Windows 8 tablet - How to prevent explorer from starting desktop app with maximized window? - windows-8

When I start a desktop application on Windows 8 tablet, Explorer starts it with SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED.
For example, if you start Notepad from command prompt, it opens in normal window size, but if you do that from Explorer, maximized window is opened. I have seen this Explorer behavior only on tablet PC and I guess Explorer is doing that on purpose.
I understand that it may be useful for many application programs, but I want my program to start with normal size unless user explicitly requests Explorer to open it maximized.
Is there a way to stop this for my application? I'm hoping that there is an API or manifest to do that, but I couldn't find any information at MSDN.
Thanks in advance.

See if this helps:
Open any program that is affected with this issue. Note: Make sure that it is the only open window of that program. eg. You can only do this if you have one window of command prompt open.
Adjust the window size and position to your liking.
While holding Ctrl on your keyboard, close the window by clicking (or touching, for tablet) the X in the top-right corner of the window to close it.
Re-open the program. Your window should now open in the way you set it in step 3.


Close nth open window in IE11 using Selenium

On the page "" There is a button "New Message Window".
I want to hit this button 5 times which will open 5 windows. All the windows have same content. So cant identify specific window using content
i want to close the 3rd window.
I'm only seeing this open the same window multiple times. However, if you want to do this, you would:
Get the current window handles
Switch to the third one
Send your webdriver instance the close command (not the quit command, that will close all windows)
Without knowing what language you're using, I won't be able to give you an example.

Switch to active window to left/right in taskbar

I have been using 7+ Taskbar Tweaker for a day and I'm blown away with two features. Mainly because windows alt+tab is not memorising order of open windows in it. There are two commands that I use constantly. 101 - Switch to the window which is located on the left to the active window on the taskbar and Switch to the window which is located on the right to the active window on the taskbar.
So when I do some programming and have to switch between windows fast, I just assign shortcuts for those 2 operations. It's making switching between windows so easy. One key is moving focus left and other to do right.
Is it possible to do this in autohotkeys? It would be so awesome. Because actually I don't need whole program, only this feature. I saw some code for it on web but it's not working in win 7/64. Basically I need script that will assign hotkey for moving focus from active window on taskbar to one to the left or one to the right. Also when it run out of left/right windows it should circle back to starting window(like normal alt tab is doing.)
Aw... yes I think I wrote a script could do just that some years ago, but I'm not sure how exactly I did it.
The real problem here is finding the order of the windows in the takbar.
But I can tell you there is no official api for it and from what I could tell using registry monitoring software, the order isn't stored in the registry.
For now, that's the only thing that comes to my mind:
F1::WinActivateByTbIndex(4) ;activate the fourth window in the task bar with F1
F2::WinActivateByTbIndex(2) ;activate the second window in the task bar with F2
WinActivateByTbIndex(index) {
WinActivate, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
ControlSend, MSTaskListWClass1, % "{Tab}{Right " index-1 "}", ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
Send, {Up}{Enter}
But if you have multiple windows behind one taskbar icon, then you will just enable the first one, so that may not be too useful..
Windows also provides the hotkeys Win+1 up to Win+0 Win+2 ... upt to Win+0 as quick shortcuts to enable window 1-10, but it suffers from 2 limitations: It only works for the first 10 windows and you always activate the first window of a stack (just like my hotkeys).
Actually I was reading about this a lot, and the alt + esc and alt+ shift +esc that is native in windows is doing a pretty good job of functionality that I need. It's cycling through open windows, in order that they were open. Only downside is that if you have minimized windows it will select them and they will stay minimized, it will not put them to front. I was tripped by this until I figure it out. One shortcut is for moving left and other right, you just have to open windows in order in which you would like to cycle through.
So.. alt+esc and alt+ shift+esc are working, but they are so hard to press, especially if you want to do that fast. Along came autohotkey, I tested this code and it's working flawlessly.
sendInput {alt down}{esc}{alt up}
sendInput {alt down}{shift down}{esc}{alt up}{shift up}

Open window such that is shows on all desktops

I have a screenshot thing, what it does is it takes a screenshot of the current visible stuff, then opens a full screen window covering everything. However this opens on the desktop of the parent window which is on desktop 1. And if a user had desktop 2 focused (due to like fullscreen app or something) then the window that opened will not show on desktop 2.
So I was wondering if there is a window level or something (I tried all the window levels) that will make it such that a window appears on all desktops.
This sounds like either NSWindowCollectionBehaviorCanJoinAllSpaces or NSWindowCollectionBehaviorStationary. Set it as the collectionBehavior of the window.
(You probably want to set the window level, too, but that's about ordering rather than collection/Spaces behavior. And if you have a Window menu, then you probably also want NSWindowCollectionBehaviorIgnoresCycle.)

Opera 18 Web developer tools

How can I detach the developer tools window in Opera 18 to be in separate window. I try with the button Detach, but instead going in single window, will dock on the right side. Either goes in the right side ot on the bottom....cannot make it separate window.
There should be a [] looking button at the bottom left of the web inspector that will detach/attach it to the main window.

Display icon overlay without restart explorer

Please help me how can I display the icon overlays without restarting the explorer.exe?
The problem Im in stuck here is the fact that I must always close the explorer.exe in taskbarmanager and re-open it. I want the way no need to restart shell like that. Any way in C++ ?
Have a shortcut to a batch-file that kills explorer.exe and restarts it. Restart it twice, once for the desktop and then for the explorer window itself (if needed (or just press Windows+E)).