Why doesn't pagingTextBox work in IE using dgrid pagination - dojo

Does anyone happen to know why the pagingTextBox doesn't work when using the dgrid pagination? It works fine in FireFox and Chrome but when hitting the enter key in the textbox in IE, it does nothing. I'm using IE 10, but also tried with IE 8. I need this functionality in all 3 browsers. Thanks.

The only event that the paging textbox listens for is change. Apparently, pressing enter registers this event on Chrome and Firefox but not IE. I'm not sure what the reasoning is behind that.
This seems like a legitimate issue to report on dgrid's GitHub issues page though. It shouldn't take too much effort to fix, even if it means listening for 2 types of events.


CefSharp 55.0 in VB.Net - Display the url when Document has loaded

I'm experimenting with the CefSharp browser for the first time with a WinForm (VB.NET) for a simple browser app I'm working on. There's only one thing that has been bothering me though...
In the past, I have used the stock VB/VS Browser control, and it has worked fine except the fact you have to mess with Emulation modes in the registry to get it to emulate as IE11. The VB/VS Browser control had a DocumentCompleted event that would run an action once the document/webpage had loaded. Namely, I have used this event to set the text of a TextBox to the browser's current URL.
However, I can't seem to find the equivalent (if there even is one) with CefSharp. Does anyone know how to do this with CefSharp?
Any help is appreciated

selenium webdriver stop working when click on different window

I'm using IE8 and webdriver.
The problem I have is every time webdriver runs I can't touch my computer. Basically the moment I click on a different window it stops working.
Because of this I can't run my code in debug mode with break point because I every time I go to Eclipse to manually execute the break point webdriver doesn't work anymore because IE8 is not selected.
With Firefox I'm able to do whatever I want but not with IE8. Is there anyway I can fix this problem with IE8?
Thank you!
The short answer is, "No, you can't fix this problem with IE at the moment." There are a number of reasons why window focus is incredibly important with the IE driver. The biggest reason is that you're using so-called "native events" when you're using the IE driver, which simulates mouse and keyboard events at the operating system level rather than just within the browser using, say, JavaScript, and the way IE processes native events is sometimes compromised if the browser window doesn't have focus. More information can be found in a presentation given at the 2012 Selenium Conference.
One approach to solving the problem would be to disable native events with the IE driver. Unfortunately, the simulated events aren't ready for normal use.

IE9 Automation of Button Click

Several of my vendor's require me to place orders thru their websites. I have automated the process by clicking on a button in my order processing program. My program will open the default browser (now IE 9 after my previous computer died), navigate to the vendor's website order page, fill out the information fields, and then click the form submit button.
The problem appears to occur only when the button has an "onclick" value.
In IE8, the click() event executes the onclick code. In IE9, the click event returns a generic object. It does not fire the onclick code.
I have tried x.FireEvent("click"), but this returns an object as well. It appears that IE9 DOM onclick values cannot be executed by external programs.
My program works fine on IE8 (I use Chrome, IE, FireFox with different settings and logins, so changing the default browser is not really an option. Also, some of my vendors demand that I use IE as their sites are broken on the other browsers.)
Any advice on a permanent fix for this would be appreciated.
I could have written your question verbatim, and have been fighting this for as long as you have.
Stupid, stupid problem: The click() function now requires a parameter: click(1)
w = this.oIE.Document
z = w.getElementById("btn-header-input-signin")
Haven't thoroughly tested this, but it works on the US Postal Service login page.
The function that the button click calls will presumably have the same name on each browser. Can you call that function instead?
Simulating the button click seems an unnecessary step. Also, have you tried jQuery? Libraries like that try to smooth away browser differences.

Selenium clicks on a wrong link (or does not click on a link at all) on certain machines

I am using Selenium WebDriver 2.5.0 (tried 2.13.0, it did not help).
I am trying to click on a link like this:
driver.FindElement(By.PartialLinkText("Customer - Creation").Click();
Before it worked, but I have tried to run the scripts after 3 weeks and
I observe 3 different behaviors on 3 machines:
Machine A: There is no click on the link at all, also there is no error.
Machine B: It clicks a different link! Sometimes one above, sometimes one below.
Machine C (Virtual): It works.
I have not fully tested this (spent half a day today), but did anyone stumble upon such a behaviour?
I have restarted my PC, re-added the Selenium libraries.
"SendKeys(Enter)" helps, but this issue happened not only to links, but to at least radio boxes as well, where "SendKeys(Enter)" does not work.
Please share your thoughts.
Update: Browsers are the same on at least 2 machines, Internet Explorer 8.0
Answered by nebehr.g...#gmail.com at Selenium Issues:
This issue keeps popping up from time to time and is usually returned with request for clarifications. The bottom line is, InternetExplorerDriver calculates coordinates of some objects incorrectly and clicks in the wrong place. One reason for this is zoom value other than 100%; however it is reproducible for some controls for 100% zoom as well.
I suppose it would be helpful if you could create a sample page to demonstrate this issue. In the meantime why don't you use Javascript click() method for offending controls?
One other thing to check for is the screen resolution (not the desktop resolution but the system level size of text and icons). I have two laptops in my office that are you used for testing, one running Windows 7 and the other running Windows 10. On both, the screen resolution was greater than 100% and Selenium was having problems moving the mouse to the correct location for mouse events like click and hover. As soon as the screen resolution was set to 100%, all mouse actions worked correctly.
Windows 7: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/make-the-text-on-your-screen-larger-or-smaller?v=t
Windows 10: https://superuser.com/questions/951199/windows-10-system-font-size-change
There is a lot of useful info in Andrey's answer and in the Selenium issue he mentions at https://code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/detail?id=3052. Just to tie all those pieces of info together and offer a successful workaround...
I too am experiencing the issue of clicks occurring at the wrong screen coordinates -- four years after the OP first mentioned it! As others have said:
The issue is related to InternetExplorerDriver. I have the problem
when testing IE 9, but not Chrome, Firefox or even IE 8.
As mentioned in the Selenium issue, the website I'm testing uses frames.
I tried several workarounds suggested in this post and elsewhere. All of the following did NOT help:
Updating to the latest InternetExplorerDriver (version 2.47.0)
Maximizing the browser window.
Setting browser zoom to 100%.
Using an action chain, with or without move_by_offset, instead of WebDriver's click() method.
As suggested by Andrey, what DID help is using JavaScript instead of WebDriver's click() method. Here's a line of Python code that does the trick:
This assumes that "driver" is an instance of Selenium WebDriver, and "css_selector" is a string identifying the element you want to click, and that jQuery is loaded.
Sounds like the element isn't present in the page's HTML, but is instead added dynamically once the page is loaded. What happens depends on how fast the machine is and how unique the text is. I'll bet that if you added a long sleep (e.g., a minute) you'd get the same result on all 3 machines. If so, that indicates the single most classic Selenium testing problem - trying to act on pages that aren't complete. You need to find an element to wait on that will guarantee the presence of the link you'd like to click on.
I just had the same issue in FireFox. The zoom was at 100% and the selection was by xpath an certainly correct. Turned out the problem disappeared when I maximized the browerwindow!
code :(python api)

WebBrowser Control is Running into Javascript Error that IE doesn't

If I use IE I can visit the website I want and click the 'Next' button and life is good. If I open that same website using the webBrowser control and click the 'Next button I get a javascript error message.
I'm not doing anything in the code to manipulate the website. My goal, eventually, is to have some level of automation; but at this point, I get the javascript error and a pop-up and it screws everything else.
I can hide the JS error from popping up; by setting 'WebBrowser1.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = True' but the page isn't working because of the error.
The client script might be assuming a full browser is present and trying to access part of the browser outside the Document Object Model (DOM) of the page. For example, maybe the client script is trying to display something on the browser's status bar, or trying to modify a toolbar which isn't available in the WebBrowserControl. There could be numerous similar reasons.
If you do not have write-access to the web page in question to try fixing it, then play with WebBrowser Control properties such as ScriptErrorsSuppressed and ObjectForScripting
Try setting WebBrowser1 Silent property to true.
Actually, you are receiving this problem because when you run your site in IE8 or IE9 on your normal internet explorer desktop app, you are getting either IE8 or IE( rendering, depending on which you have installed. However, with the webbrowser control, unless you take the effort to change soem settings in the registry, the default rendering engine used by the webbrowser control is IE7 (if u have 7, 8 or 9 installed) and IE4 (if you have 4, 5 or 6 installed).
This is why you are having the problem, if you want help changing the rendering engine version for your webbrowser control, do a google search as there are many examples on SO, and i have provided this answer in some of my previous posts on this tag/topic. feel free to search or ask me.
Let me know how you go.