IBM Worklight: downloading and replacing resources from webview - ibm-mobilefirst

What I want to do is displaying a website (a Portal one) within Worklight. So I'm hardcoding the URL in the mainFile tag:
Now I need to download the resources from this page (JS and CSS files), store them locally and replace the absolute URLs of the page with WorkLight URLs in order to speed up the page loading.
How could I do this?

You cannot change the mainFile (the "index.html") value during runtime, as it is set in application-descriptor.xml which is a server-side file that the build process uses.
I would also question the flow. If you want to speed up application loading, hinting that by using Portal the loading is slow, why use Portal to begin with? Place your resources locally in the application.


How to render a template in VueJS to be used on index.html

We have Rails app with Webpacker that serves just the initial HTML file, after which the client will download everything (inc. vue .js and .css) files.
Our problem is that we want to display something initial on the html so the user will feel as the site already loaded. This logic is in the main vuejs component. Is there a way to offline render this so it will be easily be embedded on our index page? instead of having to maintain and re-write this everytime?
It sounds like pre-rendering might be a better fit for you than full-on SSR. Since you're already rolling Webpack, there is a plugin that helps to that end called prerender-spa-plugin:
The idea behind this plugin is that, as part of your build process, it prerenders the resulting static HTML of your SPA using Puppeteer (i.e. headless Chrome), and drops it into your static HTML folder. It maintains links to your SPA code so it's still fully functional, it's just fully rendered by the time the user hits it.
What I'd suspect you'd want to try is the following:
Add the prerender-spa-plugin to your webpack.config.js
Configure the plugin to prerender your initial route and any additional routes that are truly static
Output the resulting files to the folder your Rails app uses to distribute static assets (HTML, CSS, images, etc)
Going the pre-render route is actually technically superior to SSR for truly static routes like a landing page or marketing pages. You won't need to mess with a complex pre-render setup on your Rails server, you offload content distribution to the static folder (i.e. lesser load on your Rails server), and you still get to use all the benefits of your SPA.
That being said, if you strongly feel like you do need full-blown SSR, the generally "accepted" approach is rolling a Node.js server ( If you decide to go down this route, I'd keep your SPA assets in their own separate Git repo from your Rails server and manage DevOps appropriately.
Good luck!

How to access BigCommerce internalapi?

I am trying to download (backup) images that customers upload for products that take custom logos (these are typically JPG, PNG, PDF, etc.) These customer files are downloadable by clicking on a hyperlink in the BigCommerce admin page for the order in question. The link is not a link to the image path but instead, a link to a service that sends the file to the browser. In other words, you have to be authenticated into the admin site to download the file. The URL looks like this:{order id}/products/{lineItem id}/attributes/{option id}/download
These are easily constructed in the API itself for a given order. If I use the link in a browser tab while I'm logged into the admin site, the file downloads.
But what I am trying to write an app to automatically download all the files (there are thousands). When I try to use this URL in an app, I get a authentication error. I tried at first using my regular API credentials but then used the credentials to log into the admin site. Both give me an authentication error.
I could not find anything documented on this so-called "internalapi." Anyone ever try to use this "internal" API that is used by the admin site?
I believe authentication is cookie based for that internal API, but there could be problems with using our non-publicly documented internal APIs in production, i.e. we may make future updates that would be breaking changes.
Images attached to orders through a file upload option also get copied to WebDAV, in the dav/product_images/configured_products folder. Another way to do this could be to use a WebDAV client library like easywebdav to connect and download the files.

Can you run an Angular Universal application without a server?

There's a feature in Angular Universal that allows you to pre-render pages at build-time. Can this be used to pre-render all your pages and run Angular Universal without a server?
Once html pages have been pre-rendered using angular universal (using nodejs server or core server), you can use any CDN to serve the pre-generated html.
Edit: have a look at the starer kit
Basically, you can reuse the prerender.js file which will write the rendered html files (for specified static routes) to the dist/browser folder, or wherever you want to. This is that folder that you deploy to a static host after
Well, you're always going to need to have a server somewhere in the equation: the only question is how much you have to set it up yourself versus how much can the current crop of tools and technologies do it for you.
In this talk from Node Summit Steven Fluin from Google talks about Firebase at the end. Pay attention to the bit about 'cloud functions' (at about 20 mins). Your Angular app will be rendered on the server using Firebase cloud functions. When a user interacts with your app, some JS is run to figure out what to send down (from the Firebase server) to the user. "You don't need to set up a server at all; everything is running in Firebase."
I haven't used Firebase myself - I'm using Angular Universal, which has a Node.js server as you know - but this sounds very nice. I found setting up Angular Universal really tricky (but got there in the end).

How to make reactjs serve static pages for SEO

I have this reactjs webapp -
It loads a single page and then you can click links to dynamically load other boards on the same page... such as,
Now the thing is, I want each of these to be an individual page, for the purpose of seo. I want you to be able to google " g", and you will see the result This obviously cant work if you are using reactjs and it is all on one page. Google will only render and cache that main page (can it even render that page? does google execute javascript?)
Even more specifically, id want something like to load a thread. There could be a thousand threads every day, so im not sure how to handle that.
Are there any solutions to this? to allow react to possibly serve up static pages as html so that they can be cached on google? I am using expressjs and webpack as my server right now, and all the code is executed in jsx files.
You can use service. In a nutshell you will need to connect your server app or web server with prerender service and do little setup (see documentation). After that search engines and crawlers will be served with a static (prerendered) content while users will get classic React.js (or any other single page) app.
There is a hosted service with free tier or open source version
I suspect you could do some smart configuration with nginx and it could convert a url of domain/board to a redirection of domain/#/board when detecting the user-agent as a bot instead of a typical user.

IBM MobileFirst - App Multipage

Good morning,
I am installing a APP with IBM MobileFirst Platform and seen in the documentation, by making an APP multi page, you should avoid the attributes href and document.location.href of javascript. I have verified that the system used is that of a single page and upload the content in div with jquery load () function.
Is strictly necessary this requirement or I can continue using href and document.location.href? I say this, because in my APP, the header and footer, change in each html page and I do not want to reload the html page with many divs, shown and hidden.
What you recommend to resolve this issue? How I can connect different html pages in MobileFirst, without using href or document.location.href?
Thank you.
Best Regards,
The reason why it is recommended to load the page contents via ajax is because MobileFirst libraries are loaded in the main html file. Loading other html files would require you to include all the MobileFirst libraries "including cordova" in every single html file of your application. Doing that will decrease the performance of your application since you will have to load all the library files for each page. It may also cause some conflicts with the objects loaded into the DOM since they may be loaded already.