Automatic frameworks linking doesn't work - objective-c

Today I learned that #import statement actually can help to link frameworks automatically.
Okay, I created a project, added a WebView. It was throwing me an error that WebView is undefined. Okay, I wrote #import WebKit — and the error was gone and all the WebView methods were available to me.
...I ran the application and it crashed with
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: '*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver decodeObjectForKey:]: cannot decode object of class (WebView)'
Then I've added the WebKit.framework manually and... it worked. So what's the point of this #import statement? The automatic linking is turned on...

import imports headers. Thus, the name WebView becomes defined, along with the methods and other stuff in WebKit, and your code can compile. Linking links code - the code in which WebView actually lives and breathes and has its being - and so your code can run.
Normally, if you import a framework using #import, both things happen. You can compile your code because of the import, and you can run the code in the framework because the import also performs automatic linking.
But you are instantiating a WebView from a nib. Therefore you also have to link explicitly or you'll crash when the nib loads. The same is true if you were to use a MapView in a nib — you'd need to link MapKit explicitly or you'd crash when the nib loads.


UITextField.autocorrectType issue in iOS 7

This is occurring with existing apps running on iOS7 and also with apps compiled in XCode 5.0.
I have recently inherited two iOS apps that were built using the Three20 framework. I realize that this framework is no longer supported, and do eventually want to switch these apps to a different framework. I am trying to simply get them to run under iOS7 before making an infrastructure changes.
The apps use a text field which inherits from a Three20 class, ultimately deriving from UITextField.
The inheritance chain is:
The apps are crashing when the initWithFrame method of MyAppPickerTextField is called, with the following exception:
* Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[MyAppPickerTextField setAutocorrectionType:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xd1c6c30'
It appears that somewhere in the inheritance MyAppPickerTextField is losing UITextInputTraits, which UITextField implements.
I've tried to implement UITextField at all levels of the inheritance chain with no results.
Could it be that the instance of MyAppPickerTextField is getting deleted before that gets called?

Property anchorPoint cannot be found in forwar class object CALayer

I downloaded this sample:
If I start the sample app everything is working fine.
I made my own app and copied most of the code into it. There is a method called adjustAnchorPointForGestureRecognizer: But in this method there is a error but only in my app (see screenshot): "Property anchorPoint cannot be found in forwar class object CALayer". I am wondering how I can solve this issue, I don't know what I did wrong. It is exactly the same code from the sample. Anyone can help? Thanks!
Did you import the QuartzCore framework into your project? Maybe that's why it can find the CALayer class
This error is thrown by XCode when it can't find a definition for CALayer. You should add the framework to your project and add #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> to wherever you are using the class

iOS6: UIViewController was unable to load nib named

When testing in the iOS6 simulator, I am getting the following error when clicking a disclosure indicator:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed:bundle:] was unable to load a nib named "LocationDetail"'
It runs perfectly fine in iOS5.
I do NOT have the LocationDetail nib anymore, nor need to use it. I have looked in my entire project for references to it, as well as in my MainWindow nib and all connections looking to see where it could be used, but I find none.
How would XCode still be wanting to load this, and why only the errors in iOS6?
The problem is not in Xcode, but in the iOS Simulator. If you've removed all references to the .xib in your project, and cleaned everything as you described, the problem is that the .xib file still exists in the app bundle in the Simulator. You should try deleting the app from the Simulator (or better yet, Reset All Content & Settings on the Simulator). This will fix it.
what i know is that initWithStyle:UITableViewStyleGrouped will call the initWithNibName:Bundle: method...
your class had the same name as your nib file, so when you called the initWithStyle:UITableViewStyleGrouped it tried to load that nib file.
when you renamed your class, it didn't find an nib with the same class name so no errors showed up as before.
I decided to just rename my class and .h and .m files and that fixed the issue.
Who knows why.

Receiving "Thread 1: signal SIGABRT" after I add a new View Controller. How can I resolve this?

My project built and ran completely fine. (it's rootViewController is a TabBarController) So I added two new view controller to my storyboard and connected them to my rootviewcontroller. In storyboard, the tabs were added just fine and everything looked okay. So I added the ViewController classes to my project and hooked them up to the correct viewControllers in storyboard. However, when I ran the project my new tabs were not visible in the simulator. So I ran "clean" on my project, deleted my application out of the simulator, reset the simulator to its original settings, and my new tabs still would not appear in the simulator. So i quit everything and restarted my mac. This time, when I ran my project it gave me the "Thread 1:signal SIGABRT" So i became frustrated and deleted my new viewControllers, both from the storyboard and the classes menu. I sent the classes to trash. But STILL I get the SIGABRT error. Even now that I am back to my original project, I am getting the error. I can't figure out what is wrong. Since it won't let me post a picture of my screen, just let me know if you need any additional debugger output or anything.
this is what its giving me in the debugger.
2012-07-05 09:22:33.336 NewsomeBand[265:15203] ***
Terminating app due to uncaught exception
'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Could not
find a storyboard named 'MainStoryboard' in bundle
NSBundle </Users/tammyscheele/Library/Application
Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications/
1B3E088D-23A6-4B77-8CBB-390A9720818A/> (loaded)'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x152b022 0x30d2cd6 0x5179f2 0xecd60 0xecff8 0xec17f 0xfb183 0xfbc38 0xef634
0x16beef5 0x14ff195 0x1463ff2 0x14628da 0x1461d84 0x1461c9b
0xebc65 0xed626 0x202d 0x1f95)
terminate called throwing an exception(lldb)
From the debugger output that you posted it looks like you may have accidentally also deleted a reference to your main/root story board. I'm guessing this based on
'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Could not
find a storyboard named 'MainStoryboard' in bundle
Either that or did you accidentally rename it somewhere or misspell it? It looks like its something simple in any case.
I solved it! I went into the info tab inside my project and set "Main storyboard file base name" to "MainStoryboard", and also made sure that my storyboard was named "MainStoryboard". That seemed to fix everything

presentModalViewControllerAnimated: gives white screen

Hey all. Something which has been bugging me quite a bit recently is this custom movie player I've put together. It's largely based on a working one, NGMoviePlayer.
The issue is this: I have the .xib in a UIKit-friendly resource bundle. When I call:
[MyMoviePlayerViewController initWithNibName:#"MyMoviePlayerViewController"
bundle:[NSBundle bundleWithPath:
[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]
..on my custom class, and then access the view (thus calling loadView) it doesn't throw any errors, but nor does it actually load the outlets properly. I am presented with a white screen, and debugging shows that all visual elements are 0x0, but there was no error as would be expected.
EDIT: I've also now tried just loading the .xib outside of a resource bundle in my target app, and the same thing happens (white screen).
The particular ones I was looking for was either:
Could not load NIB <nibname>... if it wasn't found at all, or
...loaded the <nibname> NIB but the view outlet was not set if it was found but not connected properly
The xib is in the local app (I understand that static libs can't contain xibs). I've tried using this same resource bundle with the NGMoviePlayerDemo project provided by the author of NGMoviePlayer, and it does throw an error:
Could not load NIB in bundle:
'/Users/.../MyMoviePlayerViewController.bundle (not yet loaded)'
with name 'MyMoviePlayerViewController'
I have navigated to the path it displays for the bundle and there exists a MyMoviePlayerViewController.xib file at that location.
I've also tried using bundle:nil in case Xcode combined the resources of bundle directories with the main one for some reason. Both cases throw no error and display a white screen in my actual project. Both cases throw a Could not load NIB error in the NGMoviePlayerDemo project.
EDIT: I have tried the same .xib separate from a resource bundle in the NGMoviePlayerDemo app and it works fine.
All input is greatly appreciated.
Solution: Pay attention to Unknown class <classname> in Interface Builder file. messages.
I had the code for the movie player in a static lib, and the parent view controller for the movie player was being included in the project as an external header, but the subviews weren't included as headers, so they weren't being located properly. Because the only place they were being referenced in my target app was within the .xib file, there were no compile errors to do with those subclasses, but when it came time to load the .xib those classes could not be found, so none of their properties were set. And that just so happened to include all of the controls for the player, which probably then made the initialisation code silently fall over.
I merged all of the code and ivars from the subclasses into the parent movie player class, and it's working fine now :)