xaml layout file won't link to Strings in Resource.resw - xaml

I have created a simple hub app
the default template has this HubPage.xaml
since x:Uid the strings should be yet linked to Resurces.resw in Strings folder (if I have understod the documentation)
so I have created the folder for another language and edited both Resurces.resw files to show the name Bla Bla Test rather than default "application name"
unfortunately this doesn't work and header continues to show "application name" ignoring Resurces.resw
What is wrong?
update: following the suggestion of Romasz(see the comments) when I run the emulator is correctly shown the value of Resurces.resw...why in the preview this not happens

From what I've tried with default template (Hub App), there seems to be a little mistake in Resources.resw file. Instead of HubSection1 -> Section 1 there should be HubSection1.Header -> Section 1 - x:Uid defines the name of an element, but in resources there should be added a path to property.
Nevertheless, from my experience and what I've tried, the designer preview won't show values from Resources.resw file. To see the effect you will have to build and run your project on emulator/devidce.


How do I reliably style object layout in apache isis wicket viewer?

I have created a module by copying module-simple. I have everything working well. However, the layout does not follow the layout.xml specification - I did not change anything except to rename the file.
This is the SimpleObject view.
This is my ZiemObject view - only the name is changed.
When I remove the layout.xml and try to use #MemberOrder(name=..,sequence = .. ) I get nothing but the basic object view.
What am I doing wrong?
It isn't clear to me from your question, did you rename the layout file to ZiemObject.layout.xml ? I guess it must be because a layout is the only way to specify tabs. Could you paste a copy of it here?
Even better, perhaps you could upload your app to a github repo so we can take a deeper look?
I downloaded the sample app from the github repo, and what's there works as expected...
the ZiemObject.layout.xml controls the member order of the ZiemObject, and because it is present the #MemberOrder annotation in that class are ignored
Also, the notes property is no longer shown as multi-line because that metadata is only provided in the .layout.xml file
if I rename the layout file, eg mv ZiemObject.layout.xml ZiemObject.layout.xml.MOVED then the default layout is honoured. In particular, the (framework-defined) id and version fields are no longer shown in tabs.
(Also, the notes is no longer shown as multi-line because that metadata is only provided in the .layout.xml file).
If I change the #MemberOrder#sequence attribute for the name and notes properties to "2" and "1" respectively, then the order of these fields is inverted, as shown below:
Hope that helps

Unable to embed a screenshot to the SpecFlow html Report

I am executing my automation scenarios using SpecFlow with Visual Studio.
I want to Embed a custom image to the HTML report which was generated by SpecFlow. That image is a screenshot i am taking whenever scenario is failed in Hooks.
Please help me out.
This is what i am seeing in the html report - enter image description here
Take a look at the SeleniumWebTest sample project here. This sample project shows how to include a screenshot in your report. While the example is Selenium-based, the same principles apply to other frameworks.
A more in-depth explanation of how this works can be found here under "Including Screenshots". Essentially, you need to abuse the console and use it to output your images' file paths.
Any data written to the console is available in your report (this is how the trace details are received by the report). You will need to parse the data written to the console and strip out the file path you want to embed. Make sure that you strip the image path completely so that you don't output the file path as part of the other trace information received from the console.
Edit: I've since discovered that there seems to be an issue with the template in the sample project. The following section in the template is bugged:
class="log">#Raw(FormatTechMessages(traceEvent.TechMessages.TrimEnd()).Replace("SCREENSHOT[ <a href="http://specflow.org/plus/documentation/,-/" data-page=",-"<img width='1000' src=").Replace("</a> ]SCREENSHOT", "</img>"))</pre>
This is because the console no longer seems to be formatting the file as a hyperlink, so the replacement string is never found. Updating this line in ReportTemplate.cshtml seems to have done the trick:
<pre class="log">#Raw(FormatTechMessages(traceEvent.TechMessages.TrimEnd()).Replace("SCREENSHOT[ ", "<img width='1000' src=\"").Replace(" ]SCREENSHOT", "\"</img>"))</pre>
As the console is no longer formatting the file as a hyperlink, you only need to replace the padding (in this case the "SCREENSHOT[]SCREENSHOT") from the string and instead enclose the path with the <IMG> tag. You also need to add the quotes around the file path.

Custom widget in thingworx

Could any body let me know how to create custom widget in thingworx.
I don't have any idea how to create custom widget.
Please help me.
I have to build drag drop custom widget and we can use that custom widget with other widget. e.g with tree widget,... etc.
I would recommend reading the official Extension Package Development Guide:
However, the best way to start making a new widget is to take an existing widget that does something like you want, and modify it. Built in widgets exist at
Here's a very brief guide to getting started with that. If you were to want to copy Textbox:
Open the metadata.xml and change the "TextBox" to "MyWidget".
There are two sections in this file. The "ExtensionPackage" section holds metadata for the pacakge (version, vendor, etc.)
The second section , "Widgets" defines the widget files. Change the name of all these files to use your name e.g. MyWidget.ide.js Don’t forget to change name in the “Widget” xml tag too.
Rename all necessary folder and files, replacing "TextBox" with "MyWidget"
Open the both .js files and change the definition in each to reflect "MyWidget"
In the ide file, change the icon path "widgetIconUrl" and the "name" property.
Select the "ui" folder and the metadata.xml file and package them both into a new zip file. This file should import into Thingworx.
I would suggest searching for or asking this question in the PTC IoT Community, which is much more active for Thingworx developers than StackExchange.
UPDATE: The latest documentation for ThingWorx 9 Extension Package Development Guide can be found here

import "cocos2d.h" works in some files, but not all

Here is what I did:
In Xcode 4.3.1
File -> New -> Project -> Single view application
Dragged the file cocos2d-ios.xcodeproj into navigator.
In build phases settings : Added : libcocos2d.a (becomes highlighted in red), as a linked library (required).
Added OpenGles.framework, Quartzcore, and libz.dylib
Changed build settings - Set "Always Search User Paths" to YES
Added cocos2d source directory to "User Header Search Paths"
Now, it seems I can type: import "cocos2d.h" , in the app delegate and root view controller that Xcode created. But if I create a new file, and I add the line "import "cocos2d.h"" to the top, Xcode complains that the file is not found. But it seems to build fine. Also, in this new file code sense does not work.
What should I do? Why can I import only in the files that Xcode created? Is there some setting I need to change so that in the files I create, I can import cocos2d ?
EDIT: It seems to build and run fine. I can call methods in the cocos2d api. code sense just doesn't seem to see cocos2d.h in the new files I create.
EDIT - it seems that code sense suggests cocos2d.h when i type : import "
But it does not suggest classes / methods from the cocos2d api.
Turns out I had only added the "user header search paths" to my target, but not in the project settings.
Adding it fixed the problem. I guess the reason it compiled fine was because I had added it to the target, but it didn't work in the text editor since I hadn't added it to the project.
This happened to me as well, even though I did add it to both project and target.
However, what worked for me was to select the RECURSIVE checkbox under "User Header Search Prefixes" (which was set to "/lib/**")
I had same issue.
My project -> Build Settings
Look for the entry for Search Paths
Always Search User Paths - YES
User Header Search paths - "myProjectName/libs" //I put box2d folder here
Hope this help someone.

AIR custom transparent chrome problem Flash Builder 4.5.1

I'm re-creating an AIR app with FB 4.5.1. (I've started from scratch, having had trouble importing FB 4 projects).
In the app.xml I have the following defined:
Having done this I still get a full window with titlebar, min, max, and close buttons.
what gives?
I believe you need to create a skin for the application.
This appears in Adobe's forum, and includes an FXP of a functional transparent app:
Setting systemChrome & transparency along with "backgroundAlpha" to "0" would have helped in Flex 3.
But, skinning of components in Flex 4 i.e Spark components is little different and completely customizable.
Following are the steps you need to do make the window transparent.
Set systemChrome to "none" in the XML configuration file
Set transparent to "true" in the XML configuration file
Copy the skin code from <SDK_FOLDER>\frameworks\projects\airframework\src\spark\skins\spark\S parkChromeWindowedApplicationSkin.mxml and paste in a new MXML file.
Set the "alpha" property of "backgroundRect" object inside the skin file to "0".
Assign the newly created skin as the "skinClass" for "s:WindowedApplication" object
Please import the attached FXP file using "File->Import Flex Project" menu and have a look at the code to make it much more clear.
First, I discovered it is easier to interact with app.XML by opening it via "Open With -> Text Editor".
Second, and this is really embarrassing, I had simply failed to remove the comments bracketing
<!-- <systemChrome>none</systemChrome> -->
should have been:
...duh! I knew better, but...
Lastly, for a completely chromeless app, add
to the app header.
that's it!