How can I delete Stock Move in 'Done' state, from command line in Odoo/ OpenERP? - odoo

I want to delete All Quotation, Sales Orders and Invoices from my database for this i have to delete all stock moves which are 'validated' and in 'done' state, how can i delete stock moves from command line ? OR How can I change status from 'Done' to 'Draft' ?

ODOO was designed so that all non-draft documents should be stored in database (as I understand, in some countries ERP should do this by law restrictions).
Nevertheless, in some cases one should completely remove already existing documents: for example, I created test invoice and confirmed it, but I don't want to preserve it in my actual system.
All next steps can be done ONLY by your own risk! You can spoil something or even break your database if you're not completely sure of what you're doing! I STRONGLY recommend to make backup of your database before doing something like this!
Generally odoo database structure is very clean and simple. You can connect to your database (I prefer some GUI tool like pgadmin3) and manually adjust necessary tables.
Here's small description of related tables (just remove unnecessary items):
sale_order: all your quotations;
sale_order_line: items in quotations;
account_invoice: all your invoices;
account_invoice_line: items in all your invoices;
account_move: journal entries;
account_move_line: items in journal entries.
I don't recommend using this method if you have alternative solution made from odoo interface!

Note: I wouldn't recommend this method unless your absolutely sure of what you are doing.
You can do this using SQL statements directly.
If you want to delete all stock moves in done state:
DELETE FROM stock_move WHERE state='done'
If you want to change stock moves from done (or any other state) to draft state:
UPDATE stock_move SET state='draft' WHERE state='done'

There are two way
1) GUI Editor(Pgadmin3 is widely using...)
2) Via Terminal , fire these commands one by one,
sudo su postgres THEN
psql database_name THEN
Note : i agree with César if you sure then and then only go with it.
Tidyway Team


Multiple users accessing a linked table occasionally see a message "Cannot update. Database or object is read-only"

We have a split MS Access database. When users log on, they are connected/linked to two separate Access database (one for the specific project they are working on and one for record locking (and other global settings)). The "locking" database is the one I need to find a solution for.
One of the tables "tblTS_RecordLocking", simply stores a list of user names and the recordID of the record they are editing. This never has more than 50 records - usually being closer to 5-10. But before a user can do anything on a record, it opens "tblTS_RecordLocking" to see if the record is in use (so it happens a lot):
Set recIOC = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT tblTSS_RecordLocking.* FROM tblTSS_RecordLocking WHERE (((tblTSS_RecordLocking.ProjectID_Lock)=1111) AND ((tblTSS_RecordLocking.RecordID_Lock)=123456));", , dbReadOnly)
If it's in use, the user simply gets a message and the form/record remains locked. If not in use, it will close the recordset and re-open it so that the user name is updated with the Record ID:
Set recIOC = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT tblTSS_RecordLocking.* FROM tblTSS_RecordLocking WHERE (((tblTSS_RecordLocking.UserName_Lock)='John Smith'));")
If recIOC.EOF = True Then
recIOC.Fields![UserName_Lock] = "John Smith"
End If
recIOC.Fields![RecordID_Lock] = 123456
recIOC.Fields![ProjectID_Lock] = 111
recIOC.Close: set recIOC=Nothing
As soon as this finishes, everything realting to the second database is closed down (and the .laccdb file disappears).
So here's the problem. On very rare occasions, a user can get a message:
3027 - Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.
On even rarer occasions, it can flag the db as corrrupt needing to be compressed and re-indexed.
I really want to know the most reliable way to do the check/update. The process may run several hundred times in a day, and whilst I only see the issue once every few weeks, and for the most part handle it cleanly (on the front-end), I'm sure there is a better, more reliable way.
I agree with mamadsp that moving to SQL is the best option and am already in the process of doing this. However, whilst I was not able to create a fix for this issue, I was able to find a work-around that has yet to fail.
Instead of having a single lock table in the global database. I found that creating a lock table in the project database solved the problem. The main benefit of this is that there are much fewer activities on the table. So, not perfect - but it is stable.

SQL change rule based off when a time happens

I am using postgresql is it possible for me to change a table when a specific time happens. I would like to modify values when a specific date happens that is specified in the table being modified. For example:
a piece of artwork is located in a museum, after it's exhibition ends it is automatically placed back into storage, changing its location attribute. This occurs on a specified date.
It is not possible. See cron jobs, as suggested by Muleinik... but then, to expand on your example:
a piece of artwork is located in a museum, after it's exhibition ends it is automatically placed back into storage, changing its location attribute. This occurs on a specified date.
What happens if the piece of art is stolen (happens), or the museum it got sent to as part of a temporary exhibition decides to keep it (happens) or return it to its "rightful owner" (happens), or it's shelved in the wrong location (happens), etc.?
Don't just assume that things will go well -- they won't.
postgres does not have triggers on system-wide event (such as time).
What you can do, however, is have the OS's cron or at services do it for you by scheduling a statement like this:
echo "UPDATE artwork SET location='storage' WHERE name='Mona Lisa' | psql -u some_user -d some_database
Maybe you need a different data model, one that would allow you to store "historical" location. (in quotes because you'll keep future records there, too.)

SAP Business One I Query inventory base on user defined field

I am running a query on a product. I need a field that will look at the user defined field which contains another product and check that stock level. Any help would be great.
What is the main objective?
Are you trying to check on that item because that item is the material/component? or act like a substitution?
Using UDF is quite not feasible as you have to get the link to the Item Master Data, and I have not figured out yet how to do that.
But if you are using it as substitution, why don't you use Alternative Item in Inventory > Item Management > Alternative Items? It will show on Sales Quotation for you to display it to customer. Or during Sales Order, you can get it displayed for alternative should your main item is shortage.
If you are using those item as a component, I suggest you use Bill of Material. During Production Order you will be able to see those component's availability in qty, and also you can have more than one, unlike UDF.
Hope this helps.
I think the key part you're missing here is the naming convention which SAP adpots for user defined fields.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that you're capable of querying these fields from a SQL point of view.
UDFs by defuault, will have their column name prefixed with "U_".
For example, the UDF 'AnotherProduct' will be referred to in SQL as 'U_AnotherProduct'.
Hope this helps, if not, please explain your problem in some more detail.

Database Design: Line Items & Additional Items

I am looking for a solution or to be told it simply is not possible/good practice.
I currently have a database whereby I can create new orders and select from a lookup table of products that I offer. This works great for the most part but i would also like to be able to add random miscellaneous items to the order. For instance one invoice may read "End of Tenancy Clean" and the listed product but then have also an entry for "2x Lightbulb" or something to that effect.
I have tried creating another lookup table for these items but the problem is i don't want to have to pre-define every conceivable item before I can make orders. I would much prefer to be able to simply type in the Item and price when it is needed.
Is there any database design or workaround that can achieve this? Any help is greatly appreciated. FYI I am using Lightswitch 2012 if that helps.
One option I've seen in the past is a record in your normal items table labeled something like "Additional Service", and the application code will recognize this item and also require you to enter or edit a description to print with the invoice.
In the ERP system which we have at work, there is a flag in the parts table which allows one to change the description of the part in orders; in other words, one lists the part number in the order and then changes the description. This one off description is stored in a special table (called NONSTANDARD) which basically has two fields - an id field and the description. There is a field in the 'orderlines' table which stores the id of the record in the special table. Normally the value of this field will be 0, which means that the normal description of the part be displayed, but if it's greater than 0, then the description is taken from the appropriate row in the nonstandard table.
You mean something like this?
(only key attributes included, for brevity)

TSQL Query for analyzing Text

I have a table that has ordernumber, cancelled date and reason.
Reason field is varchar(255) field and it was written by many different sales rep and really hard to group by the reason category I need to generate a report to categorize cancelation reasons. What is the best way to analyse the reasons with TSQL?
Sample of reasons entered by sales rep
cust already has this order going out
cust can not hold for item Called to cancel order
cust doesn't want to pay for shipping
wife ordered same item from different vendor, sent email
cst made a duplicate order, sent email
cst can't hold
Cust doesn't want to go through verification process so is cancelling order
doesn't ant to hold for Bo
doesn't want
Cust called to cancel the order He can no longer get the product he wants
cnt hld
will not comply with export req
cant' hold
Custs request
Cust will not hold for BO
per. cust. request.
BTW I have SQL Server 2005.
part of your problem is that this these aren't truly reason codes. sounds like an issue with your schema to me. if there aren't predefined reason codes to reference and you're allowing free text entry for each reason, then there's really no way to do this directly, outside of pulling distinct reasons back, which is probably not going to be very useful.
just an idea, can you add another column to the table, even if it's in a temp or test environment and then give the business users the ability to assign a code (e.g. 1 for mis-ships, 2 for duplicate orders, 3 for wrong item etc.) to each order cancellation. then perform the analysis on that.
i assume that's what they're expecting from you, but i don't know that i see any better way. you could always perform the analysis yourself if you have the authority/knowledge but this might be painful if you have a ton of cancellations.
edit- i see now that you've tagged this with regex... it would be possible to setup specified keywords to pull out the entries, but there'd have to be some tolerance built in and still manual analysis afterwards for items which don't fall into any specified category due to misspellings etc. /edit
+1 to #jmatthews, you really need to have reason codes that are selected and then possibly allow free-form entry for the full reason.
If this isn't an option you can look into text clustering. Don't expect that to be fast or easy though, it's still an open research topic and is related to both AI and machine learning.
Look at Term Lookup in SSIS, here is an article to read.