How can custom tooltips be used with excel charts using vba? - vba

I am looking to create custom pop up displays on a chart using vba.
Like this except instad of "Value: 6" display the corresponding comment. "Yes"
Here is an article with an example workbook that shows a textbox when hovering over a point on the chart. The explanations on the website are not detailed enough for me to understand what is going on. When I try and modify the example workbook it stops functioning.
Is there a method to tracing excel vba code to discover what it is doing? Or, is there a better simple method for creating custom tooltips with excel charts?

Creating a chart (as a new sheet, not an embedded chart) and editing the VBA code for the sheet to:
Private Sub Chart_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Long, ByVal Shift As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)
Dim ElementID As Long
Dim Arg1 As Long
Dim Arg2 As Long
Dim chart_data As Variant
Dim chart_label As Variant
Dim last_bar As Long
Dim chrt As Chart
Dim ser As Series
On Error Resume Next
Me.GetChartElement x, y, ElementID, Arg1, Arg2
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set chrt = ActiveChart
Set ser = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1)
Set ser2 = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(2)
chart_data1 = ser.Values
chart_label1 = ser.XValues
chart_data2 = ser2.Values
chart_label2 = ser2.XValues
Set txtbox = ActiveSheet.Shapes("hover")
If ElementID = xlSeries Then
If Err.Number Then
Set txtbox = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextbox _
(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, x, y, 400, 120) 'Textbox size
txtbox.Name = "hover"
txtbox.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 9
txtbox.Line.DashStyle = msoLineSolid
chrt.Shapes("hover").TextFrame.Characters.Text = "Insert text wanted to display here"
With chrt.Shapes("hover").TextFrame.Characters.Font
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = 14
.ColorIndex = 16
End With
last_bar = Arg2
End If
ser.Points(Arg2).Interior.ColorIndex = 44
txtbox.Left = 0 'textbox location
txtbox.Top = 0 'textbox location
ser.Interior.ColorIndex = 16
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
This created a textbox when the mouse movement was over an Element of "xlSeries".


Excel VBA - color data labels ("value from cells") according to the font of the source

I have to run many bar charts in excel 2016, each one showing the company performance over the seasons, for a certain country. On top of each bar I'd like to see the %Change in this format [Color10]0%"▲";[Red] -0%"▼". Reason why I added the data labels, and I used the function "value from cells" to show the %Change instead of the amount sold. Now everything is in place, and my percentages are nicely placed on top of the bars, but no way I can color them automatically (positive green and negative red). I tried formatting the labels directly from the format window placed under "numbers", but I discovered it doesn't work at all when the label content is derived using "value from cells".
So I started looking into VBA, but since I'm pretty ignorant about programming, I didn't succeed. I'm looking for a code that changes the data labels of my chart so that they maintain the font of the source (in the source my %Change values are already in the desired format ([Color10]0%"▲";[Red] -0%"▼"). Googling I found different solutions but none worked. I'll post the ones I that look better to me.
Sub legend_color()
Dim SRS As Series
With ActiveChart
For Each SRS In .SeriesCollection
SRS.ApplyDataLabels AutoText:=True, LegendKey:= _False,
ShowValue:=True, _ ShowPercentage:=False,
SRS.DataLabels.Font.ColorIndex = SRS.Border.ColorIndex
Next SRS
End With
End Sub
This one was the only one that actually run, and colored my labels all white. With the following I run into errors.
Sub color_labels()
Dim chartIterator As Integer,
pointIterator As Integer, _seriesArray() As Variant
For chartIterator = 1 To ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Count
seriesArray=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects(chartIterator). _Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Values For pointIterator = 1 To UBound(seriesArray)
If seriesArray(pointIterator) >= 0 Then
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects(chartIterator). _
Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(pointIterator).Interior.Color = _RGB(146, 208, 80)
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects(chartIterator). _Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(pointIterator).Interior.Color = _RGB(255, 0, 0)
End If
Next pointIterator
Next chartIterator
End Sub
Sub ArrowColour()
Dim ncars As Integer
ncars = Range("A1").Value
With ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Down Arrow 1")).Fill
If ncars > 0 Then
.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 176, 80)
.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
End If
End With
End Sub
Option Explicit
Sub ApplyCustomLabels()
Dim rLabels As Range
Dim rCell As Range
Dim oSeries As Series
Dim Cnt As Integer
Set rLabels = Range("C2:C" & Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row)
Set oSeries = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart.SeriesCollection(1)
oSeries.HasDataLabels = True
Cnt = 1
For Each rCell In rLabels
With oSeries.Points(Cnt).DataLabel.Text = rCell.Value.Font.Color =rCell.Font.Color
End With
Cnt = Cnt + 1
Next rCell
End Sub
Thank you very much in advance for all of your help,
If you're just missing the colors then you can format each label using something like:
Sub Tester()
Dim s As Series, dl As DataLabels, d As DataLabel
Dim i As Long, rngLabels
Set s = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart.SeriesCollection(1)
Set dl = s.DataLabels
'Option 1: set label color based on label value
For i = 1 To dl.Count
With dl(i)
.Font.Color = IIf(Val(.Text) < 0, vbRed, vbGreen)
End With
Next i
'Option 2: set label color based on label source cell
' Note use of DisplayFormat to pick up custom
' formatting colors
Set rngLabels = Range("C7:C13")'<< source range for data labels
For i = 1 To dl.Count
dl(i).Font.Color = rngLabels(i).DisplayFormat.Font.Color
Next i
End Sub

Excel VBA array data source for Chartspace in Userform

I try to generate a barchart within an Excel Userform - Chartspace Is there any possibility to use VBA generated array data as source for the bar chart. I can only find description for Spreadsheet as source.
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim z As Long, s As Integer
Dim cc
Dim ch1
Dim pt
For z = 1 To 9
For s = 1 To 2
Spreadsheet1.ActiveSheet.Cells(z, s) = Sheets("Tabelle1").Cells(z, s)
Set cc = ChartSpace1.Constants
Set ChartSpace1.DataSource = Spreadsheet1 '<-- does it need linked to a spreadsheet?
Set ch1 = ChartSpace1.Charts.Add
ch1.Type = cc.chChartTypeLineMarkers
ch1.SetData 1, 0, "A2:A9"
ch1.SeriesCollection(0).SetData 2, 0, "B2:B9"
End Sub
Is the a other way to show a bar chart in a userform where I can use the array source?
Thanks a lot.
Perhaps this suggests how to do it:
This example (slightly modified so that I could test from the link above) creates a chart using literal data arrays.
Output Example
Code Example
Sub BindChartToArrays()
Dim asSeriesNames(1)
Dim asCategories(7)
Dim aiValues(7)
Dim chConstants
Dim chtNewChart
Dim myChtSpace As ChartSpace
asSeriesNames(0) = "Satisfaction Data"
asCategories(0) = "Very Good"
asCategories(1) = "Good"
asCategories(2) = "N/A"
asCategories(3) = "Average"
asCategories(4) = "No Response"
asCategories(5) = "Poor"
asCategories(6) = "Very Poor"
aiValues(0) = 10
aiValues(1) = 22
aiValues(2) = 6
aiValues(3) = 31
aiValues(4) = 5
aiValues(5) = 14
aiValues(6) = 12
Set myChtSpace = UserForm1.ChartSpace1
Set chConstants = myChtSpace.Constants
' Add a new chart to Chartspace1.
Set chtNewChart = myChtSpace.Charts.Add
' Specify that the chart is a column chart.
chtNewChart.Type = chConstants.chChartTypeColumnClustered
' Bind the chart to the arrays.
chtNewChart.SetData chConstants.chDimSeriesNames, chConstants.chDataLiteral, asSeriesNames
chtNewChart.SetData chConstants.chDimCategories, chConstants.chDataLiteral, asCategories
chtNewChart.SeriesCollection(0).SetData chConstants.chDimValues, chConstants.chDataLiteral, aiValues
End Sub

How to display 'Tooltip' for a Group (textbox + images) Assigned to Macro?

I have several groups that I've made in Excel 2007 that each consist of a textbox and image(s) and are each assigned to a macro.
What I would like is upon a mouseover/hover of the group, it displays a 'tooltip' that contains more detailed info about what the assigned macro does. I've come across what looks to be a solution here: However, I don't know how to figure out the assigned name to an image so I can use the name in the code, and I'm not sure how to incorporate it to use a Group object instead, or if it's even possible to do with groups.
As per title, how do I display a tooltip/infotip for a group (textbox + images) assigned to a macro?
EDIT: I've enclosed a copy of the code found in the link so people don't have to go page hopping:
Code that goes in a general, public module:
Option Explicit
Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Declare Function GetSysColor Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Public Function CreateToolTipLabel(objHostOLE As Object, _
sTTLText As String) As Boolean
Dim objToolTipLbl As OLEObject
Dim objOLE As OLEObject
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'just while label is created and formatted
For Each objOLE In ActiveSheet.OLEObjects
If objOLE.Name = "TTL" Then objOLE.Delete 'only one can exist at a time
Next objOLE
'create a label control...
Set objToolTipLbl = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.Label.1")
'...and format it to look as a ToolTipWindow
With objToolTipLbl
.Top = objHostOLE.Top + objHostOLE.Height - 10
.Left = objHostOLE.Left + objHostOLE.Width - 10
.Object.Caption = sTTLText
.Object.Font.Size = 8
.Object.BackColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_INFOBK)
.Object.BackStyle = 1
.Object.BorderColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWFRAME)
.Object.BorderStyle = 1
.Object.ForeColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_INFOTEXT)
.Object.TextAlign = 1
.Object.AutoSize = False
.Width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)
.Object.AutoSize = True
.Width = .Width + 2
.Height = .Height + 2
.Name = "TTL"
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'delete the tooltip window after 5 secs
Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:00:05"), "DeleteToolTipLabels"
End Function
Public Sub DeleteToolTipLabels()
Dim objToolTipLbl As OLEObject
For Each objToolTipLbl In ActiveSheet.OLEObjects
If objToolTipLbl.Name = "TTL" Then objToolTipLbl.Delete
Next objToolTipLbl
End Sub
Code that goes in the sheet (right click sheet tab>code)
Private Sub Image1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, _
ByVal Shift As Integer, _
ByVal X As Single, _
ByVal Y As Single)
Dim objTTL As OLEObject
Dim fTTL As Boolean
For Each objTTL In ActiveSheet.OLEObjects
fTTL = objTTL.Name = "TTL"
Next objTTL
If Not fTTL Then
CreateToolTipLabel Image1, "ToolTip Label"
End If
End Sub

Grouping and naming shapes in Excel with vba

In Excel vba, I am creating two shapes in excel using vba. An arrow, which I name "aro" + i, and a textbox, which I name "text" + i, where i is a number indicating the number of a photograph.
So, say for photograph 3 I will creat arrow "aro3" and textbox "text3".
I then want to group them and rename that group "arotext" + i, so "arotext3" in this instance.
So far I have been doing the grouping and renaming like this:
targetSheet.shapes.Range(Array(Arrow.Name, textBox.Name)).Select
Selection.Name = "AroTxt" & Number
which works splendidly in a sub, but now I want to change this into a function and return the named group, so I tried something like this:
Dim arrowBoxGroup as Object
set arrowBoxGroup = targetSheet.shapes.Range(Array(Arrow.Name, textBox.Name))
arrowBoxGroup.Name = "AroTxt" & Number
I run into problems when I create a new group which has the same name as one which has already been created. So, if I create a second "aro3" and "text3" and then try to group them and rename the group to "arotext3" I get an error because a group with the same name is already present.
The thing I don't understand is that when I did this using the method referring to the selection, I could rename every group with the same name if I wanted and wouldn't get an error. Why does it work when referring to the Selection object, but fails when trying to use an assigned object?
Since somebody asked, the code I have so far is below. arrow and textbox are an arrow and a textbox which point into a direction arbitrarily defined by the user using a form.
This then creates an arrow at the correct angle on the target worksheet and places a textbox with the specified number (also through the form) at the end of the arrow, so that it effectively forms a callout. I know that there are callouts, but they don't do what I want so I had to make my own.
I have to group the textbox and arrow because 1) they belong together, 2) I keep track of which callouts have already been placed using the group's name as a reference, 3) the user has to place the callout in the right location on a map which is embedded in the worksheet.
So far I have managed to make this into a function by making the return value a GroupObject. But this still relies on Sheet.Shapes.range().Select, which in my opinion is a very bad way of doing this. I am looking for a way which does not rely on the selection object.
And I would like to understand why this works when using selection, but fails when using strong typed variables to hold the objects.
Public Function MakeArrow(ByVal No As Integer, ByVal angle As Double, ByVal size As ArrowSize, ByVal ArrowX As Double, ByVal ArrowY As Double, ByVal TargetInternalAngle As Double, ByRef targetSheet As Worksheet) As GroupObject
Dim Number As String
Dim fontSize As Integer
Dim textboxwidth As Integer
Dim textboxheight As Integer
Dim arrowScale As Double
Dim X1 As Double
Dim Y1 As Double
Dim X2 As Double
Dim Y2 As Double
Dim xBox As Double
Dim yBox As Double
Dim testRange As Range
Dim arrow As Shape
Dim textBox As Shape
' Dim arrowTextbox As ShapeRange
' Dim arrowTextboxGroup As Variant
Select Case size
Case ArrowSize.normal
fontSize = fontSizeNormal
arrowScale = arrowScaleNormal
Case ArrowSize.small
fontSize = fontSizeSmall
arrowScale = arrowScaleSmall
Case ArrowSize.smaller
fontSize = fontSizeSmaller
arrowScale = arrowScaleSmaller
End Select
arrowScale = baseArrowLength * arrowScale
'Estimate required text box width
Number = Trim(CStr(No))
Set testRange = shtTextWidth.Range("A1")
testRange.value = Number
testRange.Font.Name = "MS P明朝"
testRange.Font.size = fontSize
textboxwidth = testRange.Width * 0.8
textboxheight = testRange.Height * 0.9
'Make arrow
X1 = ArrowX
Y1 = ArrowY
X2 = X1 + arrowScale * Cos(angle)
Y2 = Y1 - arrowScale * Sin(angle)
Set arrow = AddArrow(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Number, targetSheet)
'Make text box
Set textBox = Addtextbox(angle, Number, fontSize, X2, Y2, textboxwidth, textboxheight, TargetInternalAngle, targetSheet)
'Group arrow and test box
targetSheet.shapes.Range(Array(arrow.Name, textBox.Name)).group.Select
Selection.Name = "AroTxt" & Number
Set MakeArrow = Selection
' Set arrowTextbox = targetSheet.shapes.Range(Array(arrow.Name, textBox.Name))
' Set arrowTextboxGroup =
' arrowTextboxGroup.Name = "AroTxt" & Number
' Set MakeArrow = arrowTextboxGroup
End Function
Private Function AddArrow(ByVal StartX As Double, ByVal StartY As Double, ByVal EndX As Double, ByVal EndY As Double, ByVal Number As String, ByRef targetSheet As Worksheet) As Shape
Set AddArrow = targetSheet.shapes.AddLine(StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY)
With AddArrow
.Name = "Aro" & Number
With .Line
.BeginArrowheadStyle = msoArrowheadTriangle
.BeginArrowheadLength = msoArrowheadLengthMedium
.BeginArrowheadWidth = msoArrowheadWidthMedium
.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 255)
End With
End With
End Function
Private Function Addtextbox(ByVal angle As Double, ByVal Number As String, ByVal fontSize As Integer, ByVal arrowEndX As Double, ByVal arrowEndY As Double, ByVal Width As Integer, ByVal Height As Integer, ByVal LimitAngle As Double, ByRef targetSheet As Worksheet) As Shape
Dim xBox, yBox As Integer
Dim PI As Double
Dim horizontalAlignment As eTextBoxHorizontalAlignment
Dim verticalAlignment As eTextBoxVerticalAlignment
PI = 4 * Atn(1)
If LimitAngle = 0 Then
LimitAngle = PI / 4
End If
Select Case angle
Case 0 To LimitAngle, 2 * PI - LimitAngle To 2 * PI
xBox = arrowEndX
yBox = arrowEndY - Height / 2
horizontalAlignment = eTextBoxHorizontalAlignment.left
verticalAlignment = eTextBoxVerticalAlignment.Center
Case LimitAngle To PI - LimitAngle
xBox = arrowEndX - Width / 2
yBox = arrowEndY - Height
horizontalAlignment = eTextBoxHorizontalAlignment.Middle
verticalAlignment = eTextBoxVerticalAlignment.Bottom
Case PI - LimitAngle To PI + LimitAngle
xBox = arrowEndX - Width
yBox = arrowEndY - Height / 2
horizontalAlignment = eTextBoxHorizontalAlignment.Right
verticalAlignment = eTextBoxVerticalAlignment.Center
Case PI + LimitAngle To 2 * PI - LimitAngle
xBox = arrowEndX - Width / 2
yBox = arrowEndY
horizontalAlignment = eTextBoxHorizontalAlignment.Middle
verticalAlignment =
End Select
Set Addtextbox = targetSheet.shapes.Addtextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, xBox, yBox, Width, Height)
With Addtextbox
.Name = "Txt" & Number
With .TextFrame
.AutoMargins = False
.AutoSize = False
.MarginLeft = 0#
.MarginRight = 0#
.MarginTop = 0#
.MarginBottom = 0#
Select Case verticalAlignment
Case eTextBoxVerticalAlignment.Bottom
.verticalAlignment = xlVAlignBottom
Case eTextBoxVerticalAlignment.Center
.verticalAlignment = xlVAlignCenter
.verticalAlignment = xlVAlignTop
End Select
Select Case horizontalAlignment
Case eTextBoxHorizontalAlignment.left
.horizontalAlignment = xlHAlignLeft
Case eTextBoxHorizontalAlignment.Middle
.horizontalAlignment = xlHAlignCenter
Case eTextBoxHorizontalAlignment.Right
.horizontalAlignment = xlHAlignRight
End Select
With .Characters
.Text = Number
With .Font
.Name = "MS P明朝"
.FontStyle = "標準"
.size = fontSize
.Strikethrough = False
.Superscript = False
.Subscript = False
.OutlineFont = False
.Shadow = False
.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
End With
End With
.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
.Fill.Transparency = 1#
With .Line
.Weight = 0.75
.DashStyle = msoLineSolid
.style = msoLineSingle
.Transparency = 0#
.Visible = msoFalse
End With
End With
End Function
Range.Group returns a value. You might try:
Set arrowBoxRange = targetSheet.shapes.Range(Array(Arrow.Name, textBox.Name))
Set arrowBoxGroup = arrowBoxRange.Group
arrowBoxGroup.Name = "AroTxt" & Number
I suspect that the current Selection gets updated as if the following in your earlier work:
Set Selection = Selection.Group 'it's as if this is done for you when you create the group.
which is causing the difference.
FYI, I'm using Excel 2010 and cannot duplicate the original code snippet based on Selection (I get an error doing "Selection.Name = ", which gives object does not support property.)
Ok, I can get this to work:
Selection.Name = "AroTxt"
Of course, like the other snippet I suggest, this reassigns the group's return value, so that Selection in Selection.Group and Selection.Name are referring to different objects, which I think is what you want.
It is because you are storing the new groups as an object manually now that this error has appeared. You probably are not able to do anything with the multiple instances of "AroTxt" & Number that you have created. As excel wouldn't be able to decide which group you mean.
Excel shouldn't allow this but it doesn't always warn that this has happened but will error if you try to select a group that has a duplicate name.
Even if this isn't the case, it isn't good practice to have duplicate variable names. Would it not be better to add the extra Arrow's and textBox's to the group?
So to solve your problem you will have to check to see if the group already exists before you save it. Maybe delete it if exists or add to the group.
Hope this helps
Edit: As it always seems to go, the error started popping up after I clicked submit. I'll tinker around a bit more, but will echo #royka in wondering if you really do need to give the same name to multiple shapes.
The below code seems to do what you're looking for (create the shapes, give them names and then group). In the grouping function, I left the "AroText" number the same just to see if an error would happen (it did not). It seems that both shapes have the same name, but what differentiates them is their Shape.ID. From what I can tell, if you say ActiveSheet.Shapes("My Group").Select, it will select the element with that name with the lowest ID (as to why it lets you name two things the same name, no clue :) ).
It isn't quite an answer to your question of "why" (I wasn't able to replicate the error), but this will hopefully give you one way "how".
Sub SOTest()
Dim Arrow As Shape
Dim TextBox As Shape
Dim i as Integer
Dim Grouper As Variant
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
' Make two shapes and group, naming the group the same in both cases
For i = 1 To 2
' Create arrow with name "Aro" & i
Set Arrow = ws.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRightArrow, 10, 50, 30, 30)
Arrow.Name = "Aro" & i
' Create text box with name "Text" & i
Set TextBox = ws.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 50, 50, 40, 40)
TextBox.Name = "Text" & i
' Use a group function to rename the shapes
Set Grouper = CreateGroup(ws, Arrow, TextBox, i)
' See the identical names but differing IDs
Debug.Print "Name: " & Grouper.Name & " | ID: " & Grouper.ID
End Sub
Function CreateGroup(ws As Worksheet, Arrow As Shape, TextBox As Shape, Number As Integer) As Variant
Dim arrowBoxGroup As Variant
' Group the provided shapes and change the name
Set arrowBoxGroup = ws.Shapes.Range(Array(Arrow.Name, TextBox.Name)).Group
arrowBoxGroup.Name = "AroTxt" & Number
' Return the grouped object
Set CreateGroup = arrowBoxGroup
End Function

Excel 2010: how to use autocomplete in validation list

I'm using a large validation list on which a couple of vlookup() functions depend. This list is getting larger and larger. Is there a way to type the first letters of the list item I'm looking for, instead of manually scrolling down the list searching for the item?
I've done some Googling but this suggests that this is indeed possible in earlier versions of Excel, but not in Excel 2010. Hope you guys can help.
Here is a very good way to handle this (found on ozgrid):
Let's say your list is on Sheet2 and you wish to use the Validation List with AutoComplete on Sheet1.
On Sheet1 A1 Enter =Sheet2!A1 and copy down including as many spare rows as needed (say 300 rows total). Hide these rows and use this formula in the Refers to: for a dynamic named range called MyList:
Now in the cell immediately below the last hidden row use Data Validation and for the List Source use =MyList
[EDIT] Adapted version for Excel 2007+ (couldn't test on 2010 though but AFAIK, there is nothing really specific to a version).
Let's say your data source is on Sheet2!A1:A300 and let's assume your validation list (aka autocomplete) is on cell Sheet1!A1.
Create a dynamic named range MyList that will depend on the value of the cell where you put the validation
Add the validation list on cell Sheet1!A1 that will refert to the list =MyList
This is not a real autocomplete as you have to type first and then click on the validation arrow : the list will then begin at the first matching element of your list
The list will go till the end of your data. If you want to be more precise (keep in the list only the matching elements), you can change the COUNTA with a SUMLPRODUCT that will calculate the number of matching elements
Your source list must be sorted
Here's another option. It works by putting an ActiveX ComboBox on top of the cell with validation enabled, and then providing autocomplete in the ComboBox instead.
Option Explicit
' Autocomplete - replacing validation lists with ActiveX ComboBox
' Usage:
' 1. Copy this code into a module named m_autocomplete
' 2. Go to Tools / References and make sure "Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library" is checked
' 3. Copy and paste the following code to the worksheet where you want autocomplete
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' - autocomplete
' Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
' m_autocomplete.SelectionChangeHandler Target
' End Sub
' Private Sub AutoComplete_Combo_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As msforms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
' m_autocomplete.KeyDownHandler KeyCode, Shift
' End Sub
' Private Sub AutoComplete_Combo_Click()
' m_autocomplete.AutoComplete_Combo_Click
' End Sub
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' When the combobox is clicked, it should dropdown (expand)
Public Sub AutoComplete_Combo_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet
Dim cbo As OLEObject: Set cbo = GetComboBoxObject(ws)
Dim cb As ComboBox: Set cb = cbo.Object
If cbo.Visible Then cb.DropDown
End Sub
' Make it easier to navigate between cells
Public Sub KeyDownHandler(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
Const UP As Integer = -1
Const DOWN As Integer = 1
Const K_TAB_______ As Integer = 9
Const K_ENTER_____ As Integer = 13
Const K_ARROW_UP__ As Integer = 38
Const K_ARROW_DOWN As Integer = 40
Dim direction As Integer: direction = 0
If Shift = 0 And KeyCode = K_TAB_______ Then direction = DOWN
If Shift = 0 And KeyCode = K_ENTER_____ Then direction = DOWN
If Shift = 1 And KeyCode = K_TAB_______ Then direction = UP
If Shift = 1 And KeyCode = K_ENTER_____ Then direction = UP
If Shift = 1 And KeyCode = K_ARROW_UP__ Then direction = UP
If Shift = 1 And KeyCode = K_ARROW_DOWN Then direction = DOWN
If direction <> 0 Then ActiveCell.Offset(direction, 0).Activate
End Sub
Public Sub SelectionChangeHandler(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error GoTo errHandler
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet
Dim cbo As OLEObject: Set cbo = GetComboBoxObject(ws)
Dim cb As ComboBox: Set cb = cbo.Object
' Try to hide the ComboBox. This might be buggy...
If cbo.Visible Then
cbo.Left = 10
cbo.Top = 10
cbo.ListFillRange = ""
cbo.LinkedCell = ""
cbo.Visible = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.WindowState = Application.WindowState
End If
If Not HasValidationList(Target) Then GoTo ex
Application.EnableEvents = False
' TODO: the code below is a little fragile
Dim lfr As String
lfr = Mid(Target.Validation.Formula1, 2)
lfr = Replace(lfr, "INDIREKTE", "") ' norwegian
lfr = Replace(lfr, "INDIRECT", "") ' english
lfr = Replace(lfr, """", "")
lfr = Application.Range(lfr).Address(External:=True)
cbo.ListFillRange = lfr
cbo.Visible = True
cbo.Left = Target.Left
cbo.Top = Target.Top
cbo.Height = Target.Height + 5
cbo.Width = Target.Width + 15
cbo.LinkedCell = Target.Address(External:=True)
cb.SelStart = 0
cb.SelLength = cb.TextLength
GoTo ex
Debug.Print "Error"
Debug.Print Err.Number
Debug.Print Err.Description
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
' Does the cell have a validation list?
Function HasValidationList(Cell As Range) As Boolean
HasValidationList = False
On Error GoTo ex
If Cell.Validation.Type = xlValidateList Then HasValidationList = True
End Function
' Retrieve or create the ComboBox
Function GetComboBoxObject(ws As Worksheet) As OLEObject
Dim cbo As OLEObject
On Error Resume Next
Set cbo = ws.OLEObjects("AutoComplete_Combo")
On Error GoTo 0
If cbo Is Nothing Then
'Dim EnableSelection As Integer: EnableSelection = ws.EnableSelection
Dim ProtectContents As Boolean: ProtectContents = ws.ProtectContents
Debug.Print "Lager AutoComplete_Combo"
If ProtectContents Then ws.Unprotect
Set cbo = ws.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.ComboBox.1", Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False, _
Left:=50, Top:=18.75, Width:=129, Height:=18.75) = "AutoComplete_Combo"
cbo.Object.MatchRequired = True
cbo.Object.ListRows = 12
If ProtectContents Then ws.Protect
End If
Set GetComboBoxObject = cbo
End Function
Building on the answer of JMax, use this formula for the dynamic named range to make the solution work for multiple rows:
Excel automatically does this whenever you have a vertical column of items. If you select the blank cell below (or above) the column and start typing, it does autocomplete based on everything in the column.
As other people suggested, you need to use a combobox. However, most tutorials show you how to set up just one combobox and the process is quite tedious.
As I faced this problem before when entering a large amount of data from a list, I can suggest you use this autocomplete add-in . It helps you create the combobox on any cells you select and you can define a list to appear in the dropdown.
Create sheet name as Namelist. In column A fill list of data.
Create another sheet name as FillData for making data validation list as you want.
Type first alphabet and select, drop down menu will appear depend on you type.