I have a problem with trying to get an input and fact-check it with symptoms in the asserted facts.
(deftemplate disease
(slot name)
(multislot symptom ))
(assert (disease
(name nitro-def) (symptom stunted-growth pale-yellow reddish-brown-leaf)))
(assert (disease
(name phosphor-def) (symptom stunted-root-growth spindly-stalk purplish-colour)))
(assert (disease
(name potassium-def) (symptom purple-colour weakened-stems shriveled-seeds)))
(defrule reading-input
(disease (name ?name1) (symptom ?symptom1))
(printout t "Enter the symptom your plant exhibits: " )
(assert (var (read))))
(defrule checking-input
?vars <- (var)
(disease (name ?name1) (symptom ?symptom1))
(disease (symptom ?vars&:(eq ?vars ?symptom1)))
(printout t "Disease is " ?name1 crlf))
So basically you input a symptom and Clips returns the disease that matches that symptom. Problem is, that after Loading the file as Batch and running it, nothing happens. The Facts are asserted but no input is required. Nothing even touches the first rule.
If anyone can help me in this issue, I would be dully grateful!
You've defined symptom as a multifield slot (a slot containing zero or more fields), but your patterns matching those slots will only match if the slot contains a single field. Use a multifield variable such as $?symptom1 instead of a single field variable such as ?symptom1 to retrieve multiple values.
(deftemplate disease
(slot name)
(multislot symptom))
(deffacts diseases
(disease (name nitro-def)
(symptom stunted-growth pale-yellow reddish-brown-leaf))
(disease (name phosphor-def)
(symptom stunted-root-growth spindly-stalk purplish-colour))
(disease (name potassium-def)
(symptom purple-colour weakened-stems shriveled-seeds)))
(defrule reading-input
(printout t "Enter the symptom your plant exhibits: " )
(assert (var (read))))
(defrule checking-input
(var ?symptom)
(disease (name ?name1) (symptom $?symptom1))
(test (member$ ?symptom ?symptom1))
(printout t "Disease is " ?name1 crlf))
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
Enter the symptom your plant exhibits: stunted-growth
Disease is nitro-def
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
Enter the symptom your plant exhibits: purplish-colour
Disease is phosphor-def
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
Enter the symptom your plant exhibits: spindly-stalk
Disease is phosphor-def
is there a way in CLIPS to handle rules like:
(defrule temperature
(assert (DOOR-IS-OPEN TRUE))
What I am curious about is that, for example, another rule fires and let's say the result of that rule is that the DOOR-IS-OPEN gets asserted to FALSE, then can CLIPS conclude that this means that the WINDOW-IS-OPEN must be TRUE (if of course IT-IS-COLD-INSIDE is TRUE already)?
or I should just write it in the other way around like:
(defrule temperature
The problem with this one is that it is not always true in my use case (the first example always covers the truth though). Let's say maybe there is very strong heating inside. I could just add this also to the picture, but it is not always possible. I am trying to develop a system that can work on data that are partially defined.
When I run my original example, it asserts the first fact (WINDOW-IS-OPEN TRUE) but never the second.
The syntax is probably wrong, but I guess you have the idea of what I am trying to achieve.
First define two deftemplates: one for representing known attribute values and another for representing deducible attribute values. Groupings of deducible attribute values will be grouped together using the link slot.
CLIPS (6.31 6/12/19)
(deftemplate av
(slot attribute)
(slot value))
(deftemplate dav
(slot attribute)
(slot value)
(slot link))
(deffacts initial
(av (attribute it-is-cold-inside)
(value TRUE)))
Your temperature rule can then be implemented with the following code.
(defrule temperature
(av (attribute it-is-cold-inside)
(value TRUE))
(assert (av (attribute it-is-cold-outside)
(value TRUE))
(dav (attribute window-is-open)
(value TRUE)
(link temperature))
(dav (attribute door-is-open)
(value TRUE)
(link temperature))))
Next create rules for managing the deducible attribute values. The remove-dav rule will remove any dav fact when there is a known av fact that conflicts with it. The one-remaining-dav rule will convert a dav fact into an av fact when it is the last remaining dav fact for a specific link.
(defrule remove-dav
(declare (salience 10))
?dav <- (dav (attribute ?a)
(value ?v))
(av (attribute ?a)
(value ~?v))
(retract ?dav))
(defrule one-remaining-dav
?dav <- (dav (attribute ?a)
(value ?v)
(link ?l))
(not (and (dav (attribute ?a2)
(value ?v2)
(link ?l))
(test (or (neq ?a ?a2)
(neq ?v ?v2)))))
(retract ?dav)
(assert (av (attribute ?a)
(value ?v))))
So when the temperature rule initially creates the deductible attribute values:
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (watch rules)
CLIPS> (watch facts)
CLIPS> (run)
FIRE 1 temperature: f-1
==> f-2 (av (attribute it-is-cold-outside) (value TRUE))
==> f-3 (dav (attribute window-is-open) (value TRUE) (link temperature))
==> f-4 (dav (attribute door-is-open) (value TRUE) (link temperature))
The appropriate deductions can be made when new information is later added:
CLIPS> (assert (av (attribute door-is-open) (value FALSE)))
==> f-5 (av (attribute door-is-open) (value FALSE))
CLIPS> (run)
FIRE 1 remove-dav: f-4,f-5
<== f-4 (dav (attribute door-is-open) (value TRUE) (link temperature))
FIRE 2 one-remaining-dav: f-3,*
<== f-3 (dav (attribute window-is-open) (value TRUE) (link temperature))
==> f-6 (av (attribute window-is-open) (value TRUE))
Thanks Gary! I think this is what I was looking for.
I modified the code a little bit to be a little bit more understandable:
(defrule temperature
(av (attribute it-is-cold-inside)
(value TRUE))
(assert (av (attribute it-is-cold-outside)
(value TRUE))
(dav (attribute window-is-open)
(value MAYBE)
(link temperature))
(dav (attribute door-is-open)
(value MAYBE)
(link temperature))))
(defrule one-remaining-dav
?dav <- (dav (attribute ?a)
(value ?v)
(link ?l))
(not (and (dav (attribute ?a2)
(value ?v2)
(link ?l))
(test (or (neq ?a ?a2)
(neq ?v ?v2)))))
(retract ?dav)
(assert (av (attribute ?a)
(value TRUE))))
I'm currently working through the ubiquitous process ring in elixir.
The ring is linked, but in the following fashion:
iex(1)> Ring.Worker.create_ring_of_linked_processes(3)
[%{"links" => [#PID<0.121.0>, #PID<0.120.0>], "pid" => #PID<0.122.0>},
%{"links" => [#PID<0.120.0>, #PID<0.122.0>], "pid" => #PID<0.121.0>},
%{"links" => [#PID<0.121.0>], "pid" => #PID<0.120.0>}]
I've noticed an asymmetry in the links here - should #PID<0.120.0> have the mapping "links" => [#PID<0.121.0>,#PID<0.122.0>] rather than just "links" => [#PID<0.121.0>] ?
The code is as follows:
def loop() do
receive do
{:link, pid} when is_pid(pid) ->
def create_ring_of_linked_processes(num_of_processes) do
|> create_processes
|> link_processes([])
def link_processes([pid1, pid2 | rest], linked_processes) do
send(pid1, {:link, pid2})
{:links, links} = Process.info(pid1, :links)
[pid2 | rest], [%{"pid" => pid1, "links" => links} | linked_processes]
def link_processes([pid | []], linked_processes) do
%{"pid" => first_pid, "links" => _} = List.last(linked_processes)
send(pid, {:link, first_pid})
{:links, links} = Process.info(pid, :links)
[%{"pid" => pid, "links" => links} | linked_processes]
#spec create_processes(integer) :: [pid]
def create_processes(num_of_processes) do
for _ <- 1..num_of_processes, do: spawn(__MODULE__, :loop, [])
This is because you're linking the processes at the same time as collecting its :links, but some links for that process are being created after you collect its links.
For example, if you spawn a process a, and then collect its links, it'll be an empty list.
iex(1)> a = spawn(fn -> :timer.sleep(:infinity) end)
iex(2)> Process.info(a, :links)
{:links, []}
If you spawn b now and link it to a, b will have [a] in its links and a will have [b].
iex(3)> b = spawn(fn -> Process.link(a); :timer.sleep(:infinity) end)
iex(4)> Process.info(b, :links)
{:links, [#PID<0.82.0>]}
iex(5)> Process.info(a, :links)
{:links, [#PID<0.85.0>]}
So, you need to collect the links for each process after all the linking is complete if you want the final links for each process.
Let's say I am attempting to test an api that is supposed to handle presence or absence of certain object fields.
Let's say I have tests like so:
(def without-foo
{:bar "17"})
(def base-request
{:foo "12"
:bar "17"})
(def without-bar
{:foo "12"})
(def response
{:foo "12"
:bar "17"
:name "Bob"})
(def response-without-bar
{:foo "12"
:bar ""
:name "Bob"})
(def response-without-foo
{:bar "17"
:foo ""
:name "Bob"})
(facts "blah"
(against-background [(external-api-call anything) => {:name => "Bob"})
(fact "base"
(method-under-test base-request) => response)
(fact "without-foo"
(method-under-test without-foo) => response-without-foo)
(fact "without-bar"
(method-under-test without-bar) => response-without-bar))
This works as you would expect and the tests pass. Now I am attempting to refactor this using tabular like so:
(def request
{:foo "12"
:bar "17"})
(def response
{:foo "12"
:bar "17"
:name "Bob"})
(against-background [(external-api-call anything) => {:name "Bob"})]
(method-under-test (merge request ?diff) => (merge response ?rdiff))
?diff ?rdiff ?description
{:foo nil} {:foo ""} "without foo"
{} {} "base case"
{:bar nil} {bar ""} "without bar")
Which results in:
FAIL at (test.clj:123)
Midje could not understand something you wrote:
It looks like the table has no headings, or perhaps you
tried to use a non-literal string for the doc-string?
Ultimately I ended up with:
(method-under-test (merge request ?diff) => (merge response ?rdiff) (provided(external-api-call anything) => {:name "Bob"}))
?diff ?rdiff ?description
{:foo nil} {:foo ""} "without foo"
{} {} "base case"
{:bar nil} {bar ""} "without bar")
Which passes. My question is. How does the tabular function differ from the facts function, and why does one of them accept an against-background while the other blows up?
You need to have following nesting if you want to establish background prerequisites for all your tabular based facts:
(against-background [...]
(fact ...)
?... ?...))
For example:
(require '[midje.repl :refer :all])
(defn fn-a []
(throw (RuntimeException. "Not implemented")))
(defn fn-b [k]
(-> (fn-a) (get k)))
[(fn-a) => {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}]
(fn-b ?k) => ?v)
?k ?v
:a 1
:b 3
:c 3))
;; => All checks (3) succeeded.
If you want to have a background prerequisite per each tabular case you need to nest it as following:
(against-background [...]
(fact ...))
?... ?...)
It's important to have the table just under tabular level, not nested in against-background or fact.
For example:
(require '[midje.repl :refer :all])
(defn fn-a []
(throw (RuntimeException. "Not implemented")))
(defn fn-b [k]
(-> (fn-a) (get k)))
[(fn-a) => {?k ?v}]
(fn-b ?k) => ?v))
?k ?v
:a 1
:b 2
:c 3)
;; => All checks (3) succeeded.
In your code it looks like the tabular data is not positioned correctly (parentheses, brackets and curly braces are not balanced correctly so it's impossible to say what exactly is incorrect).
Say I have a function
(defn extenal_api_fn [stuff]
... do things....
(defn register_user [stuff]
(external_api_fn stuff))
And then a test
(def stuff1
{:user_id 123 })
(def stuff2
{:user_id 234})
(background (external_api_fn stuff1) => true
(with-redefs [external_api_fn (fn [data] (println "mocked function"))]
(register_user stuff1) => true)
(register_user stuff2) => true)
(facts "stuff goes here"
(fact "user that registers correctly
(= 1 1) => truthy)
(fact "user that has a registration failure"
(= 1 2) => falsy))
This fails with
"you never said #'external_api_fn" would be called with these arguments:
contents of stuff1
What would be a good way to stub this function call (in only some cases) in order to simulate an internal transaction failure.
You could use Midje's provided:
(register_user stuff1) => :registered
(extenal_api_fn stuff1) => :registered))
(register_user stuff2) => :error
(external_api_fn stuff2) => :error))
You can also stub a function to return a value no matter input parameters by using anything in place of the function argument:
(register_user stuff2) => :error
(external_api_fn anything) => :error))
Object Structure:
A house has many rooms.
A room has many tables.
A table has many vases (on it).
House > Rooms > Tables > Vases.
I'd like to use JoinQueryOver to select all tables with vases that are red - in a particular house.
I thought to do this:
var v = session.QueryOver<House>()
.Where(x => x.ID == HouseID)
.JoinQueryOver<Room>(x => x.Rooms)
.JoinQueryOver<Table>(x => x.Tables)
.JoinQueryOver<Vase>(x => x.Vases)
.Where(x => x.Color == "Red")
This was an approach I tried (of the many that failed). I don't really want the House and Room info.
Ultimately, I'm looking for a List of Tables (in a particular house), with their collections of Vases (that are red) fetched.
Thanks for the help!
Something like this would be nice:
var v = session.QueryOver<Table>()
.Where(x => x.Room.House.ID == HouseID) // this Where won't work.
.JoinQueryOver<Vase>(x => x.Vases)
.Where(x => x.Color == "Red")
var v = session.QueryOver<Table>()
.JoinAlias(x => x.Room, () => room)
.Where(() => room.House.ID == HouseID)
.JoinQueryOver<Vase>(x => x.Vases)
.Where(x => x.Color == "Red")