I have a report containing a currency text filed. I want to separate it's number by coma, every 3 digits. so I changed it's Text Format from it's Properties.
It's OK in normal display, but when I export this report to a PDF file, then it's currency numbers doesn't display well.
Please help me about this problem.
You can use formats.
For example you can fill your text field with:
Price is: {Format("{0:C}", MyPrice)}
Using SSRS
All the other questions are how to force the number to show as a number instead of text when exporting to Excel
Meanwhile I want to force the number to show as a text so that Excel does not turn number 6158.30 to 6158.285 which is causing me round up issues.
My SQL uses cast to 2 decimal places CAST(ROUND(Net, 2) AS decimal(18,2)), in Excel it shows as 6158.30 but when you click on the cell its showing 6158.285.
I have tried concatenating ' + value but it exports the data as 'value and NOT force the cell to show as a text data.
I don't think it makes sense to try to turn the number into text, when all you are trying to do is to prevent the number displaying with more than 2 decimal places in Excel.
From the behavior you have described, it sounds like that for the textbox, you are currently using an SSRS expression like:
=Fields!Net.Value * 148.5
and using the Format property of the textbox to display to 2 decimal places.
Instead, for the SSRS expression, try:
=Round(Fields!Net.Value * 148.5, 2)
No need to set the textbox's Format property (unless you want commas etc).
Then that textbox column should stay as a number to 2 decimal places, when the report is generated to Excel, and the cell selected.
I'm using "£#,##0.00" as a number format when creating spreadsheets using EEPlus.
When you look at the spreadsheet created the format has been modified to "\£#,##0.00". This still displays okay in Excel but doesn't if anyone previews the spreadsheet using the viewer on an iPhone. The £ symbol isn't shown and it doesn't limit to only showing two decimal places.
If I use the same format but with the Dollar or Euro symbols, it doesn't have the problem.
Using Report Designer, when I preview the data in a PDF, the number formatting for PDF is correct in which there is a thousands separator--a comma after 3 digits--but the Excel output has it missing.
Excel - 857320
PDF - 857,320
What changes can be made to the attributes so that the comma is present for the Excel export as well?
Selecting #,##0 in format of the attributes of number-field gets the comma after 3 digits.
It seems in pdf it would work even without this format specification but for excel export it needs to be there.
I have used this VBA code to convert columns into pipe separated format. However, the data contains numbers in scientific notation (eg 2.000000e-01) which Excel automatically converts into 0.2 which I don't want.
I have tried changing this code:
var = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(rng.Value))
var = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(rng))
or even
var = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(rng.Text))
neither of which work. I've also tried formatting the cells all to Text (the macro then gives a Value error) or even switching off scientific notation.
How can I convert columns into a single, pipe-separated column without losing scientific notation?
Sample columns:
SAMPLE TEST 2.000000e-01 2.000000e-01
You want to concatenate text values using either the CONCATENATE function or the & operator. For the scientific notation, you want to use the TEXT function. Excel is actually storing the numbers as 0.2 but then displaying them in scientific notation.
The help for the TEXT function says:
Syntax: TEXT(value, format_text)
Display scientific notations:
To display numbers in scientific (exponential) format, use the following exponent codes in the format_text argument.E (E-, E+, e-, e+) Displays a number in scientific (exponential) format. Excel displays a number to the right of the "E" or "e" that corresponds to the number of places that the decimal point was moved. For example, if the format_text argument is "0.00E+00", Excel displays the number 12,200,000 as 1.22E+07. If you change the format_text argument to "#0.0E+0", Excel displays 12.2E+6.
So for your example, assuming the values are in cells A1:D1, use:
Or in VBA, you can use the Text property of the Range object to get the contents of the cell as they are displayed. If the column width is too narrow for a date and the column shows "########" then that is what the Text property will return.
EDIT: I misread the post. This answer is for separating text from one column into many columns. OP is trying the reverse.
You use the Excel Text to Columns wizard (on the Data tab, select Text to Columns). Select your data, then run click the menu. When you get to step 3, tell Excel that you want to keep the column as Text.
If you need this done using VBA, then use the macro recorder to get the initial code which you can then tweak to fit your needs.
I am working with 4 fields in Report Builder 3.0 in which I am trying to format as a number with the corresponding comma. When I use the number format in the Text Box Properties nothing happens. When I export this report to Excel the field has to be converted to a number as it is being exported as a text field.
Do you have any suggestions as to how I can change the formatting in the report itself?
Thanks for your time!
If I pull data from Oracle using an openquery I get the same issue. To resolve:
When you have the Text Box Properties box open, select the function key by the Value.
In the expression, add "Int" at the front of the string with () on each side of expression. (This converts the value of the expression to an integer)
Ex: =Int(Fields!Count.Value)
Close the expression box after making these additions and select "Numbering" in Text Box Properties to format the text box accordingly.