celery takes too long time to write result to rabbitmq - rabbitmq

Recently, I started celery beat to run a task periodically. The task will take about 2 minutes. The beat interval is 3 minutes. The back end use rabbitmq.
However, the totally elapsed time of a task become nearly 20 minutes. It looks so strange! After some work, I found that the extra time consumed by sending task result to rabbitmq. It is awesome! Why?
And the celery worker will use another 5 or 7 minutes to receive the next task. I do not know what the worker are doing in this period.
Anyone could help to explain them?


Mule 4 - Flow Design Scheduled

I have a problem when the scheduled starts, it has a subsequent process that lasts longer than each interval, that is, every 2 seconds it starts the process, but if it takes 4 seconds to finish, my problem is that I don't know how to prevent the interval from starting. until the last task is completed.
I'd appreciate any help.
Set the max concurrency attribute of the flow to 1.

Celery - automatic retrying of long running tasks running on crashed worker

I'm using Celery with Django over Redis.
Some of my tasks are quite long, taking about 1 hour. I'm aware that this is suboptimal, and preferably I should use shorter tasks, but this is what I got...
Sometimes the task/worker crash. This can happen for various unimportant reasons. Maybe this worker crashed, network problem, spot-instance when preempted, killed by OOM, or any other unexpected reason that I can't "catch" and handle.
I want to make sure the task will be tried again as fast as possible.
I can use ack_late, but the problem is that this task has a very long timeout (about 90 minutes), which means that if the task started and the worker crashed after 2 minutes, I will now wait for another 88 minutes until the task will get back to the queue and will start executing again on another worker.
I'm wondering if there exists another solution, that will see the worker "disappeared" and will put the task back in the queue?
You could give task_reject_on_worker_lost a try... It is a tricky one, but have a look...

How to prevent ironworker from enqueuing tasks of workers that are still running?

I have this worker whose runtime greatly varies from 10 seconds to up to an hour. I want to run this worker every five minutes. This is fine as long as the job finishes within five minutes. However, If the job takes longer Iron.io keeps enqueuing the same task over and over and a bunch of tasks of the same type accumulate while the worker is running.
Furthermore, it is crucial that the task may not run concurrently, so max concurrency for this worker is set to one.
So my question is: Is there a way to prevent Iron.io from enqueuing tasks of workers that are still running?
Answering my own question.
According to Iron.io support it is not possible to prevent IronWorker from enqueuing tasks of workers that are still running. For cases like mine it is better to have master workers that do the scheduling, i.e. creating/enqueuing tasks from script via one of the client libraries.
The best option would be to enqueue new task from the worker's code. For example, your task is running for 10 sec - 1 hour and enqueues itself at the end (last line of code). This will prevent the tasks from accumulating while the worker is running.

Load job pending for a very long time

Around 15 hours now - I had quite a few of these jobs complete, but three are still "stuck".
There was a server deadlock. The problem has been found and fixed, and the server has been restarted. Your job should start progressing again soon.

When does a celery worker acknowledge to RabbitMQ that it has a task?

I might be misunderstanding how this works (which is why I'm asking), but I think when a celery worker consumes a task from RabbitMQ it puts a lock on it -- so to speak -- and then must acknowledge it completed that task onces it's done. So say I have 4 workers which all have the prefetch setting at 1 and queue of 6 tasks which take a long time. Once I start those workers and I run:
rabbitmqctl -q list_queues name messages messages_ready messages_unacknowledged
I'd expect to see something like:
celery 6 2 4
indicating that 4 tasks are running (but not yet acknowledged) and 2 are ready to be consumed.
I think my understanding is wrong because what I actually see is:
celery 2 0 2
So it's as if the acknowledging happens when a message is received by a worker, but before that worker finishes processing that task.
So to sum up, my question is, when does a celery worker acknowledge it has a task? It seems like it's once it receives that task and starts working on it, not when it completes working on it. Can someone confirm?
This is mentioned in the FAQ, but I can't blame you for not finding it:
The default behavior of early ack is there because we don't want to enforce users
to write idempotent tasks.