Finding the "&" character in SQL SERVER using a like statement and Wildcards - sql

I need to find the '&' in a string.
Things we have tried :
None of these give any results in SQLServer.
Well some give all rows, some give none.
Similar questions that didn't work or were not specific enough.
Find the % character in a LIKE query
How to detect if a string contains special characters?
some old reference Server 2000

& isn't a wildcard in SQL, therefore no escaping is needed.
Use % around the value your looking for.

Your statement contains no wildcards, thus is equivalent to WHERE FIELD = '&'.
& isn't a special character in SQL so it doesn't need to be escaped. Just write
to search for entries that contain & somewhere in the field
Be aware though, that this will result in a full table scan as the server can't use any indexes. Had you typed WHERE FIELD LIKE '&%' the server could do a range seek to find all entries starting with &.
If you have a lot of data and can't add any more constraints, you should consider using SQL Server's full-text search to create and use and FTS index, with predicates like CONTAINS or FREETEXT


Asp Classic & Firbird Sql without quotation marks

I have a script in ASP Classic that uses a Firebird database. I would like to execute a query without "quotation marks"
Now I must write this:
SQL = "SELECT ""TArticoli"".""IDArticolo"",""TArticoli"".""Desc"" FROM ""TArticoli"";"
I would write this:
SQL = "SELECT TArticles.IDArticle, TArticles.Desc FROM TArticles;"
The first one is accepted the second not, how can I do this?
You can't. DESC is a reserved word in Firebird, so to be able to use it as a column name (or any other object name for that matter), you will need to enclose it in quotes.
A second problem is that you are currently using
SELECT "TArticoli"."IDArticolo","TArticoli"."Desc" FROM "TArticoli"
And this means both your table name and the column names are case sensitive, and in that case, quoting those object names is mandatory. Unquoted object names are case insensitive, but are mapped to object names in upper case. This means that select * from TArticoli will select from a table called TARTICOLI, while select * from "TArticoli", selects from a table called TArticoli.
So unless you are going to rename or recreate all your tables or columns, you will not be able to get rid of quotes. The only thing you can do to reduce the number of quotes, is by not prefixing the columns with the table names (in the query shown it isn't necessary), or otherwise use a case insensitive alias for the table, eg
SELECT "IDArticolo", "Desc" FROM "TArticoli"
SELECT a."IDArticolo", a."Desc" FROM "TArticoli" AS a

How to write the LIKE syntax where the search term includes a percentage (%)?

I am using SQL Server 2012 and I need to perform a search on a specific field, called Notes. The search criteria is to find all rows where the term 8% is mentioned in that specific field.
The WHERE clause of my T-SQL query looks like this:
WHERE [Notes] like '%[8%]%'
However, the query is not filtering correctly based on the above syntax. It is also including rows where the term 8 is mentioned.
I had a look at the answers proposed in the question below, but they are still not giving me the correct answer.
SQL 'LIKE' query using '%' where the search criteria contains '%'
A single character class represents a single character. So [%] means a literal percent symbol, and 8[%] means literal 8%. Try this:
SELECT * FROM yourTable WHERE [Notes] like '%8[%]%'
you need to escape % in query for example below
SELECT columns FROM table
WHERE column LIKE '%\%%' ESCAPE '\'
Using SQL Escape Sequences
Below is from MSDN
Pattern Matching with the ESCAPE Clause
You can search for character strings that include one or more of the special wildcard characters. For example, the discounts table in a customers database may store discount values that include a percent sign (%). To search for the percent sign as a character instead of as a wildcard character, the ESCAPE keyword and escape character must be provided. For example, a sample database contains a column named comment that contains the text 30%. To search for any rows that contain the string 30% anywhere in the comment column, specify a WHERE clause such as WHERE comment LIKE '%30!%%' ESCAPE '!'. If ESCAPE and the escape character are not specified, the Database Engine returns any rows with the string 30.
you can try below answer given by #TimBiegeleisen that is also easy way.
just change your where clause as
WHERE `Notes` LIKE '%8!%%' ESCAPE '!

how to retrieve sql column includes special characters and alphabets

How to retrieve a column containing special characters including alphabets in SQL Query. i have a column like this 'abc%def'. i want to retrieve '%' based columns from that table.
Please help me in this regard.
Is abc%def the column name? or column value? Not sure what you are asking but if you mean your column name contains special character then you can escape them which would be different based on specific RDBMS you are using
SQL Server use []
select [abc%def] from tab
MySQL use backquote
select `abc%def` from tab
Try like below to fetch column value containing % character (Checked, it works in Ingres as well)
select * from tab where col like '%%%'
Others suggest that like '%%%' works in Ingres. So this is something special in Ingres. It does not work in other dbms.
In standard SQL you would have to declare an escape character. I think this should work in Ingres, too.
select * from mytable where str like '%!%%' escape '!';

Sql Server Contains

I need to match on a partial string but can't turn full-text indexing on so can't use contains. I've looked at Levenstein's function for determining the distance between two strings but I'm not looking for fuzzy matching but that every character in the column exists in the string.
I.e. If the string being passed is something like AB_SYS_20120430.TXT I want to match on any columns containing AB_SYS. The like predicate isn't getting me there. I really need the equivalent of the .NET contains feature but as mentioned turning on full text indexing isn't an option to be turned on. Thought I would see if there were any other possible work arounds.
Are you looking for the LIKE function?
... WHERE MyColumn LIKE '%AB_SYS%'
That may not be optimal, but it seems like it answers your question... If you can search from only the left or right side that could further optimize.
That is functionally similar to String.Contains
EDIT: How will you parse the input text into the "relevant" substring?
EDIT: To search the same LIKE condition but reverse, from your partial column to the complete literal, simply append the wildcard characters:
... WHERE 'AB_SYS_20120430.TXT' LIKE '%' + MyColumn + '%'
EDIT: You have suggested that you can't get it to work. If you add the schema do your question then I can help you further but consider this:
You have a table called MyTable
In that table there is a column called MyColumn
Some rows in that table have the data 'AB_SYS' in MyColumn
Given the parameter 'AB_SYS_20120430.TXT' you want to return all matching rows
#pFullNameString nvarchar(4000) = '' -- parameter passed in, like AB_SYS_20120430.TXT
#pFullNameString LIKE '%' + MyTable.[MyColumn] + '%'
You could use CHARINDEX
WHERE CHARINDEX(StringToCheckFor, StringToCheckIn) > 0

Use like in T-SQl to search for words separated by an unknown number of spaces

I have this query:
select * from table where column like '%firstword[something]secondword[something]thirdword%'
What do I replace [something] with to match an unknown number of spaces?
Edited to add: % will not work as it matches any character, not just spaces.
Perhaps somewhat optimistically assuming "unknown number" includes zero.
select *
from table where
REPLACE(column_name,' ','') like '%firstwordsecondwordthirdword%'
The following may help:
as it describes using regular expressions in SQL queries in SQL Server 2005
I would definitely suggest cleaning the input data instead, but this example may work when you call it as a function from the SELECT statement. Note that this will potentially be very expensive.