Using character as argument to function - vba

I would like to be able to only pass q as argument to a function, so that the user does not have to enter a string "q".
I have a function defined in a module
Function doThis(val As Variant)
MsgBox CStr(val)
' Here is a comparison of val with other strings and additional code
I call it from my worksheet:
And the messagebox returns
Error 2029
I have tried with String and Boolean as value type as well, but only variant fires the function.
Is it possible to receive a q as argument?

Quite simple. First create a Defined Name for q
Secondly in a standard module:
Function doThis(val As Variant)
MsgBox CStr(val)
doThis = ""
End Function
Finally in the worksheet:


Using a function to clean data in VBA

I am familiar with this post: How to Return a result from a VBA Function but changing my code does not seem to help.
I want to write a simple function in VBA that allows to lowercase an input sentence. I wrote this:
Private Function Converter(inputText As String) As String
Converter = LCase(inputText)
End Function
Sub test()
Dim new_output As String
new_output = Converter("Henk")
MsgBox (new_output)
End Sub
I tried following the advice I found at another stackoverflow post. I made me change this:
Private Function Converter(inputText As String)
Set outputText = LCase(inputText)
End Function
Sub test()
Dim new_output As String
Set new_output = Converter("Henk")
MsgBox (new_output)
End Sub
However, now I get an error that an object is required. Why does it require an object now? I dont get it...
Set outputText = LCase(inputText)
The Set keyword is reserved for Object data types. Unlike VB.NET, String in VBA is a basic data types.
So you dont Set a variable to a string. Drop the second version of your code altogether. It doesn't make sense. That "advice" was probably in another context.
To fix your first version
1- Assign the returned result to the name of the function Converter
2- It would be beneficial to specify explicitly the return type, as String. Currently it is a Variant that always embeds a String, so better make it explicit:
' vvvvvvvvv
Private Function Converter(inputText As String) As String
Converter = LCase(inputText) ' <------------ assign return to name of function
End Function

VBA Call method with optional parameters

I just figured out that setting optional parameters requires "Call" infront of the method.
Public Sub Test()
Call abc("aaa")
Call abc("aaa", 2)
abc("aaa") ' is fine
abc("aaa", 2) ' is a syntax error
End Sub
Function abc(a As String, Optional iCol As Long = 3)
MsgBox (iCol)
End Function
Can you add a "why does this make sense?" to my new information?
Edit: PS the function abc for no other use than to simplify the question.
Call is an optional keyword, but the one caveat is that if you use it you must include the parentheses around the arguments, but if you omit it you must not include the parentheses.
Quote from MSDN:
You are not required to use the Call keyword when calling a procedure.
However, if you use the Call keyword to call a procedure that requires arguments, argumentlist must be enclosed in parentheses. If you omit the Call keyword, you also must omit the parentheses around argumentlist. If you use either Call syntax to call any intrinsic or user-defined function, the function's return value is discarded.
To pass a whole array to a procedure, use the array name followed by empty parentheses.
In Practice
This means that the following syntaxes are allowed:
Call abc("aaa")
Call abc("aaa", 2)
abc "aaa", 2
abc("aaa") ' <- Parantheses here do not create an argument list
abc(((("aaa")))) ' <- Parantheses here do not create an argument list
The following syntaxes are not allowed:
Call abc "aaa", 2
abc("aaa", 2) ' <- Parantheses here create an argument list
Function Return Values
This doesn't take effect when using a function to get a return value, for example if you were to do the following you need parentheses:
Function abc(a As String, Optional iCol As Long = 3)
abc = iCol
End Function
?abc("aaa", 2) 'this works
?abc "aaa, 2 'this will not work
?Call abc "aaa", 2 'this will not work
?Call abc("aaa", 2) 'this will not work
If you are using Call on a Function then consider changing it to a Sub instead, functions are meant to return a value as in the cases above.
Something like this would work:
Option Explicit
Public Sub Test()
Dim strText As String
strText = "E"
Call Abc(strText, 3)
Call Abc(strText, 2)
Abc (strText)
' Abc (strtext,5)
Abc strText, 2
Abc strText
End Sub
Public Sub Abc(strText As String, Optional iCol As Long = 5)
Debug.Print iCol
End Sub
Absolutely no idea why the commented code does not work...
Call is an optional keyword, as already described in detailed in the answer above.
for your second option
abc("aaa", 2) ' is a syntax error
Just use:
abc "aaa", 2
Note: there is little use to have a Function if you don't return anything, you could have a regular Sub instead.
to have a Function that return a String for instance (just something made-up quick):
Function abc(a As String, Optional iCol As Long = 3) As String
abc = a & CStr(iCol)
End Function
and then call it:
Public Sub Test()
d = abc("aaa", 2)
MsgBox d
End Sub

Calling a function from a sub in VBA - qualifier error

I am trying to be more "object oriented" in my VBA code. However, I am having trouble passing variables through to functions. Here, I get an invalid qualifier error message on the IsEmpty function.
How can I correct my code?
Sub test_too_much_data()
If toomuchdata("Data input", "B1018") = False Then
MsgBox ("Sorry, the tool can only accomodate 1000 rows.")
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Function toomuchdata(sheet As String, range As Variant) As Boolean
toomuchdata = IsEmpty(Sheets("String")).range(range)
End Function
Thank you!
Update your Function code to something like below:
Function toomuchdata(sheetStr As String, RngStr As String) As Boolean
toomuchdata = IsEmpty(Sheets(sheetStr).Range(RngStr).Value)
End Function

Argument not Optional Error

I am building a sheet to extract data from a list of job openings that I need to sort and filter by location and by BU. I need the code to count the number of openings then pass that information back to the main sub to use in creating additional pages and to loop the sub. I keep getting the above error in this segment. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong?
Sub Organize_Data()
Dim A As Integer
Dim B As Integer
Dim C As Integer
Worksheets.Add().Name = "Calculations"
End Sub
Function Count_BU_Data(A As Integer)
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Calculations").Range("B3", Worksheets("Calculations").Range("B3").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
End Function
Your UDF:
Function Count_BU_Data(A As Integer)
Takes an argument (A As Integer) which you haven't specified as being an Optional argument. You call the function from your other routine without supplying this argument:
Sub Organize_Data()
Dim A As Integer
Dim B As Integer
Dim C As Integer
Worksheets.Add().Name = "Calculations"
Count_BU_Data '// <~~ No argument passed to function.
End Sub
Hence the 'Argument not optional' error.
Seeing as that function doesn't appear to actually use the argument, you can either remove it from the function header:
Function Count_BU_Data() As Long '// Note I've included a return value...
Or make it an optional argument
Function Count_BU_Data(Optional A As Integer) As Long
You can also specify a default value if the optional argument isn't supplied
Function Count_BU_Data(Optional A As Integer = 1) As Long

Define function that can take null parameter

I'm was recently trying to redefine Access's Nz(Value, [ValueIfNull]) function in Excel, because I find it pretty useful yet it's absent in Excel (as I found to my disappointment when moving a few useful functions over). Access's Nz function checks Value - if this value is null, it returns ValueIfNull (otherwise it returns Value). In Access it's useful for checking the value of input boxes (amongst several other things):
If Nz(myTextBox.Value, "") = "" Then
MsgBox "You need to enter something!"
End If
Rolling my own Nz function didn't seem difficult:
Public Function Nz(value As Variant, Optional valueIfNull As Variant = "") As Variant
If IsNull(value) Then
Nz = valueIfNull
Nz = value
End If
End Function
But as soon as I try to call it with anything that's actually null, Excel complains about it on the calling line (Run-time error '91': Object variable or With block not set, which I understand to be roughly equivilant to a NullReferenceException in other languages), before even getting to the Nz function body. For example Nz(someObj.Value, "") will only work if someObj.Value isn't null (rendering the function entirely moot).
Am I missing some detail of VBA here? Coming from languages like VB.NET, it seems very confusing - I understand object references to be simply addresses to an actual object residing in memory, and so passing around the reference (not the object) shouldn't cause issue (until you try to actually do something with the non-existant object, of course). For eg:
Dim myObj As SomeObject
SomeMethod(myObj) 'the call itself is fine
Public Sub SomeMethod(SomeObject obj)
myObj.DoSomething() 'but *here* it would crash
End Sub
How can you create subs and functions in VBA that will accept a null parameter?
see this and that if anything is still unclear and try
Sub Main()
Dim obj As Range
Debug.Print Nz(obj)
Dim v As Variant
v = Null
Debug.Print Nz(v)
End Sub
Public Function Nz(value As Variant, Optional valueIfNull As Variant = "") As Variant
' deal with an object data type, vbObject = 9
If VarType(value) = vbObject Then
If value Is Nothing Then
Nz = valueIfNull
Nz = value
End If
' deal with variant set to null, vbNull is a Variant set to null
ElseIf VarType(value) = vbNull Then
If IsNull(value) Then
Nz = valueIfNull
Nz = value
End If
End If
End Function