Running Total of Open Accounts SQL Server 2008 by Month - sql

I have found loads of articles similar to what I’m attempting to do but just cannot seem to replicate it to work.
I have a transactions table that is as below :
AccountNo Status DateComplete DateDue State
1147331 OPEN 18/02/2011 10/03/2011 R
1146787 OPEN 07/04/2011 05/04/2011 R
16511 OPEN 29/09/2003 29/09/2003 R
22571 OPEN 15/10/2003 15/10/2003 R
2852403 OPEN 10/11/2014 10/11/2014 R
2851890 OPEN 17/11/2014 17/11/2014 R
1147331 CLOSED 24/06/2011 27/06/2011 R
1146787 CLOSED 14/06/2011 14/06/2011 R
2852403 CLOSED 11/08/2015 11/08/2015 F
2851890 CLOSED 18/08/2015 18/08/2015 F
I don’t have access to change any of the data so have to work with what I have. The State column shows if a status is completed or pending. So when it is an ‘F’ its will have a future date in date due So I am using a CASE WHEN State = 'F' THEN DateDue WHEN State = 'R' THEN DateComplete END AS Date statement (forgive me if syntax is out its just an example).
What I am trying to achieve is a running total by month of open accounts. I’ve found guides on cumulative counts by month but cant find one by month for running total. The end output I need is (not based on above figures)
Month OpenAccounts
Jan-14 1
Feb-14 3
Mar-14 2
Apr-14 5
Will happily answer any questions If I haven’t been clear. (I have had to repost this question after deleting the original).

;with CTE as -- Get all dates with month year combo
( select CASE [STATE] WHEN 'F' THEN DateDue
WHEN 'R' THEN DateComplete END AS TransDate
from #Account
where Status = 'OPEN'
select DATENAME(mm,T1.TransDate) +'-'+
CAST (YEAR(T1.TransDate) AS VARCHAR(20)) AS Month,
count(distinct T2.TransDate) as runsum
from CTE as T2
cross join CTE T1
where 1= case when DATENAME(mm,T1.TransDate) +'-'+
CAST (YEAR(T1.TransDate) AS VARCHAR(20)) =
DATENAME(mm,T2.TransDate) +'-'+
CAST (YEAR(T2.TransDate) AS VARCHAR(20))
and T2.TransDate < T1.TransDate then 1
when T2.TransDate <= T1.TransDate then 1
group by DATENAME(mm,T1.TransDate) +'-'+
CAST (YEAR(T1.TransDate) AS VARCHAR(20))
order by runsum asc

Try This :
mon INT,
yr INT,
cnt INT,
runningtotal INT
DECLARE #runningtotal INT
SELECT Datepart(MONTH, yourcolumn) AS mon,
Datepart(YEAR, yourcolumn) AS yr,
Count(*) cnt
FROM yourtable
GROUP BY Datepart(MONTH, yourcolumn),Datepart(YEAR, yourcolumn)
UPDATE #table
SET #runningtotal = #runningtotal + cnt,
runningtotal = #runningtotal
FROM #table


Taking most recent values in sum over date range

I have a table which has the following columns: DeskID *, ProductID *, Date *, Amount (where the columns marked with * make the primary key). The products in use vary over time, as represented in the image below.
Table format on the left, and a (hopefully) intuitive representation of the data on the right for one desk
The objective is to have the sum of the latest amounts of products by desk and date, including products which are no longer in use, over a date range.
e.g. using the data above the desired table is:
So on the 1st Jan, the sum is 1 of Product A
On the 2nd Jan, the sum is 2 of A and 5 of B, so 7
On the 4th Jan, the sum is 1 of A (out of use, so take the value from the 3rd), 5 of B, and 2 of C, so 8 in total
I have tried using a partition on the desk and product ordered by date to get the most recent value and turned the following code into a function (Function1 below) with #date Date parameter
select #date 'Date', t.DeskID, SUM(t.Amount) 'Sum' from (
select #date 'Date', t.DeskID, t.ProductID, t.Amount
, row_number() over (partition by t.DeskID, t.ProductID order by t.Date desc) as roworder
from Table1 t
where 1 = 1
and t.Date <= #date
) t
where t.roworder = 1
group by t.DeskID
And then using a utility calendar table and cross apply to get the required values over a time range, as below
select * from Calendar c
cross apply Function1(c.CalendarDate)
where c.CalendarDate >= '20190101' and c.CalendarDate <= '20191009'
This has the expected results, but is far too slow. Currently each desk uses around 50 products, and the products roll every month, so after just 5 years each desk has a history of ~3000 products, which causes the whole thing to grind to a halt. (Roughly 30 seconds for a range of a single month)
Is there a better approach?
Change your function to the following should be faster:
select #date 'Date', t.DeskID, SUM(t.Amount) 'Sum'
FROM (SELECT m.DeskID, m.ProductID, MAX(m.[Date) AS MaxDate
FROM Table1 m
where m.[Date] <= #date) d
ON d.DeskID=t.DeskID
AND d.ProductID=t.ProductID
and t.[Date] = d.MaxDate
group by t.DeskID
The performance of TVF usually suffers. The following removes the TVF completely:
-- DROP TABLE Table1;
CREATE TABLE Table1 (DeskID int not null, ProductID nvarchar(32) not null, [Date] Date not null, Amount int not null, PRIMARY KEY ([Date],DeskID,ProductID));
INSERT Table1(DeskID,ProductID,[Date],Amount)
VALUES (1,'A','2019-01-01',1),(1,'A','2019-01-02',2),(1,'B','2019-01-02',5),(1,'A','2019-01-03',1)
DECLARE #StartDate date=N'2019-01-01';
DECLARE #EndDate date=N'2019-01-05';
;WITH cte_p
FROM Table1
WHERE [Date] <= #EndDate
SELECT #StartDate AS [Date], p.DeskID, p.ProductID, ISNULL(a.Amount,0) AS Amount
SELECT t.DeskID, t.ProductID
, MAX(t.Date) AS FirstDate
FROM Table1 t
WHERE t.Date <= #StartDate
GROUP BY t.DeskID, t.ProductID) f
ON f.DeskID=a.DeskID
AND f.ProductID=a.ProductID
AND f.[FirstDate]=a.[Date]
RIGHT JOIN cte_p p
ON p.DeskID=a.DeskID
AND p.ProductID=a.ProductID
SELECT DATEADD(DAY,1,a.[Date]) AS [Date], t.DeskID, t.ProductID, t.Amount
FROM Table1 t
INNER JOIN cte_a a
ON t.DeskID=a.DeskID
AND t.ProductID=a.ProductID
AND t.[Date] > a.[Date]
AND t.[Date] <= DATEADD(DAY,1,a.[Date])
WHERE a.[Date]<#EndDate
SELECT DATEADD(DAY,1,a.[Date]) AS [Date], a.DeskID, a.ProductID, a.Amount
FROM cte_a a
WHERE t.DeskID=a.DeskID
AND t.ProductID=a.ProductID
AND t.[Date] > a.[Date]
AND t.[Date] <= DATEADD(DAY,1,a.[Date]))
AND a.[Date]<#EndDate
SELECT [Date], DeskID, SUM(Amount)
FROM cte_a
GROUP BY [Date], DeskID;

Count number of days each employee take vacation in a month SQL Server

I have this table:
ID Start End
01 04/10/17 04/12/17
01 04/27/17 05/02/17
02 04/13/17 04/15/17
02 04/17/17 04/20/17
03 06/14/17 06/22/17
ID Fname Lname
01 John AAA
02 Jeny BBB
03 Jeby CCC
I like to count the number of days each employee take vacation in April.
My query:
SUM(DATEDIFF(DAY, Start, End) + 1) AS Days
01 returns 9 (not correct)
02 returns 7 (correct)
How do I fix the query so that it counts until the end of month and stops at end of month. For example, April has 30 days. On second row, Employee 01 should counts 4/27/17 until 4/30/17. And 05/02/17 is for May.
The Tally/Calendar table is the way to go. However, you can use an ad-hoc tally table.
Select Year = Year(D)
,Month = Month(D)
,Days = count(*)
From Vacationtbl A
Cross Apply (
Select Top (DateDiff(DAY,[Start],[End])+1) D=DateAdd(DAY,-1+Row_Number() Over (Order By (Select Null)),[Start])
From master..spt_values
) B
Group By ID,Year(D),Month(D)
Order By 1,2,3
Year Month ID Days
2017 4 01 7
2017 4 02 7
2017 5 01 2
EDIT - To Show All ID even if Zero Days
Select ID
,Year = Year(D)
,Month = Month(D)
,Days = sum(case when D between [Start] and [End] then 1 else 0 end)
From (
Select Top (DateDiff(DAY,'05/01/2017','05/31/2017')+1) D=DateAdd(DAY,-1+Row_Number() Over (Order By (Select Null)),'05/01/2017')
From master..spt_values
) D
Cross Join Vacationtbl B
Group By ID,Year(D),Month(D)
Order By 1,2,3
ID Year Month Days
1 2017 5 2
2 2017 5 0
dbFiddle if it Helps
EDIT - 2 Corrects for Overlaps (Gaps and Islands)
--Create Some Sample Data
Declare #Vacationtbl Table ([ID] varchar(50),[Start] date,[End] date)
Insert Into #Vacationtbl Values
,(02,'04/16/17','04/17/17') -- << Overlap
-- The Actual Query
Select ID
,Year = Year(D)
,Month = Month(D)
,Days = sum(case when D between [Start] and [End] then 1 else 0 end)
From (Select Top (DateDiff(DAY,'04/01/2017','04/30/2017')+1) D=DateAdd(DAY,-1+Row_Number() Over (Order By (Select Null)),'04/01/2017') From master..spt_values ) D
Cross Join (
Select ID,[Start] = min(D),[End] = max(D)
From (
Select E.*,Grp = Dense_Rank() over (Order By D) - Row_Number() over (Partition By ID Order By D)
From (
Select Distinct A.ID,D
From #Vacationtbl A
Cross Apply (Select Top (DateDiff(DAY,A.[Start],A.[End])+1) D=DateAdd(DAY,-1+Row_Number() Over (Order By (Select Null)),A.[Start]) From master..spt_values ) B
) E
) G
Group By ID,Grp
) B
Group By ID,Year(D),Month(D)
Order By 1,2,3
ID Year Month Days
1 2017 4 7
2 2017 4 8
3 2017 4 0
Without a dates table, you could use
select Id
,sum(case when [end]>'20170430' and [start]<'20170401' then datediff(day,'20170401','20170430')+1
when [end]>'20170430' then datediff(day,[start],'20170430')+1
when [start]<'20170401' then datediff(day,'20170401',[end])+1
else datediff(day,[start],[end])+1
end) as VacationDays
from Vacationtbl
where [start] <= '20170430' and [end] >= '20170401'
group by Id
There are 3 conditions here
Start is before this month and the end is after this month. In this case you subtract the end and start dates of the month.
End is after month end and start is in the month, in this case subtract month end date from the start.
Start is before this month but the end is in the month. In this case subtract month start date and the end date.
Edit: Based on the OP's comments that the future dates have to be included,
/*This recursive cte generates the month start and end dates with in a given time frame
For Eg: all the month start and end dates for 2017
Change the start and end period as needed*/
with dates (month_start_date,month_end_date) as
(select cast('2017-01-01' as date),cast(eomonth('2017-01-01') as date)
union all
select dateadd(month,1,month_start_date),eomonth(dateadd(month,1,month_start_date)) from dates
where month_start_date < '2017-12-01'
--End recursive cte
--Query logic is the same as above
select v.Id
,year(d.month_start_date) as yr,month(d.month_start_date) as mth
,sum(case when v.[end]>d.month_end_date and v.[start]<d.month_start_date then datediff(day,d.month_start_date,d.month_end_date)+1
when v.[end]>d.month_end_date then datediff(day,v.[start],d.month_end_date)+1
when v.[start]<d.month_start_date then datediff(day,d.month_start_date,v.[end])+1
else datediff(day,v.[start],v.[end])+1
end) as VacationDays
from dates d
join Vacationtbl v on v.[start] <= d.month_end_date and v.[end] >= d.month_start_date
group by,year(d.month_start_date),month(d.month_start_date)
Assuming you want only one month and you want to count all days, you can do this with arithmetic. A separate calendar table is not necessary. The advantage is performance.
I think this would be easier if SQL Server supported least() and greatest(), but case will do:
select id,
sum(1 + datediff(day, news, newe)) as vacation_days_april
from vactiontbl v cross apply
(values (case when [start] < '2017-04-01' then cast('2017-04-01' as date) else [start] end),
(case when [end] >= '2017-05-01' then cast('2017-04-30' as date) else [end] end)
) v(news, newe)
where news <= newe
group by id;
You can readily extend this to any month:
with m as (
select cast('2017-04-01' as date) as month_start,
cast('2017-04-30' as date) as month_end
select id,
sum(1 + datediff(day, news, newe)) as vacation_days_aprile
from m cross join
vactiontbl v cross apply
(values (case when [start] < m.month_start then m.month_start else [start] end),
(case when [end] >= m.month_end then m.month_end else [end] end)
) v(news, newe)
where news <= newe
group by id;
You can even use a similar idea to extend to multiple months, with a different row for each user and each month.
You can use a Calendar or dates table for this sort of thing.
For only 152kb in memory, you can have 30 years of dates in a table with this:
/* dates table */
declare #fromdate date = '20000101';
declare #years int = 30;
/* 30 years, 19 used data pages ~152kb in memory, ~264kb on disk */
;with n as (select n from (values(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) t(n))
select top (datediff(day, #fromdate,dateadd(year,#years,#fromdate)))
[Date]=convert(date,dateadd(day,row_number() over(order by (select 1))-1,#fromdate))
into dbo.Dates
from n as deka cross join n as hecto cross join n as kilo
cross join n as tenK cross join n as hundredK
order by [Date];
create unique clustered index ix_dbo_Dates_date
on dbo.Dates([Date]);
Without taking the actual step of creating a table, you can use it inside a common table expression with just this:
declare #fromdate date = '20170401';
declare #thrudate date = '20170430';
;with n as (select n from (values(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) t(n))
, dates as (
select top (datediff(day, #fromdate, #thrudate)+1)
[Date]=convert(date,dateadd(day,row_number() over(order by (select 1))-1,#fromdate))
from n as deka cross join n as hecto cross join n as kilo
cross join n as tenK cross join n as hundredK
order by [Date]
select [Date]
from dates;
Use either like so:
, count(*) as VacationDays
from Vacationtbl v
inner join Dates d
on d.Date >= v.[Start]
and d.Date <= v.[End]
where d.Date >= '20170401'
and d.Date <= '20170430'
group by v.Id
rextester demo (table):
rextester demo (cte):
| Id | VacationDays |
| 01 | 7 |
| 02 | 7 |
Number and Calendar table reference:
Generate a set or sequence without loops - 2 - Aaron Bertrand
The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop - Jeff Moden
Creating a Date Table/Dimension in sql Server 2008 - David Stein
Calendar Tables - Why You Need One - David Stein
Creating a date dimension or calendar table in sql Server - Aaron Bertrand
Try this,
declare #Vacationtbl table(ID int,Startdate date,Enddate date)
insert into #Vacationtbl VALUES
(1 ,'04/10/17','04/12/17')
,(1 ,'04/27/17','05/02/17')
,(2 ,'04/13/17','04/15/17')
,(2 ,'04/17/17','04/20/17')
-- somehow convert your input into first day of month
Declare #firstDayofGivenMonth date='2017-04-01'
Declare #LasttDayofGivenMonth date=dateadd(day,-1,dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,#firstDayofGivenMonth)+1,0))
;with CTE as
select *
,case when Startdate<#firstDayofGivenMonth then #firstDayofGivenMonth else Startdate end NewStDT
,case when Enddate>#LasttDayofGivenMonth then #LasttDayofGivenMonth else Enddate end NewEDT
from #Vacationtbl

Counting New Unique Values in Growing Time Window

I have a large table of users (as a guid), some associated values, and a time stamp of when each row was inserted. A user might be associated with many rows in this table.
guid | <other columns> | insertdate
I want to count for each month: how many unique new users were inserted. It's easy to do manually:
select count(distinct guid)
from table
where insertdate >= '20060201' and insertdate < '20060301'
and guid not in (select guid from table where
insertdate >= '20060101' and insertdate < '20060201')
How could this be done for each successive month in sql?
I thought to use a rank function to associate clearly each guid with a month:
select guid,
,dense_rank() over ( order by datepart(YYYY, insertdate),
datepart(m, t.TransactionDateTime)) as MonthRank
from table
and then iterate upon each rank value:
declare #no_times int
declare #counter int = 1
set #no_times = select count(distinct concat(datepart(year, t.TransactionDateTime),
datepart(month, t.TransactionDateTime))) from table
while #no_times > 0 do
select count(*), #counter
where guid not in (select guid from table where rank = #counter)
and rank = #int + 1
#counter += 1
#no_times -= 1
union all
I know this strategy is probably the wrong way to go about things.
Ideally, I would like a result set to look like this:
MonthRank | NoNewUsers
I would be extremely interested and grateful if a sql wizard could point me in the right direction.
DATEPART(year,t.insertdate) AS YearNum
,DATEPART(mm,t.insertdate) as MonthNum
table t
LEFT JOIN table t2
ON t.guid = t2.guid
AND t.insertdate > t2.insertdate
t2.guid IS NULL
Use a left join to see if the table ever existed as a prior insert date and if they didn't then count them using aggregation like you normally would. If you want to add a rank to see which month(s) have the highest number of new users then you can use your DENSE_RANK() function but because you are already grouping by want you want you do not need a partition clause.
If you want the first time that a guid entered, then your query doesn't exactly work. You can get the first time with two aggregations:
select year(first_insertdate), month(first_insertdate), count(*)
from (select t.guid, min(insertdate) as first_insertdate
from t
group by t.guid
) t
group by year(first_insertdate), month(first_insertdate)
order by year(first_insertdate), month(first_insertdate);
If you are looking for counting guids each time they skip a month, then you can use lag():
select year(insertdate), month(insertdate), count(*)
from (select t.*,
lag(insertdate) over (partition by guid order by insertdate) as prev_insertdate
from t
) t
where prev_insertdate is null or
datediff(month, prev_insertdate, insertdate) >= 2
group by year(insertdate), month(insertdate)
order by year(insertdate), month(insertdate);
I solved it with the terrible while loop, then a friend helped me to solve it more efficiently in another way.
The loop version:
--ranked by month
select t.TransactionID
,concat(datepart(year, t.InsertDate), datepart(month,
t.InsertDate)) MonthRankName
,dense_rank() over ( order by datepart(YYYY, t.InsertDate),
datepart(m, t.InsertDate)) as MonthRank
into #ranked
from table t;
declare #counter int = 1
declare #no_times int
select #no_times = count(distinct concat(datepart(year, t.InsertDate),
datepart(month, t.InsertDate))) from table t;
select count(distinct r.guid) as NewUnique, r.Monthrank into #results
from #ranked r
where r.MonthRank = 1 group by r.MonthRank;
while #no_times > 1
insert into #results
select count(distinct rt.guid) as NewUnique, #counter + 1 as MonthRank
from #ranked r
where rt.guid not in
select rt2.guid from #ranked rt2
where rt2.MonthRank = #counter
and rt.MonthRank = #counter + 1
set #counter = #counter+1
set #no_times = #no_times-1
select * from #results r
This turned out to run pretty slowly (as you might expect)
What turned out to be faster by a factor of 10 was this method:
select t.guid,
cast (concat(datepart(year, min(t.InsertDate)),
case when datepart(month, min(t.InsertDate)) < 10 then
'0'+cast( datepart(month, min(t.InsertDate)) as varchar(10))
else cast (datepart(month, min(t.InsertDate)) as varchar(10)) end
) as int) as MonthRankName
into #NewUnique
from table t
group by t.guid;
select count(1) as NewUniques, t.MonthRankName from #NewUnique t
group by t.MonthRankName
order by t.MonthRankName
Simply identifying the very first month each guid appears, then counting the number of these occurring each month. With a bit of a hack to get YearMonth formatted nicely (this seems to be more efficient than format([date], 'yyyyMM') but need to experiment more on that.

Normalization of Year bringing nulls back

I have the following query:
YEAR(DateRegistered) as Years,
COUNT(UserID)as totalReg
UserProfile WITH(NOLOCK)
Months.MonthID = MONTH(DateRegistered)
DateRegistered > DATEADD(MONTH, -12,GETDATE())
GROUP BY YEAR(DateRegistered), Months.[MonthName]
ORDER BY Months.[MonthName]
As you can tell this will always bring back 12 months worth of data. As such it is working, although there is a bug with this method.
It creates Null values in months where there is no data, now the record should exist(whole point of the query) but Year field is bringing Nulls which is something I dont want.
Now I understand the problem is because there is no data, how is it supposed to know what year?
So my question is - is there any way to sort this out and replace the nulls? I suspect I will have to completely change my methodology.
**YEAR** **MONTH** **TOTAL**
2013 April 1
2013 August 1
NULL December 0
2013 February 8
2013 January 1
2013 July 1
NULL June 0
2013 March 4
NULL May 0
NULL November 0
NULL October 0
2012 September 3
If you want 12 months of data, then construct a list of numbers from 1 to 12 and use these as offsets with getdate():
with nums as (
select 12 as level union all
select level - 1
from nums
where level > 1
select YEAR(thedate) as Years,
COUNT(UserID) as totalReg
FROM (select DATEADD(MONTH, - nums.level, GETDATE()) as thedate
from nums
) mon12 left outer join
on month(mon12.thedate) = months.monthid left outer join
UserProfile WITH (NOLOCK)
ON Months.MonthID = MONTH(DateRegistered) and
DateRegistered > DATEADD(MONTH, -12, GETDATE())
GROUP BY YEAR(thedate), Months.[MonthName]
ORDER BY Months.[MonthName];
I find something strange about the query though. You are defining the span from the current date. However, you seem to be splitting the months themselves on calendar boundaries. I also find the table months to be awkward. Why aren't you just using the datename() and month() functions?
Try this out:
;With dates as (
Select DateName(Month, getdate()) as [Month],
DatePart(Year, getdate()) as [Year],
1 as Iteration
Union All
Select DateName(Month,DATEADD(MONTH, -Iteration, getdate())),
DatePart(Year,DATEADD(MONTH, -Iteration, getdate())),
Iteration + 1
from dates
where Iteration < 12
d.Month as [MonthName],
COUNT(up.UserID)as totalReg
FROM dates d
LEFT OUTER JOIN UserProfile up ON d.Month = DateName(DateRegistered)
And d.Year = DatePart(Year, DateRegistered)
GROUP BY d.Year, d.Month
ORDER BY d.Year, d.Month
Here's my attempt at a solution:
declare #UserProfile table
id bigint not null identity(1,1) primary key clustered
, name nvarchar(32) not null
, dateRegistered datetime not null default(getutcdate())
insert #UserProfile
select 'person 1', '2011-01-23'
union select 'person 2', '2013-01-01'
union select 'person 3', '2013-05-27'
declare #yearMin int, #yearMax int
select #yearMin = year(MIN(dateRegistered))
, #yearMax= year(MAX(dateRegistered))
from #UserProfile
;with monthCte as
select 1 monthNo, DATENAME(month, '1900-01-01') Name
union all
select monthNo + 1, DATENAME(month, dateadd(month,monthNo,'1900-01-01'))
from monthCte
where monthNo < 12
, yearCte as
select #yearMin yearNo
union all
select yearNo + 1
from yearCte
where yearNo < #yearMax
select y.yearNo, m.Name, COUNT( UsersRegisteredThisPeriod
from yearCte y
cross join monthCte m
left outer join #UserProfile up
on year(up.dateRegistered) = y.yearNo
and month(up.dateRegistered) = m.monthNo
group by y.yearNo, m.monthNo, m.Name
order by y.yearNo, m.monthNo
SQL Fiddle Version:!6/d41d8/6640
You have to calculate the counts in a Derived Table (or a CTE) first and then join
COALESCE(dt.totalReg, 0)
YEAR(DateRegistered) AS Years,
MONTH(DateRegistered) AS Mon,
COUNT(UserID)AS totalReg
WHERE DateRegistered > DATEADD(MONTH, -12,GETDATE())
) AS dt
ON Months.MonthID = dt.mon
ORDER BY 1, Months.MonthID
I changed the order to Months.MonthID instead of MonthName and i added year because you might have august 2012 and 2013 in your result.

How to show if a donation occured in the prior year but not current?

I'm creating a year-over-year donation report with the following schema & query in Server 2012:
HouseholdID INT,
HouseholdName VARCHAR(150),
[Donation] REAL,
DateOrdered DATE
(1,'The Smiths',50,'2011-01-01'),
(1,'The Smiths',75,'2012-02-02'),
(2,'The Wilsons',10,'2011-03-01'),
(2,'The Wilsons',60,'2011-07-01'),
(3,'The Kellys',500,'2012-06-01');
DECLARE #RunYear INT=2012
DECLARE #PriorYear INT=#RunYear-1
[HouseholdID],[HouseholdName],YEAR(DateOrdered) [Year], MAX(Donation) [MaxGift], SUM(Donation) [TotalDonated]
YEAR([DateOrdered]) IN (#RunYear,#PriorYear)
GROUP BY HouseholdID, [HouseholdName], YEAR(DateOrdered)
ORDER BY HouseholdID, YEAR(DateOrdered)
I'd like to add a BIT column like [DonatedInPriorYearOnly] that would be 1 only if the household had a donation in the prior year (2011) but none in the run year (2012).
How can this be accomplished?
Depending on your version of SQLServer, you can wrap the summary query (in a subquery or CTE) and use LAG. If HouseholdID and Year don't match LAG HouseholdID and (Year - 1) then there was not a donation in the previous year.
Something roughly like this (untested):
SELECT [HouseholdID], [HouseholdName], [Year], [MaxGift], [TotalDonated]
,CASE WHEN YEAR = previous_year +1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS DonatedPreviousYear
FROM ( SELECT [HouseholdID], [HouseholdName], [Year], [MaxGift], [TotalDonated]
,LAG(Year, 1, 0) OVER (PARTITION BY HouseholdID ORDER BY Year) AS previous_year
FROM ( SELECT [HouseholdID],[HouseholdName],YEAR(DateOrdered) [Year], MAX(Donation) [MaxGift], SUM(Donation) [TotalDonated]
FROM Donation
WHERE [DateOrdered] BETWEEN #StartDt AND #EndDt
GROUP BY HouseholdID, [HouseholdName], YEAR(DateOrdered)
ORDER BY HouseholdID, YEAR(DateOrdered)
select blah, blah, blah
from donation
where householdid in
(select householdid
from donation
where year(dateordered) = #runyear -1
select householdid
from donation
where year(dateordered) = #runyear )
That's the logic. If you want it to run faster, create a set of dates to co-incide with the 1st and end of each year and use those instead of year(dateordered)
Edit below
To have a bit column based on this logic, do this.
select blah, blah, blah
, case
when householdid in
(select householdid
from donation
where year(dateordered) = #runyear -1
select householdid
from donation
where year(dateordered) = #runyear )
then 1 else 0 end nameofcolumn
from donation
where whatever
You could OUTER APPLY a SELECT TOP query to find any donations made by each family in the previous year.
<your select list>
,ISNULL(lastyear.donated_bit,0) AS donated_last_year
FROM Donation AS d
SELECT TOP 1 1 AS donated_bit
FROM Donation AS d_lastyear
WHERE d_lastyear.HouseholdID = d.HouseholdID
AND DATEPART(year, d_lastyear.DateOrdered) = #RunYear - 1
AND d_lastyear.Donation IS NOT NULL
AND d_lastyear.Donation > 0
) AS lastyear
I was able to work it out after reviewing the various suggestions.
[DonatedPriorYearOnly] =
SELECT HouseholdID FROM Donation d2
WHERE YEAR(d2.DateOrdered)=#PriorYear AND d2.HouseholdID=d.HouseholdID
SELECT HouseholdID FROM Donation d3
WHERE YEAR(d3.DateOrdered)=#RunYear AND d3.HouseholdID=d.HouseholdID
Thank you everyone for the responses. They were all helpful.