What are the methods to migrate millions of nodes and edges from 0.44 to 0.5? - migration

I'm migrating the entire Titan graph database from 0.44 to 0.5. There are about 120 million nodes and 90 million edges that's gigabytes of data. I tried the GraphML format, but it didn't work.
Can you suggest methods to do the migration?

At the size you are describing you would probably execute the most efficient migration by using Titan-Hadoop/Faunus. The general process would be to:
Use Faunus 0.4.x to extract the data from your graph as GraphSON and store that in HDFS
Use Titan-Hadoop 0.5.x to read the GraphSON and write back to your storage backend.
Make sure that you've created your schema in your target backend prior to executing step 2.
As an aside, GraphML is not a good format for a graph of this size - it's will take too long and require a lot of resources if it would work at all. You might wonder why you wouldn't use Sequence files if you are using Faunus/Titan Hadoop...the reason you can't in this case is because I believe that there were version differences between 0.4.x and 0.5.x with respect to the file format of Sequence files. In other words, 0.5.x can't read 0.4.x sequence files. GraphSON is readable by both versions so it makes for an ideal migration format.


Multiple step Pandas processing with Airflow

I have a multiple stage ETL transform stage using pandas. Basically, I load almost 2Gb of data from Mongodb and then I apply several functions in the columns. My question is if there's any way to break those transformations in multiple Airflow tasks.
The options I have considered are:
Creating a temporary table in Mongodb and loading/storing the transformed data frame between steps. I found this cumbersome and totally prone to a non-usual overhead due to disk I/O
Passing data among the tasks using XCom. I think this is a nice solution but I worry about the sheer size of the data. The docs explicitly state
Any object that can be pickled can be used as an XCom value, so users should make sure to use objects of appropriate size.
Using an in-memory storage between steps. Maybe saving the data in a Redis server or something, but I'm not really sure if that would be any better than just using XCom altogether.
So, does any of you have any tips on how to handle this situation? Thanks!

Optimal data streaming and processing solution for enormous datasets into tf.data.Dataset

My text input pipeline currently consists of two main parts:
I. A complex text preprocessing and exporting of tf.SequenceExamples to tfrecords (custom tokenization, vocabulary creation, statistics calculation, normalization and many more over the full dataset as well as per each individual example). That is done once for each data configuration.
II. A tf.Dataset (TFRecords) pipeline that does quite a bit of processing during training, too (string_split into characters, table lookups, bucketing, conditional filtering, etc.).
Original Dataset is present across multiple locations (BigQuery, GCS, RDS, ...).
The problem is that as the production dataset increases rapidly (several terabytes), it is not feasible to recreate a tfrecords files for each possible data configuration (part 1 has a lot of hyperparameters) as each will have an enormous size of hundreds of terabytes. Not to mention, that tf.Dataset reading speed surprisingly slows down when tf.SequenceExamples or tfrecords grow in size.
There are quite a few possible solutions:
Apache Beam + Cloud DataFlow + feed_dict;
Apache Beam + Cloud DataFlow + tf.Dataset.from_generator;
tensorflow/ecosystem + Hadoop or Spark
, but neither of the following seem to fully fulfill my requierments:
Streaming and processing on the fly data from BigQuery, GCS, RDS, ... as in part I.
Sending data (protos?) directly to tf.Dataset in one way or another to be used in part II.
Fast and reliable for both training and inference.
(optional) Being able to pre-calculate some full pass statistics over the selected part of the data.
EDIT: Python 3 support would be just wonderful.
What is the most suitable choice for the tf.data.Dataset pipeline? What are the best practices in this case?
Thanks in advance!
I recommend to orchestrate the whole use case using Cloud Composer(GCP integration of Airflow).
Airflow provided operators which let you orchestrate a pipeline with a script.
In your case you can use the dataflow_operator to have the dataflow job spin up when you have enough data to process.
To get the data from BigQuery you can use the bigquery_operator.
Furthermore you can use the python operator or the bash operator to monitor and pre-calculate statistics.

What is the concept of CNTKTextFormatDeserializer and why use?

I am using the CNTKTextReader to read in my training and test sets. The train file is getting large ( 2.7 GB now, and soon to get bigger ).
I don't understand what is "CNTKTextFormatDeserializer" -- the doc I found didn't explain what the big picture is -- what is it and why use it? The doc I found just went into syntax of it.
So, is it a way to use a binary version of these files to make them more compact?
Readers in general are just a way to make certain aspects of training easier. These include
randomization: SGD generalizes better when the data presented to it are coming in random order. The reader can randomize the data for you with shuffling happening on the fly.
distributed training: For distributed training the reader is aware of the multiple workers and can make sure they receive distinct chunks of data.
memory budget issues: The reader does not load the whole training file in memory.
language agnostic i/o: The reader provides a cross-platform way to read data. (if you want to always be in Python, you might not care about this but others do).
The CTF format is a little verbose and indeed there is a binary format deserializer that was recently added.

tensorflow one of 20 parameter server is very slow

I am trying to train DNN model using tensorflow, my script have two variables, one is dense feature and one is sparse feature, each minibatch will pull full dense feature and pull specified sparse feature using embedding_lookup_sparse, feedforward could only begin after sparse feature is ready. I run my script using 20 parameter servers and increasing worker count did not scale out. So I profiled my job using tensorflow timeline and found one of 20 parameter server is very slow compared to the other 19. there is not dependency between different part of all the trainable variables. I am not sure if there is any bug or any limitation issues like tensorflow can only queue 40 fan out requests, any idea to debug it? Thanks in advance.
tensorflow timeline profiling
It sounds like you might have exactly 2 variables, one is stored at PS0 and the other at PS1. The other 18 parameter servers are not doing anything. Please take a look at variable partitioning (https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/master/api_docs/python/state_ops/variable_partitioners_for_sharding), i.e. partition a large variable into small chunks and store them at separate parameter servers.
This is kind of a hack way to log Send/Recv timings from Timeline object for each iteration, but it works pretty well in terms of analyzing JSON dumped data (compared to visualize it on chrome://trace).
The steps you have to perform are:
download TensorFlow source and checkout a correct branch (r0.12 for example)
modify the only place that calls SetTimelineLabel method inside executor.cc
instead of only recording non-transferable nodes, you want to record Send/Recv nodes also.
be careful to call SetTimelineLabel once inside NodeDone as it would set the text string of a node, which will be parsed later from a python script
build TensorFlow from modified source
modify model codes (for example, inception_distributed_train.py) with correct way of using Timeline and graph meta-data
Then you can run the training and retrieve JSON file once for each iteration! :)
Some suggestions that were too big for a comment:
You can't see data transfer in timeline that's because the tracing of Send/Recv is currently turned off, some discussion here -- https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/4809
In the latest version (nightly which is 5 days old or newer) you can turn on verbose logging by doing export TF_CPP_MIN_VLOG_LEVEL=1 and it shows second level timestamps (see here about higher granularity).
So with vlog perhaps you can use messages generated by this line to see the times at which Send ops are generated.

Applying XGBOOST with large data set

I have a large dataset with size approximately 5.3 GB and i have stored data using bigmemory() in R. Please let me know how to apply XGBOOST to this kind of data??
There currently is no support for this with xgboost. You could file an issue on the github repo with respect to the R package.
Otherwise, you could attempt to have it read from a file of your data. The docs say you can point to a local data file. Not sure about format restrictions or how it will be handled in RAM but something to explore.