extjs 4.2 FiltersFeaturenot working with filtered store - extjs4.1

I am new to Extjs,I filtered the store and I am passing that to grid.Inside grid I am using FiltersFeature,but the filter showing the actual store instead of filtered store i.e showing all the values instead of filtered values.
How can I handle this.Please help me out

The reason is that Filters Feature does not read the actual settings of filters in store. You can workaround that by not filtering the store but call filtering functions of the filters instead.

I removed filters in store and resolved that issue.


How to update existing data in Apache Druid

The problem was to add a new field to existing datasource and fill it with some default value.
I have tried so via this aticle
But the actual result is that new column was added, but it filled with a null value.
Where I was wrong and can I fix it in the same way?
It would be hard to tell without looking at how you have added the new column in your ingestions spec.
I will suggest using druid unified console data loader UI > and parse your input data > define the additional column under transform section. The advantage of data loader UI is that you can preview the transformed result immediately and once the workflow is completed you will get an ingestions spec and can submit it from there itself.
Transformation example
From the documentation here: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/design/segments.html#different-schemas-among-segments
Maybe the result is related to the fact that existing segments don't have the new field and therefore show null.

PowerBI blank data template

Currently I'm working on a dashboard template in PowerBI that will be piloted in the desktop version. The template is filled with data based on the user's authorization through a filter applied within the MDX query. However when spreading the template to others for piloting, it is still filled with data based on my personal authorizations which is only replaced as soon as the user refreshes using his personal authorizations.
I'm looking for a solution that does not break the template but also makes sure that my data is not shown to others when opening the template, in other words how can I make sure the user sees an empty template (no data) when opening the file.
I've tried blanking the filter parameter (results in data errors and missing columns thus breaking the dashboard)
Can anyone help me find a solution?
You may add a template user (just for report creation) and set the Scope statement around your measures:
This = IIF(
UserName() == "domain\template.user",
End Scope;
Thanks for the replies. I've managed to solve the problem with a simple solution. By adding a try structure around the Table.RenameColumns function after the MDX I was able to capture a blank query and use Table.FromRecords to manually add the otherwise retrieved columns with a blank row. This prevents all subsequent queries and measures from returning errors and thus blanking all figures when the user parameter is invalid. Then finally just add any invalid value to the user parameter and save as a template, voila.

Extending Kendo Grid default grouping

How can I implement some operations after kendo finishes grouping? For example, I am displaying some values based on countries, states, cities, etc. After grouping by those columns I would like to sum the values and display the total after each grouping group.
Also, how can I persist the columns state after grouping? For example, if I hide columns and then I decide to group by another column, the state gets refreshed (All columns will be displayed again). Is there a way to maintain the hidden columns after kendo finishes grouping by another column?
Thanks a lot!
1.After grouping the dataSource change event and grid dataBound are fired. In it you can use dataSource.group() method to get grouping infromation and use it like so:
function onDataBound(e) {
var gr = e.sender.dataSource.group();
//some operations on the gr variable.
Unfortunately it is not possible to check what exacly change in dataSource it was (grouping, filtering etc).
Better option is to use kendo aggregating mechanism to it. I recommed to try it first. Check this demo to see how it works.
2.Here is another demo I've prepared for you in which you can hide column using column menu and then group it. Hided columns remain hided after it. Can you reproduce your issue in that example if you still have problem with it?

How to use query for grid\enhancedGrid?

I want to sort information in a dojo EnhancedGrid (connected to database through JsonRestStore). I know dojo grids provide functionality to sort based on a single column. However, in my grid, one column contains combined information from multiple fields (e.g., last name, first name, email, age) of database table. Is there a simple way to sort the grid or the data in the store based on a single filed in database table (e.g., last name)?
It seems I can use "query" to change the view of the store (grid is a view of the store if I understand correctly), but I don't understand how to write a query to do that. Can anyone give me more information about the syntax of using query or how to solve this issue?
Thank you!
It looks like you have to use what is called a comparatorMap for customized grid sorting.
here's one example :
(look for the section 'Listing 15. Customize the sort function of Dojo
inside the comparator map function is where you would convert the strings to
numbers and make the numeric comparison.

How to filter a Sharepoint List Column with a Textbox Control Value using a "Contains" query?

I'm using a data view to display a list (Sharepoint 2010) that has several columns including one that has a Name column. I've provided the user with a text filter on the page to send values to filter the Name column in this list. The problem I'm facing is that the filter only works for exact matches and not partial matches.
I tried to overcome this problem by using Sharepoint Designer to:
create a parameter that uses the textbox control value.
Filtering the Name column with this parameter and setting the comparison to "Contains"
Unfortunately if the default value of the Parameter is blank, the list does not display any data. If the default value of the parameter is set to part of a name in the list, the list displays names that contain that string. However, when changing the value in the text box and searching, the list does not return results. Please let me know if you guys know how to fix this. Any help is much appreciated and let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks!
Managed to find a solution to my problem. I used a custom javascript solution designed by jvossers (http://instantlistfilter.codeplex.com) that involves the list being filtered instantly much like Google's search!
The only downside of this solution is that it only filters the items currently displayed on the screen. Therefore, if you have a data view web part which limits the amount of items displayed on the page, this solution won't help you. In order to facilitate this solution, display all the row items on the page (by increasing the item limit per page to a larger number than your total list rows) and then add this code into a content editor web part on the same page. Worked brilliantly for me. '
By the way if you are using jQuery 1.3.x or higher, you should modify the script a little as described in the disscussion here: http://instantlistfilter.codeplex.com/Thread/View.aspx?ThreadId=49123