Display count of characters repeated in a string using SQL only - sql

I want to achieve below code snippet o/p using select query alone. Is it possible without using regexp?
Character Count when string input is dynamic.
str VARCHAR2(255);
lv_val NUMBER;
lv_char CHAR(1);
lv_unq VARCHAR2(255);
str:= :p_string;
FOR i IN 1..length(str)
lv_val := 0;
lv_char := SUBSTR(str,i,1);
IF instr(lv_unq,lv_char)>0 THEN
lv_unq := lv_unq||lv_char;
lv_val := ((LENGTH(str) - LENGTH(REPLACE(replace(str,' ',''), lv_char, ''))) / LENGTH(lv_char));
--select ((length(str) - LENgth(REPLACE(str, lv_char, ''))) / LENgth(lv_char)) into lv_val FROM dual;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Character '||lv_char || ' is repeated :'||lv_val||' times in the string '||str);

Answering to the question's title:
Display count of characters repeated in a string using SQL only
with v as (select substr('hello world', level, 1) c from dual connect by level < 12),
d as (select chr(ascii('a')+level-1) c from dual connect by level <= 26)
select d.c, count(v.c) from d left join v on d.c = v.c
group by d.c
order by d.c;
See http://sqlfiddle.com/#!4/d41d8/38321/0 for the result
The first view split your string into characters. The second view is just the alphabet. Once you have both views, you only need a simple left join with a group by clause to count the number of matching occurrences.
Please note:
in the first view, the string and its length are hard-coded in this example
I assume all your characters are lower-case
I only take into account the 26 (lower case) letters of the ASCII encoding.


PL/SQL LOOP - Return a row with mixed capital letters

I know this question probably has an easy answer, but I can't get my head around it.
I'm trying to, inside a loop, return a string (in the SQL output) with mixed capital and non-capital letters.
Example: If a name in the row is John Doe, the output will print JoHn DoE, or MiXeD CaPiTaL.
This is my code (which I know is poor written but I need to use the cursor!):
aa_ VARCHAR2(2000);
bb_ NUMBER:=0;
cc_ NUMBER:=0;
SELECT first_name namn, last_name efternamn FROM person_info
FOR rec_ IN cur_ LOOP
FOR bb_ IN 1.. LENGTH(rec_.namn) LOOP
cc_ := MOD(bb_,2);
IF cc_ = 0 THEN
end loop;
end loop;
Again, I know the code is really bad but yeah, trying to learn!
Thanks in advance :)
You may use plain SQL for this purpose, without any loop:
Split input text by pairs separated with some special character (that doesn't appear in the text).
Use initcap SQL function to turn each first letter to upper case.
Remove the special separator.
with a as (
select 'John Doe' as a
from dual
union all
select 'mixed capital and non-capital letters'
from dual
/*Convert case*/
regexp_replace(a, '([a-zA-Z]{2})',
/*Add ASCII nul after each two letters*/
'\1' || chr(0)
/*Remove ASCII nul to revert changes*/
) as mixed_case
from a
| :------------------------------------ |
| JoHn DoE |
| MiXeD CaPiTaL AnD NoN-CaPiTaL LeTtErS |
db<>fiddle here
I'd put the text transformation into a function, rather than including all the logic in the body of the loop.
cursor c_people is
select 'John' as first_name, 'Doe' as last_name from dual union all
select 'Mixed', 'Capitals'
from dual;
function mixCaps(inText varchar2) return varchar2
letter varchar2(1);
outText varchar2(4000);
for i in 1..length(inText) loop
letter := substr(inText,i,1);
outText := outText ||
case mod(i,2)
when 0 then lower(letter)
else upper(letter)
end loop;
return outText;
end mixCaps;
for person in c_people loop
dbms_output.put_line(mixCaps(person.first_name|| ' ' || person.last_name));
end loop;
If performance was critical and you had large numbers of values, you might consider inlining the function using pragma inline (but then you wouldn't be using dbms_output anyway).
For learning purpose you can use code below (it is not efficient it is for learning of oracle features)
Steps :
split word on letters using connect by level
get Nth (level) occurence of one letter ('.?') from word using reg exp
convert to upper case every 2nd letter
concatenate back using list agg and sorting by letter number
used here function in with so you can apply it to any sql table
function mixed(iv_name varchar2) return varchar2 as
l_result varchar2(4000);
with src_letters as
(select REGEXP_SUBSTR(iv_name, '.?', level) as letter
,level lvl
from dual
connect by level <= length(iv_name)),
mixed_letters as
(select case
when mod(lvl, 2) = 0 then
end as letter
from src_letters
order by lvl)
select listagg(letter) within group(order by lvl)
into l_result
from mixed_letters;
return l_result;
select mixed('text') from dual

License check with REGEXP in PL-SQL Oracle Apex

create or replace trigger "KENTEKEN_CHECK"
after insert or update of kenteken
on auto
for each row
kenteken varchar2;
teller number := 0;
tellerletter number := 0;
tellercijfer number := 0;
kenteken := lower(:NEW.kenteken);
if substr(kenteken, teller, 1) = REGEXP ("[eoiau]") then
raise_application_error (-20502, 'Kenteken kan geen klinkers bevatten.');
elsif substr(kenteken, teller, 1) = REGEXP ("[0987654321]") then
tellercijfer := tellercijfer + 1;
elsif substr(kenteken, teller, 1) = REGEXP ("[qwrtypsdfghjklzxcvbnm]") then
tellerletter := tellerletter + 1;
else raise_application_error (-20502, 'Er is een ongeldig kenteken ingevoerd.');
end if;
teller := teller + 1;
exit when teller = 5;
end loop;
I need to check a license plate (has six characters). It needs at least 2 letters and 2 numbers and the e, a, o, u and i are not allowed. How should I use the REGEXP the right way to check this?
Teller stands for counter
Tellernumber stands for a counter for the numbers
Tellerletter stands for a counter for the letters
Yes, I'm a starter with this so don't blame my style of coding... Never worked with REGEXP before so don't know how to use it.
Hope it's clear.
This could be an approach:
with test(s) as (
select 'axx11a' from dual union all
select 'xxxx1x' from dual union all
select '111111' from dual union all
select 'xx1111' from dual union all
select 'x1x1x1' from dual
select s
from test
where regexp_count(s, '[aeiou]') = 0
and regexp_count(s, '[qwrtypsdfghjklzxcvbnm]') >= 2
and regexp_count(s, '[0-9]') >= 2
The regexp_count counts the number of occurrences of the regular expression in the string; you may use it both to check that you have at least 2 characters of a given set and to check that you do not have unwanted characters.
You can rewrite this in different ways, I used the regexp_count to check all the cases to make it clearer.
You can do this with standard string functions (instead of regexp), which should result in improved performance - if that is a consideration.
To test whether a character is present, you can use TRANSLATE to remove that character from the string, and then compare the length of the resulting string to the length of the original. You need a small trick - TRANSLATE will remove (delete) the characters from the FROM list that do not have a correspondent in the TO list, but you can't have an empty TO list (if you do, the result will be the NULL string).
So, something like this:
with test( s ) as (
select 'axx11a' from dual union all
select 'xxxx1x' from dual union all
select '111111' from dual union all
select 'xx1111' from dual union all
select 'x1x1x1' from dual
-- end of test data; solution (SQL query) begins below this line
select s
from test
where length(translate(s, '~aeiou' , '~')) = length(s)
and length(translate(s, '~0123456789' , '~')) <= length(s) - 2
and length(translate(s, '~qwrtypsdfghjklzxcvbnm', '~')) <= length(s) - 2
In your procedure you can use these tests separately, in your IF... clauses.
It's important to realize that Oracle supports POSIX Extended Regular Expressions, which is more restricted than PCRE Regexes that you find most places.
Because POSIX ERE does not support so-called lookaheads, I would use these regexes:
To check if there are two letters (anywhere in the license plate).
To check if there are two numbers.
To check if there are vowels I would use NOT REGEX_LIKE() with this regex:
To check whether the license plate consists of 6 numbers or letters from the start (^) to the end ($) of the string. This will fail if there are any other characters, or a different number of characters other than exactly 6.
([qwrtypsdfghjklzxcvbnm]{2}\d{2}) ==> dd02
(\d{2}[qwrtypsdfghjklzxcvbnm]{2}) ==> 02dd
([qwrtypsdfghjklzxcvbnm]{2}-\d{2}) ==> dd-02
I think that this will do your job.

Oracle - need to extract text between given strings

Example - need to extract everything between "Begin begin" and "End end". I tried this way:
with phrases as (
select 'stackoverflow is awesome. Begin beginHello, World!End end It has everything!' as phrase
from dual
select regexp_replace(phrase
, '([[:print:]]+Begin begin)([[:print:]]+)(End end[[:print:]]+)', '\2')
from phrases
Result: Hello, World!
However it fails if my text contains new line characters. Any tip how to fix this to allow extracting text containing also new lines?
[edit]How does it fail:
with phrases as (
select 'stackoverflow is awesome. Begin beginHello,
World!End end It has everything!' as phrase
from dual
select regexp_replace(phrase
, '([[:print:]]+Begin begin)([[:print:]]+)(End end[[:print:]]+)', '\2')
from phrases
stackoverflow is awesome. Begin beginHello, World!End end It has
Should be:
Another issue. Let's see to this sample:
WITH phrases AS (
SELECT 'stackoverflow is awesome. Begin beginHello,
World!End end It has everything!End endTESTESTESTES' AS phrase
FROM dual
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(phrase, '.+Begin begin(.+)End end.+', '\1', 1, 1, 'n')
FROM phrases;
World!End end It has everything!
So it matches last occurence of end string and this is not what I want. Subsgtring should be extreacted to first occurence of my label, so result should be:
Everything after first occurence of label string should be ignored. Any ideas?
I'm not that familiar with the POSIX [[:print:]] character class but I got your query functioning using the wildcard .. You need to specify the n match parameter in REGEXP_REPLACE() so that . can match the newline character:
WITH phrases AS (
SELECT 'stackoverflow is awesome. Begin beginHello,
World!End end It has everything!' AS phrase
FROM dual
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(phrase, '.+Begin begin(.+)End end.+', '\1', 1, 1, 'n')
FROM phrases;
I used the \1 backreference as I didn't see the need to capture the other groups from the regular expression. It might also be a good idea to use the * quantifier (instead of +) in case there is nothing preceding or following the delimiters. If you want to capture all of the groups then you can use the following:
WITH phrases AS (
SELECT 'stackoverflow is awesome. Begin beginHello,
World!End end It has everything!' AS phrase
FROM dual
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(phrase, '(.+Begin begin)(.+)(End end.+)', '\2', 1, 1, 'n')
FROM phrases;
UPDATE - FYI, I tested with [[:print:]] and it doesn't work. This is not surprising since [[:print:]] is supposed to match printable characters. It doesn't match anything with an ASCII value below 32 (a space). You need to use ..
UPDATE #2 - per update to question - I don't think a regex will work the way you want it to. Adding the lazy quantifier to (.+) has no effect and Oracle regular expressions don't have lookahead. There are a couple of things you might do, one is to use INSTR() and SUBSTR():
WITH phrases AS (
SELECT 'stackoverflow is awesome. Begin beginHello,
World!End end It has everything!End endTESTTESTTEST' AS phrase
FROM dual
SELECT SUBSTR(phrase, str_start, str_end - str_start) FROM (
SELECT INSTR(phrase, 'Begin begin') + LENGTH('Begin begin') AS str_start
, INSTR(phrase, 'End end') AS str_end, phrase
FROM phrases
Another is to combine INSTR() and SUBSTR() with a regular expression:
WITH phrases AS (
SELECT 'stackoverflow is awesome. Begin beginHello,
World!End end It has everything!End endTESTTESTTEST' AS phrase
FROM dual
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(SUBSTR(phrase, 1, INSTR(phrase, 'End end') + LENGTH('End end')), '.+Begin begin(.+)End end.+', '\1', 1, 1, 'n')
FROM phrases;
Try this regex:
([[:print:]]+Begin begin)(.+?)(End end[[:print:]]+)
Sample usage:
SELECT regexp_replace(
phrase ,
'([[:print:]]+Begin begin)(.+?)(End end[[:print:]]+)',
1, -- Start at the beginning of the phrase
0, -- Replace ALL occurences
'n' -- Let dot meta character matches new line character
(SELECT 'stackoverflow is awesome. Begin beginHello, '
|| chr(10)
|| ' World!End end It has everything!' AS phrase
The dot meta character (.) matches any character in the database character set and the new line character. However, when regexp_replace is called, the match_parameter must contain n switch for dot matches new lines.
In order to get your second option to work you need to add [[:space:][:print:]]* as follows:
with phrases as (
select 'stackoverflow is awesome. Begin beginHello,
World!End end It has everything!' as phrase
from dual
select regexp_replace(phrase
, '([[:print:]]+Begin begin)([[:print:]]+[[:space:][:print:]]*)(End end[[:print:]]+)', '\2')
from phrases
But still it will break if you have more \n, for instance it won't work for
with phrases as (
select 'stackoverflow is awesome. Begin beginHello,
World!End end
It has everything!' as phrase
from dual
select regexp_replace(phrase
, '([[:print:]]+Begin begin)([[:print:]]+[[:space:][:print:]]*)(End end[[:print:]]+)', '\2')
from phrases
Then you need to add
with phrases as (
select 'stackoverflow is awesome. Begin beginHello,
World!End end
It has everything!' as phrase
from dual
select regexp_replace(phrase
, '([[:print:]]+Begin begin)([[:print:]]+[[:space:][:print:]]*)(End end[[:print:]]+[[:space:][:print:]]*)', '\2')
from phrases
The problem of regex is that you might have to scope the variations and create a rule that match all of them. If something falls out of your scope, you'll have to visit the regex and add the new exception.
You can find extra info here.
Description.........: This is a function similar to the one that was available from PRIME Computers
back in the late 80/90's. This function will parse out a segment of a string
based on a supplied delimiter. The delimiters can be anything.
Field(i_string =>'This.is.a.cool.function'
,i_deliiter => '.'
,i_start_pos => 2
,i_occurrence => 2)
Return value = is.a
FUNCTION field(i_string VARCHAR2
,i_delimiter VARCHAR2
,i_occurance NUMBER DEFAULT 1
,i_return_instances NUMBER DEFAULT 1) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
v_delimiter VARCHAR2(1);
n_end_pos NUMBER;
n_start_pos NUMBER := 1;
n_delimiter_pos NUMBER;
n_seek_pos NUMBER := 1;
n_tbl_index PLS_INTEGER := 0;
n_return_counter NUMBER := 0;
v_return_string VARCHAR2(32767);
tbl tbl_type;
e_no_delimiters EXCEPTION;
v_string VARCHAR2(32767) := i_string || i_delimiter;
-- Search for the delimiter in the
-- string
n_delimiter_pos := instr(v_string, i_delimiter, n_seek_pos);
IF n_delimiter_pos = length(v_string) AND n_tbl_index = 0 THEN
-- The delimiter you are looking for is
-- not in this string.
RAISE e_no_delimiters;
EXIT WHEN n_delimiter_pos = 0;
n_start_pos := n_seek_pos;
n_end_pos := n_delimiter_pos - n_seek_pos;
n_seek_pos := n_delimiter_pos + 1;
n_tbl_index := n_tbl_index + 1;
-- Store the segments of the string in a tbl
tbl(n_tbl_index) := substr(i_string, n_start_pos, n_end_pos);
-- Prepare the results for return voyage
v_delimiter := NULL;
FOR a IN tbl.first .. tbl.last LOOP
IF a >= i_occurance AND n_return_counter < i_return_instances THEN
v_return_string := v_return_string || v_delimiter || tbl(a);
v_delimiter := i_delimiter;
n_return_counter := n_return_counter + 1;
WHEN e_no_delimiters THEN
v_return_string := i_string;
RETURN TRIM(v_return_string);

How do I expand a string with wildcards in PL/SQL using string functions

I have a column, which stores a 4 character long string with 4 or less wild characters (for eg. ????, ??01', 0??1 etc). For each such string like 0??1 I have to insert into another table values 0001 to 0991; for the string ??01, values will be be 0001 to 9901; for string ???? values will be 0000 to 9999 and so on.
How could I accomplish this using PL/SQL and string functions?
The current code is:
v_rule varchar2(50) := '????52132';
v_cc varchar2(50);
v_nat varchar2(50);
v_wild number;
n number;
v_cc := substr(v_rule,1,4);
v_nat := substr(v_rule,5);
dbms_output.put_line (v_cc || ' '|| v_nat);
if instr(v_cc, '????') <> 0 then
v_wild := 4;
end if;
n := power(10,v_wild);
for i in 0 .. n - 1 loop
dbms_output.put_line(substr(lpad(to_char(i),v_wild,'0' ),0,4));
end loop;
Would something like the following help?
FOR source_row IN (SELECT rule FROM some_table)
INSERT INTO some_other_table (rule_match)
WITH numbers AS (SELECT LPAD(LEVEL - 1, 4, '0') AS num FROM DUAL CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 10000)
SELECT num FROM numbers WHERE num LIKE REPLACE(source_row.rule, '?', '_');
This assumes you have a table called some_table with a column rule, which contains text such as ??01, 0??1 and ????. It inserts into some_other_table all numbers from 0000 to 9999 that match these wild-carded patterns.
The subquery
generates all numbers in the range 0000 to 9999. We then filter out from this list of numbers any that match this pattern, using LIKE. Note that _ is the single-character wildcard when using LIKE, not ?.
I set this up with the following data:
CREATE TABLE some_table (rule VARCHAR2(4));
INSERT INTO some_table (rule) VALUES ('??01');
INSERT INTO some_table (rule) VALUES ('0??1');
INSERT INTO some_table (rule) VALUES ('????');
CREATE TABLE some_other_table (rule_match VARCHAR2(4));
After running the above PL/SQL block, the table some_other_table had 10200 rows in it, all the numbers that matched all three of the patterns given.
Replace * to %, ? to _ and use LIKE clause with resulting values.
To expand on #Oleg Dok's answer, which uses the little known fact that an underscore means the same as % but only for a single character and using PL\SQL I think the following is the simplest way to do it. A good description of how to use connect by is here.
cursor c_min_max( Crule varchar2 ) is
select to_number(min(numb)) as min_n, to_number(max(numb)) as max_n
from ( select '0000' as numb
from dual
select lpad(level, 4, '0') as numb
from dual
connect by level <= 9999 )
where to_char(numb) like replace(Crule, '?', '_');
t_mm c_min_max%rowtype;
l_rule varchar2(4) := '?091';
open c_min_max(l_rule);
fetch c_min_max
into t_mm;
close c_min_max;
for i in t_mm.min_n .. t_mm.max_n loop
dbms_output.put_line(lpad(i, 4, '0'));
end loop;

How to reverse a string after tokenizing it in SQL

I need to tokenize a string and reverse it in SQL. For example if the string is, 'L3:L2:L1:L0', i need to reverse it as 'L0:L1:L2:L3'. The tokenizing could be done using a delimiter ':' and then reverse it. Please suggest a Function in SQL for the same.
Thanks in advance,
If possible, the best solution would be to change your data so that each value is stored in a different row.
If that doesn't work, you can create a PL/SQL function.
If you want a purely SQL solution, typically you'll have to split each value into multiple rows (cross join with an object table, or connect by level <= max number of items), and then re-aggregate the data using one of a dozen different methods (listagg, collect, stragg, xml, sys_connect_by_path, etc.)
Another SQL-only way is to use regular expressions. This is probably the fastest, but it only works with up to 9 items because Oracle only supports 9 back references:
--Get everything except the extra ':' at the end.
select substr(string, 1, length(string) - 1) string from
select regexp_replace(
--Add a delimter to the end so all items are the same
--Non-greedy search for anything up to a : (I bet there's a better way to do this)
--Reverse the back-references
,'\9\8\7\6\5\4\3\2\1') string
from dual
Something like :
'\3 \2 \1') "REGEXP_REPLACE"
from dual
But you might need to detail what constitutes a token.
Here is a solution using a PL/SQL pipelined function to split the elements:
create type t_str_array as table of varchar2(4000);
create or replace function split_str (p_str in varchar2,
p_separator in varchar2 := ':') return t_str_array pipelined
l_str varchar2(32000) := p_str || p_separator;
l_pos pls_integer;
l_pos := instr(l_str, p_separator);
exit when (nvl(l_pos,0) = 0);
pipe row (ltrim(rtrim(substr(l_str,1,l_pos-1))));
l_str := substr(l_str, l_pos+1);
end loop;
end split_str;
Then you would use normal SQL to order the elements:
select * from table(split_str('L3:L2:L1:L0')) order by column_value
s varchar2(1000) := 'L 1 0:L9:L8:L7:L6:L5:L4:L3:L2:L1:L0';
j number := length(s);
for i in reverse 1..length(s) loop
if substr(s, i, 1) = ':' then
dbms_output.put(substr(s, i + 1, j - i) || ':');
j := i - 1;
end if;
end loop;
dbms_output.put_line(substr(s, 1, j));
Convert elements in a CSV string into records, suppressing all NULLs:
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR( :csv,'[^,]+', 1, LEVEL ) AS element
FROM dual
Convert elements in a CSV string into records, preserving NULLs (but not order):
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR( :csv,'[^,]+', 1, LEVEL ) AS element
FROM dual
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= LENGTH( :csv ) - LENGTH( REPLACE( :CSV, ',' ) ) + 1 ;
Improving upon Kevan's answer, here is what I tried:
FROM dual
Since you use Oracle it would be easy to generate a java stored procedure passing the string and then
split sting into array
loop array backwards and concate the resulting string
return the resulting string
this will be a small java code and not slower then pl/sql. but if you want to use pl/sql you can possibly also use DBMS_UTILITY.table_to_comma/.comma_to_table. But as the function name let assume -> you have to use "," as token.