded in a target's product contains Swift code, so that the standard Swift libraries can be included in the product.

IntelliJ: cannot find java.util.Optional

In a new project in IntelliJ I have set up a Java 8 JRE/JDK and language level 8.0.
But for some reason, the IDE cannot find java.util.Optional. The project compiles and works just fine (from within the IDE, too) but code completion does not work.
Any ideas? I'd like to ask a few other users before creating a ticket on their bugtracker...
I finally figured this out. For whatever reason, there was an entry for java.util.Optional in the exlusions under Editor, General, and Auto Import.
Removing that did the trick. No idea how or why it ended up being there. Doesn't sound like anything I would want to do.
Stupid IntelliJ.
I have a SpringBoot project which worked just fine. Then, the next day, when I want to run it, I got this error:
Caused by: java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:
The type java.util.Optional cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files without changing anything!
I cleared IntelliJ cache.
Although it was a maven project it was already using JDK8,
I have changed the Project Settings, and said (again) to use JDK8,
Maven re-import, Cleaned the project, Build->Rebuild project, and it magically worked again
I had a similar problem in ubuntu. For me the problem was that I used JDK1.7 and when I changed it to JDK1.8 everything worked just fine.
Now, that makes sense, as Optional is something that was introduced in JDK1.8, before that the concept was exists only in Guava:
Ran into the same problem (in IntelliJ 2017.2.7) and solved it like this:
Project Structure->Modules->Module SDK and there change it to 1.8
I've also first set Java compiler to 8 and Project Structure->Project->Project SDK and Project language level also set to 8 without success. In the end, the step I described finally fixed it.
I ran into this recently. The issue was related to my Project SDK setting. Didn't have to clear any caches.
The issue shows with my Project SDK set to 1.8 (1.8.0_202). The issue was fixed by changing it to 11 (11.0.6). Also confirmed that the issue reappears when I switched it back to 1.8.
In java 8 some functions of Optional class not supported such as isEmpty, ifPresentOrElse, or, stream, orElseThrow. You should check whether you use them or not. If you want to use these functions you can use java 11.

PhoneGap template-based app failing to compile AdWhirl sources

Using Xcode4.2.1, with a basic PhoneGap template based app. (I say template, but I cant find it now :( - PhoneGap is a static framework).
The app works ok on its own.
Now trying to add in AdWhirl. AdWhirl comes as source files - no library of its own, although there are libraries for the specific ad services you use.
I have added the folders to the project, but it does not seem to compile the AdWhirl sources - if amend/break the AdWhirl code, I get no compile errors.
Where I have included/imported the AdWhirl headers into my app, I had to tweak the related imports in AdWhirl files to find their dependancies - seems to be related to issue above.
I can get it compiling with that hack - but then fails to link - missing AdWhirlView, which also seems to be due to first issue - not being compiled, so not available to link.
Under build phases/compile sources, I have just 2 items: main.m and AppDelegate.m - do I need to add the AdWhirl code into here?
Here is a sample project with just the AdWhirl stuff, no PhoneGap, but still has the issue :(
Thanks in advance for any tips/pointers.
Just wanted to post the answer here that I gave on Twitter. Seems like the issue is that Xcode is unhappy with folder references. Try reimporting the AdWhirl files into your project, but tell Xcode to add groups for folders, rather than folder references. (Incidentally, if anyone knows why Xcode is choking on the folder references, I'd love to hear about it.)
Then, you'll start getting errors about ARC and missing files pertaining to the Google Ads framework. So, you'll have to add the Google Ads files to quell the errors; then, you'll want to make sure ARC is disabled in your project. If you want to use ARC, then your best bet is to repackage AdWhirl as a static library that builds without ARC, and have that as a dependency in your workspace.

clang Can't find any frameworks

I've been tearing my hair out over this, and Google hasn't yielded much so my problem must be caused by my own specific brand of stupidity.
Basically, having installed Xcode 4 I removed the /Developer-old folder (properly, can't remember the command but I used the uninstall script rather than sticking it in the trash).
Xcode builds projects fine, and the latest version of all the Objective-C frameworks seem to live in /System/Library/Frameworks, but when I compile something (which built fine in the Xcode 3 days) clang complains that it can't find any headers, e.g:
fatal error: 'Cocoa/Cocoa.h' file not found
I've tried forcing the framework search path with -F to no avail- is there a common underlying issue or have I just screwed my machine?
Reinstall the developer tools. It will take a lot less time than tracking down whatever you broke.

json-framework doesn't work with iPhone SDK 3.0

I can't seem to get my app to compile when using JSON-framework with iPhone SDK 3.0.
My app compiles fine for the simulator, but when I go to compile for my device I get a 'codesign error' code 1. I've followed all of the installation instructions correctly, and when I remove the 'Additional SDK' reference and 'Other Linker Flags: -Obj-C -ljson' it compiles just fine...but obviously I then can't use JSON in my app.
Any ideas?
You may want to just switch to the code version and not link in the static lib.
It should compile and work fine on 3.0.
On my own project, I too ran into this problem. I was not able to build my app for iPhone OS 2.x using the iPhone 3.0 SDK.
The fix was to set the following at the project level (Get Info):
BaseSDK to iPhone Device 3.0
iPhone Deployment Target to iPhone OS 2.x
Code Signing Resource Rules Path to the same 2.x plist (e.g. /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS2.0.sdk/ResourceRules.plist)
The last bit allows a distribution (app store) build to code sign correctly... Otherwise you'll encounter an error "object file format invalid or unsuitable" since the code signer by default will use the same resource rules as the BaseSDK (i.e. 3.0), which is unsuitable for a 2.x app.
Also, be sure to clear any of the above settings at the target level (again, via Get Info).
Codesign error means you do not have a valid provisioning profile for the device you are trying to compile to, using the current built settings.
Can you build and deploy sample apps to your phone?
I started using the lovely json-framework for the iPhone but then suddenly found that if I compiled for anything greater than 2.1 for a device, that it would pop up with:
Codesign error: “object file format invalid or unsuitable”
It took me a long time to figure out what was going on, but thanks to a blog post, the fix is this:
On the project settings, on the build tab, search for “Code Signing Resource Rules Path” and set “$(SDKROOT)/ResourceRules.plist” as its value.
I’m not sure how it works as it looks like that is the path it already has, but hey, it seems to work!
that solves the codesign error i was getting, but now I cant compile on 3.0 for some other reason. i'm going to try to link to the code rather than the library.
Sounds like an issue you would want to discuss with the developers, see the support group.
It seems like the code signing isn't extending to the framework. Have you tried linking the framework differently?
And for French persons, here is a tutorial too here too (en Français)
But for your problem I think it's not about JSON but more with your key developer.