Is there a better way to restyle REBOL VID modal dialogs? - rebol

I would like to restyle the modal dialogs in REBOL2's VID, such as alert, request/ok, etc, so that they better fit with the theme of the rest of my application. The only way I've found to do this is to include my own altered version of the request function, substituting my own values into the layout in it. Is there any way to restyle these popups without having to redefine the request function?
The default popup vs an example result of what I'm looking for:

Regrettably, as far as I know there isn't. I've had this problem myself in the past. The only way to do it, is as you said. Of course, that's fairly trivial since you can simply do: source request, copy it and make your changes. Request and the other modals are wrapped in functions, which act as a black box around the internal code which generates the face and then feeds it to inform.

Learned a simpler method from another REBOLer (thanks Gregg!). If you only need to change the background color and the enter/cancel buttons, this works as well:
svv/vid-face/color: 26.150.219
stylize/master [
btn-enter: btn white
btn-cancel: btn white


Refresh button in React-admin

I'm trying to access the refresh button in react-admin project. I tried using getElementsbyClassName it returns HTMLComponents Object but it isn't accessible i.e I can see the component on printing it to console but isn't accessible by code. Is there a way for me to disable this refresh button wherever I want?
I'm not sure the exact use case here, but you can create your own custom AppBar that renders essentially whatever you want:
also see this GitHub issue that mentions removing it entirely:
Within your custom AppBar you could have some logic checks within your custom AppBar if you know ahead of time when you'll want it disabled (like on a certain page/component).
If you need it to be more dyanimcally disabled, you could probably have a very high-level context/state to control that as well..
**NOTE: I have built a custom AppBar before, but I haven't done any selective rendering or disabling within it. So, I can't guarantee that this is exactly correct, but it fits with other custom components I've built.

Aurelia: router without losing state

Here is my problem:
I typically have a paginated datagrid with a lot of rows. I want to be able to edit the data for each row of course but I have 2 constraints on this:
I need the edition form to replace the content of the page (I don't want a popup, modal dialog or side panel)
I don't want to lose the state of the datagrid: maybe I navigated down 5 pages in the datagrid and I don't want to be reloaded on the first page. And actually, I'd rather not reload the data I already had (the edited data will be updated automatically by my persistence layer anyway).
Ideally, I would have liked to have some kind of subrouter but I'm not sure how it would fit the first requirement. Otherwise, I could have a component that would be hidden by default and positions itself on top of the datagrid view when necessary but that feels quite hacky and forces me to have everything in the same template. And I will have to handle a stack of these components if I have several different 'full-screen panel'...
Any idea on a correct way to implement this?
I tried different solutions to no avail unfortunately. I had a long discussion with #Kukks on gitter and we agreed that using subrouters and viewports might be a bit overkill for my use case.
I reverted to my original idea of using absolutely positioned components to hide the previous one in a kind of "deck layout". This is not ideal as I would have liked completely separated views and using components forces me to declare them in the main view but it works well and is very easy to implement...
So: not as clean as I would have liked but much easier to implement and less convoluted.
Consider using Router View Ports

Margin on all content pages in Template10 XAML

I am using Template10 with the Hamburger starting project template. I'd like to have a margin between the hamburger area on the left and all content. I tried changing the shared Shell.xaml page (by adding a margin, etc.) but couldn't figure out the best way to sort it out. Conceptually, that makes sense, but it's the specific detail of how to make it work that I'm missing.
Is there an easy way to do it without changing each content page?
Regarding the questions in the comments: I want it in the closed case of a wide view; the question doesn't make any sense in any other case.  As far as what I tried, it doesn't really ultimately matter, since none of what I tried worked - I'm asking what the right way is to do it, which I never figured out.
Here's what the default looks like, without a margin:
Here's what it looks like with a margin added to the content area, which is also how the sample template contents handle this:
I don't want to have to mark up every content page with left margins to get the offset in the second picture.
Okay, now I have enough information. You have a few options here. The first is just bite the bullet like the rest of the developer community and format your pages like normal. But if you simply must, you can create an implicit Page style with a setter setting Margin="16,16,16,16" but, listen, and I am not kidding, you will ultimately regret it unless your app is super-simple. The biggest problem will be the spacing will be OUTSIDE the containing ScrollViewer.
Thanks for using Template 10.

Aurelia popover checkbox checked.bind not reflecting on the view model

We have implemented checkbox in popover. There we are using checked.bind , but in the view model its not reflecting its value on change of the checkboxes.
Sample Gist Run Provided below:
Gist Run
Thanks in Advance
Programmatically injected HTML needs to be compiled manually
The integration with bootstrap I provided to you earlier cannot do this. The bootstrap plugin assigns the innerHTML property of the popover and it does this outside of aurelia's rendering pipeline. The HTML is therefore not compiled by aurelia, which is why bindings (and other aurelia behaviors) will not work.
The templating framework takes care of this for you automatically as long as you are following conventions (such as custom elements). In any other case you'll need to manually work with the ViewCompiler.
In case you're interested, you can see an example with programmatically generated HTML in this gist. Also see this question if you want to know more about it. I do not recommend it in this scenario however.
Use aurelia-dialog
A tooltip (or popover) is just that: a tip on how to use the tool. It should not need more than some plain markup, text and styling (of course this is subjective to some degree, and some people may disagree)
For collecting user input in-between pages or screens, I'd argue a modal dialog is a better fit because of its property to "pop out" more and to de-emphasize the rest of the screen until the user either proceeds or cancels.
More importantly, by using aurelia-dialog your bindings and behaviors will simply work because, well, it's an aurelia plugin :-)

ExtJS - Changing default button styles and fonts

I have this requirement where I have to change the default styles on my Ext JS application. I am not talking about changing stuff in CSS files yet. I am not that ambitious yet. Here is what I am looking for:
Suppose I need a Submit and Cancel buttons, I use xtype:button and text:Save ( or Cancel ). This will render buttons with the text on them. What should I do if I want to change the look and feel of the button? Or replace the button with a cool Save or Cancel image?
Right now I have all the texts on the application with the default font that ExtJS shows. What am I supposed to do if I want all the text on the application changed to a different font? Everything right from the data in forms/grids and the titles of each component should be changed to some other font my customer prefers. What am I supposed to do?
I understand these are very basic and a generic questions, but I am looking for a good headsup before I proceed with my task.
Thank you all in advance. Waiting for answers :)
Update: So, I found out how we deal with CSS and change the fonts. Can anyone help about the Chaning the look and feel for Submit/Cancel buttons.
I recommend you to use SASS and compass to build your own themes, or better said to change one the existing themes. In the Ext JS documentation you can find the css variables which you can set according to your needs.
If you are not ready for theming with SASS just yet take a look at this example of button configs from the sencha docs:
Stanadalone Example page:
CSS that adds customized images to the buttons:
JS that shows button configs:
Essentially this shows how to use iconCls property on the button config along with a simple CSS class to add desired image to your button.