Conferming Order in Opencart 1.6 - e-commerce

I'm using Opencart 1.6 in my store, I need a way to confirm orders before payment, I mean, I don't want to discount the payment from the customer when he/she buy anything from my store until I confirm it, is there any admin tool that can help me in confirming orders and discount the payment money from the customer, please note I'm using as merchant account.
Thanks in advance.


How is the correct way to pay my customers

I want to create a platform where I have 2 kinds of users, Seller and Buyer.
Let's imagine that the Seller is selling a $10 product and I need get 10% of the value to me. Which is the correct way to do that transaction? The buyer need to pay to my account and I transfer the money to the seller after that? How can I do that transaction in a secure way for me and my customers? I need use gateways like Stripe or Paypal for that?
How the majority of platforms pay me with only my bank data? In platforms like Amazon, Shpfy... I think they don't have a person that do manual transfers every day for each seller.
You need Stripe Connect that allows you to work with merchants and payout them. Let me know, if you have a question with Stripe and Stripe Connect.

Different Different charges on each payment transaction

I am developing one shopify app and I want to integrate the stripe payment and In future paypal also.
I want to set the different different charges on each payment transaction given example below
Whenever any customer pay for the order then below deduction generate from the total amount:
Shopify Transaction fees(x% amount)
Stripe charges(x% amount)
App Platform charges(x% amount)
Shipping company charges(x% amount)
Any other charges(x% amount)
Remaining amount to store owner account
So is it possible in shopify? Please guide me about this.
Also, is it possible with shopify default payment gateway or custom payment gateway? If yes then please provide the details
In advance thanks to everyone for help in this!
When you use Stripe as your payment gateway, it takes a percentage off every transaction. As of this writing, the integrated price plan takes 3.4% + $0.50 per successful card charge. Refer to for the latest price plan.
The process you described likely isn't supported on Stripe and Shopify, or at least not to my knowledge. Your best option is to do a payout to your business bank account, then do further deduction based using your internal tools.

CCAvenue Payment Gateway Advanced for WooCommerce Amount Wrong

Hello i use CCAvenue Payment Gateway Advanced for WooCommerce plug in for payment gateway when i click to pay then remaining amount is not show in total amount its show Deposit amount. i want to display remaining amount. how can i do that?
I tried to change some functionality in plug-in but there is no any result found..
How can i display remaining amount in total amount in CCAvenue Payment Gateway..
Please help me in this situations!!!!

Paypal API and automated refunds

I would like to inquire about this:
How to initiate an automated refund based on a product ordered that is out of stock.
Customer A goes to our website and orders product A. Product A is unfortunately out of stock but we did not notice it right away(restaurant). Instead of refunding people manually, can this API refund the person automatically based on a call back from our website.
Also when a refund is given, is there a charge?(Charge back), if yes, where can I find out about the cost per charge back.
Finally, how long does it take for the refund money to reach the customer's account if the refund is initiated let's say 5 minutes after the sale.
Thank you,
ps: I am posting the query here as I was sent to this website from the Paypal support page.
You could do this using the RefundTransaction API from within an IPN script.
A general refund is not considered a chargeback. That only happens if you refuse to provide a refund for your buyer, so then they end up filing a dispute with their credit card company. The card company would then give them the money and take it from PayPal, who would then come back to you for it. That's when you would have to pay a fee for that chargeback. If I remember correctly that fee would be $25 for such a scenario.
So the refunds wouldn't be a chargeback, but you would lose the 30 cent transaction fee you pay when you do the original transaction. PayPal refunds you the percentage they take, but not the flat 30 cents.
Also, if this is something happens a lot PayPal may limit your account or it could cause you other little problems. Lots of refunds could mean upset customers, and PayPal doesn't want that...and neither should you.
So, all of that said, what I would recommend is that you handle the inventory control before the purchase is made. You're saying you could hit your database to check inventory and then automatically refund, right? Why not hit your database to simply disable the product purchase if the inventory is low instead?

Workflow for taking a percentage of a payment (PayPal)

I'm implementing a business model where the service takes 10% of a fee. For example, the user lists a product for $100. The buyer purchases it. $90 goes to the seller, $10 is collected by the site.
Does anyone know offhand if this is feasible with Paypal. In theory all the money could go into our PayPal account and then a $90 payment could be made behind the scenes to the seller's account. Is it possible to programatically schedule a depsoit?
We also have the option of using a merchant gateway like Authorize.
Ideas appreciated. Thanks
look into paypal adoptive payments (beta) , they allow you to distribute payments into multiple receiver.
if you want to schedule payments i think you can use the mass pay API to programmatically send payments from the PP account. But using the beta adoptive payments is much much easier.
Yes you can programmatically do a deposit to the seller's account. Paypal calls it Mass Pay.
You pay 2% for the deposit, with a cap. So it might make sense to pool the funds before you deposit them.