How to show only some columns in Linked Access database - ms-access-2007

I have an access table called 'details' in database1 and I want to link it in another database 'database2'. I know how to create a linked table in database2 which reads in the data from database1 (from table 'details') but I only want to use some columns from 'details'. Is there a way to do this in Access????

Instead of creating a linked table in database2 you can create a saved query in database2 that looks like this:
SELECT SomeField, SomeOtherField
FROM [;Database=C:\Users\Public\database1.accdb].details;


Trigger to update table column when data is inserted in another table from a different database

I have a database table named vendor_invoice which contains columns invoiceNo and paymentref in database Interface. I want to update the paymentref column once data has been inserted into another database table named APTCR which is located in another database, JBDAT. Note that table APTCR has both the paymentref and invoiceno columns.
It would be possible if you use like oracle dblink or db2 federation or change data capture software.
If you use dblink or federation. You can use trigger :
create or replace trigger aaa
Otherwise, IBM IDR, Oracle Data Replication would be a good solution

Microsoft SQL Server 2005: Create alias for database

How can I create alias name to my database in SQL Server 2005?
For example: DB1 and its alias DB2, it's same DB, but with two names.
Or can I do replication, mirroring, syncing or anything other inside server from one DB to another?
You can do replication from one database to another database on the same machine. You can also copy data directly without having to create an alias. For instance if you had a table named Users in DB2 and a Users table in DB1 and they are the same schema you could easily just do
select * from DB2..Users
Now, a synonym would allow you to use a table from DB2 as if it was a table in DB1 so for instance if you have a table named Products in DB2 you could do
use DB1
CREATE SYNONYM [dbo].[Products] FOR [DB2].[dbo].[Products]
-- Now the following would give you the same result
select * from DB2..Products
select * from Products
For more information on synonyms see here

Create external table with select from other table

I am using HDInsight and need to delete my clusters when I am finished running queries. However, I need the data I gather to survive for another day. I am working on queries that would create calculated columns from table1 and insert them into table2. First I wanted a simple test to copy the rows. Can you create an external table from a select statement?
drop table if exists table2;
create external table table2 as
select *
from table1
STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION 'wasb://{container name}#{storage name}';
yes but you have to seperate it into two commands. First create the external table then fill it.
create external table table2(attribute STRING)
LOCATION 'table2';
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE table2 Select * from table1;
The schema of table2 has to be the same as the select query, in this example it consists only of one string attribute.
I know this is too stale question but here is the solution.
STORED AS textfile
LOCATION wasb://....
Since create external table with "as select" clause is not supported in Hive, first we need to create external table with complete DDL command and then load the data into the table. Please go through this for different data format supports.
create external table table_ext(col1 typ1,...)
LOCATION 'table2'; // optional if not provided then default location is used
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE table_ext Select * from table1;
make sure table_ext has same DDL as table1.

Dynamically creating tables using information held in another table

I want to create a table in sql using the columns details (name, data type etc.) stored in anther table in the database.
Depending on the database you can use the information schema tables. They hold the information you are looking for. Look for the table that describes the columns.
You can query these tables and use 'select into' to insert the results into your other table.
One opinion is to create CREATE TABLE query and execute it in ADO.NET like shown here this
Try out this code
CREATE TABLE new_table
FROM old_table
WHERE 1 = 2;

Create a replica of a sql table

I need a query to create a table which is the exact replica but with different table name and without any data from the source table using a sql query!
You can try this
SELECT * INTO Table_Copy
FROM Table
where 1=2
It will create a empty table with the same structure.
SQL Server Management Studio
Object Explorer
Connect -> Your server
Databases -> Choose Database
Right Click Your Table
Script Table as -> Create To -> New Query Editor Window
Jonathan has it (upvoted), and you should probably go with that because it's more portable. I normally use something similar:
SELECT TOP 0 * INTO [New_Table] FROM [Old_Table]
I think this better expresses what you're doing, but I like Jonathan's because 'TOP 0' is SQL Server specific, and so his is more portable.
For MySQL, you can call SHOW CREATE TABLE table_name;
It will display a CREATE TABLE query. Simply change the table name in that query and you're good to go.
If you use Postgresql:
SELECT * INTO Table_Copy
FROM Table
where 1=2
This worked very well, when i tried to create a replica of the table without any data's.
SELECT * INTO Table_Copy
FROM Table
This will create a replica with the data's too.
This can help you:
Read more here
select * into newtablename from sourcetablename
truncate newtablename
That will result in an exact copy but it also copies the data at first which you remove with the truncate statement.
create table <new table name> as select * from <old tale name from which you would like to extract data>
It will create a new table with a different name but will copy all existing data from the old table to new table.
in postgres you can use INHERITS or LIKE keyword to make replica of a table(only copies structure of the table)
CREATE TABLE client_new (LIKE client);
CREATE TABLE client_new () INHERITS (client)
Use of INHERITS creates a persistent relationship between the new child table and its parent table(s). Schema modifications to the parent(s) normally propagate to children as well, and by default the data of the child table is included in scans of the parent(s).
LIKE clause specifies a table from which the new table automatically copies all column names, their data types, and their not-null constraints.Unlike INHERITS, the new table and original table are completely decoupled after creation is complete. Changes to the original table will not be applied to the new table, and it is not possible to include data of the new table in scans of the original table.