Oxyplot BarSeries format function - oxyplot

I need to format the label inside the BarItem so it can have a time format, like 00:10.
I'm using the BarSeries.Format function, but if I don't use the BarSeries.LabelFormatString the labels don't show and if I use LabelFormatString all labels will have the same format/values.
Here's my code:
BarItem baritem = new BarItem {Value = 10}; //in seconds
Object[] time = new object[2];
time [0] = "00";
time [1] = "10";
With this code it shows no labels. Using barSeries.LabelFormatString = "{0}" shows 10.
I've tried barSeries.LabelFormatString = barSeries.Format("{0}:{1}",baritem,time) but then all labels became the same...

For someone that had the same problem, the solution is simple, just subclass the BarItem Class, like this:
class TimeBarItem : BarItem {
public TimeSpan Time { get { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(this.Value); } }
After that we can do:
barSeries.LabelFormatString = "{Time}"


CreateJS Tick function not updating from external values.

I think this might be quite basic, I'm still learning CreateJS. I won't include all the code as its a large program but basically.
Outside of my tick function I have this code:
var hitOrMiss = 'Mada';
function hit()
hitOrMiss = 'Hit';
function miss()
hitOrMiss = 'Miss';
When I click a button and call these they are testing ok (alerting out the values).
Inside my tick() function the values are not being picked up.
if(hitOrMiss = 'Mada')
var basic = 'basic';
else if(hitOrMiss = 'Hit')
if(gamePrincessBmpAnimation.x < 1000)
gamePrincessBmpAnimation.x += gamePrincessBmpAnimation.vX;
var basic = 'Not basic';
else if(hitOrMiss = 'Miss')
if(gamePrincessBmpAnimation.x > 60)
gamePrincessBmpAnimation.x -+ gamePrincessBmpAnimation.vX;
var basic = 'Miss Not basic';
Do I need to specify a listener, if so how should it be set up?
I have already triggered the below, Does something similar need to be added to the tick function?
createjs.Ticker.useRAF = true;
The other if statements within the tick function are all firing, an example of which:
if (bmpAnimation.x >= screen_width - 16) {
// We've reached right side of our screen
// We need to walk left to go back to our initial position
bmpAnimation.direction = -90;
Any help would be appreciated! :)
Fixed this one, wasn't a createJS issue, was a silly Javascript issue, the code here: else if(hitOrMiss = 'Hit') should have been else if(hitOrMiss == 'Hit') etc.

Small AS2 OOP Issue

I'm working with Actionscript 2 (not ready to upgrade yet, although it's irreverent to the problem) but I'm having trouble with OOP and classes.
I've got a "Tool" class, written like so:
class com.Tool {
public var self:MovieClip;
private static var Type:String;
function Tool(T:String, X:Number, Y:Number) {
Type = T;
self = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("obj"+_root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
self._x = X;
self._y = Y;
self.width = 36;
self.height = 36;
self.onRollOver = function() {
I create 3 of them in the main script like so:
var toolPan:Tool = new Tool("pan", 0, 0);
var toolSquare:Tool = new Tool("square", 0, 38);
var toolLine:Tool = new Tool("line", 0, 76);
It all works great, except the onRollOver. It's supposed to output the unique "Type" string, but it always outputs "line" (the last Type Tool created) regardless which one I roll over.
Needless to say, I'm still a beginner to all this. But it seems like they're all sharing the same variable :/ How do I make these variables unique to each object created?
Thank you very much!
It's because it's type static, so the value is shared by all instances of that class. Remove it and it should work.
private var Type:String;

Adobe Edge Animate—how do I get the current label?

In Adobe Edge Animate, how do I get the name of the label that corresponds to a given time? I've seen that I can get the current time as an integer using
but if there's a label at that position, how do I get the label as a string?
function getLabel() {
var stage = sym.getComposition().getStage();
var labels = stage.timelines['Default Timeline'].labels;
var currentLabel;
var currentPosition = stage.getPosition();
$.each( labels, function( label, position ){
if (position <= currentPosition) currentLabel = label;
return currentLabel;
console.log( getLabel() );
this will return the label on (or next previous to) the current position.
For those of us here looking for a Adobe Animate 2019 solution (like I was), it's similar, but slightly different:
function getLabel(_this) {
var currentLabel;
var currentPosition = _this.currentFrame;
_this.labels.forEach(function( label, index ){
if (label.position <= currentPosition) currentLabel = label.label;
return currentLabel;
Your position on the timeline is easier to get, and the labels object is organized differently. (Also jQuery is unavailable.)

How to Convert Object[] array into ObservableCollection<Class> in WPF?

I have a DataGrid.I binded ObservableCollection to DataGrid.I added paging to it.
For it I converted ObservationCollection into DataTable.
My code is as
ObservableCollection<RiskSettings> riskCollection = new ObservableCollection<RiskSettings>();
grdRiskAlerts.DataContext = riskCollection;
dTable = ToDataTable(riskCollection);
object[] obj = gridPaging.CustomPaging(dTable, (int)DataGridPaging.PagingMode.First);
grdRiskAlerts.ItemsSource = (DataView)obj[0];
txtDispRecs.Text = obj[1].ToString();
txtNumOfPages.Text = obj[2].ToString();
txtTotalRecs.Text = "Total : " + dTable.Rows.Count;
if (dTable.Rows.Count <= recPerPage)
brdPaging.IsEnabled = false;
brdPaging.IsEnabled = true;
My Class name is RiskSettings.
When i right Click on selected row,did operation Type Casting problem is arising.
So i need to bind Datagrid with class instead of (DataView)obj[0]
How to do it?
I tried it,But unable to find solution
Can any help on this?
Thanks in advance,

Adding x axis labels when using dojox.charting.DataSeries

I'm creating a Dojo line chart from a dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore using a dojox.charting.DataSeries. I'm using the third parameter (value) of the constructor of DataSeries to specify a method which will generate the points on the chart. e.g.
function formatLineGraphItem(store,item)
var o = {
x: graphIndex++,
y: store.getValue(item, "fileSize"),
return o;
The graphIndex is an integer which is incremented for every fileSize value. This gives me a line chart with the fileSize shown against a numeric count. This works fine.
What I'd like is to be able to specify the x axis label to use instead of the value of graphIndex i.e. the under lying data will still be 1,2,3,4 but the label will show text (in this case the time at which the file size was captured).
I can do this by passing in an array of labels into the x asis when I call chart.addAxis() but this requires me to know the the values before I iterate through the data. e.g.
var dataSeriesConfig = {query: {id: "*"}};
var xAxisLabels = [{text:"2011-11-20",value:1},{text:"2011-11-21",value:2},{text:"2011-11-22",value:3}];
var chart1 = new dojox.charting.Chart("chart1");
chart1.addPlot("default", {type: "Lines", tension: "4"});
chart1.addAxis("x", {labels: xAxisLabels});
chart1.addAxis("y", {vertical: true});
chart1.addSeries("Values", new dojox.charting.DataSeries(dataStore, dataSeriesConfig, formatLineGraphItem));
The xAxisLabels array can be created by preparsing the dataSeries but it's not a very nice work around.
Does anyone have any ideas how the formatLineGraphItem method could be extended to provide the x axis labels. Or does anyone have any documentation on what values the object o can contain?
Thanks in advance!
This will take a unix timestamp, multiply the value by 1000 (so that it has microseconds for JavaScript, and then pass the value to dojo date to format it).
You shouldn't have any problems editing this to the format you need.
You provided examples that your dates are like "1", "2", "3", which is clearly wrong. Those aren't dates.. so this is the best you can do unless you edit your question.
labelFunc: function(n){
if(isNaN(dojo.number.parse(n)) || dojo.number.parse(n) % 1 != 0){
return " ";
else {
// I am assuming that your timestamp needs to be multiplied by 1000.
var date = new Date(dojo.number.parse(n) * 1000);
return dojo.date.locale.format(date, {
selector: "date",
datePattern: "dd MMMM",
locale: "en"
maxLabelSize: 100