Dojo 1.9.4 not installed in Notes Client and Domino Designer 9.0.1 FP2 IF1? - dojo

First I installed 9.0.1 FP2 IF1 on the server (901FP2HF384_W64) and I was told that this would make dojo 1.9.4 the default dojo, but it was not. I needed to add xsp.client.script.dojo.version=1.9.4 to my XSP Property file to get it to work
Next I need dojo 1.9.4 on the client as well, both as xpinc and when doing preview in web browser so I installed first FP2 IF1 (901FP2SHF63_W32_standard) and later on also FP2 IF3 (901FP2SHF63_W32_standard) but none of these fixes seem to have added dojo 1.9.4
I did try to add xsp.client.script.dojo.version=1.9.4 to my application but I get the following error in both xpinc and preview in web-browser
No Dojo library found matching the configured Dojo library version xsp.client.script.dojo.version=1.9.4.
I ran the following code in a repeat...
...and found out the following
Dojo installed using Preview in webbrowser
Dojo Installed using xpinc
What am I doing wrong here, Why is the fixes not installing 1.9.4? and how can I get 1.9.4 (same as on server) without installing separate dojo packages

On the first issue, you should definitely not need the xsp property to apply dojo 1.9.4, it should be the default. We have not come across any issue with this, thus I'm not sure what the problem is that you are experiencing. Perhaps try uninstalling & reinstalling the IF and/or FP2 and/or both?
On the Notes client issues: The 9.0.1 FP2 Interim Fix 1 fixed an iOS8 issue on the server (for XPages mobile controls) by upgrading dojo to 1.9.4 -
At present there is no Interim Fix that upgrades the dojo version on the Client - There is no use case involving the use of XPages Mobile controls in the client, so the dojo version in the client was left untouched. It was actually unprecedented to upgrade dojo in an Interim Fix, but the severity of the iOS8 issue meant it needed to be done on the server.
You could manually copy the "" folder from the server over to your Notes install to have 1.9.4 on both server and client


Datastax DevCenter freezes on startup

Just installed (copied over the app from the downloaded dmg) DevCenter 1.6 on my mac, running macOs Sierra 10.12.6 with jdk 8u152 installed. The application loads a UI (splash screen then a couple of checkboxes in a window for getting started) but the UI is frozen (with the splash screen still there). No response to mouse clicks or keyboard. Also can't click on the app name in the menu bar. The app however is not labeled "Not responding" by activity monitor.
So far I've tried -
Looking at the logs both in the app folder and in ~/.devcenter. Nothing fishy there
Running the app from a different user account - same issue there
Deleting all datastax and devcenter related files (searched by name) on my machine and fresh start - still the same issue
any ideas what I could do here?
I was running DevCenter on a previous mac with the same config / os version but a slightly older JDK, never had issues then.
On OSX, you can specify which version of Java DevCenter uses so that you do not need to downgrade your global Java version.
Right-click on
Click "show package contents"
Open Contents/info.plist
At the bottom of the file, there's an Eclipse key with lines commented out explaining how to specify the version of Java. Uncomment the line and specify the version of Java that you want DevCenter to use.
Save & Re-launch DevCenter
The updated info.plist file should look something like this:
I reached out to someone at Datastax and learnt that complaints have surfaced about this behavior when using DevCenter with jdk 8u152.
For now, I've downgraded to jdk 8u151 and that fixes the issue.
Without downgrade the Java version
I couldn't create any connection and press buttons and everything was frozen; Changing the swt plugin in the DevCenter plugin folder worked. This was my configuration:
DevCenter version DevCenter-1.6.0-macosx-x86_64
Mac OSX version 10.14.6
JDK Version jdk1.8.0_231.jdk
Steps to fix it
From here download the version 3.108.0. (This version works for me)
Rename the file downloaded as swt.jar (short name)
[Optionally] create a backup of the current swt plugin jar of the DevCenter
cp DevCenter/ ~/Desktop
Replace the plugin with the swt.jar downloaded
mv swt.jar DevCenter/
Startup DevCenter
Finally it worked

Pharo 2.0 not running on CentOS 6.6

I am trying to run my pharo2.0 application on CentoOS which was previously been installed in a mac. The original version is pharo2.0 so I need to run the same image CentoOS too, but I get an error which says this below :
/lib/ version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by xxxxx)
Should I be trying to upgrade the CentoOS and see if pharo2.0 works or port my whole application to a later version of pharo?
There is now a VM build especially for systems with an older libc version. In fact there is a build for Centos specifically (which has a slight variation in linkages from Debian), the latest version of which is permalinked here. See for more info.

OneUI app layout, error with pulldown menus

I am using the applayout and OneUI 3.0.2 theme. I have pulldown menus in the banner (application and utility links) but the menu won't show up. Instead I get this JS error:
Uncaught lang.hitch: scope["_onKeyPress"] is null (scope="[Widget extlib.dijit.OneUIv302Menu, extlib_dijit_OneUIv302Menu_2]")
I have a Windows 9.0.1FP1 where these do work. On a 9.0.1FP1 Linux / 9.0.1FP2 Windows it doesn't work. The Linux machine had FP2 installed before I just downgraded it to FP1 (it was a test to see if this is the cause). But I noticed before that even after downgrading some files are still available - so a next test should be installing the machine completely from the scratch.
Double checked it this morning: another 9.0.1FP1 Win machine - everything working fine.
I also checked out that this only a OneUIv3.0.2 problem.
Do you know this issue?
A fix for this issue has been included in the latest XPages Extension Library (901v00_10.20141105-0922) on OpenNTF.
However, another issue was found in the dropdown mneu once it does appear successfully. Unfortunately a fix was not found for this secondary issue in time for the above ExtLib release. It has been logged as SPR# BGLN9PXG53.

"Main Not Found" starting Apache Geronimo

I am attempting to start Apache Geronimo using the command:
./bin/geronimo run
When I do this, it spins for a minute, issues the message "Main not found" and exits.
This article suggests that it is a system resource issue:
I have tried it on both an Amazon EC2 box (running Linux), and an Azure A1 box (running Windows Server), and I have tried the "Full Profile Release" and "Web Profile Release" of Geronimo, all with no change.
I'm at a complete loss as to what I could try. I am led to believe that the EC2 box, at the very least, should have the muscle to run Geronimo.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
Version 3 of Apache Geronimo is designed to run on JRE 1.7 instead of JRE 1.8. As stated in the other answers, the issue was caused by Geronimo being run on JRE 1.7 instead of 1.8.
You are not limited to JRE 1.7 and earlier in order to run Geronimo though. Therefore, all you have to do is to rename or copy the property jre-1.7 in the file etc/ in your installation to jre-1.8. Afterwards, you should be able to run Geronimo without an error.
This has a huge benefit, since now you will be able to run programs on Geronimo that use Java 8 features.
It turns out that the issue is that I had the wrong version of the JDK installed. I had installed the most recent version (8), but Geronimo apparently won't work with that. When I instead installed version 6, everything worked fine.
I was getting the same error with Java 8. I tried the latest version of Java SE 7 and that resolved the problem. So I wouldn't use Java 6, since it is and has been out of support for awhile now (read: security issue).

Installing jazz 4.0.2 plugin with IBM Worklight 6 (juno eclipse) causes functional degradation in worklight

I've installed worklight 6 into an existing juno 64 bit eclipse running in windows 7. Runs great. I then install the jazz RTC 4.0.2 plug in into that eclipse environment. After the plugin is installed, there is a noticeable loss of function. The following are examples:
On the create new Hybrid app page, the option for changing the dojo library used is gone. The dialog resembles the WL5 version.
after a dojo hybrid is created, the www folder is missing from the WL project
Some dojo widgets do not work (i.e., not presented on the mobile device emulator or in resulting adroid application) like
The only way to resolve is to uninstall the RTC plugin. Any suggestion on how to make this work? Using WL5.0.6.1 and same Jazz RTC plugin has no problems. We want to move to newer WL and upgrading RTC is not an easy option.
Are you using Eclipse Java EE 4.2.2? That's the only supported version for Worklight Studio (i.e. make sure you are not using 4.2.1 or 4.2 alone).
Other things I would try:
1) Use RTC 4.0.3 plug-in instead 4.0.2, that could make some difference and usually these clients have backwards compatibility with the server.
2) Install RTC before Worklight Studio, and see if it makes any difference.