How to split information on different tables within one report? - sql

I need to display the information of the Main Report in two tables, each of them containing data filtered based on a condition X (1- Bigger than X, 2 - Smaller than X). I tried to create separate data-sets for each table but it leads to an increase on time load. How can I fill different tables within the report, with different filtered information based on main report?

If you have a field listRecords of type collection with all your records, you can define the table datasource as :
Collections2.filter($F{listRecords}, new Predicate<Integer>() {
public boolean apply(final Integer input) {
return input > 2;
Using the guava library to filter the collection.


Can I update a Sharepoint list by grabbing the list via its ID?

I need to populate a large Sharepoint list (about 100 fields) a several fields/a page at a time (when the user navigates away from a page, store the values he entered on that page into the list).
Rather than six different sets of disjointed/unconnected inserts, though, I want the first page to be an insert (generating a new list ID) and the subsequent "inserts" to be actually updates - adding more data to the existing "record" that bears that list ID.
I start off getting a list this way:
var listGUID;
. . .
function createPostTravelListItemTravelerInfo1() {
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(siteUrl);
var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle('PostTravelFormFields');
var itemCreateInfo = new SP.ListItemCreationInformation();
this.oListItem = oList.addItem(itemCreateInfo);
listGUID = oList.ID;
// add some field values
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQuerySucceeded), Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQueryFailed));
Can I make the second and subsequent "updates" this way:
var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getById(listGUID);
...that is to say, by using "getById(listGUID)" instead of "getBytitle('PostTravelFormFields')?
Or will I have to break the list up into multiple lists, one per page, and generate my own GUID, and use that throughout the user's session to tie the lists together (ultimately reading from multiple lists that have the same GUID in common in one of their fields)?

Using lucene to search data differently for different users conditionally

Consider that the entities that I need to perform text search are as following
int ID, //Unique ID
string Name,//Searchable field
string Description //Searchable field
Now, I have several such entities which are commonly shared by all the users but each user can associate different tags, Notes etc to any of these entities. For simplicity lets say a user can add tags to a Sample entity.
int ID, //Sample ID
int UserID, //For condition
string tags //Searchable field
When a user performs search, I want to search for the given string in the fields Name, Description and tags associated to that Sample by the current user. I am pretty new to using lucene indexing and I am not able to figure how can I design a index and also the queries for such a situation. I need the results sorted on the relevance with the search query. Following approaches crossed my mind, but I have a feeling there could be better solutions:
Separately query 2 different entities Samples and UserSampleData and somehow mix the 2 results. For the results that intersect, we need to combine the match scores by may be averaging.
Flatten out the data by combining both the entities => multiple entries for same ID.
You could use a JoinUtil Lucene class but you must rename the second "ID" field of UserDataSample document into SAMPLE_ID (or another name different from "ID").
Below an example:
r =;
final Version version = Version.LUCENE_47; // Your lucene version
final IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(r);
final String fromField = "ID";
final boolean multipleValuesPerDocument = false;
final String toField = "SAMPLE_ID";
String querystr = "UserID:xxxx AND yourQueryString"; //the userID condition and your query String
Query fromQuery = new QueryParser(version, "NAME", new WhitespaceAnalyzer(version)).parse(querystr);
final Query joinQuery = JoinUtil.createJoinQuery(fromField, multipleValuesPerDocument, toField, fromQuery, searcher, ScoreMode.None);
final TopDocs topDocs =, 10);
Check the bug I don't know if the bug is automatically solved into the current version of LUCENE otherwise I think you must convert the type of your ID fields to String.
I think that you need Relational Data. Handling relational data is not simple with Lucene. This is a useful blog post for.

Can I retrieve column/search specific data from a jQuery DataTable?

I am currently working on a page for a web app that displays member data in a jQuery DataTable. I am building a custom plugin for the DataTable that allows for a wide range of filtering per table column.
My current task is to be able to retrieve filtered data from the DataTable, although not updating that data on the table. I know already it is possible to retrieve all filtered data by doing:
var data = $table.dataTable().$('tr', { filter: 'applied' });
This gets data for any text in the search box and any filters applied to columns. I am also aware this call gets the jQuery selectors of cells. That's what I need. But I need more...
My questions are:
Can I get data by only applying what's in the search box, without any other current filters applied to columns? I tried:
var data = $table.dataTable().$('tr', { search: 'applied' });
But that returns the same as { filter : 'applied' }.
Can I target specific columns for getting data, such as:
var data = $table.dataTable().$('tr', { filter: 'applied', columns: [1, 2, 5] });
Can I target specific columns AND what's in the search box?
My plugin needs to able to keep track of data with various combinations of column/search filters applied.
For DataTables 1.9
There is a fnFilter() API method but it applies filtering to the table which is not what you want.
Alternatively you may want to use fnGetData() to get the data for the whole table and filter it yourself.
For DataTables 1.10
There is a search() API method but it applies filtering to the table when used with draw() which is not what you want.
Also there is filter() API method. It is not exactly what you're looking for but very close, however you would need to perform the searching yourself.
You can retrieve the content of the search box as follows:
var searchVal = $('.dataTables_filter input', $table).val();
Then you would need to do the searching yourself, shown below is a simplistic approach which may not match how DataTables perform the search internally.
To search first and second column only, specify [0,1] to columns() method. If no parameters are specified, all columns will be searched instead.
var filteredData = $table.DataTable()
.columns([0, 1])
.eq( 0 )
.filter( function ( value, index ) {
returrn ( RegExp(searchVal, "i")) !== -1)
? true : false;
} );
According to the manual, variable filteredData would contain a new API instance with the values from the result set which passed the test in the callback.
To retrieve data for all or selected columns, use columns().data().

Linq where a record contains 2 matched fields

I’m working with an existing database with a design I’m not in control of, I’m using EF4, and querying using LINQ. I work in VB.Net but would be quite happy to translate a c# solution.
I would like to pull records from a table where two of the fields match a pair of items from a list.
So i have a list of
Public Class RequestInfo
Public Property INSP_ROUTINE_NM As String
Public Property FEATURE_ID As String
End Class
And I would like to query a table and pull any records where both INSP_ROUTINE_NM and FEATURE_ID match one of the Request Info items.
I can use contains easy enough on either of the fields
Dim Features = (From F In MLDb.TBL_FeatureInfoSet _
Where (C_Request.Select(Function(x) x.INSP_ROUTINE_NM)).Contains(F.INSP_ROUTINE_NM) Select F.FEATURE_ID, F.FEATURE_RUN_NO, F.INSP_ROUTINE_NM).ToList
I could use two contains calls but that would pull any record where both records match somewhere in the list not necessarily any one pair from the request.
You can try this:
var Features= (from f in MLDb.TBL_FeatureInfoSet
let q = C_Request.Select(x=>x.INSP_ROUTINE_NM)
where q.Contains(f.INSP_ROUTINE_NM) || q.Contains(f.INSP_ROUTINE_NM)
// where q.Contains(f.INSP_ROUTINE_NM) && q.Contains(f.INSP_ROUTINE_NM)
select new {f.FEATURE_ID, f.FEATURE_RUN_NO}).ToList();

GridView - Limit group items

My data is a list of groups, each having an undefined number of items. For the Hubpage I want to limit the items for each group to a specific number. Do I have to create a second collection with only those ten items or is there a XAML way to limit the group items to the top n?
If you're binding to an IEnumerable off of an ObservableCollection (or other Collection type), use the Take extension method to return the Top N. In the example template, you would do something like ...
protected override void LoadState(Object navigationParameter, Dictionary<String, Object> pageState)
// TODO: Create an appropriate data model for your problem domain to replace the sample data
var sampleDataGroups = SampleDataSource.GetGroups((String)navigationParameter);
this.DefaultViewModel["Groups"] = sampleDataGroups.Take(5);
Both approaches are possible, but with the caveats. If you would like to use standard XAML controls you would have to effectively create a new collection with as many items as you would like to show. Take(N) for example would create new collection with N elements. You could also create your own custom control that will limit amount of visible elements. I general new collection approach is the most common one.
You can do the following in the 'Grouped' event of the grid:
if(xamDataGridHotworkS_Flow.FieldLayouts[0].SortedFields.Count > 1)
If there is grouping on the grid, remove the next grouping supplied by the user.