How to tag a git repo in a bamboo build - bamboo

I'm trying to tag the git repo of a ruby gem in a Bamboo build. I thought doing something like this in ruby would do the job
`git tag v#{current_version}`
`git push --tags`
But the problem is that the repo does not have the origin. somehow Bamboo is getting rid of the origin
Any clue?

Yes, if you navigate to the job workspace, you will find that Bamboo does not do a straightforward git clone "under the hood", and the the remote is set to an internal file path.
Fortunately, Bamboo does store the original repository URL as ${bamboo.repository.git.repositoryUrl}, so all you need to do is set a remote pointing back at the original and push to there. This is what I've been using with both basic Git repositories and Stash, creating a tag based on the build number.
git tag -f -a ${bamboo.buildNumber} -m "${bamboo.planName} build number ${bamboo.buildNumber} passed automated acceptance testing." ${bamboo.planRepository.revision}
git remote add central ${bamboo.planRepository.repositoryUrl}
git push central ${bamboo.buildNumber}
git ls-remote --exit-code --tags central ${bamboo.buildNumber}
The final line is simply to cause the task to fail if the newly created tag cannot be read back.
EDIT: Do not be tempted to use the variable ${bamboo.repository.git.repositoryUrl}, as this will not necessarily point to the repo checked out in your job.
Also bear in mind that if you're checking out from multiple sources, ${bamboo.planRepository.repositoryUrl} points to the first repo in your "Source Code Checkout" task. The more specific URLs are referenced via:
and so on.

I know this is an old thread, however, I thought of adding this info.
From Bamboo version 6.7 onwards, it has the Git repository tagging feature Repository Tag.
You can add a repository tagging task to the job and the Bamboo variable as tag name.
You must have Bamboo-Bitbucket integrated via the application link.

It seems that after a checkout by the bamboo agent, the remote repository url for origin is set as file://nothing
[remote "origin"]
url = file://nothing
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
That's why we can either update the url using git remote set-url or in my case I just created a new alias so it does not break the existing behavior. There must be a good reason why it is set this way.
[remote "build-origin"]
url = <remote url>
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/build-origin/*
I also noticed that using ${bamboo.planRepository.<position>.repositoryUrl} did not work for me since it was defined in my plan as https. Switching to ssh worked.


How to connect a project from IDEA to Gitlab

Is it possible to connect a project from IDEA to Gitlab?
There are no problems with GitHub, you specify a github account, then VCS-> Import into and it creates a project in your account. But with GitLab I don't see such a possibility. Maybe there is some way?
Or just manually throw it in there?
If all you want to do is create a project, that is as simple as pushing the repo. In GitLab, you don't have to create the project in the UI first. You can simply push directly to a project namespace that does not yet exist. The project will be created when you push to it.
Therefore, all you have to do is configure your git remote per usual, then push.
git init
git checkout -b main
echo "# My Project" >
git add
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push --set-upstream main
Then you'll see the message from the remote in the git console log
remote: The private project namespace/myproject was created.
In the JetBrains IDEs, you can simply configure the remote and push.
You only have define the remote ahead of time in the terminal. For example:
git remote add origin
Then in the IDE, when you go to push, you'll see the ability to push to the new remote/branch.
Then you'll also note in the git tab console you'll see the message from the remote that the project has been created.
Full integration for GitLab hasn't been implemented yet, but there is a feature request for that:
Meanwhile, you can create a repository in GitLab, then press Cmd/Ctrl+K and Click "Commit and push". In Push dialog there will be "Define remote" button - click on it and paste URL to GitLab's repository.
If it's HTTPS then you'll be prompted with username and password - enter them, alternatively you can enter Username and Personal access token (in password field)

git svn command to get remote HEAD revision number

is there a git svn command that will tell me the HEAD revision on the svn remote repositiory before I perform a git svn fetch?
Use case (Since someone asked why I'd want to do this.)
I want to check if there has been a large number of commits to the remote repository before I start the fetch, so I know whether to do something else* before it finishes, or just sit staring at the console because it will be done quickly.
* something else = go and make a coffee
Git has a similar feature with git ls-remote.
git svn itself might, through git svn info <url>, which does an svn info (without -r/-revision option support though)
Try using it with the URL of the remote SVN repository.
If it does now work, try svn info <url> directly.

Tooltwist Designer Repository Sync is failing

When I sync from the ToolTwist Designer, I select the files I wish to publish, but I get an error when I press OK, saying that the sync failed and to look in the server log file.
If I try again, the files I selected are no longer in the list, but if I check Git I can see they are not pushed to the repository.
In the log file I see that the push failed, and if I go to the webdesign directory and test the push command I get the same error:
$ git push --dry-run
! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast-forward)
I'm using the 'design' branch, so I'm not sure why an error is occurring on the 'master' branch.
In normal circumstances the Designer only uses a single git branch, normally named 'design'. The error message above indicates a conflict on the master branch.
It appears that changes have been committed to the master branch on the local machine but not pushed, whilst elsewhere changes have been committed to the master branch and have been pushed onto the remote repo.
To clear this conflict you'll need to checkout the master branch and do a pull to merge in the changes on the remote, and then the next push will work. Don't forget to change back to the design branch when you're finished.
[stop the Designer]
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
[resolve any conflicts]
$ git push origin master
$ git checkout design
[start the Designer]
By default git tries to push commits on all branches. In this case, you might find that the conflict on the master branch is preventing your web design changes on the design branch from being committed. To prevent this from happening, you can configure git's default behaviour to only push the current branch.
$ git config push.default current
You might also want to investigate why the master branch is being changed (and in two locations).

New repository, production problem

I have a problem with the deployment of the project on the production server. We use Capistrano and Passenger. The problem is that we moved the project repository on GitHub to another account. I changed the repository address in the file deploy.rb, however, during the 'cap production deploy ", after authentication by the production server, Capistrano is looking for an old repository, which fails. I suspect that this is a change in the repository. git on production, but I do not know how to do it.
servers: [""]
[] executing command
** [ err] ERROR: repo / repo.git does not exist. Did you enter it correctly?
** [ err] fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
command finished in 4220ms
*** [deploy: update_code] rolling back
Try editing shared/cached-copy/.git/config and modify the git repo listed there. If you're using the remote_cache method, it keeps a local git repo and updates that on the remote machine. Repoint that to your new git repo and you should be good to go.

Group permissions reset on mercurial update

I've configured my hg repository according to the docs described here:
However, when I execute "hg update -C" to recreate the working copy locally, the file permissions have changed such that it eventually causes errors on push when other developers attempt to commit changes. Supposidly, when configured properly, hg update will preserve file permissions. Yet it doesn't appear to be doing so:
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root mercurial 2948 2010-06-24 15:27 .hg/store/data/src/public/index.php.i
vs. (actual source file, after deleting the working copy and recreating with "hg update -C")
-rw-r--r-- 1 root mercurial 820 2010-06-28 12:07 src/public/index.php
How can mercurial be configured such that when users create new files or modify existing files, the group and it's permissions are preserved?
Here is a sample of the errors I'm seeing:
remote: resolving manifests
remote: getting src/configs/application.ini
remote: abort: Permission denied: /hg/repo/path/src/configs/application.ini
remote: warning: changegroup hook exited with status 255
remote: calling hook changegroup.notify: hgext.notify.hook
I had this same problem and solved it by setting the sticky bit on the remote repo directory.
chmod +s `find . -type d`
That will solve the problem that the OP ran into.
Which method exactly you've used? Describe more what is your setup.
Yes, mercurial does remember file permissions on commit. When you do hg update -C, it will recreate files with permissions that were set on last commit.
Your error message seems to be telling that repository files on repository server have wrong permissions/owner, so you cannot modify them with hg push. This could be because someone commited and pushed files as a different repository server user.
I would reccomend shared ssh method ( ): you set up separate user account for repository management, add developer's ssh public keys (you should restrict them to be used only with mercurial with specific repositories) and then use ssh://hguser#server/path/to/repository as an url.
BTW: by default mercurial doesn't run any hooks if a user used to do push/pull is not in trusted list. See trusted section in man hgrc.
BTW2: don't run any regular software as a root. use normal account for that.